IPAC, located on the Caltech campus, is not under direct threat from local fires at this time, though it is subject to the effects of strong winds and poor air quality. Many members of the IPAC community have been impacted by these events, and IPAC will follow Caltech guidance on closures and safe operations. For more information, visit Caltech’s Emergency Updates page at http://www.caltech.edu/emergency.

NED Gravitational Wave Follow-up (GWF) Service




NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED)


NED Gravitational Wave Follow-up (GWF) Service


The NED GWF service facilitates searches for electromagnetic (EM) counterparts to gravitational wave (GW) events. Within minutes after the LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA collaboration issues an alert using the GCN - NASA's Time-Domain and Multimessenger Alert System (https://gcn.nasa.gov/), this NED service responds by cross-matching in 3D the event's HEALPix map with galaxies in the local Universe and the following results are provided: an all-sky image of the probability contours, the location of all galaxies in NED within the 90% probability volume, and the top 20 candidates.

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Date of data collection

Year of publication