<=== observer ===>
"Tsuji, T.",\
"Institute of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo",\
"2-21-1, Osawa, Mitaka",\
"81 422 343639",\
"81 422 343749",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"AGB stars","circumstellar envelopes", "stellar atmospheres", "stellar winds",\
"stellar evolution"},\
{"K. Ohnaka","K. Noguchi","S. Deguchi","Y. Nakada","T. Onaka","T. Tanabe",\
"H. Izumiura","O. Hashimoto","I. Yamamura","S. Nishida"}

<=== title ===>
Mass-Loss in the Late Stage of Stellar Evolution:
I. Structure of the Outer Atmosphere of Cool Evolved Stars

<=== abstract ===>
   Mass-loss from intermediate mass stars is the major ingredient in our
understanding  not only of stellar evolution but also of the Galactic chemical 
evolution as a whole. It is known that the large mass-loss takes place at the
latest stage of stellar evolution represented by red (super)giants and AGB 
stars, but the origin of the mass-loss in these stages is poorly understood. 
For clarifying the origin of mass-loss, the first step should be to understand
the physical structure of the upper atmosphere-inner circumstellar envelope
(or outer atmosphere) where mass-loss outflow originates in these stars. This 
outer atmosphere can best be probed directly by the rich spectra due to atoms
(including f-f continuum), gaseous molecules (vib-rot and pure rot) and dusts
in the thermal infrared region to be observed by the ISO SWS. 
   The infrared radiation in the thermal infrared region between 2.4 and 45
micron includes the contributions from the upper photosphere, stellar
chromosphere, and inner circumstellar envelopes. To better interpret these
complicated spectra, we think it useful to do systematic survey of infrared
spectra of cool evolved stars with different characteristics, and we propose
to observe red supergiants including bright OH/IR sources in LMC, red giants 
and Mira variables, carbon stars of different characteristics (N-,J-,CS-,CH-
types), and some peculiar carbon stars including transition objects to PNs.

   We use the low resolution mode of SWS (SWS01-1) to see the global structure
of the infrared radiation. This mode is ideal to map the thermal structure of
the gas/dust envelopes. We apply this mode to observe some 30 objects that may
sample the major objects in the temperature - luminosity - O/C ratio -
metallicity - peculiarity space of cool evolved stars. For 10 representative 
objects in the parameter space, we use the normal grating mode of SWS (SWS06)
to observe the full SWS range with the expected resolution of about 2,000,
which will be necessary to resolve the molecular bands. The results of these
observations will provide the basic data to model the physical structure of the
photosphere and outer atmospheres of cool evolved stars.
   We also apply the normal grating mode (SWS06) to the restricted spectral
region for some additional objects, and we further try the high resolution 
observation by the FP mode (SWS07).  Here, we explore some possibilities to 
observe the molecular lines of the circumstellar origin.  For carbon-rich 
objects, the major interests are the HCN nu2 (14.0 micron) and C2H2 nu5 (13.7
micron) bands whose strong Q-branch complex can be identified by the medium 
resolution of the grating scan (SWS06). For oxygen-rich stars, OH pure rotation
lines are the major possibility, but high resolution of the FP mode is needed
to resolve these lines. We focus our attention to the quartets at 14.6micron
and 16.8 micron (SWS07). We can expect to observe the photospheric
component if thermal emission is not strong, but otherwise we expect to observe
those originating in the circumstellar envelopes, either as emission or as
absorption against the continuum due to the dust thermal emission. We also hope
to measure radial velocity and to clarify the kinematics of inner circumstellar
envelopes, which may be difficult to probe by the millimeter spectroscopy. This
observation is restricted to a few very bright objects.  

<=== scientific_justification ===>
   Selection criteria of the objects to be observed are as follow:
   a) Red supergiants and OH/IR sources: Red supergiants generally show large
excess of infrared radiation, but its origin is by no means clear. Is it due
to emission by dusts other than silicate, or due to free-free emission in the
chromosphere, or due to molecular thermal emission in the inner circumstellar
envelope? To clarify these problems, we think it useful to trace the spectral
evolution in a sample of the same chemical composition and age, and h and chi
Persei cluster will provide an unique opportunity for this purpose. We also 
include bright OH/IR sources in LMC to investigate the effect of metallicity on
   b) Red giants and Miras: We have selected such bright cool stars for which
physical properties are relatively well known by the available observations
(optical, IR, radio), and we hope to  examine if infrared flux out to 45 micron
can be consistent with  models of photosphere-circumstellar envelope of these
stars. We also hope to follow the spectral evolution through the red giant
sequence to Mira variables and its relationship with the onset of mass-loss.
   c) Carbon stars: Carbon stars include such objects as N, CS, J, and other
peculiar types. We hope to clarify the relationship of the basic stellar
properties and IR properties in these objects by a systematic survey of their
spectra. Also, the IRAS LRS revealed that the chemical compositions of the
photosphere and envelope may differ in some cases. We hope to pursue such
peculiarity of chemical composition in photosphere and envelope by a systematic
analysis of the spectra of carbon stars with different peculiarities. Also,
as carbon star formation is favoured at low metallicity (e.g. the Magellanic
Clouds), it is important to understand the infrared properties of carbon stars
at low metallicity, and we include some CH stars which are carbon stars of 
low metallicity in the Galactic halo. Finally, the latest stage of the carbon
star evolution before the transition to PN is investigated by several such
transition objects.

