In preparation for the Decadal Survey, a workshop on Missions for Exoplanets: 2010 - 2020 will be held April 21-23, 2009 in Pasadena, CA. The purpose of the meeting "Missions for Exoplanets: 2010-2020" is to bring together the advocates of NASA-funded and independently developed concepts to present the science their mission promises to achieve, as well as the technical attributes, technology needs, and the strengths and risks of each proposed mission.
In addition to fostering communication within the community of scientists, technologists and mission developers, it is the intent of the ExEP to use the material presented at this meeting to inform the Program's planning for future technology development and future science investigation opportunities. The results of the meeting will be made available to the national Research Council's Decadal Review, Astro 2010.
Astro2010 Science White Papers
"The Detection of Habitable Earth-Mass Planets Using Ground-based Optical Telescopes and Precision Radial Velocities" (S. Vogt)
"Characterization of Extra-Solar Planets with Direct-Imaging Techniques" (G. Tinetti, et al.)
"Exoplanet Molecular Spectroscopy" (M. Swain, et al.)
"Study of Planetary Systems and Solar System Objects with JWST" (G. Sonneborn, et al.)
"Direct Detection and Spectroscopy of Exo-Earths: The Need for High Angular Resolution and Other Observational Requirements" (M. Shao, et al.)
"From Protostars to Planetary Systems: FUV Spectroscopy of YSOs, Protoplanetary Disks, and Extrasolar Giant Planets" (P. Scowen, et al.)
"Dynamos and magnetic fields of the Sun and other cool stars, and their role in the formation and evolution of stars and in the habitability of planets." (K. Schrijver, et al.)
"New Worlds: Evaluating terrestrial planets as astrophysical objects" (C. A. Scharf, et al.)
"Understanding Habitability and Characterizing ExoEarths: The Role of Debris Disks" (A. Roberge, et al.)
"Planetary Systems and Star Formation with JWST" (G. H. Rieke, et al.)
"Combining JDEM and Exoplanet Missions" (M. C. Noecker, et al.)
"Dust Enshrouded Star and Planet Formation" (L. G. Mundy, et al.)
"How and When do Planets Form? The Inner Regions of Planet Forming Disks at High Spatial and Spectral Resolution" (R. Millan-Gabet and J. Monnier, et al.)
"Direct Detection and Spectroscopic Characterization of Giant Extrasolar Planets" (B. Macintosh, et al.)
"Magnetospheric Emission from Extrasolar Planets" (J. Lazio, et al.)
"Planets Around M-dwarfs - Astrometric Detection and Orbit Characterization" (N. M. Law, et al.)
"NO PLANET LEFT BEHIND: Investigating Planetary Architecture and Diversity with SIM Lite" (S. R. Kulkarni, et al.)
"The Formation and Architecture of Young Planetary Systems" (A. Kraus, et al.)
"Exoplanet Characterization and the Search for Life" (J. Kasting, et al.)
"Seeing another Earth: Detecting and Characterizing Rocky Planets with Extremely Large Telescopes" (P. Hinz, et al.)
"The Direct Approach to Finding Earth-Like Planets" (S. Heap and M. Kuchner)
"High-Accuracy Measurements of Variations in Transit Timing: A New Method for Detecting Terrestrial-Class Extrasolar Planets" (N. Haghighipour, et al.)
"Discovering and Characterizing the Planetary Systems of Nearby Stars: The scientific need for medium aperture space coronagraph observations" (T. Greene, et al.)
"MARVELS: Revealing the Formation and Dynamical Evolution of Giant Planet Systems" (J. Ge, et al.)
"The Demographics of Extrasolar Planets Beyond the Snow Line with Ground-based Microlensing Surveys" (B. S. Gaudi, et al.)
"From Discovery to Understanding: Principles for Maximizing Scientific Return on Exoplanet Research" (E. B. Ford, et al.)
"Finding and Characterizing SuperEarth Exoplanets Using Transits and Eclipses" (D. Deming, et al.)
"Exoplanet Forum: Transit Chapter" (D. Deming, et al.)
"A Census of Exoplanets in Orbits Beyond 0.5 AU via Space-based Microlensing" (D. P. Bennett, et al.)
"The Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems: The Search for and Characterization of Young Planets" (C. Beichman, et al.)
"Astrometric Detection of Earthlike Planets" (M. Shao, et al.)