<=== observer ===>
"Drapatz, S.",\
"Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik",\
"Garching b. Muenchen",\
"49 89  32993880",\
"49 89  32993569",\

<=== proposal ===>
"MPEWARM2", 1, 2,\
{"circumstellar envelopes",\
"young stellar objects",\
"HII regions",\
"supernova remnants",\
"molecular clouds"},\
{"T. de Graauw",\
"B. Draine",\
"R. Genzel",\
"D. Hollenbach",\
"A. Moorwood",\
"E. Oliva",\
"J. Puget",\
"A. Sternberg",\
"R. Timmermann",\
"P. van der Werf",\
"E. van Dishoeck"}

<=== title ===>
Physical and Chemical Conditions in Dense, Warm Instellar Gas, Part 2 of 2

<=== abstract ===>
The warm (100 - 5000 K), dense (n(H_2) > 10^3 cm^-3) interstellar
medium is a decisive component of the whole interstellar medium and is
closely coupled to key processes like star formation and evolution. It
is heated through a wide variety of astrophysically important processes
such as shocks of various types, X-ray irradiation, UV irradiation of
interface regions near HII regions, and stellar radiation in the environment
of young objects. A rich variety of lines in the IR and submm wavelength
region will provide a unique opportunity to investigate the physics,
chemistry and interrelation of corresponding phenomena by multi-line
spectroscopy of various molecules, atoms and ions. However, since allmost
all lines cannot be observed from ground based telescopes or even from an
airborne observatory (KAO) ISO would offer the first and only possibility
for this investigation.
We have selected four classes of objects each representing different
processes that heat the gas: (1.) photon-dominated regions at the
interfaces of HII regions (including reflection nebulae), (2.) shocks of
various types: strong shocks (J-type) in supernova remnants and moderate
or weak shocks (also C-type) in outflow sources, (3.) embedded sources
(star formation) where dust is radiatively heated by the central source
and gas is heated by dust, and (4.) regions of X-ray excitation.
For each class a small number of prototypical, bright sources and a
set of spectral lines in the ISO wavelength range has been selected.
The set of radiative transitions is selected thus that a maximum of
information can be gained for each individual class of objects.
Much emphasis is placed on the observation of (faint) important lines
rather than on mapping because of time constraints by the faintness of some of
the crucial lines. Using these sources as a kind of templates we also establish
a set of crucial lines with which different processes can be distinguished.
The primary target lines for all four classes are the rotational
transitions of H_2 in order to study directly the bulk of the warm gas.
Through observation of rotational transitions in oxygen-bearing
species such as OH, H_2O, and H_2^{18}O, and O_2, the oxygen
chemistry in interstellar clouds will be studied for the first time via direct
determination of all important reactants rather than by default.
Most of these molecules serve also as a major coolant and therefore their
abundances have a great impact on the energy balance of the warm molecular gas.
This balance is also determined by the cooling of fine-structure lines
where their contribution will be studied through a set of diagnostically
useful transitions.
We also propose the observation of a few selected rovibrational transitions
in molecular ions that become quite abundant in objects where the gas is excited
through X-ray irradiation. This unique possibility will enable us to get a
handle on that process. In a few objects where the gas is cold (T < 30 K)
absorption measurements will be performed. The study of the lowest
rotational transitions of H_2 and HD will provide a first and accurate
determination of their total column density in this general environment.
These observations are closely related to the emission measurements mentioned
above. Furthermore, a series of transitions in the first fundamental band
of H_2O, H_2^{18}O, CH_4, and CO_2 will be observed. Since a detailed
scientific proposal would by far exceed the granted space we include a list of
lines for each class of objects in the scientific justification.

We plan to take advantage of the spectroscopic capabilities of ISO over its
full wavelength range, using the following AOTs:
SWS: Medium and high resolution spectroscopy with the AOTs SWS01,SWS02,
LWS: Medium resolution full grating scans and high resolution line scans
     with AOTs LWS01,LWS04
A detailed description of our observing strategy and outline of integration
times exceeds the limits of this abstract.

