<=== observer ===>
"Klaas, U.",\
"Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie",\
"Koenigstuhl 17",\
"49 6221 528353",\
"49 6221 528246",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"active galactic nuclei","starburst galaxies"},\
{"B. Schulz","C. Telesco","H. Hippelein","H. Kruger","J. Fried","R. Chini",\
"R. Joseph","J.Rodriguez Espinoza","M. Wells"}

<=== title ===>
The IR Energy Distributions of Ultraluminous Galaxies
Part 1

<=== abstract ===>
We propose to use ISOPHOT to observe a sample of 31 ultraluminous galaxies.
These objects have been selected from the QMW IRAS Galaxy Catalogue (QIGC,
MNRAS 253, 485) fulfilling the criteria to have IR luminosities greater than
1.E+12 L<sun> and to be brighter than 3 Jy at 60 micron. In addition we will
observe the most luminous IR galaxy known, F10214+4724 with 3.E+14 L<sun>
(Nature 351). The ultraluminous galaxies are central to the debate about the
nature of the sources that generate this enormous power. Using ten ISOPHOT
passbands, we will define the spectral energy distributions of our sample in
the range 10-200 micron. The increased knowledge of the spectral energy
distributions provided by these observations will permit an examination for
active nuclei (hidden quasars), which, based on lower-luminosity archetypes,
could produce an emission component peaking in the 10-30 micron region. Hidden
populations of young stars should be evident at longer wavelengths. These data
will provide the basis for detailed radiative transfer calculations which will
describe the environments of the power sources, and they will also permit
estimates to be made of the total dust mass contributing to various parts of
the spectral energy distribution, particlularly the virtually unexplored region
between 120 an 240 micron.

The ten passbands are P_10, P_11.5, P_16, P_25, C_60, C_90, C_120, C_135,
C_180 and C_200. The ratio I(P_10)/I(P_11.5) will tell about the potential
existence of a deep 9.7 micron absorption feature. All passbands from 11.5 to
200 micron will be used to assess the IR energy distribution. For the P band
measurements the 52 arcsec aperture will be used which is best matched to the
total size of most objects in order to measure their integral flux. The P band
measurements will be chopped using rectangular chopper mode due to the low
contrast of source and background. The steep increase of the source flux
towards longer wavelengths makes PHT-C measurements in chopped mode unfeasible.
Instead they are performed in sparse map mode with one pointing on the target
and a second pointing on an off-position in order to obtain the background
contribution. Two sparse maps have to be performed per target, one each for the
C100 and C200 filter passbands. The epected source fluxes between 60 and 200
micron are well above the confusion limits (except for F10214+4724, see below)
so that no special measurement provisions are necessary. In order to measure
the complete spectrum of each source a CONCATENATED sequence of the AOTs
P03-P37-P39-P37-P39 is chosen. Exposure times will be 64 sec (32 sec on-source)
for the three shortest wavelengths and 32 sec (16 sec on-source) for the
remaining ones. At 10 and 11.5 micron fluxes of 40 mJy can be measured with
S/N = 3-5. For the longer wavelengths calculations of the photon noise give
always sufficiently high S/N ratios of 10-1000, however longer exposure times
have been selected to account for detector drift effects.
Because F10214+4724 is significantly fainter than all the other objects
(190 mJy at 60 um) the PHT-C array measurements will be done in a different
manner in order to suppress a possible cirrus confusion. Using AOT P32 a
linear scan on a 4 times 1 raster will be performed in each filter. Because
multi-filter maps can only be performed with the same detector, a combination
of C100 and C200 filters yields a concatenated sequence of P03-P32-P32 for
this object. The integration time per raster point has been taken as 65 sec
for C100 (13 chopper steps) and 49 sec for C200 (7 chopper steps).

<=== scientific_justification ===>
(Time tables includes times of part1 and part2)

Time distribution for autumn launch targets:

 Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%
  PHT:    10756        4528         4528
  SOT:     5660        6792         5660
total:    16416       11320        10188

Time distribution for spring launch targets:

 Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%
  PHT:    10756        4528         4528
  SOT:     5660        6792         5660
total:    16416       11320        10188

