Tune in to IPAC's Double Launch Feature! Lunar Trailblazer and SPHEREx launching this week.

Aaron Meisner (NOIRLab) -- Revealing the Sun’s Coldest Neighbors with NEOWISE


NOTE: This meeting is online only. Please subscribe to https://lists.ipac.caltech.edu/mailman/listinfo/seminars to obtain more information (if you are not in the seminar email list already). WISE has revolutionized our view of the solar neighborhood, for instance extending the substellar sequence to include the Y dwarf spectral class. Still, our census of the coldest nearby brown dwarfs remains incomplete. I am reprocessing the entire WISE+NEOWISE imaging archive to create novel full-sky data products that enable a new generation of mid-infrared moving object surveys. Our resulting Backyard Worlds and CatWISE all-sky motion searches seek to fully mine the combined WISE+NEOWISE data set for extremely cold brown dwarfs hitherto overlooked. I will highlight some of the superlative sources among our thousands of solar neighborhood discoveries, including a newly identified set of Y dwarfs that doubles the known sample size of such objects. Future imaging from NEO Surveyor has the potential to extend our ongoing efforts to pinpoint the coldest, closest and lowest-mass brown dwarfs.

Date: 12:15 PM, April 15th, 2020
Location: Online only: please subscribe to https://lists.ipac.caltech.edu/mailman/listinfo/seminars to obtain more information
Category: Science Talk