Tune in to IPAC's Double Launch Feature! Lunar Trailblazer and SPHEREx launching this week.

Eckhard Sturm (MPE) : Galaxy evolution as seen by SHINING


Recent Herschel/PACS observations have detected massive amounts of molecular gas gusting at high velocities - in some cases in excess of 1000 kilometres per second - from the centres of a set of merging galaxies. Driven by star formation and central black holes, these powerful storms are strong enough to sweep away billions of solar masses of molecular gas and to interfere with global galactic processes. These observations indicate that, in the galaxies hosting the brightest Active Galactic Nuclei, outflows can clear the entire supply for creating stars and feeding the black hole. This finding provides long-sought-after evidence of highly energetic feedback processes taking place in galaxies as they evolve. I will summarize the current status of this project, which is part of the Herschel Guaranteed Time Key Project SHINING. In case enough pizza is provided I will also summarize further SHINING results which help to understand the different modes of star formation (major merger vs. steady accretion) in the early universe. -- Hosted by Colin Borys

Date: November 1st, 2011
Location: MR LCR