Index of all routines in dc-level 1
Fit a blackbody to x,y or AAR data
aa Do complete AA as in the pipeline.
aarfringe Defringing of AAR data
aas_daar Run SWS DAAR part
aas_dark Calculate and subtract darkcurrents
aas_extract_aar Put valid data, like wavelength and flux, into a flat structure.
aas_flatfield Correct for differences in Flux between detectors
aas_fluxcon Convert signal to flux.
aas_get_gain Return GAIN value (1,2,3 or not) out of the flag word
aas_respcal Wavelength dependent responsivity correction
aas_updowncal Correct for differences in up and downscans
aas_velcor Correct wavelength for the velocity of SWS w.r.t. a source
aas_write_mcaar Write an Auto Analysis Result in MC FITS format
aas_write_ta_dark Write DARK Trend Analysis Table
aas_write_ta_phot Write PHOT Trend Analysis Table
accor run Pipeline AC CORRECTION
acknowledge A widget procedure to attempt to provide a standard
add_history_string Add a given string to the history string of a given structure
antimem filter memory effects form data
aper_plot Plot an SWS aperture projected on the sky for a given
append_struct Append a IA standard structures to a given IA stand. structure
arithm Shell for the call to the subroutines which perform
ascii2yaaar Create an IDL structure from an ASCII table of
avgsig Calculate the statistcal parameter of an array (mean, sigma)
band_2_det Convert a band to the absolute detector(s)
basic_colors define basic colors
basic_styles define literal keywords for basic linestyles
basic_symbols define literal keywords for basic plot symbols
bin_struct Modify an AAR structure after its data has been
binsrch Do the binary seach of an array to find the index
cal01 Electronic Cross-talk matrix
cal01_010 Electronic Cross-talk matrix
cal02 Calibration file for RC timeconstants
cal02_010 Calibration file for RC timeconstants
cal02a Calibration file for the 0 Volt point in bitrange
cal02a_010 Calibration file for the 0 Volt point in bitrange
cal02b Calibration file for the effects of the reset pulse aftermath
cal02b_010 Calibration file for the effects of the reset pulse aftermath
cal03 Calibration file reset cutout length
cal03_010 Calibration file reset cutout length
cal04 Calibration file for amplifier limits
cal04_010 Calibration file for amplifier limits
cal05 Calibration file for switchable gain values
cal05_010 Calibration file for switchable gain values
cal06 Glitch reject levels
cal06_010 Glitch reject levels
cal07 Noise values
cal07_010 Noise values
cal08 Grating Calibration Spectrum
cal08_010 Grating Calibration Spectrum
cal08_011 Grating Calibration Spectrum
cal08_012 Grating Calibration Spectrum
cal08a_010 Grating Calibration Spectrum
cal09 LVDT-angle relation for QLA
cal09_010 LVDT-angle relation for QLA
cal11 Calibration file for fixed FP transmission peaks for FM
cal11_010 Calibration file for fixed FP transmission peaks for FM
cal12 Calibration file for position - gap relation of scanning FPs
cal12_010 Calibration file for position - gap relation of scanning FPs
cal13 Flux calibration at key wavelength
cal13_010 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_011 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_012 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_013 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_014 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_015 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_016 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_017 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_018 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_114 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_115 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_116 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_214 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal13_215 Flux calibration at key wavelength (Time Dependent)
cal16a Aperture Offsets
cal16a_010 Aperture Offsets
cal16a_011 Aperture Offsets
cal16b Element Offsets
cal16b_010 Element Offsets
cal16c Grating Constants
cal16c_010 Grating Constants
cal16d Telescope area
cal16d_010 Telescope area
cal16e Polynomial coefficients
cal16e_010 Polynomial coefficients
cal16e_011 Polynomial coefficients
cal16e_012 Polynomial coefficients
cal16e_013 Polynomial coefficients
cal16e_014 Polynomial coefficients
cal16e_015 Polynomial coefficients
cal18 Calibration file for wavelength dependent FP gaps of FM
cal18_010 Calibration file for wavelength dependent FP gaps of FM
cal19 Full Width Half Max per AOT
cal19_011 Full Width Half Max per AOT
cal20 Relative element to element responsivity
cal21_1 Dark current for reset time 1
cal21_1_010 Dark current for reset time 1
cal21_1_011 Dark current for reset time 1
cal21_2 Dark current for reset interval 2 sec
cal21_2_010 Dark current for reset interval 2 sec
cal21_2_011 Dark current for reset interval 2 sec
cal21_4 Dark current for reset interval 4 sec
cal21_4_010 Dark current for reset interval 4 sec
cal21_4_011 Dark current for reset interval 4 sec
cal21_8 Dark current for reset interval 8 sec
cal21_8_010 Dark current for reset interval 8 sec
cal22 Response to internal sources
cal22_010 Response to internal sources
cal23 Wavelength limits of bands
