<=== observer ===>
"Taniguchi, Y.",\
"Astronomical Institute",\
"Tohoku University",\
"Aramaki, Aoba",\
" 81  22 2221800 ",\
" 81  22 2612806 ",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"galaxy formation",\
"normal galaxies",\
"elliptical galaxies",\
"starburst galaxies",\
"large scale structure"},\
{"Okuda, H.",\
"Matsumoto, T.",\
"Wakamatsu, K.",\
"Kawara, K.",\
"Cowie, L.",\
"Joseph, R.",\
"Sanders, D.",\
"Chambers, K.",\
"Wynn-Williams G.",\
"Sofue, Y.",\
"Matsuhara, H.",\
"Sato, Y.",\
"Desert, X."}

<=== title ===>
A Search for Primeval Galaxies and Quasars

<=== abstract ===>

We are proposing "A Search for Primeval Galaxies and Quasars,"
which consists of the following two surveys.

1. ISOCAM Deep Survey for PGs (Primeval Galaxies):
The 7 micron filter (LW2) is used to search for PGs. Under the reasonable
flat field error a = 0.0003, it is possible to detect bright PGs such as
forming ellipticals in a normal mass range. The LW2 would enable us to detect
such PGs at a 5 sigma level even if they are obscured by Av = 9. Since deep
K-band imaging is being taken in target fields on the UH 2.2 m telescope,
PG candidates can be recognized by their extreme [K-7 micron] color.

2.ISOPHOT Deep Survey for PQs (Primeval QSOs):
The C_90 and C_160 bands are used to search for ultra-luminous IR galaxies
at high-redshifts. According to a scenario of QSO formation proposed by
one of us (Sanders et al. 1988), a merger between two gas-rich galaxies
would evolve into a QSO after an ultra-luminous IR galaxy phase. If this is
the case and the peak of the QSO volume density around z = 2 is caused by
QSO formation taken beyond z = 2, we could detect many ultra-luminous IR
galaxies as PQs, thus this ISOPHOT survey providing a critical test on
QSO formation at high-redshifts.


1. ISOCAM Deep Survey for PGs

This project will be made for four 3' x 3' fields, namely, 1) LH-NW, 2) LH-SW
(HI miniumum points in the Lockman Hole), 3) SSA13, and 4) SSA22.
Deep optical and K-band images have already been taken in fields 3) and 4)
by Cowie et al., and the similar observations are in progress for fields
1) and 2) by Taniguchi et al. We predict a few PGs to be detected with
the following observational parameters.
To obtain ultra-deep ISOCAM images at a 5 sigma flux level of 10 microJy,
we require an on-source integration time more than 5 hours by assuming
flat-fielding accuracy of 1e-4. In this sense, this observation is the most
ambitious and thus risky among ISO projects. We would therefore like to
intimately communicate with the ISOCAM consortium team before and after launch.

The LW2 will be used with 6" pixels in the microscanning mode. A 3' x 3' area
with complete sampling can be made by 16 x 16 rasters combined with a 2"
microslew along the spacecraft axes. Four readouts with 20 sec fundamental
integration time are made at each raster point to reach the faintest flux level
under the stable phase of detector. It takes 7.5 hours to complete a 3' x 3'
area down to 12 microJy flux. Hence, it requires 30 hours to complete
four 3' x 3' fields.

2. ISOPHOT Deep survey for PQs

The volume density of ultra-luminous IR galaxies and that of QSOs are much
smaller than that of galaxies. It is thus essential to observe a large area
to find PQs if they are ultra-luminous IR galaxies beyond z = 2.
One 1.8 sq. deg. field at LH-W and one 0.6 sq. deg. field at LH-E will
be mapped by using C_90 and C_160 ISOPHOT bands, thus covering 2.4 sq. deg.
in total. The HI column density in the Lockman Hole is the smallest in the sky
(4.4 x 1e19 cm-2), which allows us to make cirrus-free maps. Our model
calculation shows about 30 PQs detected in this observation.

