<=== observer ===>
"Waters, L.B.F.M.",\
"SRON Laboratory for Space Research Groningen",\
" ",\
"P.O. Box 800",\
"9700 AV ",\
"Groningen ",\
"The Netherlands",\
"31 50  634090",\
"31 50  634033",\

<=== proposal ===>
"POSTAGB", 1, 3,\
{"planetary nebulae",\
"stellar winds",\
"stellar evolution"},\
{"S.R. Pottasch",\
"Kapteyn Institute",\
"D.A. Beintema",\
"SRON Groningen",\
"H.J.G.L.M. Lamers",\
"SRON Utrecht",\
"N.R. Trams",\
"C. Waelkens",\
"Astronomical Institu",\
"University Leuven",\
"A.A. Zijlstra",\
"T. de Jong",\
"SRON Groningen"}

<=== title ===>
Transition objects between Asymptotic Giant Branch and Planetary Nebula

<=== abstract ===>

The short-lived evolutionary phase of low and intermediate mass stars
between the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) and the Planetary Nebula (PN) stage
is not well understood. The central star rapidly increases its effective
temperature and decreases its radius at constant luminosity, while the
mass loss rate, which was very high on the AGB, drops to much lower
values. As the AGB remnant expands and cools, the central star becomes
visible again and can be studied in detail.

During the transition to the PN phase, the character of the stellar wind
of the central star changes from a dust/pulsation driven one on the AGB,
to a fast, radiation driven wind once the star reaches effective
temperatures above about 20,000 K. The physics of this process is not
well known, and may be related to the geometry of the outflow. It is by
now well established that many transition objects show considerable
deviations from spherical symmetry. These asymmetries may occur shortly
before leaving the AGB, or result from the rapid evolution in this
transition phase. It is unlikely that these asymmetries arise as a
result of interacting winds, since the fast wind begins at much higher

Another unknown is the post-AGB mass loss rate, which however is of
considerable importance for the further evolution of the central star
and nebula. If the mass loss rate exceeds the nuclear burning rate, then
mass loss determines the speed of evolution towards the PN phase, much
as mass loss dominates the AGB evolution. Estimates of post-AGB mass
loss rates range between 1e(-9) to 1e(-6) M(sun)/yr, while nuclear
burning rates range between 1e(-8) and 1e(-7) M(sun)/yr. If mass loss is
important, it speeds up the post-AGB evolution and may allow the
formation of low luminosity planetary nebulae. The infrared HI
recombination lines allow us to determine the amount of ionized
circumstellar gas and from that the post-AGB mass loss rates.

Study of the AGB remnant yields information on the mass loss history of
the star while it was on the AGB. When the energy distribution is
accuraty known, it can be modeled in detail and a kinematic age of the AGB
remnant can be determined. This age can be compared to the evolutionary
timescale of the central star, i.e. the time it took the star to reach
its present Teff. These data are critical tests of current evolutionary
tracks for post-AGB stars, especially when combined with optical and UV
abundance studies of the stellar photosphere.
Post-AGB stars also allow us to study the changes in the dust properties
as the temperature of the central star changes from very low to  very
high values. In several post-AGB stars the unidentified 21 mu feature is
seen, as well as the PAH features at 3.3, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.3 mu.

It is clear that post-AGB stars can be studied best in the (far)-IR.
ISO is the only instrument that allows a study of the IR properties of
the ionized and molecular outflow of the star, and of the properties of
the circumstellar dust.


We propose to obtain SWS full scans at reduced resolution of a sample
of post-AGB stars with a range in chemical composition, luminosity,
temperature and geometry. Sample selection is mainly based on IRAS data
and follow-up observations. In addition, we propose to obtain PHT-S
spectra of all our targets. For several stars we request full resolution
SWS scans (SWS AOT01).

