IPAC, located on the Caltech campus, is not under direct threat from local fires at this time, though it is subject to the effects of strong winds and poor air quality. Many members of the IPAC community have been impacted by these events, and IPAC will follow Caltech guidance on closures and safe operations. For more information, visit Caltech’s Emergency Updates page at http://www.caltech.edu/emergency.

Decadal Survey 2020

For the Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics (Astro2020), the National Academies and the astronomical community works together to identify key priorities in astronomy and astrophysics and develop a comprehensive strategy for agency investments in the upcoming decade. The Astro2020 report "Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s" was released on November 4, 2021.

Input to Astro2020 included "white papers" that are submitted to the National Academies.

The scientists at IPAC were important contributors to this effort. In total, more than 60 science and 110 APC white papers were submitted with IPAC contribution. In total 11 of the science and 18 of the APC white papers are led by IPAC scientists.

Follow the links below for a complete list of papers with IPAC contribution.

Furthemore, IPAC scientists have been involved in several concept study reports of various missions for the 2020s.

Also, have a look at the Great Observatories Report by the NASA Great Observatories Science Analysis Group (including IPAC scientists Lee Armus, co-chair).

Science Astro2020 white papers:

APC Astro2020 white papers:


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