
IPAC at Winter AAS 2021

The AAS Winter 2021 meeting was held virtually January 11-15, 2021. IPAC and NExScI staff and scientists presented various science talks, webinars, and poster sessions, and also provided demos in Zoom rooms and took questions on Slack. There were also dedicated booths in the meeting's Exhibit Hall for Caltech IPAC and IPAC Data Archives.

This page contains the links and schedule of webinars and online demos for IPAC's projects and science data archives, links to talks & posters from IPAC scientists and other virtual resources for conference attendees. Links to the recorded webinars are in the Webinars section.

The IPAC science data archives that were represented at AAS 237 are:

The IPAC projects that were represented at AAS 237 are:

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Scheduled Webinars

These events generally consist of a live presentation followed by Q&A with the audience.


Monday, January 11

Exoplanet Science with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

Noon-12:30 pm EST/8-8:30 am PST 

Join NASA Deputy Program Scientist for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, Aki Roberge, to learn how Roman will conduct the definitive survey of cold exoplanet demographics and provide the first space demonstration of active coronagraphy to study exoplanets.

As a science support center for the mission, IPAC is responsible for operations for the Coronagraph Instrument (CGI), including commanding and performance monitoring, high-level data processing of the grism and prism data from the Wide Field Instrument (WFI), high-level data processing of the microlensing survey data from WFI, proposal selection, and community engagement for exoplanet science.

The Keck Observatory Archive
G. Bruce Berriman (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

1-1:30 pm EST/10-10:30 am PST Watch Recording

The Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) is a collaboration between the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute and the W. M. Keck Observatory to archive and serve data from the two 10-meter Keck telescopes. For over 26 years, the powerful instruments deployed on these telescopes have observed solar system objects, brown dwarfs, exoplanet systems, star clusters, galaxies, quasars, and more! Over 3.4 million raw files are available for YOUR science and KOA has the tools to help you find the ones you need. Watch our webinar or visit our virtual booth (Caltech/IPAC Data Archives) for more information.
NExScI's NASA Exoplanet Archive and ExoFOP

Calen B. Henderson (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)

1:30-2 pm EST/10:30-11 am PST  Watch Recording

Come learn about NASA's Exoplanet Archive and ExoFOP services—serving the most comprehensive data on exoplanetary systems and supporting the community follow-up observations of TESS candidates.
The Legacy of the Spitzer Space Telescope and You 
Sean Carey (Caltech/IPAC)
2-2:30pm EST/11-11:30 am PST   Watch Recording
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope ceased collecting science data in January 2020 after 16+ years of operations. We’ll show you to access the entire mission archive and resources that will help you use this rich dataset for your science.
New Content and Capabilities in the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
Joseph Mazzarella (Caltech/IPAC-NED)
2:30pm-3:00pm EST/11:30am-Noon PST  Watch Recording
NED is a comprehensive database of multiwavelength data for extragalactic objects, providing a systematic, ongoing fusion of information integrated from hundreds of large sky surveys and tens of thousands of research publications. We will highlight recent updates to content and user interface capabilities.

Wednesday, January 13

How to Use Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) Tools

Luisa Rebull (Caltech/IPAC-IRSA)

Noon-12:30pm EST/9-9:30am PST   Watch Recording

IRSA has the data and tools to help you make your next scientific discovery! Come and learn how to use IRSA's tools and to see all our latest tools and features.

Watch the recording


SOFIA Archive Opportunities: Science-Ready Data and Funding
Ed Chambers (SOFIA/USRA), Luisa Rebull (Caltech/IPAC-IRSA), B-G Andersson (SOFIA/USRA)
1-1:30 pm EST/10-10:30 am PST Watch Recording
The SOFIA Archival Research Program (SARP) is now open for proposals to fund research projects primarily using SOFIA data. The purpose of this program is to encourage the use of available SOFIA archival data and to realize the full potential of the SOFIA archive. In this webinar we will present the search and visualization functionalities for SOFIA data in the IRSA archive, highlight and describe select high-potential public datasets, and discuss the mechanics of the open funding call.
US Archival Science with Euclid

Harry Teplitz (Caltech/IPAC-Euclid), Phil Appleton (Caltech/IPAC-Euclid), James Colbert (Caltech/IPAC-Euclid)

4:30-5 pm EST/1:30-2 pm PST   Watch Recording

Euclid is an ESA mission, with NASA involvement, to study the nature and geometry of the dark universe, with launch planned in mid-2022. Euclid will survey the extragalactic sky, obtaining near-infrared and wide-band optical imaging, as well as NIR grism spectra. All Euclid data will be made public to the world-wide community within 2 years of acquisition. The Euclid NASA Science Center at IPAC (ENSCI; will support Euclid research by the US community. In this webinar, we will give an overview of the mission and the opportunity for US-based archival research.


Using Python to access NASA Archives
David Shupe (Caltech/IPAC)
4:30-5 pm EST/1:30-2 pm PST   Watch Recording
This webinar will feature experts from the NASA Astronomical Virtual Observatories (NAVO) Python working group. There will be a short tutorial on how to access the NASA Archives using the pyvo package. Under the hood, this package uses Virtual Observatory protocols so that the user does not need to know where the data are hosted but can discover what is available and access it in standard ways. A 15 minute general Q&A session will follow. NAVO comprises elements of MAST at STScI, HEASARC at GSFC, and both IRSA and NED at IPAC.

Thursday, January 14

How Can the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute Help YOUR Research?
Dawn Gelino (Caltech/IPAC-NExScI)
12:30-1 pm EST/9:30-10 am PST   Watch Recording
The NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI) supports the broad astrophysics and planetary science communities. Listen in to learn how NExScI can support YOUR research!
Do you need observational data?

