We have undertaken a program to detect and categorize the frequency and nature of the mass loss in massive stars like red supergiants (RSGs), yellow supergiants (YSGs), and supergiant Be stars (sgB[e]). Making use of imaging from Spitzer mid infrared (IR), ground-based near-IR from the FourStar instrument on the Magellan Baade telescope, and optical HST WFC3, we have selected the brightest point-like sources in the galaxy M83. Our catalog of near- and mid-IR sources contains 4258 entries across J, KS, Spitzer IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 micron bands. We employed a combination of photometric criteria in concert with the appearance of candidates in HST optical (U, B, V, I) images to select 49 strong candidates for individual massive stars. Here, we will briefly describe the photometric selection criteria, and the spectroscopic follow-up of 24 probable RSGs from our period 95 approved proposal for VLT/KMOS time (095.D-0189(A)).