<=== observer ===>
"Price, S.D.",\
"Backgrounds Branch",\
"Phillips Laboratory",\
"29 Randolph Rd.",\
"Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-3010",\
"1  617 3774552",\
"1  617 3778780",\

<=== proposal ===>
"STARTYP1", 1, 3,\
{"AGB stars",\
"line formation",\
"circumstellar envelopes",\
"stellar atmospheres",\
"early-type stars",\
{"T. deGraauw",\
"H. Walker",\
"M.Jourdain de Muizon",\
"M.F. Kessler",\
"T. Prusti",\
"H. Habing"}

<=== title ===>
Spectral Characterization of Bright Infrared Sources, Part 1 of 2

<=== abstract ===>

     The primary objective of this proposal is to construct an
ISO data-base for spectral classification of the brightest
representive sources characterized by the IRAS Low Resolution
Spectrometer (LRS) classification, the NASA Ames AI
classification of the LRS and a sampling based on MK spectral
type or IRAS color. In order to obtain the large and
statistically significant data-base required to develop a
comprehensive spectral classification scheme, we propose to
complement and add to spectral measurements proposed by other
central program and open time observers. We also need to include
the spectral measurements made for calibration and "benchmarking"
purposes. Consequently, except for the data for which the SWS and
SOT consortia have the rights, we will have to wait until the data
taken by others get into the public domain to proceed with the
classification effort.
     The majority of our dedicated time will be devoted to
observations with the SWS in the rapid scan mode, SWS01, and with
PHOT in the PHT-S mode.
We propose to concentrate this effort towards sources which are
poorly segregated in the present classification
schemes and are not likely to be observed for other reasons.
Examples of such objects are MK A through S stars which were too
faint for the LRS, and sources whose selection was based on their
infrared colors and the emission line objects in the LRS classes 
7, 8 and 9.


To fill our initial classification matrix, we required a minimum 
of two stars in each LRS, AI, MK or color catagory or 10% of the 
number of sources in a highly populated class with LRS spectra. 
These objects formed an initial list of 1316 sources, resulting 
in over 700 entries in each list for the two ISO launch dates.
The mission data-base will be surveyed to identify which sources 
specified by other observers can be used for the classification 
objective of this proposal (using SWS01, SWS06, PHT40). 
The observing strategy is as follows:
After the delivery of the central programme proposals we analysed
the mission data-base containing the proposed targets and AOTs, to
check the population of the various classes already entered.
We then made a first attempt to complement these proposed observations 
for our purpose, to populate the various classes identified. 
If the source is brighter than 2Jy an SWS01 AOT is proposed, if fainter
PHT40 is used.

We do not wish to block any open time bids to observe the nominated
targets. If an open time proposer wishes to make the same observation,
we will drop the target and replace it with an alternative source 
from the original list of 700 for that launch date. This gives us a
second attempt to fully populate the spectral classification scheme.

<=== scientific_justification ===>
	  (autumn launch)
    TEAM :    total    top 40%  second 30 %  last 30%
     SWS :    36000      14400      10800       10800
     SOT :    50444      19626      14760       15058
     HJH :    28800      11520       8640        8640
Total time : 115244      45546      34200       34498 

	  (spring launch)
    TEAM :    total    top 40%  second 30 %  last 30%
     SWS :    36000      14400      10800       10800
     SOT :    68364      27146      20460       20758
     HJH :    28800      11520       8640        8640
Total time : 133164      53066      39900       40198

