Index of all routines in dc-level 2

a_iras_12                               IRAS 12 micron filter profile, to be read by syn_phot
aas_antimem                             Remove memory effects from the signal
aas_error                               Depending on the environment call IA error or treat errors      
aas_fc_intpol                           Perform linear interpolation conserving flux
aas_flag                                Definition of names for the bits in the `flag' field of an SPD
aas_status                              Definition of names for bits in the 'status' field of an SPD
add_history_string                      Add a given string to the history string of a given structure
add_to_timedep                          Add an entry to the timedep structure in memory
aot_to_apband                           convert aotband to aperture, detectorband, order and row 
apband_to_aot                           convert aperture and detband to aotband
avgsig                                  Calculate the statistcal parameter of an array (mean, sigma)
band_2_det                              Convert a SWS band to the absolute detector(s)
bin_struct                              Modify an AAR structure after its data has been 
binsrch                                 Do the binary seach of an array to find the index                     Check the quality of the crosstalk matrix and
checklines                              check lines identified in an spd (for grating calibration)
chk_det                                 Check if detectors specified in detmask are indeed present
chk_multix                              check if an array of x values (xscale) contains multiple
conv_detband2name                       Convert detecor/band number to the detecor/band name
copy_header                             IDL procedure to copy a header from one file to another
count_glitches                          Count the glitches per detector per reset time
create                                  Create an empty file
de_tailed_spd                           Get a de-tailed and de-glitched SPD from ERD files
decode_resethkdata                      Decode reset time from the HK data (upcommended data) 
define_timedep                          Define a timedep structure in memory
delete_from_timedep                     Delete an entry from the timedep structure in memory
deltalambda                             Calculate deltalambda
dered_corr                              compute reddening correction factor for a single datapoint
dered_getext                            Function to interpolate extinction or tau for a certain lambda
efit                                    Fit a exponantial function throught the data
efunct                                  Function called by routine EFIT
error                                   Setting a error or handle the error after the CALL_EXTERNAL      
expand_filename                         Complete a filename with an optional path
expfit                                  Fit a exponantial function throught the data
external                                wrapper around call_external
ff_edrift                               Function with exponential and linear term
ff_edrift_est                           Compute initial estimates for the parameters of ff_edrift
flux_conserv                            Perform linear interpolation conserving flux 
fpcal                                   compute new FP gap position relation
get_type                                Give the type of the given structure
glitch_viewer                           A viewing tool to analyse glitches and tails
global_startup_unix.dat                 Initialize the IDL environment for IA3
global_startup_vms.dat                  Initialise the IDL environment for IA3
gratcal                                 grating calibration
gt_modules                              A collection of tools needed by DE_TAILED_SPD and GLITCH_VIEWER
gt_set_cal_data                         Set calibration data for DE_TAILED_SPD and GLITCH_VIEWER
gtv_spd                                 Returns the SPD structure stored in the Glitch Viewer common
ias_complambda                          compute wavelength from LVDT
ias_define_aar                          Include file containing the IDL AAR structure
ias_define_acs_list                     Include file containing the IDL ACS_LIST structure
ias_define_aph                          Include file containing the IDL APH structure
ias_define_aph_byte                     Include file containing the IDL APH structure (BYTE version)
ias_define_csh                          Include file containing the IDL CSH structure
ias_define_erd                          Include file containing the IDL ERD structure
ias_define_gehk                         Include file containing the IDL GEHK structure
ias_define_glitchlist                   Include file containing the IDL glitchlist structure
ias_define_lli                          Include file containing the IDL line list structure
ias_define_spd                          Include file containing the IDL SPD structure
inter_pol                               Perform different kinds of interpolation to resample a 
iph_cq                                  Calculate celestial coordinate quaternion
iph_cv                                  Calculate celestial coordinate vector
iph_ov                                  Calculate pixel offset vector
is_aar                                  test if variable is an AAR structure
is_aph                                  test if variable is an APH structure
is_cal                                  test if variable is a CAL structure and return the name
is_csh                                  test if variable is an CSH structure
is_erd                                  test if variable is an ERD structure
is_fluxtab                              test if variable is an FLUXTAB structure
is_fppeakpos                            test if variable is an FPPEAKPOS structure
is_gehk                                 test if variable is an GEHK structure
is_gll                                  test if variable is a GLL (glitchlist) structure
is_lli                                  test if variable is a line list structure
is_qlacal                               test if variable is a QLACAL structure and return the name
is_sctbl                                test if variable is a scan table structure
is_spd                                  test if variable is an SPD structure
is_struct                               check if a given variable is a structure of kind AAR, SPD, 
is_timedep                              test if variable is an TIMEDEP structure
is_upcal                                test if variable is an UPCAL structure and return their name
itk_to_ut                               Convert the to Instrument Time Key the Universal Time
kwd_notset                              Check if a parameter is set and of the right type
lambda_to_aot                           Returns the AOT band for a given wavelength
list_timedep                            Show the contents of the timedep structure
make52                                  convert in2 into 52 element array if it is not a structure
make_detmask                            make a detector mask out of the det and band switches
make_flag                               make an SPD flag and set it to the specified value(s)
make_status                             make an SPD status word and set it to the specified value(s)
makefitlist                             make list of params to fit (or keep fixed) for wavecalibration
makeyaaarhead                           Create a real FITS header for data stored in a YAAAR
ortho_poly                              Calculates a set of orthonormal polynomials.
