
IPAC at Summer AAS 2022

The 240th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) will be held in person and virtually June 12-16, 2022 in Pasadena, California. IPAC scientists and students are giving talks, moderating sessions, and presenting posters and iPosters and staff and scientists are also giving demos and answering questions about IPAC programs and missions at two booths in the Exhibit Hall: Caltech IPAC and NASA Exoplanets: ExEP, NExScI, & TESS
This page contains the schedule and links to IPAC-related activities happening at #AAS240. For more immediate updates, please follow us on Twitter at @CaltechIPAC

NExScI Data Archives

AAS240 Slack: #exb-nasa-exoplanets 

Stop by the NASA Exoplanets: ExEP, NExScI, & TESS booth in the Exhibit Hall to learn more about our archives:

IPAC Data Archives, Projects and Missions

AAS240 Slack: #exb-caltech-ipac

Come by the Caltech IPAC booth in the Exhibit Hall for information about our past, present and future missions and projects, including:

Science Talks and Presentations

Sunday, June 12

Using Python and Astropy for Astronomical Data Analysis
9 am-5:30 pm PT
Room 102
David Shupe (Caltech/IPAC)
Effective Astronomy Visualizations for Research, Outreach, and Learning
1-5 pm PT
Room 103
Robert Hurt (co-Organizer) & Gordon Squires (Caltech/IPAC)


Monday, June 13

125: Enabling Learning in a Changed World: NASA's Science Activation Program
2-3:30 pm PT
Ballroom C
What's new in NED and best practices for publishing your data
2:30-3 pm PT
Hall A/B
Joe Mazzarella (Caltech/IPAC)

Tuesday, June 14

Overview of IRSA's Tools for June 2022
10-10:30 am PT
Hall A/B
Luisa Rebull (Caltech/IPAC)
Testing Hierarchical Models of Galaxy Evolution with the Roman Space Telescope
10-11:30 am PT
Room 204
An IPAC-hosted Roman science splinter session featuring the following talks:
  • Roman Space Telescope Mission Status – Julie McEnery (NASA/GSFC)
  • High-redshift Massive Galaxies: Tensions Between Galaxy Formation Models and Observations – Chris Hayward (Flatiron Institute)
  • Andromeda as a Stepping Stone to the Local Volume in the Roman Era – Ivanna Escala (Carnegie Observatories)
  • Stellar Halos in the Local Group and Globular Clusters in the Virgo Cluster – Raja Guhathakurta (UC Santa Cruz/UCO)
  • DREaMing of a Roman Ultra-Deep Field – Nicole Drakos (UC Santa Cruz)
  • Quantifying Reionization with Roman – Aaron Yung (NASA/GSFC)


217.04: Resolving chemical gradients in exoplanet atmospheres with high-resolution spectroscopy
10:30-10:40 am PT
Room 106
Aurora Kesseli (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)
The largest UV survey of distant galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope
11 am PT
Xin Wang (Caltech/IPAC)
Fundamental Properties II
2-3:30 pm PT
Ballroom B
Session Chair: Sergio Fajardo-Acosta (Caltech/IPAC)
229.04: Summer 2022 NASA's Astrophoto Challenges: Inviting Learners to Create Their Own Carina Nebula with Real NASA Data
2:30-2:40 PT
Ballroom F
224.06: The largest UV survey of distant galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope
2:50-3 pm PT
Ballroom A
Xin Wang (Caltech/IPAC) et al.
230.07:  Joint Survey Processing: Compact Oddballs in the COSMOS Field - Low-Luminosity Quasars at z > 6?
3:10-3:20 pm PT
Ballroom G
Andreas Faisst (Caltech)
Hyperwall: On The Road to a Billion Planets
5:52 pm PT
Exhibit Hall
Jessie Christiansen (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)


Wednesday, June 15

US Archival Science with Euclid
9-9:30 am PT
Hall A/B
Shoubaneh Hemmati (Caltech/IPAC)


Towards an Improved NASA Hubble Fellowship Program
10-11 am PT
Room 204
Dawn Gelino (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)


326.04: How Complete are Galaxy Catalogs for Gravitational Wave Searches?
2:30-2:40 pm PT
Room 101
Dave Cook (Caltech/IPAC-NED)


Thursday, June 16

412.02: Self-Organizing Maps as a tool to infer spectroscopic features of galaxies from their broadband colors
10:10-10:20 am PT
Marziye Jafariyazani, Dan Masters, & Harry Teplitz (Caltech/IPAC) Andreas Faisst (Caltech)
412.03: Investigating the Effect of Bursty Star Formation on Dwarf Galaxy UV Spectral Slopes at z~0.9
10:20-10:30 am PT
Brian Siana (UC Riverside) with IPAC coauthors
414.07: Roman High Latitude Spectroscopic Survey: Grism Simulations
11-11:10 am PT
Anahita Alavi (Caltech/IPAC)
SOFIA Archival Research Program—what you need to know
11:30 am-Noon PT
Hall A/B

Posters and iPosters


Monday, June 13

(iPoster, 101.18) OIRMA: Optical-Infrared Reverberation Mapping of AGN
9-10 am PT Monday
Strasburger et al. (Caltech/IPAC NITARP participants), Advisor: Varoujan Gorjian (Caltech/IPAC and NASA/JPL)

Tuesday, June 14

In addition to their AAS-assigned iPoster times, the printed versions of all five NITARP 2021 posters will be displayed all day Tuesday at the Caltech IPAC booth in the Exhibit Hall. 