AOT's: SWS01 and PHOT40

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha Vir   ", 13.41989, -11.16139, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 2, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Zeta Oph    ", 16.61931, -10.56722, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 3, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha Eri   ",  1.62858, -57.23667, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 4, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "102 Her     ", 18.14597,  20.81444, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
 5, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha Aql   ", 19.84639,   8.86833, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 6, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Theta Per   ",  2.73667,  49.22833, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 7, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "44 Dra      ", 18.35094,  72.73278, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 8, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Beta Cap    ", 20.35019, -14.78139, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 9, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha Cen   ", 14.66000, -60.83528, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
10, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Delta Pav   ", 20.14544, -66.18194, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
11, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "BS8832      ", 23.21328,  57.13472, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
12, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "HR365       ",  1.26997,  71.74389, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
13, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "61 Cyg A    ", 21.11517,  38.74583, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
14, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "Gl 15 A     ",  0.30636,  44.02306, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
15, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "Gl 546      ", 14.36650,  29.63333, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
16, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Gl 411      ", 11.05625,  36.03583, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
17, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "Gl 699      ", 17.96428,   4.55083, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
18, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "Gl 752 A    ", 19.28261,   5.18944, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
19, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "Gl 866      ", 22.64033, -15.33278, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
20, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "02 CAS      ",  0.15297,  59.14972, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
21, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Eta Dra     ", 16.39986,  61.51417, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
22, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Kappa Cyg   ", 19.28506,  53.36861, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
23, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha UMa   ", 11.06214,  61.75083, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
24, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "Gamma1 And  ",  2.06500,  42.32972, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
25, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "Delta Vir   ", 12.92672,   3.39750, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
26, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Delta2 Lyr  ", 18.90842,  36.89861, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
27, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "TU CVn      ", 12.91569,  47.19667, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
28, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "BS 7625     ", 19.95928, -59.51472, 1950, 0.,0., 1140, 0
29, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "BS 877      ",  2.95128,   4.50111, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
30, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha UMi   ",  2.69914,  89.24833, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
31, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Beta Dra    ", 17.50722,  52.30139, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
32, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "RW Cyg      ", 20.48075,  39.98194, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
33, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "SAO 238956  ", 11.31214, -58.18639, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
34, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "V365 CAS    ",  1.01475,  56.61278, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
35, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "KK CAR      ",  8.60042, -59.94056, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
36, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "V PSA       ", 22.92214, -29.61222, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
37, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "RV BOO      ", 14.65442,  32.53944, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
38, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "AFGL 2241   ", 18.72625,  13.95972, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
39, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "CIT 1       ",  0.11444,  43.07667, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
40, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "WX Ser      ", 15.46300,  19.56611, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
41, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "IRC+20 326  ", 17.53194,  17.75806, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
42, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "AFGL 1686   ", 14.18822,  -7.74694, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
43, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "BI CYG      ", 20.35606,  36.93194, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
44, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "HD150193    ", 16.67164, -23.89583, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
45, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "AFGL 3022   ", 23.09956,  60.24944, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
46, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "PZ Cas      ", 23.73486,  61.79417, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
47, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "10174-5704  ", 10.32169, -57.32667, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
48, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "OH231-0.3   ", 18.56981,  -8.97528, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
49, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "OH26.2-0.6  ", 18.68686,  -6.25000, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
50, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "OH35.6-0.3  ", 18.95758,   2.19583, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
51, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "OH42.3-0.2  ", 19.15228,   8.27528, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
52, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "S Cep       ", 21.58686,  78.62417, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
53, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "ST HER      ", 15.84628,  48.48278, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
54, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "T Ara       ", 17.04300, -55.06611, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
55, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "V644 Sco    ", 17.43861, -40.03139, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
56, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "SZ Sgr      ", 17.74903, -18.65722, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
57, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "TT Cen      ", 13.32778, -60.78611, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
58, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "AFGL 2232   ", 18.69831,  17.67583, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
59, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "AFGL 2392   ", 19.45419,   7.06194, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
60, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "AFGL 2310   ", 19.05503,   7.51222, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
61, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "AFGL 2699   ", 21.06322,  53.28611, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
62, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "AFGL 3099   ", 23.47136,  10.91111, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
63, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "22303+5950  ", 22.50628,  59.84333, 1950, 0.,0., 1140, 0
64, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "Hb 5        ", 17.79911, -29.99806, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
65, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "IC 2621     ", 11.00553, -65.24889, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
66, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "NGC 7026    ", 21.10500,  47.85139, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
67, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "NGC 7023    ", 21.02536,  68.16861, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
68, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "M1-78       ", 21.34556,  51.89111, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
69, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "AFGL 2059   ", 18.08144, -24.44583, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
70, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "AFGL 2884   ", 22.31833,  63.30639, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
71, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "AFGL 1992   ", 17.65431, -30.24000, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
72, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "AFGL 2019   ", 17.88856, -26.94250, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
73, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "OH327.4-0.6 ", 15.90300, -53.55361, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
74, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "OH30.7+0.4  ", 18.76456,  -1.77944, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
75, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "OH32.0-0.5  ", 18.85728,  -1.06417, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
76, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "OH32.8-0.3  ", 18.87286,  -0.23667, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
77, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "OH75.3-1.8  ", 20.48569,  35.76222, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
78, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "OH21.5+0.5  ", 18.47531,  -9.97056, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
79, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "AFGL 2403   ", 19.50819,  19.84500, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
80, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "OH337.9+0.2 ", 16.62828, -46.67778, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
81, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "MWC 300     ", 18.49039,  -6.07722, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha Vir   ", 13.41989, -11.16139, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 2, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha Eri   ",  1.62858, -57.23667, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 3, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha CMa   ",  6.75247, -16.71611, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 4, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha Gem   ",  7.57667,  31.88861, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 5, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha CMi   ",  7.65503,   5.22500, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 6, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Theta Per   ",  2.73667,  49.22833, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 7, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Beta Vir    ", 11.84492,   1.76472, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 8, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "44 Dra      ", 18.35094,  72.73278, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
 9, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Beta Cap    ", 20.35019, -14.78139, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
10, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "BS2721      ",  7.26392,  47.24000, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
11, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Delta Pav   ", 20.14544, -66.18194, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
12, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "BS8832      ", 23.21328,  57.13472, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
13, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "HR365       ",  1.26997,  71.74389, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
14, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "Gl 324A     ",  8.87661,  28.33083, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
15, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "61 Cyg A    ", 21.11517,  38.74583, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
16, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "Gl 365      ",  9.72372,  42.70306, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
17, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "Gl 15 A     ",  0.30636,  44.02306, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
18, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Gl 411      ", 11.05625,  36.03583, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
19, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "Gl 447      ", 11.79500,   0.82111, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
20, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "Gl 406      ", 10.94500,   7.05306, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
21, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "Gl 866      ", 22.64033, -15.33278, 2000, 0.,0.,  298, 0
22, "PHT40", 1.0,"N", "GJ 1111     ",  8.49833,  26.78556, 2000, 0.,0.,  522, 0
23, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "02 CAS      ",  0.15297,  59.14972, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
24, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha Aur   ",  5.27817,  45.99806, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
25, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Epsilon Leo ",  9.76419,  23.77417, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
26, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Omicron UMa ",  8.50442,  60.71806, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
27, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Eta Dra     ", 16.39986,  61.51417, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
28, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "BS 1030     ",  3.41356,   9.02889, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
29, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Beta Gem    ",  7.75525,  28.02611, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
30, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha UMa   ", 11.06214,  61.75083, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
31, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Gamma1 And  ",  2.06500,  42.32972, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
32, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "BS 3705     ",  9.35092,  34.39250, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
33, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "BS 4104     ", 10.45253, -31.06778, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
34, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Delta2 Lyr  ", 18.90842,  36.89861, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
35, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "SAO 215516  ",  1.47275, -43.31833, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
36, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "BS 555      ",  1.89411, -46.30250, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
37, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "DO 41530    ", 22.53961,  53.22194, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
38, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Alpha UMi   ",  2.24914,  89.69833, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
39, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "BS 2473     ",  6.73219,  25.13111, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
40, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "RW Cyg      ", 20.48075,  39.98194, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
41, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "BS 2773     ",  7.28572, -37.09750, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
42, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "SVS 00840   ",  2.46300, -69.52389, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
43, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "SS PEG      ", 22.56617,  24.56417, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
44, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "R LMi       ",  9.75944,  34.51222, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
45, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "RT HYA      ",  8.49478,  -6.31889, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
46, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "SAO 195594  ",  5.14397, -39.51694, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
47, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "KK CAR      ",  8.60042, -59.94056, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
48, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "BD ERI      ",  4.56250,   0.02722, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
49, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "BU AND      ", 23.39431,  39.72611, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
50, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "SVS 13180   ", 20.61558,  37.87472, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
51, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "Z ERI       ",  2.79886, -12.46056, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
52, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "AFGL1141    ",  7.56500,  30.51083, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
53, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "IRC+70 066  ",  5.78111,  69.96778, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
54, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "AM CEP      ", 21.69089,  76.38667, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
55, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "DL CMA      ",  6.86353, -19.03806, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
56, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "IRC+40 149  ",  5.99028,  38.43944, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
57, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "CIT 1       ",  0.11444,  43.07667, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
58, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "IRC+00 102  ",  6.36417,  -3.86167, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
59, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "SAO 174884  ",  7.96503, -20.42861, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
60, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "SVS 00426   ",  1.18772,  30.63472, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
61, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "Z CYG       ", 20.02267,  50.10472, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
62, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "BI CYG      ", 20.35606,  36.93194, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
63, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "SAO 251221  ", 11.02658, -61.04889, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
64, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "HU PUP      ",  7.92783, -28.64861, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
65, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "14086-6907  ", 14.21403, -69.35278, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
66, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "08357-1013  ",  8.63578, -10.40472, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
67, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "AFGL 3022   ", 23.09956,  60.24944, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
68, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "PZ Cas      ", 23.73486,  61.79417, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
69, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "10174-5704  ", 10.32169, -57.32667, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
70, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "CS 59       ",  1.22919,  62.96111, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
71, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "CS 3070     ", 21.74133,  73.63417, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
72, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "S Cep       ", 21.58686,  78.62417, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
73, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "BS 1939     ",  5.67833,  31.92083, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
74, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "CS 1427     ",  9.30039, -54.04000, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
75, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "CS 2976     ", 21.09731,  -0.21361, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
76, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "AFGL 527    ",  3.87106,  39.87722, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
77, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "AFGL 799    ",  5.67686,  13.80444, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
78, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "AFGL 933    ",  6.41781,  -9.13056, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
79, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "11440-6033  ", 11.77467, -60.82944, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
80, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "RAFGL 5254  ",  9.23172, -24.85778, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
81, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "RAFGL 4098  ",  9.87500, -75.37389, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
82, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "LDN 0962    ", 21.03422,  48.21528, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
83, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "AFGL 2699   ", 21.07067,  53.35167, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
84, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "AFGL 3099   ", 23.47136,  10.91111, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
85, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "08305-3314  ",  8.54250, -33.42056, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
86, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "22303+5950  ", 22.53689,  60.10111, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
87, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "RY Tau      ",  4.36633,  29.44361, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
88, "SWS01", 1.0,"N", "03074-8732  ",  3.12353, -87.53583, 1950, 0.,0., 1140, 0
89, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "IC 2621     ", 11.00553, -65.24889, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
90, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "He 2-131    ", 15.62000, -71.91500, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
91, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "NGC 7026    ", 21.10500,  47.85139, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
92, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "NGC 2023    ",  5.69400,  -2.27528, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
93, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "NGC 7023    ", 21.02536,  68.16861, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
94, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "PARSAMYAN18 ",  6.99492,  -7.76861, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
95, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "M1-78       ", 21.34556,  51.89111, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
96, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "OMC2 IRS3   ",  5.59078,  -5.17139, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
97, "SWS01", 3.0,"N", "AFGL 2884   ", 22.31833,  63.30639, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0
98, "SWS01", 2.0,"N", "OH75.3-1.8  ", 20.48569,  35.76222, 2000, 0.,0., 1140, 0