<=== scientific_justification ===>

Time distribution for spring launch targets
Team:    top 40%    second 30%   last 30%
SWS      13930        12840        6144

Time distribution for autumn launch targets
Team:    top 40%    second 30%   last 30%
SWS      14278         7896       14796

Table 1. Cross-references source names
name 1            name 2          name 3
1  CRL 618
2  HD 44179       Red Rectangle
3  HD 56126
4  U Mon          HD
5  IRAS08005-2356
6  IRAS09371+1212 Frosty Leo
7  HR 4049        HD 89353
8  HD 101584
9  R CrB          HD 141527
10 HD 161796
11 89 Her         HD 85545
12 AC Her         HD
13 IRC +10420
14 CRL 2688
15 SAO 34504      HD235858               C-rich 21 mic, group V K star
16 OH231.8+4.2
17 HD 213985
18 IRAS17347-3139
19 IRAS17579-3121
20 IRAS17418-2713
21 AFGL 4106
22 IRAS04296+3429                         21mic, C-rich, V
23 IRAS09425-6040                         IIIb, young ppn
24 C*1662                                 C star in region V!
25 Roberts 22                             pah, V, A2Iab
26 CD-49 11554                            Be
27 IRAS17583-2201                         IIIb, young ppn
28 OH17.7-2.0                             O-rich, V
29 AFGL 5502                              VIII, C-rich
30 HD 179821                              O-rich, V, G5
31 HD 187885                              C-rich, V, F2/3Iab+A
32 IRAS20028+3910
33 IRAS22223+4327                         C-rich, V
34 IRAS23304+6147                         C-rich, 21mic., group V

Table 2. Positions and Offsets
No     ra       dec          precision    offset    ref. pos   window
	 1950.0                 (",")      (")
1      04 39 32.9  +36 01 09     1,1        0                  spr
2      06 17 36.9  -10 36 51     1,1        0           1      spr
3      07 13 25.4  +10 05 08     1,1        0           1      spr
4      07 28 24.2  -09 40 14     1,1        0           1      spr
5      08 00 00    -23 56 00     5,15       0           2      spr
6      09 37 12.0  +12 12 31     5,15       0           2      spr
7      10 15 49.9  -28 44 29     1,1        0           1      saf
8      11 38 33.7  -55 17 48     1,1        0           1      saf
9      15 46 30.6  +28 18 31     1,1        0           1      aut
10     17 43 41.3  +50 03 47     1,1        0           1      aut
11     17 53 24.1  +26 03 23     1,1        0           1      aut
12     18 28 08.9  +21 49 52     1,1        0           1      aut
13     19 24 26.7  +11 15 11     1,1        0                  saf
14     21 00 16.0  +36 30 00     5,15       0                  saf
15     22 27 13.4  +54 35 44     1,1        0           1      saf
16     07 39 58.9  -14 35 44     1,1        0                  spr
17     22 32 46.0  -17 30 59     1,1        0           1      saf
18     17 34 45.9  -31 39 11     5,15       0           2      aut
19     17 57 59.7  -31 22 01     5,15       0           2      aut
20     17 41 51.9  -27 13 33     5,15       0           2      aut
21     10 21 32.5  -59 16 53     3,3        0           4      saf
22     04 29 40.3  +34 29 53     3,3        0           4      spr
23     09 42 35.2  -60 40 34     3,3        0           4      saf
24     10 17 48.6  -59 58 23     3,3        0           4      saf
25     10 19 45.1  -57 50 28     3,3        0           4      saf
26     17 31 11.2  -49 24 25     3,3        0           4      aut
27     17 58 21.6  -22 01 05     3,3        0           4      aut
28     18 27 39.8  -14 31 04     3,3        0           4      aut
29     18 30 50.8  -05 03 27     3,3        0           4      aut
30     19 11 24.9  +00 02 19     3,3        0           4      aut
31     19 50 00.7  -17 09 38     3,3        0           4      saf
32     20 02 48.0  +39 10 03     3,3        0           4      aut
33     22 22 22.9  +43 27 49     3,3        0           4      saf
34     23 30 26.7  +61 47 15     3,3        0           4      saf
References for positions and accuracy
1: SAO Catalogue
2: IRAS Point Source Catalogue
3: Kwok et al. 1987
4: Loup, Thesis, Grenoble 1991