cal23_010 Wavelength limits of bands
cal24 Wavelength limits of apertures
cal24_010 Wavelength limits of apertures
cal25_1a Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1A
cal25_1a_010 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1A
cal25_1a_020 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1A
cal25_1a_030 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1A
cal25_1b Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1B
cal25_1b_010 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1B
cal25_1b_020 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1B
cal25_1b_030 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1B
cal25_1d Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1D
cal25_1d_010 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1D
cal25_1d_020 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1D
cal25_1d_021 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1D
cal25_1d_030 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1D
cal25_1e Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1E
cal25_1e_010 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1E
cal25_1e_020 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1E
cal25_1e_030 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 1E
cal25_2a Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 2A
cal25_2a_010 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 2A
cal25_2a_020 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 2A
cal25_2a_030 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 2A
cal25_2b Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 2B
cal25_2b_010 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 2B
cal25_2b_020 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 2B
cal25_2b_030 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 2B
cal25_2c Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 2C
cal25_2c_010 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 2C
cal25_2c_020 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 2C
cal25_2c_030 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 2C
cal25_3a Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3A
cal25_3a_010 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3A
cal25_3a_020 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3A.
cal25_3a_030 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3A.
cal25_3c Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3C
cal25_3c_010 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3C
cal25_3c_020 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3C
cal25_3c_030 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3C
cal25_3d Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3D
cal25_3d_010 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3D
cal25_3d_020 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3D
cal25_3d_030 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3D
cal25_3e Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3E
cal25_3e_010 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3E
cal25_3e_011 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3E
cal25_3e_020 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3E
cal25_3e_030 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3E
cal25_3e_031 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3E
cal25_4 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3A
cal25_4_010 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3A
cal25_4_030 Calibration file for relative spectral response of AOT band 3A
cal25_5a Calibration file for relativ spectral response of AOT band 5A
cal25_5a_010 Calibration file for relativ spectral response of AOT band 5A
cal25_5b Calibration file for relativ spectral response of AOT band 5B
cal25_5b_010 Calibration file for relativ spectral response of AOT band 5B
cal25_5c Calibration file for relativ spectral response of AOT band 5C
cal25_5c_010 Calibration file for relativ spectral response of AOT band 5C
cal25_5d Calibration file for relativ spectral response of AOT band 5D
cal25_5d_010 Calibration file for relativ spectral response of AOT band 5D
cal25_6 Calibration file for relativ spectral response of AOT band 6
cal25_6_010 Calibration file for relativ spectral response of AOT band 6
cal40 Scanner stops
cal40_010 Scanner stops
cal_select Widget tool to select calibration files
ceres_kao_spec KAO spring 1995 preliminary SED
ceres_m_bb_muell_1 Blackbody model
ceres_m_bb_muell_2 Blackbody model
ceres_m_bb_muell_3 Blackbody model
ceres_m_bb_muell_4 Blackbody model
ceres_m_bb_muell_5 Blackbody model
ceres_m_bb_muell_6 Blackbody model
ceres_m_bb_muell_7 Blackbody model
ceres_m_bb_muell_8 Blackbody model
ceres_m_stm_muell_312 Flux calibration
checkpoordets Use dark noise to check for poor detectors in long SWS02 obs.
chk_det Check if detectors specified in detmask are indeed present
chk_multix check if an array of x values (xscale) contains multiple
chk_tag Check whether a given structure containes a particular tag
chop_struc Throw away leading and trailing data frames of an SPD/ERD
cleanstruct Flag as NODATA unwanted data points from an AAR or SPD
collect collect lines for wavelength calibration
combine Combine two spectra (AAR, SPD, or ERD type).
