1 Introduction
SWS Instrument Data Users
SWS Instrument Data Users
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 How to use this manual
1.3 What's new
1.3.1 Issue 1
1.3.2 Issue 1.1
1.3.3 Issue 1.2
1.3.4 Issue 2.0
1.3.5 Issue 2.1
1.3.6 Issue 3.0
1.3.7 Issue 3.1
1.4 CD Contents
1.5 How to contact ESA or other institutes
1.6 Relevant documents
2 Getting started with SWS Data
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Reading the data from CD-ROM and having a quick-look at the data
2.3 Having a quick-look at the data
2.4 Selecting data
2.5 Re-bin onto equidistant wavelength grid
2.6 Process up-down scans
2.7 Join AOT bands together
2.8 Smooth data
2.9 Current Caveats on SWS Data Products
2.10 Caveats applicable to OLP versions prior to V6.1
3 Instrument overview
3.1 Introduction
3.2 SWS
3.2.1 The Instrument
3.2.2 Entrance apertures and spacecraft axis
3.3 Data Processing
4 AOT overview
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 ICS
4.2 AOT 1
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 Example AOT 1 data
4.2.3 AOT 1 Spectral Resolution
AOT 1 spectral resolution conclusions
4.3 AOT 2
4.4 AOT 6
4.5 AOT 7
4.6 AOT behaviour
4.6.1 up-down scans
4.6.2 Reference scans
4.6.3 Recognising the start of an AOT
5 Instrumental Characteristics
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Detector Noise & Dark Current
5.3 Behaviour around a reset
5.4 Glitches
5.5 Memory effects
5.6 Reference Scan Memory Effects
5.6.1 Background
5.6.2 An example
5.6.3 Affected observations
5.6.4 Are you affected?
5.7 Effects of pointing accuracy
5.7.1 Introduction
5.7.2 Pointing effects on flux accuracy
5.7.3 Pointing effects on wavelength accuracy
5.7.4 Effects seen in data induced by incorrect target coordinates or crowded fields
5.7.5 Conclusions & Recommendations
5.8 Grating instrumental profile and resolution
5.8.1 Introduction
5.8.2 Observations
5.8.3 Preliminary IP Determination
5.8.4 IP Determination
5.8.5 Conclusions
5.9 Single Detector Signal Jumps
5.9.1 Introduction
5.9.2 Data used in this test
5.9.3 Characterization of the jumps at SPD level
5.9.4 Characterization at ERD level
5.9.5 Checking the association with glitches
5.9.6 Conclusions & Recommendations
5.10 CAM CVF & SWS
6 The RSRF and Effect of Fringes
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The RSRF calibration
6.3 RSRF Calibration sources and model sources
6.4 Differences between lab RSRF and in-orbit RSRF
6.5 What can go wrong when dividing by the RSRF?
6.5.1 Present quality of RSRFs
6.5.2 Respcal after wrong dark subtraction
6.5.3 Uncertainties of some line flux levels in weak sources
6.5.4 Uncertainties of line flux levels in band 3
6.5.5 Leakage in band 3D
6.5.6 Spurious Spectral Features seen in Band 2C
6.6 Overview of the RSRF curves
7 SWS Calibration
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Overall Calibration
Determination of focal plane geometry, array geometry and alignment
Determination of wavelength scales
Determination of photometric sensitivity
7.3 Flux calibration
7.4 Flux calibration accuracy
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Grating
7.4.3 FP
7.5 Wavelength calibration
7.6 Wavelength calibration accuracy
8 The Pipeline and its effects
8.1 Introduction
8.2 ERD to SPD (Derive-SPD)
8.2.1 Read data of one reset interval
8.2.2 Determine Data Range