Learn how to apply for 10-meter Keck telescope time and use the Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) to access all data acquired with these two telescopes since they began operations over 26 years ago. Also, find out about access to southern hemisphere telescopes for exoplanet follow-up observations.

Are you looking for a postdoc?

Learn how to apply for an NHFP, the premier NASA Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Do you need to learn about or better understand precision radial velocities?

Join in to learn about interacting with the experts and getting hands-on data experience at this year's virtual Sagan Summer Workshop.

Are you interested in exoplanet data and tools?

Come learn about the NASA Exoplanet Archive, which gives you access to just about any type of exoplanet data you’d like, and contribute follow-up exoplanet observations to the Exoplanet Follow-up Observing Program (ExoFOP).

Have more questions?

Just ask or get in touch with our Help Desks!


Monday, Jan. 11

113.01. The PHANGS-HST Survey: Probing the Star Formation Cycle in Nearby Galaxies from Star Cluster and Molecular Clouds to Galactic Scales

J.C. Lee

Noon-12:10 pm EST/9-9:10 am PST


113.02. Stellar Associations and Hierarchical Structure in PHANGS-HST Nearby Galaxies

K. Larson

12:10-12:20 pm EST/9:10-9:20 am PST


113.03. Quantitative Morphologies of PHANGS-HST Star Clusters

S. Deger

12:20-12:30 pm EST/9:20-9:30 am PST


124.03. Stellar rotation in UCL/LCC with TESS

L. Rebull

4:30-4:40 pm EST/1:30-1:40 pm PST


Tuesday, Jan. 12

(Session) NASA's Universe of Learning: Opportunities for Scientists to Engage with Learners of all Ages

E. Marcucci, G. Squires

4:10-5:40 pm EST/1:10-2:40 pm PST


239.02. Resurrecting KOI-5 as TOI 1241: Confirmation of Kepler's Second Planetary Candidate—a sub-Saturn Planet in a Triple Stellar System

D. Ciardi

4:20-4:30 pm EST/1:20-1:30 pm PST


Exploring the Transient and Variable Universe with the Roman Space Telescope

4:10–5:40 pm EST/1:10-2:40 pm PST


(Session) Changes to the ZTF Data System

D. Shupe

5:05-5:20 EST/2:05-2:20 PST


235.08. Investigating the Effect of Bursty Star Formation on the Size Fluctuation in Local Low-mass Galaxies

D. Cook


Wednesday, Jan. 13

311.07. Dust attenuation (nebular and stellar) measurement of high-redshift dwarf galaxies

A. Anahati

1:20-1:30 pm EST/10:20-10:30 am PST


Thursday, Jan. 14

416. Oral Session: Roman and LUVOIR

Noon-1:30 pm EST/9-10:30 am PST


Session: Exploring the Milky Way with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

4:10-5:40 pm EST/1:10-2:40 pm PST


441.03. Molecular Gas Along the Bar of NGC 7479

D. Fadda, S. Laine, P. Appleton

4:30-4:40 pm EST/1:30-1:40 pm PST


Friday, Jan. 15

Session: Surviving and Thriving in Rejection

Noon–1:30 pm EST/9-10:30 am PST

D. Gelino

A "no" does not mean a no forever. It just means a no for now. A rejection is often simply an issue of resource allocation in this time and space. But how do we manage multiple rejections, especially as we may be facing a challenging job market? How do we build resiliency, and ensure that we do not equate a rejection with any measure of our self-worth? In our conversation, we will address how to manage rejection with a positive attitude and become persistent.


520. The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Town Hall

J. Rhodes, J.E. McEnery, V. Bailey, D.J. Benford, H.C. Ferguson, L. Armus

1:40-2:40 pm EST/10:40-11:40 am PST


541.16. Spitzer's Last Look at the Small Magellanic Cloud

1:20-2:20 pm EST/10:20-11:20 am PST


Monday, Jan. 11

138.16. OIRMA: Optical Infrared Reverberation Mapping of AGN

McElroy et al.

4:10-5:40 pm EST/1:10-2:40 pm PST


143.01. Identifying Candidate Young Stellar Objects in the Spider Nebula (IC 417) Using Archival Visible and Infrared Data

Anderson et al.

4:10-5:40 pm EST/1:30-2:40 pm PST


Wednesday, Jan. 13

323.05. Methods for Retention and Promoting Self-Efficacy in Secondary Students in Astronomical Research

Rodriguez et al.

4:50-5 pm EST/1:50-2 pm PST


Friday, Jan. 15

547.02. A Rich Experiential Education in a Remote Setting by NITARP

Sharif et al.

4:10-5:40 pm EST/1:30-2:40 pm PST


(FULL) Hands-on Machine Learning for Astronomers: Artificial Intelligence for Big-Data Astronomy

A. Faisst, A. Khan, H. Shen, J. Krick, S. Deger, & W. Wei

Day 1: Noon-3 pm EST/9-11 am PST Thursday, Jan. 7
Day 2: Noon-3 pm EST/9-11 am PST Friday, Jan. 8

This two-day session is full. Workshop materials (Jupyter Notebooks and data) will be posted online a day after the second workshop for workshop attendees. Recordings of the workshops can be viewed by AAS members on the AAS meeting website.


Using Python to Search NASA's Astrophysics Archives

T. Jaffe & A. Basu-Zych

3-5 pm EST/noon-3 pm PST Friday, Jan. 8


Introduction to Astropy (Day 1)
Astronomical Research with Astropy (Day 2)
L. Corrales, K. L. Cruz, B. M. Morris, & D. L. Shupe
Day 1: 11 am-2 pm/8-11 am PST Thursday, Jan. 7
Day 2: 11 am-2 pm/8-11 am PST Friday, Jan. 8 


Email us at  archives (at) ipac (dot) caltech (dot) edu