compare_cal21_orb Plots as a function of revolution number, contents of CAL21_2
compare_cal22_orb Plots as a function of revolution number, contents of CAL22
cont_fit Interactively select continuum points and fit
contents Give an overview about an SPD structure or status BIT key
convert_qlacal25 Convert OLP calfile 25 to QLA calfile
convert_sctbl convert a SWS06/7 scan table into a pseudo SWS02 scan table
crosscor IDL shell to run Pileline part CROSS CORRCETION
cut_aar extract a subset of an AAR into a smaller AAR
cut_tdf Cuts a block of consecutive records of a (L)TDF
daar Derive Auto Analysis Result as in the pipeline.
dark subtract dark current from data
dark_inter Widget tool for interactive dark correction of SPDs
darker subtract dark currents (IDL alternative to pipeline DARK)
decode_flag Decode SPD flag
decode_reset Decode from a ERD/SPD/AAR structure the reset time interval
decode_status Decode the status of status words Get data entity from TDF file or TDF record structure
define_aotband Create and fill a structure with the SWS AOT-band definitions
define_qlacal Define QLA calfile structures
define_yaaar Define a YAAAR IDL structure
delete_file Deletes a file for specific system
dered Dereddening of AAR or line lists
dered_corr compute reddening correction factor for a single datapoint
dered_getext Function to interpolate extinction or tau for a certain lambda
derive_pulse_shape Derive the reset after pulse and/or AC-constant
disp_aar Plot an Auto Analysis Structure (SAAR, LAAR, YAAR)
drange run Pipeline DETERMINE DATA RANGE (TEST version)
dspd run Pipeline D_SPD part from ERD structure or LTDF file
dspd_currents Run currents part of pipeline D_SPD
eff_grpos Compute effective gr_pos for seconds of SWS01
extract_aar Extracts an AAR out of an SPD. Convolution of selected spectral profiles with SWS inst.profile
ffptool Widget tool to fit Fixed Fabry-Perot Scans Create (or take) TDF record and fill defined frames
filter_divide divide fluxes of an spd by a filtered version of itself
fitfun Fit a function with automatic initial estimates determination
fix_erd fix time keys on an ERD read in by READTDF
flagsel Select interactive data depending of the value of the flag(s)
flat_inter Do highly interactive flatfield of SWS01/02/06 scans
flatfield process flat fielding over an SPD
flux_conserv Perform linear interpolation conserving flux
fluxcon Does flux conversion for the in_spd.
fringes remove fringes (especially from band 3)
fscal Adjust data in an spd for frequency switch
get_aotb_index find the index in an SWS AAR of all data belonging to a
get_aperture Get aperture number from status word
get_date Return the current date in DD/MM/YY format.
get_fp_gap run Pipeline GET_FP_GAP part from SPD structure
get_grat_ang run Pipeline GET_GRAT_ANGLE part from SPD structure
get_hdrkey Read a keyword value and optionally the corresponding comment Get Y,Z offsets from an IRPH file Determine grating order from flag-word
get_struct Get the data of the structure tag_name
get_unit extract the unit(s) of one or several tags in the data Detect up/down periods of grating movement
getfplambda Calculate FP wavelength
getfppos Calculate FP position for a given lambda and FP
getlambda Calculate wavelength from LVDT
getlvdt Calculate LVDT and grating angle from wavelength
glitch_filter Set data with glitch and/or saturation to "BAD-DATA"
glue To join spectra or mini-spectra into a single spectrum Modeling the instrument profiles of SWS for input
hk_cut Program to cut multiple day files to one day files
hk_idt graph.Display/Hardcopy of SWS Housekeeping Data
hk_olp SWS Trend Analysis of HK parameters and OLP Tables
hr1457_m_cohen Composite spectrum by Martin Cohen
hr4210_iras_lrs IRAS low resolution spectrum
hr4210_u_jm Fluxes from Johnson & Mitchell 13 color photometry
hr4534_iras_psc IRAS survey data, PSC
hr4534_m_bb_morrs Blackbody energy distribution
hr4534_m_krz_morrs Kurucz model energy distribution by Pat Morris
hr4534_u_jkln_u Grating flux calibration
hr4534_u_jm Fluxes from Johnson & Mitchell 13 color photometry
hr4763_m_cohen Composite spectrum by Martin Cohen
hr5340_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data, processed by Gipsy routine lrscal.