The oversampling factors of PHT32 are set to 1/2 for C_90 and 1 for C_160.
An area of 0.6 sq. deg. can be covered by 32 x 32 rasters with a 92" raster step
in the spacecraft Y and Z axes. The integration time is 16 seconds at each
raster point. In the chopping mode, the effective integration time at each
point is then 36 and 64 seconds for the C_90 and C_160, respectively.
The limiting fluxes at a 5 sigma level are expected to be 6.7 mJy for C_90 and
13mJy for C_160, which is just above the galaxy confusion level. It takes
7 hours to map one 0.6 sq. deg. area at each band. Hence, we require 42 hours
to obtain one two-color map at LH-W and 14 hours at LH-E, resulting 56 hours
in total including overheads.

Because of our restricted knowledge of the orientation of the spacecraft axes,
the coordinates given in the AOT are tentative, which were simply derived by
assuming the axes are parallel to the celestial coordinates axes. Rather than
making many separate, tiny maps, we need to have one continuous two-color map
in each field. So we must modify the coordinates in the AOT once the orientation
is known after launch.

It should noted that each ISOCAM image in the Lockman Hole will be taken at
four opportunities for autumn launch and one SSA13 ISOCAM image will be also
taken at four opportunities for spring launch, because their visibilities are
typically a few hours. The same applies to the ISOPHOT observation for autumn
launch; LH-W and LH-E will be observed at nine and two opportunites,

<=== scientific_justification ===>
Time distribution for autumn launch targets:

        Team      top 40%     second 30%   last 30%    Total
        JPN   :    118556       90748       73069      282373

Time distribution for spring launch targets:

        Team      top 40%     second 30%   last 30%    Total
        JPN   :    128261      100936       71407      300604

