Beta Pictoris is one of the first extrasolar systems discovered to host large bodies (comets) analogous to those in our own solar system. Moreover, a long-suspected planet has been confirmed at sub-arcsecond separation via high-contrast imaging. We observed Beta Pic b at first-light of the new Magellan adaptive optics instrument "MagAO" in December 2012, simultaneously with our visible-light and infrared cameras. I will present my MagAO imaging data of Beta Pic b at 5 passbands, providing a fuller picture of the planet's spectral energy distribution. This broad wavelength coverage will be crucial to determining the energy balance of new exoplanets as improved AO technology allows direct imaging to probe closer separations and lower masses. MagAO is unique in achieving diffraction-limited imaging from 0.6-5 microns, and will be vital to characterizing these planetary systems.