December 2004 • 2004NewAR..48.1377W
Abstract • Study of radio supernovae (SNe) over the past 25 years includes two dozen detected objects and more than 100 upper limits. From this work it is possible to identify classes of radio properties, demonstrate conformance to and deviations from existing models, estimate the density and structure of the circumstellar material and, by inference, the evolution of the presupernova stellar wind, and reveal the last stages of stellar evolution before explosion. It is also possible to detect ionized hydrogen along the line of sight, to demonstrate binary properties of the stellar system, and to show clumpiness of the circumstellar material. Since 1997 the afterglow of γ-ray bursting sources (GRBs) has occasionally been detected in the radio, as well in other wavelength bands. In particular, the interesting and unusual γ-ray burst GRB 980425, almost certainly related to the radio supernova SN 1998bw, and the more recent SN 2003dh/GRB 030329 are links between the two classes of objects. Analyzing the extensive radio emission data available for SN 1998bw, one can describe its time evolution within the well established framework available for the analysis of radio emission from supernovae. This then allows relatively detailed description of a number of physical properties of the object. The radio emission can best be explained as the interaction of a mildly relativistic ( Γ ∼ 1.6) shock with a dense pre-explosion stellar wind-established circumstellar medium that is highly structured both azimuthally, in clumps or filaments, and radially, with observed density enhancements. From this we can support the conclusion that at least some members of the slow-soft class of GRBs are related to type Ib/c SNe and can be attributed to the explosion of a massive star in a dense, highly structured CSM that was presumably established by the pre-explosion stellar system. However, due to the lack of sensitivity of current radio telescopes, most supernovae cannot be studied if they are more distant than the Virgo Cluster (∼20 Mpc) or, for exceptionally luminous Type IIn supernovae, beyond ∼100 Mpc. While the GRBs are up to 4 orders-of-magnitude more radio luminous, they are also generally much more distant because of their small probability of detection in smaller volumes of space and most are at z ∼ 1. Those which are radio detected rarely exceed peak flux densities of ∼100 - 300 μJy. Such low flux densities mean that detailed study of their radio "light curves" and, derived from those light curves, the energetics and dynamics of the explosions and the properties of their progenitors and the circumburst medium is very difficult and severely limited in scope. The increased capability of the SKA to attack these problems will significantly advance the field.