Table 4. Photometric data (fluxes in Jansky)
no ident          J      H      K      L     M       12     25     60
1  CRL 618          0.02          0.13   2.53  13.64  470   1106   1035
2  HD 44179         4.11  10.90  26.47  86.79 113.46  422    456    173
3  HD 56126         2.79   2.19   1.66   0.73    -       25    117     50
4  U Mon           29.75  29.20  23.06  23.04  34.26    124   88.4   26.6
5  IRAS08005-2356   1.04   2.08   4.20  12.09  13.27  17.96   51.8  29.83
6  IRAS09371+1212    -      -       -     -      -     <0.3    4.6   70.3
7  HR 4049         22.16  25.20  39.34  79.16  75.66   31.5   6.81   1.35
8  HD 101584        7.20   9.94  20.27  40.41  46.43   88.7  133.7  177.4
9  R CrB           15.76  12.87  13.52  63.46  65.29   38.9   17.1   3.94
10 HD 161796        7.61   4.42   2.60   1.29    -     6.65  188.9  128.8
11 89 Her          25.91  23.85  32.42  60.05  70.93   97.6   54.1   13.2
12 AC Her           6.69   6.75   5.14   3.65   5.95   41.4   65.3   21.4
13 IRC+10 420      16.35  36.09  41.96    157    285   1346   2314    718
14 CRL 2688         0.26   0.21   0.50   1.01   5.95  b r i g h t
15 SAO 34504       12.29  11.21   8.61   5.23   4.69   73.9    302   96.6
16 OH231.8+4.2      0.48   1.30   2.22   4.55    -     19.0    226  548
17 HD 213985        0.85   0.93   1.32   2.45   2.34    4.90   4.04   1.82
18 IRAS17347-3139    -      -     0.03   0.64   0.78   18.99 100.30 125.40
19 IRAS17579-3121    -      -       -     -      -      2.01  62.39  58.21
20 IRAS17418-2713    -      -       -     -      -     14.95  51.28  45.94
21 AFGL 4106       23.4    43.8    41.1  25.7    -
22 IRAS04296+3429  0.23    0.38    0.35  0.33   0.50    12.7   45.9   15.4
23 IRAS09425-6040   -       -       -     -      -      26.8   55.5   21.2
24 C*1662           -       -       -     -      -      4.12   38.3   76.1
25 Roberts 22       -       -       -     -      -      200    1090   588
26 CD-49 11554     0.22    0.19    0.16  0.16   0.31    18.3   151    58.7
27 IRAS17583-2201   -       -       -     -      -      51.5   79.7   29.9
28 OH17.7-2.0      0.04    0.068   0.12  0.44   0.78    22.6   132    120
29 AFGL 5502        -       -       -     -      -      28.3   162    677
30 HD 179821       16.4    17.0    12.9  6.64   5.38    31.3   648    516
31 HD 187885       2.2     1.86    1.27   0.65  0.57    27.8   165    73.4
32 IRAS20028+3910   -       -       -     -      -      41.8   211    143
33 IRAS22223+4327   -      m=9.1  m=8.4  m=5.1   -      2.12   37.1   22.4
34 IRAS23304+6147  0.62    0.80    0.57   0.40  0.48    11.4   59.1   26.6