hr5340_iras_psc IRAS Point Source Catalog fluxes
hr5340_m_bb_morrs Blackbody energy distribution
hr5340_m_cohen Composite model spectrum by Martin Cohen
hr5340_m_ham Kurucz model energy distribution by Peter Hammersley
hr5340_m_mrcs1 MARCS model energy distribution, version 1
hr5340_t_jhk_b Grating flux calibration
hr5340_t_jkl_n Grating flux calibration
hr5340_u_jm Fluxes from Johnson & Mitchell colors
hr5340_u_klm_u Fluxes from KLM photometry
hr5563_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data processed through Gipsy lrscal
hr5563_iras_psc IRAS survey data
hr5563_m_bb_morrs Blackbody derived from optical and IR photometry
hr5563_u_j_mcwill J band flux
hr5563_u_jm Fluxes from Johnson & Mitchell 13 color photometry
hr5755_iras_psc IRAS survey data
hr5755_m_bb_morrs Blackbody derived from optical and IR photometry
hr5755_m_mrcs1 Absolute calibrated spectrum of HR5755
hr5755_t_jkl_n Fluxes derived from Hammersley's GBPP narrow band photometry
hr5981_iras_psc IRAS Point Source Catalog fluxes
hr5981_m_mrcs1 MARCS model energy distribution, version1
hr5981_t_jhk_b Fluxes from GBPP broad band photometry.
hr5981_t_jkl_n Fluxes from GBPP narrow band photometry.
hr6688_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data processed through Gipsy lrscal
hr6688_iras_psc IRAS survey data
hr6688_m_bb_morrs Blackbody derived from optical and IR photometry
hr6688_m_mrcs1 Absolute calibrated spectrum of HR6688
hr6688_t_jhk_b Fluxes from GBPP broad band photometry
hr6688_t_jkl_n Fluxes derived from Hammersley's GBPP narrow band photometry
hr6688_u_jk_jm JK band fluxes
hr6688_u_jm Fluxes from Johnson & Mitchell 13 color photometry
hr6705_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data processed through Gipsy lrscal
hr6705_iras_psc IRAS survey data
hr6705_m_bb_morrs Blackbody derived from optical and IR photometry
hr6705_m_cohen Synthetic spectrum by Martin Cohen
hr6705_m_ham Kurucz model energy distribution by Peter Hammersley
hr6705_m_irfm_mrcs Absolute calibrated spectrum of HR6705
hr6705_t_jhk_b Fluxes from GBPP broad band photometry
hr6705_t_jkl_n Fluxes derived from Hammersley's GBPP narrow band photometry
hr6705_u_jm Fluxes from Johnson & Mitchell 13 color photometry
hr6705_u_klm_engel KLM band fluxes
hr7001_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data processed through Gipsy lrscal
hr7001_iras_psc IRAS survey data
hr7001_m_cohen Synthetic spectrum by Martin Cohen
hr7001_m_ham Kurucz model energy distribution by Peter Hammersley
hr7001_m_mrcs1 Absolute calibrated spectrum of HR7001
hr7001_t_jhk_b Fluxes from GBPP broad band photometry
hr7001_t_jkl_n Fluxes derived from Hammersley's GBPP narrow band photometry
hr7001_t_jklm_black JKLM band fluxes
hr7001_u_jm Fluxes from Johnson & Mitchell 13 color photometry
hr7001_u_spec_uv UV spectrum
hr7310_iras_lrs IRAS LRS spectrum processed by Gipsy routine lrscal
hr7310_iras_psc IRAS Point Source Catalog fluxes
hr7310_m_ham Kurucz model energy distribution by Peter Hammersley
hr7310_m_mrcs1 MARCS model energy distribution, version 1
hr7310_t_jkl_n Fluxes from GBPP narrow band photometry
hr7310_u_jm Fluxes from Johnson & Mitchell 13 color photometry
hr7341_iras_psc IRAS survey data
hr7341_m_ham Kurucz model energy distribution by Peter Hammersley
hr7341_m_mrcs1 Absolute calibrated spectrum of HR7341
hr7341_t_jkl_n Fluxes derived from Hammersley's GBPP narrow band photometry
hr7341_u_k_u K band flux
hr7504_iras_psc IRAS Point Source Catalog fluxes
hr7504_t_jhk_b Fluxes from GBPP broad band photometry.