                               Program stars

  object      Type       AOT (n of SWS0n)          Launch      Priority   Rem.
                      ----------------------   ---------------
                         FP      R      R/8    spring  autumn
  HD 14580    M0 Iab                    1-1       *      *        2       Per
  FZ Per      M1 Iab                    1-1       *      *        1       Per
  KK Per      M2 Iab                    1-1       *      *        3       Per
  SU Per      M3 Iab                    1-1       *      *        1       Per
   S Per      M4e Ia             6                *      *        1       Per
  IRC+60370   K0 Ia+                    1-1       *      *        3
  RW Cep      K0 Ia                     1-1       *      *        2
 alf Ori      M2 Iab      7      7                *               3
  mu Cep      M2 Ia       7      7                *      *        3
  VY CMa      M4 Ia       7      7                *               3 
 NML Cyg      M6 I        7      7                       *        3 

  05280-6910  OH/IR              6                *      *        2       LMC

  alf Boo     K2IIIp                    1-1              *        1
  alf Tau     K5III                     1-1       *               1
  alf Cet     M1.5III                   1-1       *      *        3
 beta Peg     M2.5III                   1-1       *      *        2
  rho Per     M4III              6                *               2  
  RR  UMi     M5III                     1-1       *               1  
   R  Lyr     M5III                     1-1              *        1  
  alf Her     M5II-III    7      7      1-1              *        2 
  30g Her     M6III              6                       *        2
  SW  Vir     M7III              6                       *        1
  RT  Vir     M7III       7      7      1-1              *        3
  EP  Aqr     M7III              6                *               1
  RX  Boo     M8III       7      7                       *        3

  U Ori       Mira               6                *               3     P=372
  R Aql       Mira               6                       *        3     P=293
  R Peg       Mira                      1-1       *      *        3     P=378
  R Tri       Mira                      1-1       *               3     P=266
  S Vir       Mira                      1-1              *        3     P=378
 IRC-20197    Mira        7      7      1-1       *               2     P=636

  RS Cnc      MS                        1-1       *               3
  BS1105      S                         1-1       *               3
  R Lyn       S                         1-1       *               3
  R Cyg       S                         1-1              *        3

   R CMi      CS                        1-1       *               3          
  FU Mon      CS                 6      1-1       *               2
   W Cas      CS                        1-1              *        3
  RZ Peg      CS                 6      1-1              *        2
  WZ Cas      CS                 6                *      *        1

  HD 19957    J                  6      1-1       *      *        1
  RY Dra      J                  6                *               3
   T Lyr      J                  6                       *        3
  BM Gem      J                  6                *               1
  NC 83       J                  6                       *        1

   W Ori      N                         1-1       *               2 
   X Cnc      N                         1-1       *               3
  V460 Cyg    N                         1-1              *        3
  TT Cyg      N                  6      1-1       *      *        3
  TX Psc      N                  6                *      *        1

   R Lep      N,Mira             6      1-1       *               2
  SS Vir      N,Mira             6      1-1              *        2
  IRC+30374   N,Mira             6      1-1              *        2
  IRC+40485   N,Mira             6      1-1       *               2
  HD 5223     CH                        1-1       *               3
   V Ari      CH                 6                *      *        2
  TT CVn      CH                        1-1       *      *        1
  HD 189711   CH                        1-1              *        2
   V CrB      CH                        1-1              *        3

  S Lyr       C,pec                     1-1              *        1  
  19454+2920  C,pec                     1-1              *        2   
  09024-5019  C,pec                     1-1       *               1 
  23321+6545  C,pec                     1-1       *      *        2   
  GL 2477     C,pec                     1-1              *        3  
  GL 341      C,pec                     1-1       *      *        2/3
  21318+5631  C,pec                     1-1       *               3 
  21489+5301  C,pec                     1-1       *               3 

#Time distribution for autumn launch targets: REDSTAR1 
#      Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%     total time 
#      JPN :    52,938      36,791       37,636       127,365

