Up-to-date Processing

Pipeline 8 calibration files (RSRF: LCGR.FITS; CAL25*030.FITS) are available from the /isap/data area using the FITS Read option.

The "Dark" option of Shift for LWS will use the appropriate pipeline (7 or 8) RSRF file.

Files From Other Spectrometers - Generalized Routines

Read-in capability now exists for CAM-CVF data (in conjunction with CIA routines) and improved read-in capability exists for PHT-S data.

The transmission profiles for the SIRTF instruments: IRAC (InfraRed Array Camera) and MIPS (Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF) are now available in their preliminary versions in the Synthetic Photometry package. (Refer to the User's Manuals for IRAC and MIPS for more details and updates.)

Routines now exist that read in simple ASCII spectra, and many routines have been modified to operate on such spectra and require few or no keywords. See Documentation available in /doc/recipes and on the ISAP home page.

The internal "Feeder-merger" routine is now used for the advanced routines: Average; Clip; Smooth; Norm; Rebin. Feeder-merger strips away  the YAAAR data structure before processing arrays, and reassembles the structure afterward. Thus, these advanced routines now process simple arrays, and in principle, may be used independently of ISAP.


The user may now apply a "Small source to Large source Correction" for LWS data (a new special function). Standard pipeline (OLP 7,8) data always contains the former.

The user may now apply an aperture vs. wavelength correction for LWS, as a refined correction to the standard Pipeline processing (for OLP 7,8)

Zodiacal Light

The Zodiacal light predictor (based on the J. Good IRAS Model) has been generalized to handle spectra from ISO or any other mission, so long as FITS keywords for RA, Dec, and Date are present.

The Zodiacal light predictor can re-introduce the FIR offsets found in the IRAS dataset, as a function of wavelength.

Line Fit

Lorentzian fitting is now supported (which is useful for PAH's in CAM, etc.)

The enhanced line list in line-fit now includes many mid-IR Unidentified Bands (aka PAHs) and some FIR Unidentified Lines

multiple lines can now be fit while freeing one lambda and constraining a fixed delta lambda to exist between fitted components

Flux vs. Intensity (or Brightness)

Flux per steradian (Intensity) is now allowed as a unit and is carried through routines

The user may now convert between intensity and flux, by specifying aperture.


There is an enhanced Shift routine that handles lines and scans as desired (to obtain mean values, overlap values, etc.) - a convenience for SWS, and LWS processing.

New Clipping Routine

The User may clip many sigma data points without averaging using the standalone graphical Clip routine.

Adding Tags

New tags may be added to structures (a special function).

Merging Data Sets

There is now convenient merging of groups of spectra - under Special Functions at the lower right on the main window.

Window Layout

To help with situations where ISAP windows overflow a user's screen, resizable plot windows are now enabled. Also, there exists a window scroll bar option in the start-up file. (See the WEB page: known bugs) Finally, better widget layouts of rebin and average have been implemented.

Other New Conveniences

There is the new option to identify "sticky" or preselected functions. These allow operations such as data zapping, selecting, etc. to be repeated without respecifying the function each time. The Preselect button is located at the lower right on the main window.

When there are dual plots, side by side, the user may now bring the range of one plot to the other with the "Copied Range" button

The stored data sets are now listed on a scrolled window


There are now updated and improved reduction recipes for LWS and SWS delivered in the /isap/doc/recipes area

All of the existing Web Documentation is delivered as postscript files in the /isap/doc/user_man area

A Programmer's Manual is delivered in postscript for future developers in the /isap/doc/prog_man area (although the online html version contains links).

Last Modified  19-May-2000