hr7504_u_jm Fluxes from Johnson & Mitchell 13 color photometry
hr7504_u_k_u K band flux
hr8316_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data processed through Gipsy lrscal
hr8316_iras_psc IRAS survey data
hr8316_t_jhk_b Fluxes from GBPP broad band photometry
hr8316_u_jhklm_hes JHKLM band fluxes
hr8316_u_mir_hagen MIR broad band photometry
hr8636_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data processed through Gipsy lrscal
hr8636_iras_psc IRAS survey data
hr8636_u_jm Fluxes from Johnson & Mitchell 13 color photometry
hr8636_u_klm_engel KLM band fluxes
hr8775_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data processed through Gipsy lrscal
hr8775_iras_psc IRAS survey data
hr8775_m_bb_morrs Blackbody derived from optical and IR photometry
hr8775_m_cohen Synthetic spectrum by Martin Cohen
hr8775_t_jhk_b Fluxes from GBPP broad band photometry
hr8775_t_jkl_n Fluxes derived from Hammersley's GBPP narrow band photometry
hr8775_u_jm Fluxes from Johnson & Mitchell 13 color photometry
hr8775_u_klmn_hack KLMN band fluxes
ia_man print a manual page for an IA3 command/function/procedure
integrate_flux Integrates flux between two wavelength points.
inter_pol Perform different kinds of interpolation to resample a
irbb Calculates blackbody fluxes
irc10216_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data processed through Gipsy lrscal
irc10216_iras_psc IRAS survey data
irc10216_u_fir_comp Far IR fluxes
irc10216_u_klm_hack KLM band fluxes
irc10420_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data processed through Gipsy lrscal
irc10420_iras_psc IRAS survey data
irc10420_u_klm_thomas KLM band fluxes
is_struct check if a given variable is a structure of kind AAR, SPD,
k3-50_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data processed through Gipsy lrscal
k3-50_iras_psc IRAS survey data
k3-50_u_lm_gillett LM band fluxes
kwd_notset Check if a parameter is set and of the right type
lambdacal perform wavelength calibration
legend Interactive selection of model spectral profiles
list_cal_selection List the names of the selected cal files
list_header List a FITS header
list_tdf Lists selected events from a TDF file
lli_overview print part of the content of a linelist for overview
lli_spec plot a pseudo-spectrum to visualize linelist content
load_cal_selection Load previously saved cal_selection into memory
lt_resp_factor Determines long term responsivity factors in the SPD
make52 convert in2 into 52 element array if it is not a structure
make_detmask make a detector mask out of the det and band switches
make_sctbl extract scanning information and make a scan table structure
makeaar Generate an Auto Analysis Results with simulated (gauss) data
makeerd generate simulated erd file
makeheader Create an empty or a real FITS header for the given data
makespd generate simulated spd file
makeyaaarhead Create a real FITS header for data stored in a YAAAR
mask To mark specified data points as bad
mask_inter Inspection of SPDs and masking out of "bad" data
meannoise Compute mean and noise of data
midbit run Pipeline sps_midbit (TEST version)
mod_status Modify the status of the ERD/SPD status words
multi_fit Including help text for (english version)
multiplot Script to do all the plot action on Fits file(s) in a directory
nml-cyg_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data processed by Gipsy routine lrscal.
nml-cyg_iras_psc IRAS Point Source Catalog fluxes.
nml-cyg_m_cohen Synthetic spectrum by Martin Cohen
nml-cyg_u_klm_hack KLM band fluxes
normal To normalise a defined portion of an input spectrum to
onestring Creates one string out of (str-,int-,flt-) array elements
opfit1d Calculate orthonormal polynomial fit for 1-d data.
opfit2d Calculate orthonormal polynomial fit for 2-d data.
opfit_1d Calculate orthonormal polynomial fit for 1-d data.
opfit_2d Calculate orthonormal polynomial fit for 2-d data.
