The ISOCAM Simulator was built to allow the estimation of observing times to the prospective ISOCAM user. The ISOCAM Simulator uses the photometry model of ISOCAM, noise characterization formulae, and detector stabilization data presented in this document. It furnishes the required integration time to achieve a given signal to noise ratio taking into account the stabilization time required to place the detectors in the apropriate operating range . The ISOCAM Simulator also estimates overheads incurred by the spacecraft when operating in raster mode or when performing the Beam Switching AOT. The ISOCAM Simulator has been designed to
Using the ISOCAM Simulator, the observer finds that there is an intricate interplay between readout noise, photon noise, and low frequency noise, on the one hand, and stabilization times and spacecraft overheads on the other. Only trial and error may lead to the choice of the best combination of parameters leading to the most efficient observing strategy.
Without this software and using the sample of performance
figures to
it is nevertheless possible
to get an estimate of the observing time.
Note that for historical reasons, AOT2 does not exist.
Figure: S/N calculations, Point Source, SW, PFOV 3 arcsec
Figure: S/N calculations, Point Source, SW, PFOV 6 arcsec
Figure: S/N calculations, CVF, Point Source, SW, PFOV 3 arcsec
Figure: S/N calculations, CVF, Point Source, SW, PFOV 6 arcsec
Figure: S/N calculations, Extended Source, SW, PFOV 3 arcsec
Figure: S/N calculations, Extended Source, SW, PFOV 6 arcsec
Figure: S/N calculations, CVF, Extended Source, SW, PFOV 3
Figure: S/N calculations, CVF, Extended Source, SW, PFOV 6
Figure: S/N calculations, Point Source, LW, PFOV 3 arcsec
Figure: S/N calculations, Point Source, LW, PFOV 6 arcsec
Figure: S/N calculations, CVF, Point Source, LW, PFOV 3 arcsec
Figure: S/N calculations, CVF, Point Source, LW, PFOV 6 arcsec
Figure: S/N calculations, Extended Source, LW, PFOV 3 arcsec
Figure: S/N calculations, Extended Source, LW, PFOV 6 arcsec
Figure: S/N calculations, CVF, Extended Source, LW, PFOV 3
Figure: S/N calculations, CVF, Extended Source, LW, PFOV 6