<=== scientific_justification ===>

Time distribution for spring launch targets
Team     Total   top 40%   second 30%    last 30%
SWS     275579    110054        84874       80651
AFM      10800     10800            0           0
JLP      18764      7488         7488        3744
TDG       7200      7200            0           0
total   312299    135542        92362       84395

Time distribution for autumn launch targets
Team     Total   top 40%   second 30%    last 30%
SWS     269087    105379        84224       79484
AFM      10800     10800            0           0
JLP      18764      7488         7488        3744
TDG          0         0            0           0
total   298607    123667        91712       83228

The following two tables contain the targets in their specific templates
that will be observed for the Orion hole and the Galactic center visibility
holes, respectively. The numbers specify the total observation time in

autumn launch targets:
                        Object            Priority
                                          1           2           3
PDR:                    M17               7.53        2.00        1.00
                        S140                          4.04
                        S106                                      4.04
Refl. Nebulae:          NGC 7023          2.35        2.11
                        R Cr A                                    3.17
                        IC 1396                                   3.17
Shocks:                 DR 21             9.20
                        RCW 103           3.94
                        Cep A                         8.89
                        W 28 A2                                   6.60
                        M 8E IRS1                                 2.29
Emb. Sources:           W3 (OH)           2.90
                        W51 IRS 2         1.90
                        NGC 7538 IRS1                             2.90
X-Ray heat. Sources:    RCW 103           2.08
                        SN 1987A                      2.20
                        SS 433                        2.20
Absorp. Spectr.:        Sgr A West        2.86        2.86
                        W51 IRS2                      2.30
                        Sgr B2            1.40        1.00

spring launch targets:
                        Object            Priority
                                          1           2           3
PDR:                    Orion             8.04
                        DR 21                                     2.65
                        S106                          4.04
Refl. Nebulae:          NGC 1977          4.28		
                        NGC 2023                      3.60
                        Parsamyan 18                              2.11
Shocks:                 Orion BN/KL       8.72                    2.03
                        IC 443            5.54
                        DR 21                         7.57
                        Cep A                                     7.29
Emb. Sources:           W3 (OH)           1.90
                        NGC 2170 IRS2                 2.90
                        T Tau                         2.90
                        NGC 7538 IRS1                             1.90
X-Ray heat. Sources:    IC 443            2.20
                        SN 1987A                                  2.20
                        Crab Nebula                               2.08
                        SS 433                        2.20
Absorp. Spectr.:        Orion IRc2        2.30	
                        NGC 2170 IRS2                             2.30
                        W51 IRS2          2.86

The following tables specify the lines that will be observed for different
templates. The integration times have been calculated such that at least a S/N
ratio of 20 is achieved for each individual line. For fainter lines such as the
H2 v=0->0 S(0) transition where the integration times would become much too
long the integration time has been limited to 1200 sec (in special cases
3600 sec).

Table 1: Lines to be observed for PDRs near bright HII regions.
Line                              lambda      AOT
H_2                              28.2188      SWS07
H_2                               9.6649      SWS02
H_2                               8.0251      SWS02
H_2                              17.0348      SWS07
H_2                               4.6933      SWS02
H_2                              12.2786      SWS02
[SiII]                           34.8160      SWS07
H_2                               6.9095      SWS02
H_2                               3.8451      SWS02
[FeIII]                          22.93        SWS02
H_2                               5.5097      SWS02
H_2                               4.1801      SWS02
[NeIII]                          15.55        SWS02
H_2                               2.6262      SWS02
H_2                               2.8017      SWS02
H_2                               2.5503      SWS02
H_2                               2.72        SWS02
HI n=13->9                      14.1831       SWS02
OH                              34.6035       SWS07
H_2O                            40.6909       SWS07
H_2O                            28.9137       SWS07
[FeII]                          25.9882       SWS07
HI n=6->5                        7.4599       SWS02
HD                             112.1076       LWS04
[NII]                          121.8981       LWS04
[CII]                          157.740        LWS04
H_2O                           113.54         LWS04
H_2O                           125.35         LWS04
H_2O                           179.53         LWS04
H_2^18O                        181.05         LWS04
LWS scan (selected sources)     45-180        LWS01