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
   1, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "0019-7426                     ",  0.33233,  -74.43611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,   2
   2, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0019-7426                     ",  0.33233,  -74.43611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,   3
   3, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0019-7426 sky                 ",  0.33233,  -74.38611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,   4
   4, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0019-7426                     ",  0.33233,  -74.43611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,   5
   5, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0019-7426 sky                 ",  0.33233,  -74.38611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
   6, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "0026+4251                     ",  0.43719,   42.86278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,   7
   7, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "0026+4251                     ",  0.43719,   42.86278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,   8
   8, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "0026+4251 sky                 ",  0.43719,   42.91278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,   9
   9, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "0026+4251                     ",  0.43719,   42.86278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  10
  10, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "0026+4251 sky                 ",  0.43719,   42.91278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  11, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "0306-5346                     ",  3.11481,  -53.77806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  12
  12, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "0306-5346                     ",  3.11481,  -53.77806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  13
  13, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "0306-5346 sky                 ",  3.11481,  -53.72806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  14
  14, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "0306-5346                     ",  3.11481,  -53.77806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  15
  15, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "0306-5346 sky                 ",  3.11481,  -53.72806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  16, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "1211+0305                     ", 12.18672,    3.08917, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  17
  17, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "1211+0305                     ", 12.18672,    3.08917, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  18
  18, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "1211+0305 sky                 ", 12.18672,    3.13917, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  19
  19, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "1211+0305                     ", 12.18672,    3.08917, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  20
  20, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "1211+0305 sky                 ", 12.18672,    3.13917, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  21, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "MK231                         ", 12.90131,   57.14417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  22
  22, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "MK231                         ", 12.90131,   57.14417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  23
  23, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "MK231     sky                 ", 12.90131,   57.09417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  24
  24, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "MK231                         ", 12.90131,   57.14417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  25
  25, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "MK231     sky                 ", 12.90131,   57.09417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  26, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "MK273                         ", 13.71433,   56.13722, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  27
  27, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "MK273                         ", 13.71433,   56.13722, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  28
  28, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "MK273     sky                 ", 13.71433,   56.18722, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  29
  29, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "MK273                         ", 13.71433,   56.13722, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  30
  30, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "MK273     sky                 ", 13.71433,   56.18722, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  31, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "MK463                         ", 13.89436,   18.61611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  32
  32, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "MK463                         ", 13.89436,   18.61611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  33
  33, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "MK463     sky                 ", 13.89436,   18.66611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  34
  34, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "MK463                         ", 13.89436,   18.61611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  35
  35, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "MK463     sky                 ", 13.89436,   18.66611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  36, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "1434-1447                     ", 14.58119,  -14.79028, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  37
  37, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "1434-1447                     ", 14.58119,  -14.79028, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  38
  38, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "1434-1447 sky                 ", 14.58119,  -14.74028, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  39
  39, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "1434-1447                     ", 14.58119,  -14.79028, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  40
  40, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "1434-1447 sky                 ", 14.58119,  -14.74028, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  41, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "1437-3651                     ", 14.63150,  -36.86222, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  42
  42, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1437-3651                     ", 14.63150,  -36.86222, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  43
  43, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1437-3651 sky                 ", 14.63150,  -36.81222, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  44
  44, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1437-3651                     ", 14.63150,  -36.86222, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  45
  45, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1437-3651 sky                 ", 14.63150,  -36.81222, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  46, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "1524+1019                     ", 15.40914,   10.32306, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  47
  47, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "1524+1019                     ", 15.40914,   10.32306, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  48
  48, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "1524+1019 sky                 ", 15.40914,   10.37306, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  49
  49, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "1524+1019                     ", 15.40914,   10.32306, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  50
  50, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "1524+1019 sky                 ", 15.40914,   10.37306, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  51, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "1525+3609                     ", 15.41756,   36.15056, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  52
  52, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "1525+3609                     ", 15.41756,   36.15056, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  53
  53, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "1525+3609 sky                 ", 15.41756,   36.20056, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  54
  54, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "1525+3609                     ", 15.41756,   36.15056, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  55
  55, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "1525+3609 sky                 ", 15.41756,   36.20056, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  56, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "ARP 220                       ", 15.54619,   23.66944, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  57
  57, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "ARP 220                       ", 15.54619,   23.66944, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  58
  58, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "ARP 220   sky                 ", 15.54619,   23.71944, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  59
  59, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "ARP 220                       ", 15.54619,   23.66944, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  60