#Time distribution for spring targets:  
#      Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%     total time 
#      JPN      50,722      39,007       37,546       127,275 

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
1, "SWS01", 2, "N", "HD14580",     02.33067, +56.98472, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
2, "SWS01", 1, "N", "FZ Per",      02.29086, +56.92972, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
3, "SWS01", 1, "N", "SU Per",      02.30978, +56.37639, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
4, "SWS01", 3, "N", "KK Per",      02.11347, +56.32278, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
5, "SWS06", 1, "N", "S Per",       02.32086, +58.35936, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
6, "SWS01", 3, "N", "IRC+60370",   22.80167, +60.02833, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
7, "SWS01", 2, "N", "RW Cep",      22.35389, +55.70993, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
8, "SWS07", 3, "N", "mu Cep",      21.69959, +58.55017, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1366, 0
9, "SWS07", 3, "N", "NML Cyg",     20.74275, +39.93250, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1366, 0
10, "SWS06", 2, "N","05280-6910", 05.47864, -69.17361, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 6617, 0
11, "SWS01", 1, "N","alpha Boo",14.22299,+19.44192,1950,-1.093, -1.998, 1116, 0
12, "SWS01", 3, "N","alpha Cet",  02.99437, +03.89477, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
13, "SWS01", 2, "N","beta Peg", 23.02244,+27.81124,1950,+0.189, +0.137, 1116, 0
14, "SWS01", 1, "N","R Lyr",      18.89687, +43.87929, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
15, "SWS01", 2, "N","alpha Her",  17.20619, +14.44546, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 16
16, "SWS07", 2, "N","alpha Her",  17.20619, +14.44546, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1206, 0
17, "SWS06", 2, "N","30g Her",    16.44996, +41.99067, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
18, "SWS06", 1, "N","SW Vir",     13.19161, -02.54242, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
19, "SWS01", 3, "N","RT Vir",     13.00139, +05.45167, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116,20
20, "SWS07", 3, "N","RT Vir",     13.00139, +05.45167, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1206, 0
21, "SWS07", 3, "N","RX Boo",     14.36574, +25.93023, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1366, 0
22, "SWS06", 3, "N","R Aql",      19.06603, +08.15286, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
23, "SWS01", 3, "N","R Peg",      23.06896, +10.27301, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
24, "SWS01", 3, "N","S Vir",      13.50643, -06.93838, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
25, "SWS01", 3, "N","R Cyg",      19.59131, +50.08667, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
26, "SWS01", 3, "N","W Cas",      00.86528, +58.29294, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
27, "SWS01", 2, "N","RZ Peg",    22.06120, +33.26356, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 28
28, "SWS06", 2, "N","RZ Peg",     22.06120, +33.26356, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1100, 0
29, "SWS06", 1, "N","WZ Cas",     23.97834, +60.07706, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
30, "SWS01", 1, "N","HD19557",   03.12597, +57.71473, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 31
31, "SWS06", 1, "N","HD19557",    03.12597, +57.71473, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1100, 0
32, "SWS06", 3, "N","T Lyr",      18.51004, +36.96064, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
33, "SWS06", 1, "N","NC83",       19.23206, +54.20167, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
34, "SWS01", 3, "N","V460 Cyg",   21.66510, +35.28142, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
35, "SWS01", 3, "N","TT Cyg",    19.65053, +32.50067, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 36
36, "SWS06", 3, "N","TT Cyg",     19.65053, +32.50067, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1100, 0
37, "SWS06", 1, "N","TX Psc",     23.73059, +03.20934, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
38, "SWS01", 1, "N","SS Vir",    12.37944, +01.07444, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 39
39, "SWS06", 1, "N","SS Vir",     12.37944, +01.07444, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1100, 0
40, "SWS01", 2, "N","IRC+30374", 19.53667, +27.95000, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 41
41, "SWS01", 2, "N","IRC+30374", 19.53667, +27.95000, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1100,  0
42, "SWS06", 2, "N","V Ari",      02.20506, +12.00684, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
43, "SWS01", 1, "N","TT CVn",     12.95057, +38.08738, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
44, "SWS01", 3, "N","V CrB",      15.79555, +39.72261, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
45, "SWS01", 2, "N","HD189711",   19.97769, +09.37535, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
46, "SWS01", 1, "N","S Lyr",      19.18572, +25.92083, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
47, "SWS01", 2, "N","19454+2920", 19.75672, +29.34528, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
48, "SWS01", 2, "N","23321+6545", 23.53506, +65.75417, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
49, "SWS01", 3, "N","GL2477",     19.91389, +30.59917, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
