<=== observer ===>
"Waters, L.B.F.M.",\
"SRON Laboratory for Space Research Groningen",\
" ",\
"P.O. Box 800",\
"9700 AV ",\
"Groningen ",\
"The Netherlands",\
"31 50  634090",\
"31 50  634033",\

<=== proposal ===>
"BESTARS", 1, 3,\
{"circumstellar discs",\
"early-type stars",\
"stellar winds"},\
{"H.J.G.L.M. Lamers",\
"SRON Utrecht",\
"J.M. Marlborough",\
"Astronomy Department",\
"University of Wester",\

<=== title ===>
The structure of the winds of Be stars.

<=== abstract ===>

Be stars are B-type main sequence stars or giants that show or have
shown H-alpha emission. They are on average rapid rotators, with vsini
values above 150-200 km/s. It is generally accepted that Be stars are
surrounded by a rotating circumstellar disc which is ejected by the star via a
mechanism that is as yet poorly understood. In order to improve our
knowledge of the
mechanism which forms these discs it is essential to map their density and
velocity structure, preferentially for a range of spectral types (i.e.
stellar luminositites and temperatures). The
aim of this proposal is to use infrared recombination lines of Hydrogen
and Helium, as well as forbidden lines, to study the velocity field in
Be star discs.

Infrared spectroscopy of these discs has several advantadges over
optical data. The IR lines are much easier to model than the
optical Balmer or Paschen lines. Furthermore the IR lines have only weak
photospheric components and so the correction for the underlying
photospheric absorption lines introduces much less uncertainty in the
emission contribution from the disc.

Infrared recombination line widths depend strongly on the details of the
velocity law (both rotational and radial) as a function of distance.
The ISO grating spectrometer has sufficient resolution to determine the
width of the lines (FWHM) as a function of wavelength and line strength,
and so will allow us to map especially the rotational velocity field.
Nothing is known about this rotational velocity field. Recent
observations indicate that some discs rotate faster than the underlying
star. If this is the case, some mechanism (possibly magnetic fields) may
be responsible for spinning up these discs.

The line strengths are sensitive probes of the density structure, both
in the radial and in the vertical direction. In order to have sufficient
constraints on models, it is important to observe many lines over a
wide wavelength range and optical depth range,
i.e. SWS is the ideal instrument to obtain such spectra.

We also propose to investigate the high-level IR Hydrogen recombination
lines in 'normal' B stars. Model calculations suggest that these lines
are very senstive to the presence of small amounts of circumstellar gas,
or to deviations from classical LTE model atmospheres. The recent
discovery of Bralpha emission in tau Sco illustrates that normal
B stars can have infrared Hydrogen recombination lines without having
Balmer emission lines. Since the high-level HI recombination lines are
not observable from the ground, SWS observations are the only way to
obtain this information. These observations will therefore allow us to study
mass loss in main sequence B stars, of which nothing is known at present.


We propose to observe HI and HeI recombination lines and forbidden line
transitions in the Be stars listed in the tables below, using the SWS in
the grating mode (AOT02). We have selected a range of line strengths and
optical depths to probe the circumstellar disc. In addition we request
a PHT-S spectrum for all targets. For Gamma Cas we request a full SWS
scan at reduced resolution (AOT01).

We plan to observe the following lines with SWS AOT02:

[Fe II]   5.34
[Ni II]   6.62
[Fe III] 22.94
[Fe II]  25.97
Br Alfa   4.05
Pf Alfa   7.46
Hu Bet    7.50
Hu Alfa  12.36
HI 10-7   8.76
HI 9-7   11.31
HI 8-7   19.05
HI 11-9  22.94
He I      4.03
He I      4.60
He I     23.04

<=== scientific_justification ===>
Time distribution for spring launch targets
Team:    top 40%     second 30%       last 30%
 SWS:     7524          12024           5496