Table 2: Lines to be observed for reflection nebulae.
Line                              lambda      AOT
H_2                              28.2188      SWS02
H_2                               9.6649      SWS02
H_2                               8.0251      SWS02
H_2                              17.0348      SWS02
H_2                               6.9095      SWS02
H_2                              12.2786      SWS02
[SiII]                           34.8160      SWS02
OH                               34.6035      SWS07
H_2O                             40.6909      SWS07
H_2O                             28.9137      SWS07
HI n=6->5                         7.4599      SWS02
H_2                               2.6262      SWS02
H_2                               2.8017      SWS02
H_2                               2.5503      SWS02
H_2                               2.72        SWS02
HI n=13->9                       14.1831      SWS02
HD                              112.1076      LWS04
[NII]                           121.8981      LWS04
[CII]                           157.740       LWS04
H_2O                            113.54        LWS04
H_2O                            125.35        LWS04
H_2O                            179.53        LWS04
H_2^18O                         181.05        LWS04
LWS scan (selected sources)     45-180        LWS01

Table 3: Individual lines to be observed for shocked molecular gas.
Line                              lambda      AOT
H_2                              28.2188      SWS07
HD                               10.8719      SWS02
H_2                              17.0348      SWS07
H_2                               4.1809      SWS02
H_2                               3.8451      SWS02
H_2                              12.2786      SWS02
[SiII]                           34.8160      SWS02
H_2                               9.6649      SWS02
H_2O                             35.4259      SWS07
H_2                               8.0251      SWS02
H_2O                             29.8366      SWS07
H_2                               6.9095      SWS02
[SI]                             25.2490      SWS02
H_2                               5.5111      SWS02
HD                               19.4326      SWS02
H_2                               4.6924      SWS02
[FeII]                           25.9882      SWS02
HD                               28.5063      SWS07
HD                               12.4812      SWS02
HD                               37.7074      SWS07
HD                               11.5915      SWS02
HD                               23.0309      SWS02
H_2                               3.23        SWS02
HD                               16.8947      SWS02
[NiII]                            6.634       SWS02
HD                               15.0218      SWS02
H_2                               2.6262      SWS02
H_2                               2.8017      SWS02
H_2                               3.00        SWS02
HD                               13.5980      SWS02
H_2                               2.553       SWS02
OH                               34.6035      SWS07
OH                               28.940       SWS07
HI n=6->5                         7.4599      SWS02
H_2O                             40.3367      SWS07
H_2O                             31.7720      SWS07
OH                               43.949       SWS02
HI n=7->6                        12.3719      SWS02
H_2O                             45.1114      SWS02
H_2O                             43.3393      SWS02
H_2O                             40.6909      SWS07
OH                               44.666       SWS02
OH                               39.514       SWS07
HI n=8->6                         7.5025      SWS02
[NeII]                           12.8149      SWS02
[NiI]                             7.505       SWS02
OH                               24.642       SWS07
H_3^+                             3.9530      SWS02
[SiVIII]                         18.45        SWS02
HeH^+                             3.61        SWS02
[FeI]                            24.04        SWS07
^12CO                             4.6         SWS06
O_2                             165.4113      LWS04
LWS scan (selected sources)      45-180       LWS01
H_2O                             43.3407      SWS02
H_2O                             71.5396      LWS04
H_2O                             71.9467      LWS04
H_2O                             74.9445      LWS04
H_2O                             99.4926      SWS07
H_2O                             96.1710      SWS07
H_2O                             49.2817      LWS04
H_2O                             28.9137      SWS07
H_2O                            121.721       LWS04
H_2^18O                          41.1599      SWS07
H_2O (not Orion)                125.524       LWS04
H_2O (not Orion)                113.538       LWS04
H_2O                            179.527       LWS04
H_2^18O                         181.049       LWS04
H_2O (not Orion)                 82.031       LWS04
[SiI]                           129.68        LWS04
[SiI]                            68.474       LWS04
CH                              149.091       LWS04
CH                              149.390       LWS04
NH_3                            124.91        LWS04
NH_3                            124.88        LWS04
NH_3                            124.80        LWS04
NH_3                            124.65        LWS04
OH                              163.121       LWS04
OH                              163.396       LWS04
OH                              119.441       LWS04
OH                              119.234       LWS04
^18OH                           120.172       LWS04
^18OH                           119.966       LWS04

