LWS Interactive Analysis (LIA)
The LWS Interactive Analysis (LIA, latest
version found here) is a software package
designed to allow the user to inspect, reprocess and recalibrate their
data with the possibility of interactively customizing the various data
reduction stages to their particular set of data. The LWS data shipped
by ESA are produced by an automatic
reduction pipeline (Off-Line Processing or
the calibration accuracy of these products is generally good within 20%
on average. LIA allows the user to check the quality of his/her
scientific and calibration data; besides, there are cases where the quality
of the data may be worse than normal for a series of reasons, and
this is where LIA also enters into play.
LIA is a joint developement of the ISO-LWS Instrument
Team at Rutherford Appleton
Laboratories (RAL, UK - the PI Institute) and the
Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC/Caltech, USA). Version
of LIA,for ISAP 1.6 and
later versions users only, has been released on May 4, 2000 and
is available for you to download.
Three classes of routines are available under LIA:
Inspection Routines:
designed to allow the LWS data user to inspect his/her pipeline products
as produced through the Standard Processing stage (SPD) and the Auto Analysis
stage (AAR).
SPD results before and after the application of the standard deglitching
algorithm. A two panel plot with GUI appears on the screen. The user can
display the data in LWS instrument time key (ITK) units, or in seconds
from the start of the observation. The display can be zoomed to look in
more detail at the effects of the glitches. Various glitch statistics are
illuminator flash sequence data for closed flashes. The dark currents as
measured at the start of each closed flash are also displayed. The user
can get an impression here whether the calculated dark currents are in
line with the latest best estimates from the PV phase/Handover flashes.
Dark currents in flux units are also listed.
the SPD results before and after the detector responsivity drift correction
is applied. Only suitable for displaying grating LWS01 data.
the absolute responsivity correction factors (the ratio of closed illuminator
flash data referenced to the illuminator flash data at the time of flux
calibration observation).
the SPD data (LSPD file), the Relative Spectral Response Function (RSRFs
in the LCGR file) and the AAR data (LSAN - the LWS Auto-Analysis results
file) in wavelength units. A two panel plot with GUI appears on the screen.
The upper panel shows the LSPD and the RSRF (normalised to the LSPD data
at the grating rest position). Only suitable for grating AOTs, i.e. LWS01
and LWS02. This routine is expected to be useful for verifying the existence,
or otherwise, of some of the more interesting features present in the LSAN
the pointing directions for raster observations, as well as for single
(for Grating data only): As the errors from the
SPD stage to the AAR stage are not being propagated, this routine provides
a means for estimating the continuum/line flux uncertainties by combining
the systematic instrument errors with the statistical errors computed for
the target by ISAP. Only suitable for grating AOTs, i.e. LWS01 and LWS02.
Interactive Routines:
to allow the user to customize the data reduction process and to tune the
algorithms used in the data reduction.
Dark Current (DC) subtraction. The estimate
and subtraction of the DC is a critical point particularly for faint
sources and for FP observations in general; in these cases signal received
is at the detector noise level and hence an incorrect DC subtraction may
lead to negative photocurrents; as these are later divided by the instrumental
transmission profiles (RSRF) the resulting calibrated spectrum will
be potentially difficult to interpret.
Responsivity Drift (RD) correction. It is well known that the LWS detectors
present a temporal drift
in responsivity . Its removal is based on the evaluation of the time
series of averages of spectral scans; the obvious requirement is
that the scan range and the source's intrinsic signal does
not vary. The sole case in which this requirement is met is with single
pointing L01 AOTs (fortunately the majority of LWS observations).
Absolute Responsivity Correction (ARC) factors. ARCs
are the values used to scale the detector responsivities to the values
measured when the LWS primary calibrator (Uranus) was observed, and
on which the instrumental
transmission profiles of the instrument have been derived.
(for FP data only): An interactive
tool which produces calibrated LSAN files for FP observations. It can handle
both L03 and L04 AOTs and allows important functions such as i) realignment
of scans in an L03 AOT, ii) correction for incorrect grating positioning
in an L04 AOT, or iii) reprocessing using either a default or a user supplied
set of dark currents (for this reason FP_PROC also belongs to the third
routine class - see below).
GUI_FPMF (for FP data
only): This tool is written for Interactive FP Multi Gaussian Fitting for
a single "blended" line. The input data should be averaged LWS spectra
written out a single- line data produced by ISAP-Average.
This tool is written for interactive defringing of LWS data (L01, L03 and
Recalibration Routines:
designed to allow the user to recalibrate the data reprocessed using the
interactive routines, or to make a complete non-interactive reprocessing
using defaults other than those used by the automatic OLP.
(for Grating data only): utilitity to recalibrate
an L01 or L02 observation. It essentially performs wavelength and flux
calibration using interactively reprocessed data (see above) as input.
It can also perform a general reprocessing (without using the interactve
routines) using default settings which are different from those used by
the OLP. There is a number of keywords which need to be used when calling
SHORT_AAL depending on which of the interactive routines have used. The
following table summarizes all the possible combinations:
Interactive Dark Current
subtraction ? (IA_DARK)
Interactive Responsivity Drift
division ? (IA_DRIFT)
Interactive Absolute Responsivity Correction
estimated ? (IA_ABSCORR)
N |
N |
N |
no keywords |
N |
N |
Y |
/newabs |
N |
Y |
N |
/newdrift |
N |
Y |
Y |
/newdrift, /newabs |
Y |
N |
N |
/newdarks |
Y |
N |
Y |
/newdarks, /newabs |
Y |
Y |
N |
/newdarks, /newdrift |
Y |
Y |
Y |
/newdarks, /newdrift, /newabs |
FP_PROC (for FP data only, same
routine as in second class): utilitity to recalibrate
an L03 or L04 observation. It essentially performs wavelength and flux
calibration using interactively reprocessed data (see above) as input.
It can also perform a general reprocessing (without using the interactve
routines) using default settings which are different from those used by
the OLP. It also allows interactive manipulation of the data (for this
reason FP_PROC also belongs to the second routine class, see above).
A number of keywords should be used when calling FP_PROC,
depending on which of the interactive routines have previously been used.
The above table, valid for SHORT_AAL, also applies for FP_PROC with the
exception of the keyword relative to the DRIFT correction (which only applies
to grating LWS01 AOT).
Data reduction & analysis recipes are available
LIA is a relatively new package which is proving
extremely helpful to understand and improve the quality of the calibrated
LWS spectra. Due to its novelty, though, bugs are being found, especially
thanks to the input from the user community. Some of these may be serious
in the sense that for certain AOTs and revolution ranges, the files produced
through the LIA interactive routines may be incorrect. Identified problems
are being fixed. More details about the problems and corrected versions
of the routines are available here
LWS Home Page
LWS Home Page
Sunil D. Sidher, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Sergio Molinari, Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Chilton, DIDCOT, Oxon OX11 0QX, U.K.
MS 100-22, Pasadena CA 91125, USA
Last modified - 15 September 1999