Time distribution for autumn launch targets
Team:    top 40%     second 30%       last 30%
 SWS:     7524           8718           9696

Table 1. Cross-references source names
    name 1        name 2      name 3      name4
1  Gamma Cas      HR 264      B0.5 IVe
2  Delta Cen      HR 4621     B2 IVpe
3  Psi Per        HR 1087     B5 IIIe
4  Zeta Tau       HR 1910     B4 IIIpe
5  Beta CMi       HR 2845     B8 Ve
6  Eta Cen        HR 5440     B1.5 Vne
7  Chi Oph        HR 6118     B2 IV:pe
8  Alf Ara        HR 6510     B2 Vne
9  Alf Eri        HR 472      B3 Ve
10 Phi Per        HR 496      B2 Vep
11 Eta Tau        HR 1165     B7 IIIe
12 48 Per         HR 1273     B3 Ve
13 Kap CMa        HR 2538     B1.5 Vne
14 Omi Pup        HR 3034     B0 V:pe:
15 48 Lib         HR 5941     B5 IIIpe
16 Zet Oph        HR 6175     O9.5Vne
17 EW Lac         HR 8731     B4 IIIep
18 Eps Per        HR 1220    B0.5 V
19 Gam Ori        HR 1790    B2 III
20 Delta Ori      HR 1852    B0 III
21 Alf Leo        HR 3982    B7 V
22 Alf Cru        HR 4730    B0.5 IV
23 Bet Cru        HR 4853    B0.5 III
24 Alf Vir        HR 5056    B1 III-IV
25 Eta UMa        HR 5191    B3 V
26 Bet Cen        HR 5267    B1 III
27 Del Sco        HR 5953    B0.3 IV
28 Tau Sco        HR 6165    B0.2 V
29 Lam Sco        HR 6527    B2 IV

Table 2. Positions and offsets
No    ra           dec      precision     offset  ref pos   window
	   2000.0            (",")        (",")
1  00 56 42.4  +60 43 00      1,1          0,0       1       safe
2  12 08 21.5  -50 43 20      1,1          0,0       1       safe
3  03 36 29.3  +48 11 34      1,1          0,0       1       spr
4  05 37 38.6  +21 08 33      1,1          0,0       1       spr
5  07 27 09.0  +08 17 21      1,1          0,0       1       spr
6  14 35 30.3  -42 09 28      1,1          0,0       1       aut
7  16 27 01.3  -18 27 23      1,1          0,0       1       aut
8  17 31 50.4  -49 52 34      1,1          0,0       1       aut
9  01 37 42.9  -57 14 12      1,1          0,0       1       saf
10 01 43 39.6  +50 41 20      1,1          0,0       1       saf
11 03 47 29.0  +24 06 18      1,1          0,0       1       spr
12 04 08 39.6  +47 42 45      1,1          0,0       1       spr
13 06 49 50.4  -32 30 31      1,1          0,0       1       spr
14 07 48 05.1  -25 56 14      1,1          0,0       1       spr
15 15 58 11.3  -14 16 46      1,1          0,0       1       aut
16 16 37 09.4  -10 34 02      1,1          0,0       1       aut
17 22 57 04.5  +48 41 03      1,1          0,0       1       saf
18 03 57 51.2  +40 00 37      1,1          0,0       1       spr
19 05 25 07.8  +06 20 59      1,1          0,0       1       spr
20 05 32 00.3  -00 17 57      1,1          0,0       1       spr
21 10 08 22.3  +11 58 02      1,1          0,0       1       spr
22 12 26 35.9  -63 05 56      1,1          0,0       1       aut
23 12 47 43.3  -59 41 19      1,1          0,0       1       aut
24 13 25 11.5  -11 09 41      1,1          0,0       1       aut
25 13 47 32.3  +49 18 48      1,1          0,0       1       aut
26 14 03 49.4  -60 22 22      1,1          0,0       1       aut
27 16 00 19.9  -22 37 18      1,1          0,0       1       aut
28 16 35 52.9  -28 12 58      1,1          0,0       1       aut
29 17 33 36.4  -37 06 13      1,1          0,0       1       aut
References for positions:
1. Hoffleit and Jaschek: The Bright Star Catalogue.

