<=== observer ===>
"de Graauw, Th",\
"SRON Groningen",\
"P.O. Box 800",\
"9700 AV",\
"The Netherlands",\
"31 50  634074",\
"31 50  634033",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"LWS team:","Ade, P A R","Calcutt C","Davis, G R",\
             "Gautier, D","Griffin, M J",\
             "Naylor, D","Orton, G S",\
 "SWS team:","de Graauw, Th",\
 "THE team:","Lellouch, E","Encrenaz, Th","Crovisier, J",\
 "SOT Team:","Salama, A","Leech K"}

<=== title ===>
ISO Observations of Mars

<=== abstract ===>

We propose to make spectroscopic observations of Mars using all of the ISO 
instruments.  The main scientific goals are:

  -  To characterise the shape and variability of the Martian FIR 
     continuum spectrum.  This will characterise large-scale seasonal 
     and topographic variations of the thermo-physical properies 
     (albedo and thermal inertia) of the surface.
  -  To determine the absolute FIR brightness temperature spectrum of 
     Mars, and its dependence on the Martian season, phase angle and 
     atmospheric dust content.

  -  To make complete spectral surveys using the SWS and LWS.  This will
     allow the determination of the concentrations of the most important 
     atmospheric species, and will establish a chemical inventory of the 
     atmospheric composition.

A full discussion of the scientific case is give in the CP programmes of 
the LWS Solar System SAG and the Mission Scientists.

The following is a summary of the astronomical objectives of each of
the observations tabulated below.  The expected S/N is typically 
several hundred. 

Obs. Seq. Nos.        Description
------------------    -----------------------------------------
1,3,5,7,9,11,17,22    Full LWS grating scans to be made at 
                      eight different epochs during the mission

2,4,6,8,10,12,18,23   Eight PHOT-S scans to be carried out at 
                      the same time the LWS scans

13                    One LWS full FP scan

14,15,16              These comprise one SWS full grating 
                      scan (Priority 1)

19,20,21              A second SWS full grating scan (Priority 2)

24                    CAM CVF scan 2.5-11.5 um

<=== scientific_justification ===>

As recommended in the CP Proposal Instructions, the scientific case is 
not included here.

The following is a breakdown of the contributions of the various 
consortia (spacecraft time in seconds).  Note that, since the 
priorities within the Solar system CP have been set over the
programme as a whole, the nominal 40:30:30 distribution is not
precisely adhered to by each proposal individually.  In this 
proposal, for instance, 25% of the observations are first priority.

           Nomimnal :   Top 40%   Second 30%   Last 30%
           Actual   :   Top 25%   Second 62%   Third 13%    Total

           LWS Team :    610         4760         1822      7102
           SWS Team :   8511         3471          282     12264 
           THE Team :      0        14927         2692     17619
           SOT Team :      0            0            0         0

       Overall Total:   9121        23068         4796     36985

Note:  There are special scheduling requirements for this programme:

The LWS full grating scans and PHOT-S scans are required to be taken at 
different times during the mission, ideally at intervals of about two 
months; however, the exact timing will depend on the observability of 

The CAM observation should be scheduled when Mars is as close as 
possible to the Earth.

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1,"LWS01",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  770, 2
 2,"PHT40",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
 3,"LWS01",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  770, 4
 4,"PHT40",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
 5,"LWS01",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  770, 6
 6,"PHT40",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
 7,"LWS01",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  770, 8
 8,"PHT40",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
 9,"LWS01",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  770, 0
10,"PHT40",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
11,"LWS01",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  770, 0
12,"PHT40",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
13,"LWS03",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,12125, 0
14,"SWS06",1.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 1862,15
15,"SWS06",1.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 3922,16
16,"SWS06",1.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 2586,17
17,"LWS01",1.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  610,18
18,"PHT40",1.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
19,"SWS06",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 1862,20
20,"SWS06",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 3922,21
21,"SWS06",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 2586,22
22,"LWS01",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  610,23
23,"PHT40",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
24,"CAM04",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 1152, 0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1,"LWS01",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  770, 2
 2,"PHT40",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
 3,"LWS01",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  770, 4
 4,"PHT40",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
 5,"LWS01",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  770, 6
 6,"PHT40",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
 7,"LWS01",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  770, 8
 8,"PHT40",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
 9,"LWS01",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  770, 0
10,"PHT40",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
11,"LWS01",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  770, 0
12,"PHT40",3.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
13,"LWS03",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,12125, 0
14,"SWS06",1.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 1862,15
15,"SWS06",1.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 3922,16
16,"SWS06",1.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 2586,17
17,"LWS01",1.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  610,18
18,"PHT40",1.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
19,"SWS06",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 1862,20
20,"SWS06",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 3922,21
21,"SWS06",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 2586,22
22,"LWS01",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  610,23
23,"PHT40",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0.,  141, 0
24,"CAM04",2.0,"Y","Mars                    200400", 0.,0.,2000,0.,0., 1152, 0