8.2.3 Subtract MIDBIT Values
8.2.4 Correct for reset pulse effects
8.2.5 Linearization of the measurement
8.2.6 Removal of Electrical Cross-talk
8.2.7 Deglitching
8.2.8 Position computation
8.2.9 Extraction of the photo-currents and their uncertainties
8.2.10 Conversion of digitized read-out's to output voltages
8.2.11 Fill flag word
8.2.12 Get Grating angle
8.2.13 Get Fabry-Pérot gap
8.2.14 Assign wavelength for grating and FP
8.2.15 Writing data out
8.3 SPD to AAR (Auto-Analysis)
8.3.1 Read all data from SPD
8.3.2 Determine AOT and Velocity correction
8.3.3 Correction for time dependent detector behaviour
8.3.4 Subtraction of dark currents
8.3.5 Reference scan calibration
8.3.6 Combination of Up and Down scans
8.3.7 Responsivity check
8.3.8 Flux calibration
8.3.9 Flat field
8.3.10 Velocity Correction
8.3.11 Extracting data from the SPD
8.3.12 Sort the internal table in wavelength
8.3.13 Output table files
8.4 The Error Propagation of the SWS Pipeline
8.4.1 Introduction
ANTIMEM : Remove memory effects
DARK : Dark Current subtraction
RESPCAL : Responsivity Calibration
FLUXCON : Flux Conversion
VELCOR : Velocity Correction
EXTRACT_AAR : AAR Extraction
8.5 Glitch removal effects in fast speed AOT 1 observations
8.5.1 Introduction
8.5.2 Processing
8.5.3 Results
8.5.4 Conclusions
8.6 Version history of the SPG pipeline
9 Product Description
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Raw data files (ERD and Compact Status)
9.2.1 SWS Edited Raw Data
9.2.2 SWS Compact Status
9.3 Standard processed (SPD) files
9.3.1 SWS Standard Processed Data
9.3.2 SWS Glitch History Data
9.4 Auto-Analysis Results (AAR) files
9.4.1 SWS Auto-Analysis Results
9.5 Calibration-G files
9.5.1 SWS Cal-G 1 Electrical crosstalk matrices
9.5.2 SWS Cal-G 2 RC correction timescales
9.5.3 SWS Cal-G 2A Midbit values
9.5.4 SWS Cal-G 2B Shape correction values
9.5.5 SWS Cal-G 3 Reset cutout lengths
9.5.6 SWS Cal-G 4 Amplifier limits
9.5.7 SWS Cal-G 5 Switchable gains
9.5.8 SWS Cal-G 6 Glitch reject levels
9.5.9 SWS Cal-G 7 Grating detector noise characteristics
9.5.10 SWS Cal-G 8 Grating calibration specifications
9.5.11 SWS Cal-G 9 LVDT-Angle relation
9.5.12 SWS Cal-G 10 Key wavelengths
9.5.13 SWS Cal-G 11 FP calibration spectrum
9.5.14 SWS Cal-G 12 Gap-position relation
9.5.15 SWS Cal-G 13 Relative flux
9.5.16 SWS Cal-G 14 Intensity of internal calibration sources
9.5.17 SWS Cal-G 15 Intensity of calibration sources
9.5.18 SWS Cal-G 16A Aperture offsets
9.5.19 SWS Cal-G 16B Element offsets
9.5.20 SWS Cal-G 16C Grating constants
9.5.21 SWS Cal-G 16D Telescope area
9.5.22 SWS Cal-G 16E Scanner curve coefficients
9.5.23 SWS Cal-G 18 Effective gap correction
9.5.24 SWS Cal-G 19 AOT 1 resolution factors
9.5.25 SWS Cal-G 20 Relative detector responsivity
9.5.26 SWS Cal-G 21_x Detector dark current/noise for x sec reset
9.5.27 SWS Cal-G 22 Detector response to internal diffuse source
9.5.28 SWS Cal-G 23 Wave limits for bands
9.5.29 SWS Cal-G 24 Wave limits for apertures
9.5.30 SWS Cal-G 25_x Spectral responsivity for band x
10 Products sorted by AOT
10.1 AOT 1, Low Resolution Full Grating Scan
10.2 AOT 2, Grating Line Profile Scan
10.3 AOT 6, Grating Scan
10.4 AOT 7, Combined Fabry-Pérot Line Scan and SW Grating Scan
K. Leech with contributions from
the SWS Instrument Dedicated Team (SIDT)
and the SWS Instrument Support Team (SIST)