<=== observer ===>
"Price, S",\
"Backgrounds Branch",\
"Phillips Laboratory",\
"29 Randolph Rd.",\
"Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-3010",\
"1  617 3774552",\
"1  617 3778780",\

<=== proposal ===>
"GPSURVEY", 1, 3,\
{"galactic structure"},\
{"T. de Graauw",\
"C. Cesarsky",\
"M. Perault",\
"P. Gallais",\
"E. Palazzi",\
"M. Burgdorf"}

<=== title ===>
Selected Area Galactic Survey

<=== abstract ===>

ISOCAM images to low flux levels will be obtained along the
Galactic Plane to determine the large scale properties of the
Galaxy. The discrete near- and mid-infrared components of the
Galaxy are derived by enumerating and classifying sources
extracted from the images. These data are used to define/refine
our knowledge of galactic structure, the mid-infrared luminosity
function and the associated density and distribution parameters
for the constituents of the inner Galaxy.  We adopt the latest
version of the physical model originated by Wainscoat et al. for
Galactic structure in order to obviate the aliasing introduced by
the sparse sampling scheme and as a guide for deconvolving the
source counts into constituents. To do more than validate this
model requires images in at least two spectral bands and a
measure of the source density gradients. Three color observations
with the long wavelength camera can be used to classify sources
by their location in the color-color diagram. In order of
priority, the desired bands are LW 3 (12- >17 microns), LW 2
(5-8.5 microns) and LW 1 (4-5 microns). These observations and
the subsequent improvement in modeling the point source sky
provide essential information for ISO photometry on the diffuse
zodiacal, Galactic and extra-galactic backgrounds by accurately
accounting for the contribution of the foreground stars.


ISOCAM Images are to be obtained in Bands LW 3, LW 2 and LW 1.
Parallel mode observations are to be obtained in ISOCAM LW 2 as part
of the "Galactic Background Radiation" PHOT experiment by Mattila
et al.  or the LWS proposal by Caux, "Diffuse Medium/Galactic Plane".
The PHOT proposal requests a number of positions at various
longitudes along the Galactic plane while the LWS proposal
specifies additional fields.  A field would be revisited during
the dedicated time to obtain images in at least one additional
color. It would be desirable to link the ISOCAM images on these
fields with the primary photometric experiments.  Time will also
be devoted to 4x4 raster images in specific regions.

Approximately 40 LW 3 images will be needed to match the LW 2
observations in the parallel mode.  The 30 PHOT positions of
interest currently are b=0, +/-1, +/-5 deg. at l= +/-5, +/-15,
+/- 30 deg. and b=0 deg. at +/-45 deg.   The 9 Caux positions of
interest are l=300 deg., b=0, +/-1, +/-2, +/-3 and +/-5 deg. Each
image takes about 9 minutes, 400 seconds for the multiple images
and 30% overhead.
  Observation mode - CAMAOT#1 (staring mode)
  Positions - Same fields as the parallel mode.  Exact positions
require knowledge of where CAM was pointing when parallel
observations were obtained.
  Time - 6 hours (this part of the proposal is now included in
"Diffuse IR Emission of the Galaxy", Mattila et al.)
     Larger images obtained by 4x4 raster scans in LW 2 and LW 3
with 100" offsets will probe specific areas more extensively.
Only half the time (5 minutes) per image is required due to the
overlap in the raster.
 Observing mode - CAMAOT#1 (staring mode)
  Time: 22 hours

  Total time: 28 hours (6+22) (six hours were shifted to "Diffuse
IR           Emission of the Galaxy", Mattila et al)

<=== scientific_justification ===>
Time distribution for autumn launch targets

    TEAM :       top 40 %    second 30 %      last 30 %
     SWS :                         36000
     CAM :                          7980         10020
     SOT :                         26160
   total :                         70140         10020

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
1, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "SDP 4 0.0  ",17.91417, -25.50250, 2000, 0., 0., 10020, 0
2, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "SDP 15 0.0 ",18.29778, -15.90333, 2000, 0., 0., 10020, 0
3, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "SDP 29 0.0 ",18.73750,  -3.49889, 2000, 0., 0., 10020, 0
4, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "SDP 330 0.0",16.07444, -52.42028, 2000, 0., 0., 10020, 0
5, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "SDP 346 0.0",17.12361, -40.55472, 2000, 0., 0., 10020, 0
6, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "SDP 356 0.0",17.59611, -32.32778, 2000, 0., 0., 10020, 0
7, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "SDP 0 +2.8 ",17.58083, -27.45056, 2000, 0., 0., 10020, 0
8, "CAM01", 3.0, "N", "SDP 0 -2.8 ",17.94500, -30.36667, 2000, 0., 0., 10020, 0
<=== spring_launch_targets ===>