
Decadal Survey 2020 IPAC co-led White Papers

IPAC co-led Astro2020 White Papers

Below is a list of Astro2020 White Papers that are co-led by IPAC scientists. The papers are sorted by topic.


Measurement of the Free-Floating Planet Mass Function with Simultaneous Euclid and WFIRST Microlensing Parallax Observations - Penny et al. (including: Akeson, R.; Calchi Novati, S.)
Opportunities for Astrophysical Science from the Inner and Outer Solar System - Zemcov et al. (including: Chary, R.)
Modeling Debris Disk Evolution - Gaspar et al. (including: Meshkat, T.)
Increasing the Discovery Space in Astrophysics: The Exploration Question for Planetary Systems - Fabbiano et al. (including: Berriman, B.; Mazzarella, J.)
Discovery of Cold Brown Dwarfs or Free-Floating Giant Planets Close to the Sun - Leggett et al. (including: Kirkpatrick, J.)
The Need for Infrared Astrometry of Brown Dwarfs in the Post-Gaia Era - Kirkpatrick et al. (including: Kirkpatrick, J.; Henderson, C.)
High-Energy Photon and Particle Effects on Exoplanet Atmospheres and Habitability - Drake et al. (including: Gelino, D.)
'Auxiliary' Science with the WFIRST Microlensing Survey - Gaudi et al. (including: Akeson, R.; Henderson, C.)
Tracing the Origins and Evolution of Small Planets using Their Orbital Obliquities - Johnson et al. (including: Ciardi, D.)
Realizing the Promise of High-Contrast Imaging: More Than 100 Gas-Giant Planets with Masses, Orbits, and Spectra Enabled by Gaia+WFIRST Astrometry - Brandt et al. (including: Meshkat, T.)
Substellar Multiplicity Throughout the Ages - Bardalez Gagliuffi et al. (including: Gelino, C.)
Brown Dwarfs and Directly Imaged Exoplanets in Young Associations - Faherty et al. (including: Kirkpatrick, J.)
Imaging Cool Giant Planets in Reflected Light: Science Investigations and Synergy with Habitable Planets - Marley et al. (including: Gelino, D.)
The Scientific Context of WFIRST, Microlensing in the 2020s - Yee et al. (including: Akeson, R.; Calchi Novati, S.; Henderson, C.)
A Balancing Act: Biosignature and Anti-Biosignature Studies in the Next Decade and Beyond - Harman et al. (including: Gelino, D.)
Engaging Citizen Scientists to Keep Transit Times Fresh and Ensure the Efficient Use of Transiting Exoplanet Characterization Missions - Zellem et al. (including: Ciardi, D.)
Mapping out the time-evolution of exoplanet processes - Christiansen et al. (including: Ciardi, D.; Christiansen, J.)
Exoplanet Diversity in the Era of Space-based Direct Imaging Missions - Kopparapu et al. (including: Gelino, D.)
Understanding Exoplanet Atmospheres with UV Observations II: The Far UV and Atmospheric Escape - Lopez et al. (including: Christiansen, J.)
The Future of Exoplanet Direct Detection - Monnier et al. (including: Akeson, R.)
Wide-Orbit Exoplanet Demographics - Bennett et al. (including: Akeson, R.; Calchi Novati, S.; Christiansen, J.; Fulton, B.; Henderson, C.)
Imaging the Key Stages of Planet Formation - Monnier et al. (including: Akeson, R.)
The Demographics and Atmospheres of Giant Planets with the ELTs - Bowler et al. (including: Meshkat, T.)
Masses and Distances of Planetary Microlens Systems with High Angular Resolution Imaging - Bhattacharya et al. (including: Akeson, R.; Ciardi, D.; Henderson, C.)
Planetary Science with Astrophysical Assets: Defining the Core Capabilities of Platforms - Bauer et al. (including: Carey, S.)
Stellar Physics and Galactic Archaeology using Asteroseismology in the 2020's - Huber et al. (including: Christiansen, J.)