Table 4. Photometric data (fluxes in Jy)
#  Star name      J      H       K      L       M        12     25     60
1  Gamma cas    196.6  138.5  100.7   56.8    44.7      14.7     6.73   2.17
2  Delta cen    136.0   97.6   67.1   39.6    26.2      12.6     7.11   2.94
3  Psi per       31.2   21.9   16.1    8.68    6.84      3.25    1.80   0.79
4  Zeta tau      81.9   61.0   42.0   23.7    17.7       6.50    3.11   0.99
5  Beta cmi     103.2   62.7   42.3   18.8    12.3       3.21    1.52   0.59
6  Eta cen      118.4   75.4   40.4   17.3    10.5       4.25    1.45   0.45
7  Chi oph       71.4   58.3   46.9   26.2    17.3       8.91    4.51   2.28
8  Alf ara       95.8   68.8   48.2   29.8      -       10.1     5.07   1.68
9  Alf eri      783    503    298    128      74.3      11.2     2.81   0.51
10 Phi per       43.8   32.3   25.3   16.1     -         6.1     3.11   1.05
11 Eta tau       95.8   62.1   38.6   17.9     9.8
12 48  per       42.6   28.9   19.9   10.4      -        3.06    1.80   0.79
13 Kap cma       58.8   40.7   28.0   15.8    10.8       5.16    2.46   0.79
14 Omi pup       28.7   21.2   15.4    9.0     6.1       1.99    0.74    -
15 The crb       27.9   17.6   10.7    4.7     2.6
16 48  lib       17.8   12.4    8.6    4.0     3.1       1.42    0.53    -
17 Zet oph      150.5   97.6   59.5   23.0      -
18 EW  Lac       11.3    7.8    5.3    2.7     2.0       1.41    0.91    -
19 Eps Per       73.4    -     26.5   10.6      -        1.5     0.4     -
20 Gam Ori      219.5  133.5   77.1   31.8    18.7       4.7     1.2     -
21 Delta Ori    137.3   79.7   47.3   19.7    10.8        -       -      -
22 Alf Leo      388.6  247.4  150.9   64.0    36.4       9.5     2.1     -
23 Alf Cru       -       -      -      -        -        9.1     2.3     -
24 Bet Cru      311.5  186.0  106.4   41.5      -         -       -      -
25 Alf Vir      392.2  252.0  142.8   57.9    32.4       8.9     1.8     -
26 Eta UMa      202.1    -     72.9   32.1    18.8       4.2     1.0     -
27 Bet Cen       -       -      -      -        -       11.4     2.3     -
28 Del Sco      143.7   98.5   56.3   23.0    13.0       3.4     0.8     -
29 Tau Sco       72.0   43.0   24.3    9.8     5.5       1.3      -      -
30 Lam Sco       -       -      -      -        -        4.4     1.2     -