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
 1, "CAM01", 1., "N", "LH-NW_LW2_1     ", 10.51294, +58.03286, 1950, 0., 0.,  6880,  0
 2, "CAM01", 1., "N", "LH-NW_LW2_2     ", 10.51294, +58.03731, 1950, 0., 0.,  6880,  0
 3, "CAM01", 1., "N", "LH-NW_LW2_3     ", 10.51350, +58.03286, 1950, 0., 0.,  6880,  0
 4, "CAM01", 1., "N", "LH-NW_LW2_4     ", 10.51350, +58.03731, 1950, 0., 0.,  6880,  0
 5, "CAM01", 2., "N", "LH-SW_LW2_1     ", 10.59169, +56.71861, 1950, 0., 0.,  6880,  0
 6, "CAM01", 2., "N", "LH-SW_LW2_2     ", 10.59169, +56.72306, 1950, 0., 0.,  6880,  0
 7, "CAM01", 2., "N", "LH-SW_LW2_3     ", 10.59223, +56.71861, 1950, 0., 0.,  6880,  0
 8, "CAM01", 2., "N", "LH-SW_LW2_4     ", 10.59223, +56.72306, 1950, 0., 0.,  6880,  0
 9, "CAM01", 1., "N", "SSA13_LW2       ", 13.16700, +43.00916, 1950, 0., 0., 26080,  0
10, "CAM01", 3., "N", "SSA22_LW2       ", 22.25027, -00.00250, 1950, 0., 0., 26080,  0
11, "PHT32", 1., "N", "LH-W__C90_a1    ", 10.52461, +58.03286, 1950, 0., 0.,  8217,  0
12, "PHT32", 1., "N", "LH-W__C90_a2    ", 10.52461, +57.62397, 1950, 0., 0.,  8217,  0
13, "PHT32", 1., "N", "LH-W__C90_a3    ", 10.52517, +57.21508, 1950, 0., 0.,  8217,  0
14, "PHT32", 1., "N", "LH-W__C90_a4    ", 10.57551, +57.62397, 1950, 0., 0.,  8217,  0
15, "PHT32", 2., "N", "LH-W__C90_a5    ", 10.57551, +57.21508, 1950, 0., 0.,  8217,  0
16, "PHT32", 2., "N", "LH-W__C90_a6    ", 10.57551, +56.80619, 1950, 0., 0.,  8217,  0
17, "PHT32", 3., "N", "LH-W__C90_a7    ", 10.62642, +57.62397, 1950, 0., 0.,  8217,  0
18, "PHT32", 3., "N", "LH-W__C90_a8    ", 10.62585, +57.21508, 1950, 0., 0.,  7785,  0
19, "PHT32", 3., "N", "LH-W__C90_a9    ", 10.62530, +56.80619, 1950, 0., 0.,  7785,  0
20, "PHT32", 2., "N", "LH-E__C90_a1    ", 10.76434, +57.62556, 1950, 0., 0.,  7785,  0
21, "PHT32", 2., "N", "LH-E__C90_a2    ", 10.86616, +57.62556, 1950, 0., 0.,  7785,  0
22, "PHT32", 1., "N", "LH-W__C160_a1   ", 10.52461, +58.03286, 1950, 0., 0.,  8022,  0
23, "PHT32", 1., "N", "LH-W__C160_a2   ", 10.52461, +57.62397, 1950, 0., 0.,  8022,  0
24, "PHT32", 1., "N", "LH-W__C160_a3   ", 10.52517, +57.21508, 1950, 0., 0.,  8022,  0
25, "PHT32", 1., "N", "LH-W__C160_a4   ", 10.57551, +57.62397, 1950, 0., 0.,  8022,  0
26, "PHT32", 2., "N", "LH-W__C160_a5   ", 10.57551, +57.21508, 1950, 0., 0.,  8022,  0
27, "PHT32", 2., "N", "LH-W__C160_a6   ", 10.57551, +56.80619, 1950, 0., 0.,  8022,  0
28, "PHT32", 3., "N", "LH-W__C160_a7   ", 10.62642, +57.62397, 1950, 0., 0.,  8022,  0
29, "PHT32", 3., "N", "LH-W__C160_a8   ", 10.62585, +57.21508, 1950, 0., 0.,  7590,  0
30, "PHT32", 3., "N", "LH-W__C160_a9   ", 10.62530, +56.80619, 1950, 0., 0.,  7590,  0
31, "PHT32", 2., "N", "LH-E__C160_a1   ", 10.76434, +57.62556, 1950, 0., 0.,  7590,  0
32, "PHT32", 2., "N", "LH-E__C160_a2   ", 10.86616, +57.62556, 1950, 0., 0.,  7590,  0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
 1, "CAM01", 1., "N", "LH-NW_LW2       ", 10.51294, +58.03286, 1950, 0., 0., 26080,  0
 2, "CAM01", 2., "N", "LH-SW_LW2       ", 10.59169, +56.71861, 1950, 0., 0., 26080,  0
 3, "CAM01", 1., "N", "SSA13_LW2_1     ", 13.16700, +43.00916, 1950, 0., 0.,  6880,  0
 4, "CAM01", 1., "N", "SSA13_LW2_2     ", 13.16700, +43.01360, 1950, 0., 0.,  6880,  0
 5, "CAM01", 1., "N", "SSA13_LW2_3     ", 13.16740, +43.00916, 1950, 0., 0.,  6880,  0
 6, "CAM01", 1., "N", "SSA13_LW2_4     ", 13.16740, +43.01360, 1950, 0., 0.,  6880,  0
 7, "CAM01", 3., "N", "SSA22_LW2       ", 22.25027, -00.00250, 1950, 0., 0., 26080,  0
 8, "PHT32", 1., "N", "LH-W__C90_s1    ", 10.53104, +58.03286, 1950, 0., 0., 25017,  0
 9, "PHT32", 2., "N", "LH-W__C90_s2    ", 10.56137, +57.26619, 1950, 0., 0., 25017,  0
10, "PHT32", 3., "N", "LH-W__C90_s3    ", 10.59169, +56.49953, 1950, 0., 0., 22761,  0
11, "PHT32", 2., "N", "LH-E__C90       ", 10.81525, +57.62556, 1950, 0., 0., 25017,  0
12, "PHT32", 1., "N", "LH-W__C160_s1   ", 10.53104, +58.03286, 1950, 0., 0., 24822,  0
13, "PHT32", 1., "N", "LH-W__C160_s2   ", 10.56137, +57.26619, 1950, 0., 0., 24822,  0
14, "PHT32", 3., "N", "LH-W__C160_s3   ", 10.59169, +56.49953, 1950, 0., 0., 22566,  0
15, "PHT32", 2., "N", "LH-E__C160      ", 10.81525, +57.62556, 1950, 0., 0., 24822,  0