Table 4: Lines to be observed for shocked gas in the ionized parts of SNRs.
Line                              lambda      AOT
[FeII]                            5.339       SWS02
[FeII]                           17.9533      SWS02
[ArIII]                           8.9910      SWS02
[FeII]                           35.3491      SWS02
[PII]                            32.87        SWS02
[NeIII]                          36.02        SWS02
[FeIII]                          33.04        SWS02
[NeVI]                            7.642       SWS02
[FeI]                            24.04        SWS02
[MgV]                             5.609       SWS02
[SIII]                           33.482       SWS02
[SIV]                            10.5105      SWS02
[NeIII]                          15.55        SWS02
[ArII]                            6.9853      SWS02
[FII]                            29.33        SWS02
[NiI]                             7.505       SWS02
[NiIII]                           7.347       SWS02
[NeII]                           12.8149      SWS02
[SiII]                           34.8160      SWS02
[OIV]                            25.87        SWS02
[MgIV]                            4.487       SWS02
[NiII]                            6.634       SWS02
[SI]                             25.2490      SWS02
[ClII]                           33.281       SWS02
[ClI]                            11.3333      SWS02
[SiIX]                            2.584       SWS02
[ClII]                           14.3678      SWS02
[NeV]                            14.32        SWS02
HI Br alpha                       4.0423      SWS02
[SIII]                           18.7129      SWS02
[FI]                             24.745       SWS02
[FeII]                           25.9882      SWS02
[FeIII]                          22.93        SWS02
[ArIII]                          21.84        SWS02
[NeV]                            24.28        SWS02
[SiIX]                            3.92        SWS02
[NII]                           121.8981      LWS04
[CII]                           157.740       LWS04
[OIII]                           88.356       LWS04
[OIII]                           51.815       LWS04
[SiI]                           129.68        LWS04
[SiI]                            68.474       LWS04
[NIII]                           57.317       LWS04

Table 5: Lines to be observed for gas heated by embedded objects.
Line                              lambda      AOT
H_2                              28.2188      SWS07
H_2  1)                          17.0302      SWS02
H_2                               6.9095      SWS02
H_2                               3.23        SWS02
H_2  1)                          12.2786      SWS02
H_2O                             40.6909      SWS07
H_2                               9.6649      SWS02
OH   2)                          34.6035      SWS07
HI Pf alpha 2)                    7.46        SWS02
H_2O                             29.8366      SWS07
H_2O  2)                         31.7720      SWS07
H_2O                             45.1114      SWS02
HD                              112.1076      LWS04
HD                               56.2114      LWS04
H_2^18O                          41.1599      SWS07
H_2O                             49.2817      LWS04
H_2O  2)                         28.9137      SWS07
H_2O                             99.4926      SWS07
H_2O                             96.1710      SWS07
H_2O                            121.721       LWS04
H_2^18O                          41.1599      SWS07
H_2O (not Orion)                125.524       LWS04
H_2O (not Orion)                113.538       LWS04
H_2O                            179.527       LWS04
H_2^18O                         181.049       LWS04
H_2O (not Orion)                 82.031       LWS04
CH                              149.091       LWS04
CH                              149.390       LWS04
NH_3                            124.91        LWS04
NH_3                            124.88        LWS04
NH_3                            124.80        LWS04
NH_3                            124.65        LWS04
OH    2)                        163.121       LWS04
OH    2)                        163.396       LWS04
OH                              119.441       LWS04
OH                              119.234       LWS04
^18OH                           120.172       LWS04
^18OH                           119.966       LWS04
O_2                             165.4113      LWS04
LWS scan (selected sources)      45-180       LWS01
1) SWS07 for T Tau
2) not for T Tau

