
Season’s Greetings & Best Wishes for 2022!

We look forward to these next-generation science missions and new partnerships with you:
Launching early 2020s
IPAC is a node in the Euclid Science Ground System, and contributes to the data analysis pipeline for the near-infrared instrument with detectors and electronics contributed by NASA. Euclid is an ESA-led mission to study the geometry and nature of the dark universe.
SPHEREx is a NASA MIDEX Mission conducting the first near-infrared all-sky spectral survey. IPAC is the Science Data Center for SPHEREx, providing data processing, analysis and archiving.
IPAC manages Mission Operations and Ground Data systems for Lunar Trailblazer, a NASA SIMPLEx mission to map water on the Moon.
Launching late 2020s
IPAC is the Science Support Center for Roman, providing operations for the Coronagraph Instrument (CGI), high-level data processing of the grism and prism data from the Wide Field Instrument (WFI), high-level data processing of the time-domain Galactic Bulge survey data from WFI, and community engagement for exoplanet science.
IPAC is the NEO Surveyor Survey Data Center, responsible for data processing and archiving, and for detecting and reporting solar system objects observed by this NASA Planetary Sciences mission.
ESA-led mission ARIEL will conduct infrared spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres. IPAC is providing the processing environment for CASE, the NASA contribution to ARIEL. IPAC will also host the US Data Archive for ARIEL.