The Standard Product Generation (SPG) Pipeline (otherwise known as Off-Line Processing, OLP ) processes the raw data telemetered down from ISO (in terms of microvolts, scanner positions etc) into more conventional astronomical units of flux against wavelength. The SPG pipeline is composed of three parts:
Extracting from the raw data stream the instrument data and placing
it into Edited Raw Data (ERD ) files. This process is a reformatting
ERD to Standard Processed Data (SPD ) stage, known as
Derive-SPD . This involves removing all instrumental
effects on timescales of less than reset interval, converting
detector readouts (voltages against time) into slopes and
assigning, where possible, wavelengths with detectors.
SPD to Auto-Analysis Results (AAR )
stage, known as Auto-Analysis . This further process the
SPD removing instrumental effects on timescales of greater than 1 reset
interval and converts slopes to fluxes.
For more details on these processing stages see chapter 8.
Examples of the data produced by these steps are given throughout this IDUM. Sections 4.2 to 4.5 show ERD, SPD and AAR examples for each AOT. Sections 4.6.2, 8.3.6 and 5.5 give examples of short stretches of observations to highlight certain features.