orthopoly                               Calculates a set of orthonormal polynomials.
parse_filename                          Parse a filename and return the individual parts
plot_legend                             Creates a legend near the AAR plot
pof_delta_times                         Produce a file from a given POF, listing the time differences
pof_summary                             Produce a summary file from a given POF.
polyint                                 Interpolate a set of N points by fitting a polynomial of 
pte_read                                Reads information on calibration conversion between 
quainv                                  Compute inverse quaternion
quamul                                  Multiply two quaternions
radec2yz                                Transform d_ra,d_dec into offset position in spacecraft frame
read_filter                             To read ascii files of photometric data into YAAAR 
read_fits_key                           Read a keyword value from a fits header                          Read an MC FITS formatted AAR 
read_timedep                            Read the time depedency file for calibration files
rebin0_spd                              select all up or down parts in a spd
redo_hdr                                Re-do the secondary FITS header for a new set of tags
restore_gtv_common                      To store the de-tailing calibration data and the Glitch Viewer data common
sap_abs                                 Perform y = abs(x) on arrays
sap_add                                 Add either a constant or another spectrum to a spectrum
sap_ckunits                             Check if the UNITS of the two AAR's are the same
sap_div                                 Divide a spectrum either by a constant or another 
sap_error                               To send a message to user.
sap_exp                                 Perform y = exp(x) on arrays (with error propagation)
sap_exp10                               Perform y = 10^x on arrays (with error propagation)
sap_keyword_set                         Check if a keyword is set. The difference to IDLs keyword_set
sap_log                                 Perform y = log(x) on arrays (natural logarithm)
sap_log10                               Perform y = log(x) on arrays (basis of log: 10)
sap_max                                 set individual points of a spectrum to maximum value of the
sap_mean                                Compute the (weighted) mean of two spectra
sap_min                                 set induvidual points of a spectrum to minimum value of
sap_mult                                multiplicate a spectrum either by a constant or another 
sap_sqrt                                Perform y = sqrt(x) on arrays
sap_sub                                 Subtract either a constant or another spectrum from a spectrum
save_gtv_common                         To store the de-tailing calibration data and the Glitch Viewer data common
search_s0                               Search FP parameter s0 
select_up_or_down                       select all up or down parts in a spd
set_cal_files                           Fill buffer with names of calfiles selected as default in IA
set_error                               Setting the level of error interaction
set_usersym                             set user defined symbols generated with
skip_long_resettime                     Skip long reset time intervals in a ERD
strrchr                                 Return the position of the _last_ occurence of a string
sws_det_area                            derive the aperture size
symgen                                  generate vectors for user defined symbols
test_flag                               test the SPD flag for the specified value(s)
test_lambda_order                       Check order and wavelength for AOTband name 
test_status                             test an SPD status word for specified value(s)
ut_to_itk                               Convert the Universal Time to the Instrument Time Key
vectra                                  Quaternion-based vector rotation
write_fits_key                          IDL procedure to write a fits keyword into the fake header
xmessage                                Send a message to the user in a widget
yz2radec                                Transform dy,dz into offset position in equatorial frame
zodi_emit                               Compute zodi emission for ISO wavelengths
zodi_flux                               Compute flux for a given temperature and wavelength
zodi_model                              Compute model of zodiacal emission
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