There are forty-nine files in this section:
SC25_2B | SWS Cal-G 25_2B | Spectral responsivity for band 2B |
SC25_2C | SWS Cal-G 25_2C | Spectral responsivity for band 2C |
SC25_3A | SWS Cal-G 25_3A | Spectral responsivity for band 3A |
SC25_3C | SWS Cal-G 25_3C | Spectral responsivity for band 3C |
SC25_3D | SWS Cal-G 25_3D | Spectral responsivity for band 3D |
SC25_3E | SWS Cal-G 25_3E | Spectral responsivity for band 3E |
SC25_4 | SWS Cal-G 25_4 | Spectral responsivity for band 4 |
SC25_5A | SWS Cal-G 25_5A | Spectral responsivity for band 5A |
SC25_5B | SWS Cal-G 25_5B | Spectral responsivity for band 5B |
SC25_5C | SWS Cal-G 25_5C | Spectral responsivity for band 5C |
SC25_5D | SWS Cal-G 25_5D | Spectral responsivity for band 5D |
SC25_6 | SWS Cal-G 25_6 | Spectral responsivity for band 6 |
Some of these files have identical formats and so are discussed together.
In all cases the ISO Data Product Document should be referred to for the exact file layout.
This file is used in Derive-SPD to correct for the effects of electrical crosstalk (see section 8.2.6).
The file contains 12 records, each 52 integers in length. The first 12 numbers in each record contain the crosstalk for band 1, the next 12 for band 2 etc. Record 1 contains the crosstalk between detector 1 in each band and the other detectors in that band, record 2 contains the crosstalk between detector 2 in each band and the other detectors in that band, etc. Only records 1 and 2 contain information for bands 5 and 6 (the FP bands with only 2 detectors in each).
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains the time constants for the high pass filter in the amplifier chain (see section 8.2.5). It contains 52 numbers, the timescales per detectors in seconds.
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains the midbit value for each detector (see section 8.2.3). The detector readouts are between 0 and 4095 (bits) corresponding to -10 to 10 Volts. The midbit is the bit value that corresponds to 0 Volts, approximately 2048, and is different for each detector.
Currently this calfile is filled with 2047.50.
This is used in Derive-SPD. After the slope has been corrected for the reset pulse it is not straight. This files contains values to correct it, see section 8.2.4.
Currently this calfile is filled with zeros which results in the OLP chain not correcting for reset pulse shape.
This file, used in Derive-SPD and Auto-Analysis, contains the number of 24Hz readouts to ignore after a reset (short circuit of the capacitor) (see section 8.2.2). It contains 52 numbers, the number of readouts to ignore per detector.
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains the SWS amplifier limits, the minimum and maximum allowable voltages from the amplifiers (see section 8.2.2). There are 52 records, each of which contains the minimum and maximum voltages for the three gains (gain 1, 4 and 16), in telemetry units.
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains the gains used to convert between the slopes generated from the 24Hz information and the voltages on the detectors (see section 8.2.10). There are 52 records, one per detector. Each record contains three numbers, one for each gain.
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains information used to recognise glitches and reject them (see section 8.2.7). It contains 52 records, one per detector. Each record contains four numbers: ; the number of readouts to ignore before and after a glitch; and the minimum width of a glitch. The last three are in units of 24 Hz samples.
Currently not used.
Currently not used.
Currently not used.
Currently not used.
Currently not used.
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains information on the gap, current and position relationship of the two FPs (see sections 8.2.13 and 7.5). Each record contains the FP position (a telemetered number) applicable to both FPs, and then for each FP the main current and two correction currents necessary to achieve this position, and then the corresponding gap for those currents, in .
This file, used in Auto-Analysis, contains information used in the flux calibration. There is one row per key wavelength . Each row has the name of the AOT band, the key wavelength, two numbers defining the passband used. Then come conversion numbers for each detector in that band (by default 12, with 10 blank for FP bands) in , then 12 internal calibration signals (in ), then 12 relative flux calibrations (in Jy), then errors on the conversion numbers (in ), errors on the internal calibrations (in ), errors on the relative flux calibrations (Jy) and finally the grating start and end position.
Currently not used.
Currently not used.
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains the angles, in degrees, from the optical axis to the entrance or light source used, as seen from the SW and LW collimators (see section 7.5).
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains the angles, in degrees, from the optical axis to the detectors for each of the detectors (see section 7.5).
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains two grating constants, in , for the SW and LW gratings (see section 7.5).
Currently not used.
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains the scanner curve coefficients (see section 7.5).
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains information of the effective gap correction. For each possible FP wavelength there is a gap correction for each of the two FPs. All units are .
Cal-G 19 is used in the processing of all speed AOT 1's . It contains the factors needed to smooth the RSRF's of each AOT band down to the spectral resolution of the AOT 1 being processed and hence match the resolutions.
This was added in OLP V5.0 but the file was described incorrectly in the SWS IDUM V3.0.
Currently not used.
These 4 files, Cal-G 21_1, Cal-G 21_2, Cal-G 21_4 and Cal-G 21_8 contain information on the dark current. There is one file per reset interval. Each file contains 52 records, each containing the detector number, the average measured dark current (from ground and PV phase tests). the noise in the dark current and finally the minimum and maximum valid dark currents. Dark currents are measured in .
Currently not used.
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains information on the wavelength limits for the AOT bands. There is one row for each band, and each row contains the lower and upper wavelength limits in .
This file, used in Derive-SPD, contains information on the wavelength limits for the three apertures. There are three rows, one row for each aperture, and each row contains the lower and upper limit wavelength limit for the two subsystems, in .
These files, Cal-G 25_1A, Cal-G 25_1B, Cal-G 25_1D, Cal-G 25_1E, Cal-G 25_2A, Cal-G 25_2B, Cal-G 25_2C, Cal-G 25_3A, Cal-G 25_3C, Cal-G 25_3D, Cal-G 25_3E, Cal-G 25_4, Cal-G 25_5A, Cal-G 25_5B, Cal-G 25_5C, Cal-G 25_5D and Cal-G 25_6, contain the spectral responsivity information (RSRF ) for each band.
Each is composed of the number of detectors in that band (twelve for grating, two for the FP files Cal-G 25_x and 25_6) times three numbers. These are the wavelength at which the responsivity is measured (in ), the responsivity and the error on it, both in .