September 2003 • 2003ApJ...594...25W
Abstract • In the Cardassian model, dark energy density arises from modifications to the Friedmann equation, which becomes H2=g(ρM), where g(ρM) is a new function of the energy density. The universe is flat, matter dominated, and accelerating. The distance-redshift relation predictions of generalized Cardassian models can be very different from generic quintessence models, and can be differentiated with data from upcoming pencil beam surveys of Type Ia supernovae such as Supernova/Acceleration Probe (SNAP). We have found the interesting result that, once Ωm is known to 10% accuracy, SNAP will be able to determine the sign of the time dependence of the dark energy density. Knowledge of this sign (which is related to the weak energy condition) will provide a first discrimination between various cosmological models that fit the current observational data (cosmological constant, quintessence, Cardassian expansion). Further, we have performed Monte Carlo simulations to illustrate how well one can reproduce the form of the dark energy density with SNAP. To be concrete we study a class of two-parameter (n, q) generalized Cardassian models that includes the original Cardassian model (parameterized by n only) as a special case. Examples are given of modified polytropic (MP) Cardassian models that fit current supernova and cosmic microwave background data, and prospects for differentiating between MP Cardassian and other models in future data are discussed. We also note that some Cardassian models can satisfy the weak energy condition w>-1 even with a dark energy component that has an effective equation of state wX<-1.