The purpose of AOT 7 is to make Fabry-PĂ©rot observations. If requested, Short Wave grating observations may be made in parallel. AOT 7 is achieved by using combinations of ICS's 9 and 4. After the instrument has been set up ICS 9 is used to make a dark-current measurement . Another ICS 9 is then used to start the FP. While the FP is operating ICS 4 is used to make SW grating scans, if any are requested. More than one of these may be uplinked while the FP scan is continuing. To observe more lines with the FP more ICS 9's are uplinked. Again ICS 4's could be uplinked to observe with the SW grating section. After all observations have concluded a final ICS 9 is used to make a dark measurement.
For the FP the stepsize is always two FP units, about 1/4 of an FP wavelength resolution . Reset intervals are 1 or 2 seconds, with the dwell time equal to the reset time. The number of scans is greater than, or equal to, three, and only ``up'' grating scans are commanded.
If any SW grating observations are requested they are carried out in an identical manner to those of an SWS06 measurement. Users should read section 4.4 for a description of that.
Due to a slight internal misalignment of the Long Wave FP there are problems
merging FP observations with grating observations when observing through
aperture 3 . The `effective' aperture of the FP is displaced
from the center of the grating aperture by approximately 10 arcseconds, causing
an approximately 40% drop in throughput of the FP when pointing is determined
by the grating. The solution decided on was to define a fourth `effective'
aperture , centered on the FP aperture, and carry out all
observations through this. This means the SW grating now loses approximately
40% of its throughput. Therefore LW FP observations (26 - 44 ) and SW
grating observations (7.0 - 13.16
) through aperture 3 will not be merged.
If any aperture 3 grating observations are requested they will be done after
the FP observations. This change was considered acceptable as the main purpose
of AOT 7 is FP observations. Merging is still carried out when observations are
made using apertures 1 or 2 .
However, some early AOT 7 observations were carried out before this change was
implemented. Observers may therefore receive FP data merged with SW grating
observations in the range 7 to 13.16 .
Note that band 2C ends at 13.16 for AOT SWS07 - see table
Figure 4.16 shows ERD, SPD and aperture data for part of an
AOT 7. The ERD is shown as signal in bit values against time (ITK), and the
SPD as signal (in ) against time (seconds). While the line is hard
to see in the ERD, it can easily be seen in the SPD.
Figure 4.17 shows the LW grating position, the FP position and the resulting wavelength of light falling on detector during the part of an AOT 7.
Figure 4.18 shows SPD signal (in ) and AAR flux
(in Jy), both against wavelength, for the same period of the example AOT 7.
Note the wavelength shift in the location of the peak between the SPD and AAR.
This is because the SPD wavelength scale is `ISOcentric', whereas the AAR is
corrected to be heliocentric.
Figure 4.16: ERD, SPD and aperture data for part of an AOT 7
Figure 4.17: LW grating position, FP position and resulting wavelength
for part of an AOT 7
Figure 4.18: SPD and AAR data for AOT 7