50, "SWS01", 3, "N","GL 341",     02.48919, +57.81472, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
1, "SWS01", 2, "N","HD14580",     02.33067, +56.98472, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
2, "SWS01", 1, "N","FZ Per",      02.29086, +56.92972, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
3, "SWS01", 1, "N","SU Per",      02.30978, +56.37639, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
4, "SWS01", 3, "N","KK Per",      02.11347, +56.32278, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
5, "SWS06", 1, "N","S Per",       02.32086, +58.35936, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
6, "SWS01", 3, "N","IRC+60370",   22.80167, +60.02833, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
7, "SWS01", 2, "N","RW Cep",      22.35389, +55.70993, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
8, "SWS07", 3, "N","alf Ori",     05.87436, +07.39889, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1366, 0
9, "SWS07", 3, "N","mu Cep",      21.69959, +58.55017, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1366, 0
10, "SWS07", 3, "N","VY CMa",     07.34854, -25.67024, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1366, 0
11, "SWS06", 2, "N","05280-6910", 05.47864, -69.17361, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 6617, 0
12, "SWS01", 1, "N","alpha Tau",  04.55080, +16.41043, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
13, "SWS01", 3, "N","alpha Cet",  02.99437, +03.89477, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
14, "SWS01", 2, "N","beta Peg", 23.02244,+27.81124,1950,+0.189,+0.137, 1116, 0
15, "SWS06", 2, "N","rho Per",  03.03272,+38.64802,1950,+0.130,-0.106, 8362, 0
16, "SWS01", 1, "N","RR UMi",     14.94633, +66.13119, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
17, "SWS06", 1, "N","EP Aqr",     21.73235, -02.44468, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
18, "SWS06", 3, "N","U Ori",      05.88082, +20.16892, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
19, "SWS01", 3, "N","R Peg",      23.06896, +10.27301, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
20, "SWS01", 3, "N","R Tri",      02.56667, +34.04771, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
21, "SWS01", 2, "N","IRC-20197", 09.71556, -21.80167, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 22
22, "SWS07", 2, "N","IRC-20197",  09.71556, -21.80167, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1206, 0
23, "SWS01", 3, "N","BS1105",      03.62992, +63.05694, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
24, "SWS01", 3, "N","R Lyn",      06.95300, +55.40161, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
25, "SWS01", 3, "N","RS Cnc",     09.12716, +31.16807, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
26, "SWS01", 3, "N","R CMi ",     07.09931, +10.10389, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
27, "SWS01", 2, "N","FU Mon",     06.32948, +03.44998, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116,28
28, "SWS06", 2, "N","FU Mon",     06.32948, +03.44998, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1100, 0
29, "SWS06", 1, "N","WZ Cas",     23.97834, +60.07706, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
30, "SWS01", 1, "N","HD19557",   03.12597, +57.71473, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 31
31, "SWS06", 1,"N", "HD19557",    03.12597, +57.71473, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1100, 0
32, "SWS06", 3, "N","RY Dra",     12.90784, +66.26465, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
33, "SWS06", 1, "N","BM Gem",     07.29887, +25.09412, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
34, "SWS01", 2, "N","W Ori",      05.04685, +01.11034, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
35, "SWS01", 3, "N","X Cnc",      08.87611, +17.42279, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
36, "SWS01", 2, "N","R Lep",     04.95546, -14.88028, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 37
37, "SWS06", 2, "N","R Lep",      04.95546, -14.88028, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1100, 0
38, "SWS01", 2, "N","IRC+40485", 21.53472, +38.85000, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 39
39, "SWS06", 2, "N","IRC+40485",  21.53472, +38.85000, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1100, 0
40, "SWS01", 3, "N","TT Cyg",    19.65053, +32.50067, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 41
41, "SWS06", 3, "N","TT Cyg",     19.65053, +32.50067, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1100, 0
42, "SWS06", 1, "N","TX Psc",     23.73059, +03.20934, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
43, "SWS01", 3, "N","HD5223",     01.85889, +23.79611, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
44, "SWS06", 2, "N","V Ari",      02.20506, +12.00684, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 8362, 0
45, "SWS01", 1, "N","TT Cvn",     12.95057, +38.08738, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
46, "SWS01", 1, "N","09024-5019", 09.04053, -50.32472, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
47, "SWS01", 2, "N","23321+6545", 23.53506, +65.75417, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
48, "SWS01", 2, "N","GL 341",     02.48919, +57.81472, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
49, "SWS01", 3, "N","21318+5631", 21.53058, +56.52028, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0
50, "SWS01", 3, "N","21489+5301", 21.81644, +53.02306, 1950, 0.0, 0.0, 1116, 0