VI. Analysis of the 2MASS Second Incremental Release Catalogs
This section contains reports from selected analyses of the
2MASS Second Incremental Release Catalogs. The analyses describe
the general properties of the contents of the Catalogs and their
characteristics in the context of the
Level 1 Science Requirements for the Survey.
Cautionary note - This section is currently assembled by linking
to various internal and external web sites. Because the external sites
are not under our control, the contents of these reports may change
and reliable access cannot be guaranteed.
Point Source Catalog
Photometric Uniformity and Sensitivity
Global Source Count Slope Maps
Photometric and Astrometric Accuracy Using Tile Overlaps
Extended Source Catalog
Analysis of Duplicate Sources in the Tile Overlap Regions
Photometric Uniformity
Point Source Catalog
PSC Completness and Reliability from Tile Overlaps
Extended Source Catalog
2MASS Galaxy Completeness
XSC Reliability
- Extended Sources in the Galactic Center
- Large Galaxies Encountered in the 2MASS
Point Source Catalog
- Comparison of
PSC Source Counts to SKY Model Predictions
Comparison Between PSC and Published Photometry for Bright Stars
2MASS Calibration Star Photometry in the Second Incremental Data Release Point Source Catalog
PSC Astrometric Accuracy from Comparison to External Catalogs
Extended Source Catalog
External Checks of 2MASS Galaxy Magnitudes
XSC Position Comparison to External Galaxy Catalogs
Number of Galaxies vs. Galactic Latitude
[Last Update: 2000 February 16 by R. Cutri. Modified 2001 Apr 24 by
S. Van Dyk]
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