  60, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "ARP 220   sky                 ", 15.54619,   23.71944, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  61, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "1546-0450                     ", 15.77156,   -4.84056, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  62
  62, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1546-0450                     ", 15.77156,   -4.84056, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  63
  63, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1546-0450 sky                 ", 15.77156,   -4.79056, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  64
  64, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1546-0450                     ", 15.77156,   -4.84056, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  65
  65, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1546-0450 sky                 ", 15.77156,   -4.79056, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  66, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "1609-0139                     ", 16.15119,   -1.65750, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  67
  67, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1609-0139                     ", 16.15119,   -1.65750, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  68
  68, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1609-0139 sky                 ", 16.15119,   -1.60750, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  69
  69, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1609-0139                     ", 16.15119,   -1.65750, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  70
  70, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1609-0139 sky                 ", 16.15119,   -1.60750, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  71, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "N6240                         ", 16.84103,    2.48278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  72
  72, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "N6240                         ", 16.84103,    2.48278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  73
  73, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "N6240     sky                 ", 16.84103,    2.53278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  74
  74, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "N6240                         ", 16.84103,    2.48278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  75
  75, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "N6240     sky                 ", 16.84103,    2.53278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  76, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "1720-0014                     ", 17.34672,   -0.23806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  77
  77, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "1720-0014                     ", 17.34672,   -0.23806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  78
  78, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "1720-0014 sky                 ", 17.34672,   -0.18806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  79
  79, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "1720-0014                     ", 17.34672,   -0.23806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  80
  80, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "1720-0014 sky                 ", 17.34672,   -0.18806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,  0
  81, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "1809+0130                     ", 18.15147,    1.51528, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  82
  82, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "1809+0130                     ", 18.15147,    1.51528, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  83
  83, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "1809+0130 sky                 ", 18.15147,    1.56528, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  84
  84, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "1809+0130                     ", 18.15147,    1.51528, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  85
  85, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "1809+0130 sky                 ", 18.15147,    1.56528, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  86, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "1847+3234                     ", 18.78372,   32.56639, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  87
  87, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "1847+3234                     ", 18.78372,   32.56639, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  88
  88, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "1847+3234 sky                 ", 18.78372,   32.61639, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  89
  89, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "1847+3234                     ", 18.78372,   32.56639, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  90
  90, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "1847+3234 sky                 ", 18.78372,   32.61639, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
   1, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "0019-7426                     ",  0.33233,  -74.43611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,   2
   2, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0019-7426                     ",  0.33233,  -74.43611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,   3
   3, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0019-7426 sky                 ",  0.33233,  -74.38611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,   4
   4, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0019-7426                     ",  0.33233,  -74.43611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,   5
   5, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0019-7426 sky                 ",  0.33233,  -74.38611, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
   6, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "0026+4251                     ",  0.43719,   42.86278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,   7
   7, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0026+4251                     ",  0.43719,   42.86278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,   8
   8, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0026+4251 sky                 ",  0.43719,   42.91278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,   9
   9, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0026+4251                     ",  0.43719,   42.86278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  10
  10, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0026+4251 sky                 ",  0.43719,   42.91278, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  11, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "0306-5346                     ",  3.11481,  -53.77806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  12
  12, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0306-5346                     ",  3.11481,  -53.77806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  13
  13, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0306-5346 sky                 ",  3.11481,  -53.72806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  14
  14, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0306-5346                     ",  3.11481,  -53.77806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  15
  15, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0306-5346 sky                 ",  3.11481,  -53.72806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  16, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "0315+4227                     ",  3.26422,   42.45861, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  17
  17, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0315+4227                     ",  3.26422,   42.45861, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  18
  18, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0315+4227 sky                 ",  3.26422,   42.50861, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  19
  19, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0315+4227                     ",  3.26422,   42.45861, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  20
  20, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0315+4227 sky                 ",  3.26422,   42.50861, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  21, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "0423+1436                     ",  4.38756,   14.61472, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  22
  22, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "0423+1436                     ",  4.38756,   14.61472, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  23
  23, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "0423+1436 sky                 ",  4.38756,   14.66472, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  24
  24, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "0423+1436                     ",  4.38756,   14.61472, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  25
  25, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "0423+1436 sky                 ",  4.38756,   14.66472, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  26, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "0518-2524                     ",  5.31628,  -25.41083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  27
  27, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "0518-2524                     ",  5.31628,  -25.41083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  28
  28, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "0518-2524 sky                 ",  5.31628,  -25.36083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  29
  29, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "0518-2524                     ",  5.31628,  -25.41083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  30