Ultra Deep Field Science with WFIRST - Koekemoer et al. (including: Capak, P.)
Cosmic Dawn and Reionization: Astrophysics in the Final Frontier - Cooray et al. (including: Appleton, P.; Armus, L.; Chary, R.)
Towards a Theory for Star Formation on All Scales - Murphy et al. (including: Armus, L.)
Outline of Analysis Studies Conducted by NASA Cosmic Origins Program Analysis Group Members During the Past 10 Years - Scowen et al. (including: Lee, J.)
The Nature of Low-Density Star Formation - Thilker et al. (including: Capak, P.; Lee, J.; Cook, D.)
The Life Cycle of Dust - Sadavoy et al. (including: Armus, L.; Paladini, R.)
The IMF at Very Low Mass Using Near-IR Surveys from Space: The Need for Deep K-band Imaging - Stauffer et al. (including: Kirkpatrick, J.; Carey, S.)
Increasing the Discovery Space in Astrophysics: The Exploration Question for Galaxy Evolution - Fabbiano et al. (including: Berriman, B.; Mazzarella, J.)
Observing Galaxy Evolution in the Context of Large-Scale Structure - Dickinson et al. (including: Chary, R.; Wang, Y.; Capak, P.; Lee, J.; Helou, G.)
Empirically Constraining Galaxy Evolution - Behroozi et al. (including: Wang, Y.)
Increasing the Discovery Space in Astrophysics: The Exploration Question for Resolved Stellar Populations - Fabbiano et al. (including: Berriman, B.; Mazzarella, J.)
Cold Gas Outflows, Feedback, and the Shaping of Galaxies - Bolatto et al. (including: Armus, L.)
Infrared Stellar Populations: Probing the Beginning and the End - Meixner et al. (including: Armus, L.)
Increasing the Discovery Space in Astrophysics: The Exploration Question for Compact Objects - Fabbiano et al. (including: Berriman, B.; Mazzarella, J.)
Increasing the Discovery Space in Astrophysics: The Exploration Question for Stars and Stellar Evolution - Fabbiano et al. (including: Berriman, B.; Mazzarella, J.)
Taking Census of Massive, Star-Forming Galaxies formed \<1 Gyr After the Big Bang - Casey et al. (including: Armus, L.; Capak, P.)
Precision Analysis of Evolved Stars - Ridgway et al. (including: Akeson, R.)
Robustly Mapping the Distribution of Star Formation in High-z Galaxies - Murphy et al. (including: Armus, L.; Chary, R.; Capak, P.)
Extremely obscured galaxy nuclei \textemdash hidden AGNs and extreme starbursts - Aalto et al. (including: Armus, L.)
Gravity and Light: Combining Gravitational Wave and Electromagnetic Observations in the 2020s - Foley et al. (including: Cook, D.)
The Dynamic Infrared Sky - Kasliwal et al. (including: Helou, G.)
Cosmic voids: a novel probe to shed light on our Universe - Pisani et al. (including: Wang, Y.)
The Chemical Enrichment History of the Universe - Smith et al. (including: Armus, L.)
Opportunities in Time-Domain Extragalactic Astrophysics with the NASA Near-Earth Object Camera (NEOCam) - Ross et al. (including: Kirkpatrick, J.)
Simultaneous Measurements of Star Formation and Supermassive Black Hole Growth in Galaxies - Pope et al. (including: Appleton, P.; Armus, L.; Chary, R.; Capak, P.)
Warm H2 as a probe of massive accretion and feedback through shocks and turbulence across cosmic time - Appleton et al. (including: Appleton, P.; Armus, L.; Capak, P.; Helou, G.)
On the Origins of the Initial Mass Function - Paladini et al. (including: Armus, L.; Paladini, R.)
Unveiling Cosmic Dawn: the synergetic role of space and ground-based telescopes - Cuby et al. (including: Capak, P.)
The Multidimensional Milky Way - Sanderson et al. (including: Armus, L.; Grillmair, C.)


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