Table 5. Priorities, Time and Coordination with other consortia.
						       Other observations
no  ident       prio AOT  time       LWS  CAM    PHT   needed in SWS time:
1  CRL 618        1  SWS01 1116       +    +      +
2  HD 44179       1  SWS01 3600       +    +      +
3  HD 56126       2  SWS01 1116       +                         PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
4  U Mon          2  SWS01 1116       +           +             PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
5  IRAS08005-2356 2  SWS01 1116                                 PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
6  IRAS09371+1212 2  SWS01 1116       +           +             PHT-S
7  HR 4049        1  SWS01 1116       +
8  HD 101584      2  SWS01 1116       +
		     PHT40  120
9  R CrB          2  SWS01 1116       +    +      +             PHT-S
10 HD 161796      1  SWS01 1116       +           +             PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
11 89 Her         1  SWS01 1116       +                         PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
12 AC Her         1  SWS01 1116       +           +             PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
13 IRC+10420      1  SWS01 1906       +           +
		     PHT40  120
14 CRL 2688       1  SWS01 3600       +    +      +
		     PHT40  120
15 SAO 34504      2  SWS01 1116       +           +             PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
16 OH231.8+4.2    1  SWS01 1116       +    +      +             PHT-S
17 HD 213985      3  SWS01 1116       +           +             PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
18 IRAS17347-3139 3  SWS01 1116       +                         PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
19 IRAS17579-3121 3  SWS01 1116                                 PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
20 IRAS17418-2713 3  SWS01 1116                                 PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
21 AFGL 4106      2  SWS01 1116                                 PHT-S,LWS
		     PHT40  120
		     LWS01  600
22 IRAS04296+3429 2  SWS01 1116       +                         PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
23 IRAS09425-6040 3  SWS01 1116                                 PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
24 C* 1662        3  SWS01 1116                                 PHT-S,LWS
		     PHT40  120
		     LWS01  600
25 Roberts 22     3  SWS01 1116                                 PHT-S,LWS
		     PHT40  120
		     LWS01  600
26 CD-49 11554    3  SWS01 1116                                 PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
27 IRAS17583-2201 3  SWS01 1116                                 PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
28 OH17.7-2.0     1  SWS01 1116      +                          PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
29 AFGL 5502      3  SWS01 1116                                 PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
30 HD 179821      1  SWS01 1116      +                          PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
31 HD 187885      2  SWS01 1116      +                          PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
32 IRAS20028+3910 3  SWS01 1116      +                          PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
33 IRAS22223+4327 2  SWS01 1116                                 PHT-S
		     PHT40  120
34 IRAS23304+6147 1  SWS01 1116      +                          PHT-S
		     PHT40  120