p_e_save data cube for point2extended conversion
pallas_m_bb_muell_1 Blackbody model
pallas_m_bb_muell_2 Blackbody model
patch_spd patch SPDs, e.g. remove jumps, slopes, glitch tails
planner Create a plot of month for ISO absence list
plot_flag Plot the flags per detector below a SPD plot
plot_fullflag Plot the flags of a SPD as a color image
plot_fullstatus Plot the full SPD/ERD status as color lines
plot_gehk_sws Plots SWS HK parameters from a specific GEHK file
plot_legend Creates a legend near the AAR plot
plot_phot plots photometric check(s)
plot_pulse Plots pulse shapes
plot_status Plot the status below the entire ERD/SPD/AAR plot
plotaar Plot the Auto Analysis Results
ploterd Plots the data of a ERD structure
plotspd Plots the data of a SPD structure
plotstruct Plot the key-values of one or two structures, to compare values
point2ext SWS calibration conversion between point and extended sources
polyint Interpolate a set of N points by fitting a polynomial of
position_base Auxiliary routine for GUI's to position a widget base
preselect identify lines and return the lvdt
print_sctbl print/display a scan table
printstruct Print the contents of a structure and/or a array
pulse_fit Widget tool to apply and check pulse-shape correction
pulse_selfcal (derive and) apply reset after pulse
pulse_shape run Pipeline sps_pulse_shape (TEST version)
quicklook creates an IDL script file, which allows easily to preview/print Read an STANDARD ACS ASCII file Read CSH file Read a STANDARD FITS formatted AAR Read an STANDARD FITS formatted ACS Read a STANDARD FITS formatted AOCS file Read an STANDARD FITS formatted CSH Read a STANDARD FITS formatted EOHI
read_ferd Read FITS formatted ERD files into ERD structure Read a STANDARD FITS formatted GEHK Read a STANDARD FITS formatted GLL (GLitch-List) Read a STANDARD FITS formatted IIPH file Read a STANDARD FITS formatted SPD Read a STANDARD FITS formatted ssta Read General HK Edited Raw Data Read an MC FITS formatted SPD
read_qlacal Read QLA calfile
read_tdf_header Read ERD header data from TDF file
read_upcal Reads uplink tables into IA structures
readcal Create and fill a calibration structure
readtab IDL procedure to read TA and intermediate FITS tables
readtdf Read a TDF file into ERD IDL data structure
redo_hdr Re-do the secondary FITS header for a new set of tags
resolution get (grating) resolution for point sources or filled beams.
resp_inter Interactive Responsivity Calibration via shifting
respcal Does responsivity calibration for the in_spd.
resum Combines data in an spd taken over the integration intervals
s140irs_iras_psc IRAS survey data
s140irs_kao_fir_schw 62-400 micron flux densities
s140irs_kpno_jhk_ap62 JHK band fluxes in 62 arc seconds aperture
s140irs_kpno_jhk_ap9 JHK band fluxes in 9.1 arc seconds aperture
sap prepare ISAP history handling
sap_abs Perform y = abs(x) on arrays
sap_add Add either a constant or another spectrum to a spectrum
sap_ckunits Check if a parameter is set and of the right type
sap_div Divide a spectrum either by a constant or another
sap_error To send a message to user.
sap_exp Perform y = exp(x) on arrays (with error propagation)
sap_exp10 Perform y = 10^x on arrays (with error propagation)
sap_keyword_set Check if a keyword is set. The difference to IDLs keyword_set
sap_log Perform y = log(x) on arrays (natural logarithm)
sap_log10 Perform y = log(x) on arrays (basis of log: 10)
sap_max set individual points of a spectrum to maximum value of the
sap_mean Compute the (weighted) mean of two spectra
sap_min set induvidual points of a spectrum to minimum value of
sap_mult multiplicate a spectrum either by a constant or another
sap_rebin Perform resampling (=rebinning =interpolation) of an AAR
sap_rfits To read a fits file into an AAR structure
sap_shift To normalise a single scan to a given detector by
sap_sqrt Perform y = sqrt(x) on arrays
sap_sub Subtract either a constant or another spectrum from a spectrum
sap_wfits To write a fits file from an SAAR, LAAR, or YAAAR structure
saturn_m_ap34_15 Model energy distribution by Th. Enraecez
saturn_m_ap34_16 Model energy distribution by Th. Enraecez
saturn_m_ap34_17 Model energy distribution by Th. Enraecez
save_cal_selection Save the settings for selecting calibration files
scale_define compute a new x-scale (e.g. the reference wavelengths
scaleplot Interactive scaling (by mouse) of a plot
scrollerd Interactive routine to show ERD/SPD data
sed2saar Create an AAR from an ASCII table of [wave, flux(, stdev)]
select select records of an IA structure into a new (shorter) one
select_in_plot Interactively select two points in a plot
set_usersym set user defined symbols generated with
setcaldir Use a different directory for the default set of calfiles
setup_cal setup a calibration file for pipeline module