  30, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "0518-2524 sky                 ",  5.31628,  -25.36083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  31, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "0603-7102                     ",  6.05961,  -71.04944, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  32
  32, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "0603-7102                     ",  6.05961,  -71.04944, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  33
  33, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "0603-7102 sky                 ",  6.05961,  -71.99944, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  34
  34, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "0603-7102                     ",  6.05961,  -71.04944, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  35
  35, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "0603-7102 sky                 ",  6.05961,  -71.99944, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  36, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "0620-6315                     ",  6.34453,  -63.26417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  37
  37, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0620-6315                     ",  6.34453,  -63.26417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  38
  38, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0620-6315 sky                 ",  6.34453,  -63.21417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  39
  39, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0620-6315                     ",  6.34453,  -63.26417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  40
  40, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0620-6315 sky                 ",  6.34453,  -63.21417, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  41, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "0831-2459                     ",  8.51989,  -24.98806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  42
  42, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0831-2459                     ",  8.51989,  -24.98806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  43
  43, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0831-2459 sky                 ",  8.51989,  -24.93806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  44
  44, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0831-2459                     ",  8.51989,  -24.98806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  45
  45, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0831-2459 sky                 ",  8.51989,  -24.93806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  46, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "0857+3915                     ",  8.95361,   39.26083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  47
  47, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "0857+3915                     ",  8.95361,   39.26083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  48
  48, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "0857+3915 sky                 ",  8.95361,   39.31083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  49
  49, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "0857+3915                     ",  8.95361,   39.26083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  50
  50, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "0857+3915 sky                 ",  8.95361,   39.31083, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  51, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "0906-1248                     ",  9.10325,  -12.81333, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  52
  52, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0906-1248                     ",  9.10325,  -12.81333, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  53
  53, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0906-1248 sky                 ",  9.10325,  -12.76333, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  54
  54, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0906-1248                     ",  9.10325,  -12.81333, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  55
  55, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0906-1248 sky                 ",  9.10325,  -12.76333, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  56, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "0911-1007                     ",  9.18642,  -10.11694, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  57
  57, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0911-1007                     ",  9.18642,  -10.11694, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  58
  58, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0911-1007 sky                 ",  9.18642,  -10.06694, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  59
  59, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "0911-1007                     ",  9.18642,  -10.11694, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  60
  60, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "0911-1007 sky                 ",  9.18642,  -10.06694, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   5
  61, "PHT03", 1.0, "N", "U05101                        ",  9.53464,   61.57694, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  62
  62, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "U05101                        ",  9.53464,   61.57694, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  63
  63, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "U05101    sky                 ",  9.53464,   61.62694, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  64
  64, "PHT37", 1.0, "N", "U05101                        ",  9.53464,   61.57694, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  65
  65, "PHT39", 1.0, "N", "U05101    sky                 ",  9.53464,   61.62694, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  66, "PHT03", 3.0, "N", "1003+4852                     ", 10.05986,   48.87361, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  67
  67, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "1003+4852                     ", 10.05986,   48.87361, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  68
  68, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "1003+4852 sky                 ", 10.05986,   48.92361, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  69
  69, "PHT37", 3.0, "N", "1003+4852                     ", 10.05986,   48.87361, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  70
  70, "PHT39", 3.0, "N", "1003+4852 sky                 ", 10.05986,   48.92361, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  71, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "1019+1322                     ", 10.31706,   13.36806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  72
  72, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1019+1322                     ", 10.31706,   13.36806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  73
  73, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1019+1322 sky                 ", 10.31706,   13.41806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  74
  74, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1019+1322                     ", 10.31706,   13.36806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  75
  75, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1019+1322 sky                 ", 10.31706,   13.41806, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  76, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "1049+4424                     ", 10.82500,   44.41306, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  77
  77, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1049+4424                     ", 10.82500,   44.41306, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  78
  78, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1049+4424 sky                 ", 10.82500,   44.46306, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  79
  79, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1049+4424                     ", 10.82500,   44.41306, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  80
  80, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1049+4424 sky                 ", 10.82500,   44.46306, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  81, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "1056+2448                     ", 10.94317,   24.81194, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  82
  82, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1056+2448                     ", 10.94317,   24.81194, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  83
  83, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1056+2448 sky                 ", 10.94317,   24.86194, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  84
  84, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1056+2448                     ", 10.94317,   24.81194, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  85
  85, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1056+2448 sky                 ", 10.94317,   24.86194, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0
  86, "PHT03", 2.0, "N", "1109-0238                     ", 11.15839,   -2.63361, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   527,  87
  87, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1109-0238                     ", 11.15839,   -2.63361, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   195,  88
  88, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1109-0238 sky                 ", 11.15839,   -2.58361, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   110,  89
  89, "PHT37", 2.0, "N", "1109-0238                     ", 11.15839,   -2.63361, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   143,  90
  90, "PHT39", 2.0, "N", "1109-0238 sky                 ", 11.15839,   -2.58361, 1950,     0.000,     0.000,   157,   0