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS01",1.,"N","HR 4049       ", 10.26386, -28.74139, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  0
 2, "SWS01",2.,"N","HD 101584     ", 11.64269, -55.29667, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  3
 3, "PHT40",2.,"N","HD 101584     ", 11.64269, -55.29667, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
 4, "SWS01",2.,"N","R CrB         ", 15.77517,  28.30861, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  0
 5, "SWS01",1.,"N","HD 161796     ", 17.72814,  50.06306, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  6
 6, "PHT40",1.,"N","HD 161796     ", 17.72814,  50.06306, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
 7, "SWS01",1.,"N","89 Her        ", 17.89003,  26.05639, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  8
 8, "PHT40",1.,"N","89 Her        ", 17.89003,  26.05639, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
 9, "SWS01",1.,"N","AC Her        ", 18.46914,  21.83111, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 10
10, "PHT40",1.,"N","AC Her        ", 18.46914,  21.83111, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
11, "SWS01",1.,"N","IRC+10420     ", 19.40742,  11.25306, 1950, 0.,0., 1906, 12
12, "PHT40",1.,"N","IRC+10420     ", 19.40742,  11.25306, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
13, "SWS01",1.,"N","CRL 2688      ", 21.00444,  36.50000, 1950, 0.,0., 3600, 14
14, "PHT40",1.,"N","CRL 2688      ", 21.00444,  36.50000, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
15, "SWS01",2.,"N","SAO 34504     ", 22.45372,  54.59556, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 16
16, "PHT40",2.,"N","SAO 34504     ", 22.45372,  54.59556, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
17, "SWS01",3.,"N","HD 213985     ", 22.54611, -17.51639, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 18
18, "PHT40",3.,"N","HD 213985     ", 22.54611, -17.51639, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
19, "SWS01",3.,"N","IRAS17347-3139", 17.57942, -31.65306, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 20
20, "PHT40",3.,"N","IRAS17347-3139", 17.57942, -31.65306, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
21, "SWS01",3.,"N","IRAS17579-3121", 17.96658, -31.36694, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 22
22, "PHT40",3.,"N","IRAS17579-3121", 17.96658, -31.36694, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
23, "SWS01",3.,"N","IRAS17418-2713", 17.69775, -27.22583, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 24
24, "PHT40",3.,"N","IRAS17418-2713", 17.69775, -27.22583, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
25, "SWS01",2.,"N","AFGL 4106     ", 10.35903, -59.28139, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 26
26, "PHT40",2.,"N","AFGL 4106     ", 10.35903, -59.28139, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 27
27, "LWS01",2.,"N","AFGL 4106     ", 10.35903, -59.28139, 1950, 0.,0.,  600,  0
28, "SWS01",3.,"N","IRAS09425-6040",  9.70978, -60.67611, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 29
29, "PHT40",3.,"N","IRAS09425-6040",  9.70978, -60.67611, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
30, "SWS01",3.,"N","C* 1662       ", 10.29683, -59.97306, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 31
31, "PHT40",3.,"N","C* 1662       ", 10.29683, -59.97306, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 32
32, "LWS01",3.,"N","C* 1662       ", 10.29683, -59.97306, 1950, 0.,0.,  600,  0
33, "SWS01",3.,"N","Roberts 22    ", 10.32919, -57.84111, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 34
34, "PHT40",3.,"N","Roberts 22    ", 10.32919, -57.84111, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 35
35, "LWS01",3.,"N","Roberts 22    ", 10.32919, -57.84111, 1950, 0.,0.,  600,  0
36, "SWS01",3.,"N","CD-49 11554   ", 17.51978, -49.40694, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 37
37, "PHT40",3.,"N","CD-49 11554   ", 17.51978, -49.40694, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
38, "SWS01",3.,"N","IRAS17583-2201", 17.97267, -22.01806, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 39
39, "PHT40",3.,"N","IRAS17583-2201", 17.97267, -22.01806, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
40, "SWS01",1.,"N","OH17.7-2.0    ", 18.46106, -14.51778, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 41
41, "PHT40",1.,"N","OH17.7-2.0    ", 18.46106, -14.51778, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
42, "SWS01",3.,"N","AFGL 5502     ", 18.51411,  -5.05750, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 43
43, "PHT40",3.,"N","AFGL 5502     ", 18.51411,  -5.05750, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
44, "SWS01",1.,"N","HD 179821     ", 19.19025,   0.03861, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 45
45, "PHT40",1.,"N","HD 179821     ", 19.19025,   0.03861, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
46, "SWS01",2.,"N","HD 187885     ", 19.83353, -17.16056, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 47
