
Spitzer Observations of Abell 1763




Edwards, L.; Fadda, D.; Biviano, A.; Marleau, F.


Spitzer Observations of Abell 1763


This data set includes images of the galaxy cluster Abell 1763 at visible and infrared wavelengths: r', J, H, and Ks obtained using the Palomar 200in telescope, as well as the IRAC and MIPS images from Spitzer. The cluster is covered out to approximately 3 virial radii with deep 24 mum imaging (a 5sigma depth of 0.2 mJy). This same field of ~40' × 40' is covered in all four IRAC bands as well as the longer wavelength MIPS bands (70 and 160 mum). The r' imaging covers ~0.8 deg2 down to 25.5 mag, and overlaps with most of the MIPS field of view. The J, H, and Ks images cover the cluster core and roughly half of the filament galaxies, which extend toward the neighboring cluster, Abell 1770.

This dataset or service is made available by the Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) at IPAC, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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Date of data collection

Year of publication