(iPoster, 241.36) Demographics of Giant UV-Bright Star-forming Clumps in Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 1 in UVCANDELS
5:30-6:30 pm Tuesday
Hall A/B
Alec Martin (U. Missouri) with IPAC co-authors


(iPoster, 241.43) UVCANDELS to Herschel: Complete spectral analysis of star-forming galaxies after the cosmic noon
5:30-6:30 pm Tuesday
Hall A/B
Arrabal Haro (NOIRLab) with IPAC co-authors


(iPoster, 241.44) Investigating the Dominant Environmental Quenching Process in UVCANDELS/COSMOS Groups
5:30-6:30 pm Tuesday
Hall A/B
Maxwell Kuschel (UMN) with IPAC co-authors


(iPoster, 241.46) Recent Star Formation in z~1 quiescent galaxies
5:30-6:30 pm Tuesday
Hall A/B
Michael Rutkowski (MNSU) with IPAC co-authors
(iPoster, 241.42) A JWST Study of the Starburst-AGN Connection in Merging Luminous Infrared Galaxies

5:30-6:30 pm PT Tuesday

Hall A/B
Thomas Lai and Lee Armus (Caltech/IPAC) et al.
(iPoster, 242.05) Bringing Experiential Education into the Classroom
5:30-6:30 pm PT Tuesday
Hall A/B
Sharif et al. (Caltech/IPAC NITARP participants), Advisor: Varoujan Gorjian (Caltech/IPAC and NASA/JPL)


(iPoster, 242.02) Promoting Student Interest in Astronomy Using Student-delivered Professional Development
5:30-6:30 pm PT Tuesday
Hall A/B
Rodriguez et al. (Caltech/IPAC NITARP participants), Advisor: Luisa Rebull (Caltech/IPAC)


(iPoster, 241.05) A resolved analysis of star formation-indicators at z˜1 with UVCANDELS
5:30-6:30 pm PT Tuesday
Hall A/B
Vihang Mehta (Caltech/IPAC) et al.


Wednesday, June 15


iPoster, 302.12) Terapixel-scale Processing of Astronomical Images With Montage
9-10 am PT Wednesday
G. Bruce Berriman and John C. Good (Caltech/IPAC)
(iPoster, 302.23) Classification of Astrophysics Journal Articles with Machine Learning to Identify Data for NED
9-10 am PT Wednesday
Hall A/B
Rick Ebert, Tracy Chen, and the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database team (Caltech/IPAC)
(iPoster, 305.10) Stellar Rotation in UCL/LCC with TESS
5:30-6:30 pm Wednesday
Hall A/B
Luisa Rebull (Caltech/IPAC) et al.
(iPoster, 305.18) Simulating Functional Forms of the 20-Parsec Brown Dwarf Mass Distribution
9-10 am PT Wednesday
Hall A/B
Yadukrishna Raghu (Backyard Worlds/Washington High School student); Advisor: J. Davy Kirkpatrick (Caltech/IPAC) et al.
(iPoster, 305.29) Discovery of CWISE J052306.42-015355.4, an Extreme T Subdwarf Candidate
9-10 am PT Wednesday
Hall A/B
Hunter Brooks (Caltech/IPAC SURF student); Advisor: J. Davy Kirkpatrick (Caltech/IPAC) et al.
(iPoster, 343.02) The S4G Early-Type Galaxy Extension: ETG Scaling Relations with Spitzer IRAC Imaging
5:30-6:30 pm PT Wednesday
Hall A/B
Seppo Laine (Caltech/IPAC) et al.
(iPoster, 343.04) SOFIA observations of [CII] in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC˜7319: A Jet connecting to the Stephan's Quintet intergroup medium?
5:30-6:30 pm PT Wednesday
Hall A/B
Phillip Appleton (Caltech/IPAC), Dario Fadda (SOFIA Science Center), et al.
(iPoster, 343.09) A complete [CII] map of Messier 106 obtained with SOFIA
5:30-6:30 pm PT Wednesday
Hall A/B
Dario Fadda (SOFIA/USRA), Phillip Appleton (Caltech/IPAC) et al.
(iPoster, 345.03) AstroPix: Improving Your Access to Astronomical Images
5:30-6:30 pm PT Wednesday
Hall A/B
Robert Hurt (Caltech/IPAC) et al.
(iPoster, 345.05) Eta Carinae and the Homunculus Nebula in 3D
5:30-6:30 pm PT Wednesday
Hall A/B
Frank Summers (Space Telescope Institute), Robert Hurt (Caltech/IPAC), Kim Arcand (Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian)

Thursday, June 16


(iPoster, 406.05) Visible and IR Light Curve Variability Analysis of Young Stellar Objects in IC417
9-10 am PT Thursday
Rodriguez et al. (Caltech/IPAC NITARP participants), Advisor: Luisa Rebull (Caltech/IPAC)


(iPoster, 406.06) Cataloging and Analysis of Young Stellar Objects in the Spider Nebular (IC 417) Using Archival Visible and Infrared Data
9-10 am PT Thursday
Hall A/B
Senson et al. (Caltech/IPAC NITARP participants), Advisor: Luisa Rebull (Caltech/IPAC)


(iPoster, 407.08) Joint Survey Processing II: Stellar Proper Motions in the COSMOS Field from Hubble Space Telescope ACS and Subaru Telescope HSC Observations
9-10 am PT Thursday
Sergio Fajardo-Acosta (Caltech/IPAC) et al.