47, "PHT40",2.,"N","HD 187885     ", 19.83353, -17.16056, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
48, "SWS01",3.,"N","IRAS20028+3910", 20.04667,  39.16750, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 49
49, "PHT40",3.,"N","IRAS20028+3910", 20.04667,  39.16750, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
50, "SWS01",2.,"N","IRAS22223+4327", 22.37303,  43.46361, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 51
51, "PHT40",2.,"N","IRAS22223+4327", 22.37303,  43.46361, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
52, "SWS01",1.,"N","IRAS23304+6147", 23.50742,  61.78750, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 53
53, "PHT40",1.,"N","IRAS23304+6147", 23.50742,  61.78750, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS01",1.,"N","CRL 618       ",  4.65914,  36.01917, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  0
 2, "SWS01",1.,"N","HD 44179      ",  6.29358, -10.61417, 1950, 0.,0., 3600,  0
 3, "SWS01",2.,"N","HD 56126      ",  7.22372,  10.08556, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  4
 4, "PHT40",2.,"N","HD 56126      ",  7.22372,  10.08556, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
 5, "SWS01",2.,"N","U Mon         ",  7.47339,  -9.67056, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  6
 6, "PHT40",2.,"N","U Mon         ",  7.47339,  -9.67056, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
 7, "SWS01",2.,"N","IRAS08005-2356",  8.00000, -23.93333, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  8
 8, "PHT40",2.,"N","IRAS08005-2356",  8.00000, -23.93333, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
 9, "SWS01",2.,"N","IRAS09371+1212",  9.62000,  12.20861, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  0
10, "SWS01",1.,"N","HR 4049       ", 10.26386, -28.74139, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  0
11, "SWS01",2.,"N","HD 101584     ", 11.64269, -55.29667, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 12
12, "PHT40",2.,"N","HD 101584     ", 11.64269, -55.29667, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
13, "SWS01",1.,"N","IRC+10420     ", 19.40742,  11.25306, 1950, 0.,0., 1906, 14
14, "PHT40",1.,"N","IRC+10420     ", 19.40742,  11.25306, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
15, "SWS01",1.,"N","CRL 2688      ", 21.00444,  36.50000, 1950, 0.,0., 3600, 16
16, "PHT40",1.,"N","CRL 2688      ", 21.00444,  36.50000, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
17, "SWS01",2.,"N","SAO 34504     ", 22.45372,  54.59556, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 18
18, "PHT40",2.,"N","SAO 34504     ", 22.45372,  54.59556, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
19, "SWS01",1.,"N","OH231.8+4.2   ",  7.66636, -14.59556, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  0
20, "SWS01",3.,"N","HD 213985     ", 22.54611, -17.51639, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 21
21, "PHT40",3.,"N","HD 213985     ", 22.54611, -17.51639, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
22, "SWS01",2.,"N","AFGL 4106     ", 10.35903, -59.28139, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 23
23, "PHT40",2.,"N","AFGL 4106     ", 10.35903, -59.28139, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 24
24, "LWS01",2.,"N","AFGL 4106     ", 10.35903, -59.28139, 1950, 0.,0.,  600,  0
25, "SWS01",2.,"N","IRAS04296+3429",  4.49453,  34.49806, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 26
26, "PHT40",2.,"N","IRAS04296+3429",  4.49453,  34.49806, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
27, "SWS01",3.,"N","IRAS09425-6040",  9.70978, -60.67611, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 28
28, "PHT40",3.,"N","IRAS09425-6040",  9.70978, -60.67611, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
29, "SWS01",3.,"N","C* 1662       ", 10.29683, -59.97306, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 30
30, "PHT40",3.,"N","C* 1662       ", 10.29683, -59.97306, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 31
31, "LWS01",3.,"N","C* 1662       ", 10.29683, -59.97306, 1950, 0.,0.,  600,  0
32, "SWS01",3.,"N","Roberts 22    ", 10.32919, -57.84111, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 33
33, "PHT40",3.,"N","Roberts 22    ", 10.32919, -57.84111, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 34
34, "LWS01",3.,"N","Roberts 22    ", 10.32919, -57.84111, 1950, 0.,0.,  600,  0
35, "SWS01",2.,"N","HD 187885     ", 19.83353, -17.16056, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 36
36, "PHT40",2.,"N","HD 187885     ", 19.83353, -17.16056, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
37, "SWS01",2.,"N","IRAS22223+4327", 22.37303,  43.46361, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 38
38, "PHT40",2.,"N","IRAS22223+4327", 22.37303,  43.46361, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
39, "SWS01",1.,"N","IRAS23304+6147", 23.50742,  61.78750, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 40
40, "PHT40",1.,"N","IRAS23304+6147", 23.50742,  61.78750, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0