shiftscans Shift all repeated scans of a line to consistent level
showstruct Show the contents of a structure
shrink_array Function to reduce array to an array consisting
sigclip Perform sigma clipping on an AAR or SPD
slope run Pipeline SLOPE
sm_airy Smooth SPD or AAR using a lorentzian filter
sm_box Smooth SPD or AAR using a boxcar/square hat filter
sm_gauss Smooth SPD or AAR using a gaussian filter
sm_median Smooth SPD or AAR using a median filter
spect_form convert the flux data in an aar to new units
squit close ISAP history handling at the end of a session
st-her_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data as processed through Gipsy lrscal
st-her_iras_psc IRAS survey data
st-her_u_lm_u Fluxes taken from the Gezari Catalogue
start_hardcopy Start redirection of plots to the hardcopy device
statussel Select interactive data depending of the value of the status
statussel_update Update the statussel widget
statussel_widget Create the widget for the statussel routine
stdevclip clip potential glitches indicated by high stdev or outlier flux
stop_hardcopy Stop redirection plots to hardcopy device, set to screen
sws01_demo demonstrate the interactive reduction of an SWS01 AAR Computes SWS beam profiles
sws_flatfield Flatfield all separate det scans per AOT band, line
sws_grid Create an AAR with a wavelength grid based either on
sws_rebin Rebin an AAR onto a predefined grid or on a grid
swsbb Calculates blackbody fluxes
symgen generate vectors for user defined symbols
syn_phot To produce synthetic photometry on IS0 SWS/LWS spectra
tailclip Clip potential glitch tails in band 4
tippex To replace specified fluxes with interploated values
update_cal01 Update the calibration-G file of cal01
update_cal02 Update the calibration-G file of cal02
update_cal03 Update the calibration-G file of cal3 for cutout reset-length
update_cal04 Update the calibration-G file cal4
update_cal05 Update the calbration file type 5, switchable gain factors
update_cal06 Update the calbration file type 6
update_cal07 Update the calbration file type 7
update_cal08 Update the calbration file type 8
update_cal09 Update the calbration file type 9
update_cal13 Update the calibration-G file of cal13
update_cal16a Update the calibration-G file cal16a
update_cal16b Update the calibration-G file cal16b
update_cal16c Update the calibration-G file cal16c
update_cal16d Update the calibration-G file cal16d
update_cal16e Update the calibration-G file CAL16E
update_cal18 Update the calibration-G file cal18
update_cal21 Update the calibration-G file cal21
update_cal22 Update the calibration-G file CAL22
update_cal23 Update the calibration-G file CAL23
update_cal24 Update the calibration-G file of cal24
update_cal25 Update the calibration-G file of cal25_1/_2/_3/_4/_5/_6
update_cal30 Update the calibration-G file cal30
update_cal39 Update the calibration-G file cal39
update_detect Updates uplink table s_detect
update_fp35 Updates uplink table s_fp35
update_fpdriv Updates uplink table s_fpdriv
update_gr6 Updates uplink table s_gr6
update_history write history information into the history tag of a given
update_lrscan Updates uplink table s_lrscan
update_lrsens Updates uplink table s_lrsens
update_qlacal Update the QLA calibration file
updown1_inter Do a highly interactive up-down correction of SWS01 scans
updown_inter Do a highly interactive up-down correction of SWS02 scans
updowncal Adjust data in an spd for up-down calibration
uranus_m_lell_9611 Synthetic Uranus spectrum by E. Lellouch
uranus_u_fir_u Far IR fluxes
vel_prof Convert a Spectrum (AAR) from wavelength to velocity space
velcor perform velocity correction for an SPD
viewstruct View an SPD/ERD/AAR image
w-hya_u_mir_hagen MIR broad band photometry
w51-irs2_iras_lrs IRAS LRS data processed through Gipsy lrscal
w51-irs2_iras_psc IRAS survey data
w51-irs2_u_fir_thron Far IR fluxes
w51-irs2_u_lm_gillett LM band fluxes
wav_dop Correct wavelengths in AAR for shifts due to radial velocity
wave run Pipeline wave (TEST version)
wave_form convert the wavelength data in an aar to new units
which_cal_name Return a valid cal filename for a start-of-observation time
write2hist write a comment into the history tag of a given
write_fitstable Write an IA struct as a FITS table file
write_hdrkey Write a keyword value and optionally the corresponding comment
write_qlacal Write QLA calfile
write_upcal Writes UPCAL structures into uplink tables
x_lamb_lvdt call getlambda and getlvdt in a widget environment
x_scsset_fppos show scanner-setups and FP-positions in a widget environment
x_sws_temp show sws-temperatures in a widget environment
xmod_header Widget tool to modify header items of IA structures
zodiacal Compute zodiacal light model for an SWS AAR
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