Table 6: Lines to be observed for X-ray excited gas.
Line                              lambda      AOT
H_2                               9.6649      SWS02
[SiII]                           34.8160      SWS02
H_2O                             40.3367      SWS02
H_2O                             39.3991      SWS02
[OIV]                            25.87        SWS02
HI Br alpha                       4.051       SWS02
H_2                               4.6946      SWS02
[SiVIII]                         18.45        SWS02
HeH^+                             3.61        SWS02
H_3^+                            16.331       SWS02
H_3^+                             3.953       SWS02
[NII]                           121.898       LWS04
[CII]                           157.740       LWS04

Table 7: Lines observed for absorption spectroscopy.
Line                              lambda      AOT
H_2                              28.2188      SWS07
H_2                              17.0348      SWS07
HD                              112.1076      LWS04
O_2                             165.4113      LWS04
H_2O                            100.983       LWS04
H_2O                            179.527       LWS04
H_2^18O                         181.049       LWS04
CH_4 nu_4 band (not Orion)     7.40-7.65      SWS06
CH_4 nu_3 band (not Orion)      3.2-3.4       SWS06

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
 1, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "W3(OH)        ", 02.38806, +61.65000, 1950, 0.,0., 1236,3
 2, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "W3(OH)        ", 02.38806, +61.65000, 1950, 0.,0., 5606,0
 3, "LWS04", 1.,"N", "W3(OH)        ", 02.38806, +61.64500, 1950, 0.,0., 3190,0
 4, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "W51 IRS2      ", 19.35622, +14.42028, 1950, 0.,0., 6842,0
 5, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "NGC 7538 IRS1 ", 23.19358, +61.19806, 1950, 0.,0., 1236,0
 6, "SWS07", 3.,"N", "NGC 7538 IRS1 ", 23.19358, +61.19806, 1950, 0.,0., 5606,0
 8, "LWS04", 3.,"N", "NGC 7538 IRS1 ", 23.19358, +61.19806, 1950, 0.,0., 3686,0
 9, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "RCW103 H2     ", 16.23056, -50.98694, 1950, 0.,0., 7476,0
10, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "RCW103 H2     ", 16.23056, -50.98694, 1950, 0.,0.,  496,11
11, "LWS04", 1.,"N", "RCW103 H2     ", 16.23056, -50.98694, 1950, 0.,0.,  476,0
12, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "SN1987A       ", 05.59725, -69.29944, 1950, 0.,0., 7476,13
13, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "SN1987A       ", 05.59725, -69.29944, 1950, 0.,0.,  496,0
14, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "SS 433 knot5  ", 19.09167, +04.82778, 1950, 0.,0., 3738,15
15, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "SS 433 knot5  ", 19.09167, +04.82778, 1950, 0.,0.,  496,0
16, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "SS 433 knot3  ", 19.10972, +05.04167, 1950, 0.,0., 3738,17
17, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "SS 433 knot3  ", 19.10972, +05.04167, 1950, 0.,0.,  496,0
18, "LWS04", 1.,"N", "Sgr B2        ", 17.73617, -28.36722, 1950, 0.,0., 2000,0
19, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "Sgr B2        ", 17.73617, -28.36722, 1950, 0.,0., 3040,0
20, "SWS07", 2.,"N", "Sgr A West 1  ", 17.70767, -28.98861, 1950, 0.,0.,10280,0
22, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "W51 IRS2      ", 19.35622, +14.42028, 1950, 0.,0., 8280,0
23, "LWS04", 2.,"N", "Sgr B2        ", 17.73617, -28.36722, 1950, 0.,0., 3600,0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
 1, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "W3(OH)        ", 02.38806, +61.65000, 1950, 0.,0., 1236,2
 2, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "W3(OH)        ", 02.38806, +61.65000, 1950, 0.,0., 5606,0
 3, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 2170 IRS2 ", 06.08872, -06.37333, 1950, 0.,0., 1236,4
 4, "SWS07", 2.,"N", "NGC 2170 IRS2 ", 06.08872, -06.37333, 1950, 0.,0., 2185,0
 6, "LWS04", 2.,"N", "NGC 2170 IRS2 ", 06.08872, -06.37333, 1950, 0.,0., 3686,0
 7, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 2170 IRS3 ", 06.08933, -06.37500, 1950, 0.,0., 1236,8
 8, "SWS07", 2.,"N", "NGC 2170 IRS3 ", 06.08933, -06.37500, 1950, 0.,0., 2185,0
 9, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "T Tau         ", 04.31783, +19.41806, 1950, 0.,0., 1236,10
10, "SWS07", 2.,"N", "T Tau         ", 04.31783, +19.41806, 1950, 0.,0., 5606,0
11, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "T Tau         ", 04.31783, +19.41806, 1950, 0.,0.,  496,12
12, "LWS04", 2.,"N", "T Tau         ", 04.31783, +19.41806, 1950, 0.,0., 3190,0
13, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "NGC 7538 IRS1 ", 23.19358, +61.19806, 1950, 0.,0., 1236,14
