Index of all routines in dc-level 3

aarfilt                                 extract a filtered spectrum for a line out of an AAR
aarfilt1                                extract a filtered spectrum from an SWS01 AAR
aas_pipeline_init                       intialize pipeline or IA environment
axis_name                               Fill in the wildcarts name for the X-/Y-axis
band2det                                Convert a band to the absolute detector(s)
calstruct2arr                           Convert calibration structure to array
color_selection                         Determine plot color table per band or per detector
compare_fitskey                         Compare a key of two fits headers to set main header key
copy_flux                               Copies data within wavelength range from input to output arrays
cp_fits_string                          Copy a set of strings to one string ensuring each is 80 chars 
curfit                                  Non-linear least squares fit to a function with arbitr. params
da_symbol                               create plotting symbol for a band/aperture combination
dark_inter_method_menu                  sub widget for dark_inter to select the fit method for dark
dark_inter_plot_menu                    sub widget for dark_inter to set the plot regions
dark_inter_revise_menu                  sub widget for dark_inter to revise and massage the dark
decode_cal                              Decode the relevant part from a calfile name
default_calfile                         Get the name of the default file for a calibration name
define_aar                              Create a AAR structure
define_acs_list                         Create an empty acs_list structure, to be filled with data from the ACS database
define_aph                              Definition of the APH structure
define_cal                              Create an empty calibration structure
define_cal_select                       define the common buffer for the selected cal files
define_csh                              Definition of the CSH structure
define_erd                              Definition of the ERD structure
define_fluxtab                          Definition of the intermediate and TA flux cal. data structure
define_fppeakpos                        Definition of the FP peak position structure
define_gehk                             Definition of the GEHK structure
define_glitchlist                       Definition of the GLITCHLIST structure
define_linelist                         Create an empty linelist structure
define_lli                              Definition of the Line List structure
define_plstruc                          Create a standard internal IA plot structure
define_sctbl                            define a scan table struct
define_spd                              Definition of the SPD structure
define_upcal                            Create an empty uplink calibration structure
delete_fitskey                          Delete a keyword parameter from a FITS header
det_selection                           Decode the selected detectors or selected band
determ_range                            Determs the range of a structure by given a boolean array
determ_title                            Determs the title of a structure
erase                                   interactively throw out rogue points from an AAR
erase_points                            interactively throw out rogue points from an AAR
erdspdidx                               Establish relation between ERD and SPD by indices                         Read Frames/Bits/Words from TDF record
fill_axis                               Fill a axis tith data corespoding the structure tag_name
fits2host                               Convert numbers from FITS to HOST 
flagsel_event                           Handle the widget events
flagsel_update                          Update the flagsel widget 
flagsel_widget                          Create the widget for the flagsel routine
flat_inter                              Do highly interactive flatfield of SWS02 or SWS01 scans
get_aot_number                          Get AOT number from SPD or AAR header
get_aot_speed                           Get AOT speed information from SPD header
get_axis                                Fill a axis with data coresponding the structure tag_name
get_cal_name                            Get the full filename for a calibration file
getcaldir                               Give the directory name for calibration file given a logical
getlineflux                             Quick and dirty tool to measure line fluxes in aars
glitchhisto                             Experimental tool to study glitches and deglitching 
ia_legend                               Draws a legend near the IA plot
ia_plot_struc                           plot the intermediate plot structure (see define_plstruc)
killwait                                Dirty fudge to prevent sws02 'wait' points entering the AAR 
lib                                     hide machine dependence in library name
line_selection                          Determine plot linestyle tabel per band or per detector
list_head_str                           List a FITS header kept in a string
method_menu                             sub widget for dark_inter to select the fit method for dark
mis                                     hide machine dependence in call_external to subroutine/function
plot_info                               Creates a banner near the AAR/SPD/ERD plot
plot_menu                               sub widget for dark_inter to set the plot regions
plot_template                           Create a ERD/SPD/AAR plotwindow
psym_selection                          Determine plot symbol tabel per band or per detector
range_selection                         Determine data range selection depends of the structure size
rd_fitsfile_hdr                         Read the header from a FITS file
read_mcfitsfile_hdr                     Read the header from a MC-FITS file
revise_menu                             sub widget for dark_inter to revise and massage the dark
scroll_crearec                          Create the widgets (PLAY,STOP,NEXT) for the scrollerd routine
scroll_event                            Event handler for the routine
scroll_select                           Interactively select a plot region, marked by a box
spd_gauss                               IDL procedure to generate a simulated data to go in an spd
spd_stat                                Give a statistic overview about an SPD
statussel_event                         Handle the widget events
stimedep_base                           Time dependency table for SWS calibration files under BASE
stimedep_test                           Time dependency table for SWS calibration files under TEST
stripdet_aar                            Strip the detector-data, or line-data from the AAR structure
strtok                                  Split textstring in substring between separators
updown_inter                            Do a highly interactive up-down correction of SWS02 scans
wave_combine                            Combine multiple points with same wavelength in spectrum
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