Bits set | Meaning | Value |
2^0 | 1 glitch | 1 |
2^1 | 2 glitches | 2 |
2^0+2^1 | multiple glitches | 3 |
2^2 | Partly out of limit | 4 |
2^3 | All points out of limit | 8 |
2^4 | No data | 16 |
1*2^5 (2^5) | Grating order 1 | 32 |
2*2^5 (2^6) | Grating order 2 | 64 |
3*2^5 (2^5+2^6) | Grating order 3 | 96 |
4*2^5 (2^7) | Grating order 4 | 128 |
7*2^5 (2^5+2^6+2^7) | Multiple orders | 224 |
2^8 | Free | 256 |
1*2^9 | Gain 1 | 512 |
2*2^9 (2^10) | Gain 2 | 1024 |
3*2^9 (2^9+2^10) | Gain 3 | 1536 |
2^11 to 2^29 | Free | --- |
2^30 | MASK bit (for ISAP) | 2^30 |
0 | glitch |
1 | saturation |
2,3,4 | number of mini-ramps |
5,6,7 | % good data |
8 | invalid data |
9 | spectral response error |
10 | active detector |
11 | out of band flag |
12-14 | spare |
15 | FPS/FPL flag |
16-23 | spare |
24 | invalid photocurrent |
The invalid data flag indicates that the flux value is not valid. This flag will be set if the SPD contained no data for this point, or an error occurred during the spectral responsivity correction stage (see below), or if the invalid photocurrent flag is set (see below). If the 'percentage data' field in the SPD status word is set to 0 then there was no SPD data for this point. This is usually due to data being discarded due to glitches. The spectral responsivity error flag indicates that either no responsivity value could be found in the calibration files for this point, or that the responsivity value found was set to zero. The active detector flag indicates for L02 and L04 AOTs if this detector is the `active' detector. For these AOTs only one detector can be active at any one time. For L01, L03 and photometric L02 AOTs this flag is not applicable and will not be set for any detector. ting spectral responsivity warning flag indicates data points which are poorly calibrated. Any points with this flag set should only be used for wavelength identification of features. The invalid photocurrent flag indicates that the value of the detector photocurrent from the SPD data was outside the acceptable range for this observation. This flag is set when the photocurrent value is a negative value which is less than -1 times the absolute value of the dark current/straylight. Invalid photocurrent values may be caused by glitches which have not been detected.