14, "SWS07", 3.,"N", "NGC 7538 IRS1 ", 23.19358, +61.19806, 1950, 0.,0., 5606,0
15, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "SN1987A       ", 05.59722, -69.29944, 1950, 0.,0., 7476,16
16, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "SN1987A       ", 05.59722, -69.29944, 1950, 0.,0.,  496,0
17, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Crab pos1     ", 05.52483, +21.99944, 1950, 0.,0., 3738,0
18, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Crab pos2     ", 05.52383, +21.97250, 1950, 0.,0., 3738,0
19, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "IC443 H2 pos2 ", 06.24489, +22.38444, 1950, 0.,0., 7476,0
20, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "SS 433 knot5  ", 19.09167, +04.82778, 1950, 0.,0., 3738,21
21, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "SS 433 knot5  ", 19.09167, +04.82778, 1950, 0.,0.,  496,0
22, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "SS 433 knot3  ", 19.10972, +05.04167, 1950, 0.,0., 3738,23
23, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "SS 433 knot3  ", 19.10972, +05.04167, 1950, 0.,0.,  496,0
24, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "Orion IRc2    ", 05.54633, -05.40694, 1950, 0.,0., 8280,0
25, "SWS07", 3.,"N", "NGC 2170 IRS3 ", 06.08933, -06.37500, 1950, 0.,0., 8280,0
26, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "W51 IRS2      ", 19.35622, +14.42028, 1950, 0.,0., 8280,0
27, "LWS04", 1.,"N", "W51 IRS2      ", 19.35622, +14.42028, 1950, 0.,0., 2000,0
28, "SWS07", 2.,"N", "Sgr A West 1  ", 17.70767, -28.98861, 1950, 0.,0.,  420,0
29, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.53855, -05.40750, 1950, 0.,0.,  420,30
30, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.54244, -05.40750, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,31
31, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.54633, -05.40750, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,32
32, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.55022, -05.40750, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,33
33, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.55411, -05.40750, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,34
34, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.53855, -05.40722, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,35
35, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.54244, -05.40722, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,36
36, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.54633, -05.40722, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,37
37, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.55022, -05.40722, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,38
38, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.55411, -05.40722, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,39
39, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.53855, -05.40694, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,40
40, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.54244, -05.40694, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,41
41, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.54633, -05.40694, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,42
42, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.55022, -05.40694, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,43
43, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.55411, -05.40694, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,44
44, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.53855, -05.40666, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,45
45, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.54244, -05.40666, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,46
46, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.54633, -05.40666, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,47
47, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.55022, -05.40666, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,48
48, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.55411, -05.40666, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,49
49, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.53855, -05.40638, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,50
50, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.54244, -05.40638, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,51
51, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.54633, -05.40638, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,52
52, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.55022, -05.40638, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,53
53, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Orion IRc2 map", 05.55411, -05.40638, 1950, 0.,0.,  260,0