Table 5. Priorities, Time and Coordination with other consortia.
						     Additional observations
No  ident      prio  AOT     time     LWS    CAM    PHT  in SWS time needed:
1  Gamma Cas    1    SWS02   1332      +                        PHT-S
		     SWS01   3600
		2    PHT40    120
		2    PHT22    300
2  Delta Cen    1    SWS02   1332                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
		2    PHT22    300
3  Psi Per      1    SWS02   1140                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120
		3    PHT22    300
4  Zeta Tau     2    SWS02   1140                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
5  Beta CMi     2    SWS02   1236                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
6  Eta Cen      3    SWS02   1428                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
7  Chi Oph      3    SWS02   1332                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
8  Alf Ara      2    SWS02   1332                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
9  Alf Eri      2    SWS02   1140                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
10 Phi Per      3    SWS02   1332                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
11 Eta Tau      2    SWS02   1140                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
12 48 Per       3    SWS02   1140                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
13 Kap CMa      2    SWS02   1332                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
14 Omi Pup      2    SWS02   1908                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
15 48 Lib       2    SWS02   1542                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
16 Zet Oph      3    SWS02   1332                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
17 EW Lac       2    SWS02   1524                               PHT-S
		     PHT40    120
18 Eps Per      2    SWS02   1044                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120
19 Gam Ori      3    SWS02    564                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120
20 Delta Ori    3    SWS02    660                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120
21 Alf Leo      3    SWS02    660                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120
22 Alf Cru      2    SWS02    660                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120
23 Bet Cru      3    SWS02    660                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120
24 Alf Vir      3    SWS02    660                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120
25 Eta UMa      3    SWS02    660                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120
26 Bet Cen      2    SWS02    660                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120
27 Del Sco      2    SWS02    660                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120
28 Tau Sco      1    SWS02   1140                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120
29 Lam Sco      3    SWS02    852                               PHT-S
		3    PHT40    120

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "Gamma Cas ",  0.94511,  60.71667, 2000, 0.,0.,  1332,  2
 2, "SWS01", 1.,"N", "Gamma Cas ",  0.94511,  60.71667, 2000, 0.,0.,  3600,  3
 3, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "Gamma Cas ",  0.94511,  60.71667, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  4
 4, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "Gamma Cas ",  0.94511,  60.71667, 2000, 0.,0.,   300,  0
 5, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "Delta Cen ", 12.13931, -50.72222, 2000, 0.,0.,  1332,  6
 6, "PHT40", 1.,"N", "Delta Cen ", 12.13931, -50.72222, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  7
 7, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "Delta Cen ", 12.13931, -50.72222, 2000, 0.,0.,   300,  0
 8, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Eta Cen   ", 14.59175, -42.15778, 2000, 0.,0.,  1428,  9
 9, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Eta Cen   ", 14.59175, -42.15778, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
10, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Chi Oph   ", 16.45036, -18.45639, 2000, 0.,0.,  1332, 11
11, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Chi Oph   ", 16.45036, -18.45639, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
12, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Alf Ara   ", 17.53067, -49.87611, 2000, 0.,0.,  1332, 13
13, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "Alf Ara   ", 17.53067, -49.87611, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
14, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Alf Eri   ",  1.62858, -57.23667, 2000, 0.,0.,  1140, 15
15, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "Alf Eri   ",  1.62858, -57.23667, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
16, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Phi Per   ",  1.72767,  50.68889, 2000, 0.,0.,  1332, 17
17, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Phi Per   ",  1.72767,  50.68889, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
18, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "48 Lib    ", 15.96981, -14.27944, 2000, 0.,0.,  1542, 19
19, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "48 Lib    ", 15.96981, -14.27944, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
20, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Zet Oph   ", 16.61928, -10.56722, 2000, 0.,0.,  1332, 21
21, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Zet Oph   ", 16.61928, -10.56722, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
22, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "EW Lac    ", 22.95125,  48.68417, 2000, 0.,0.,  1524, 23
23, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "EW Lac    ", 22.95125,  48.68417, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
24, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Alf Cru   ", 12.44331, -63.09889, 2000, 0.,0.,   660, 25
25, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Alf Cru   ", 12.44331, -63.09889, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
26, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Bet Cru   ", 12.79536, -59.68861, 2000, 0.,0.,   660, 27
27, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Bet Cru   ", 12.79536, -59.68861, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
28, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Alf Vir   ", 13.41986, -11.16139, 2000, 0.,0.,   660, 29
29, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Alf Vir   ", 13.41986, -11.16139, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
30, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Eta UMa   ", 13.79231,  49.31333, 2000, 0.,0.,   660, 31
31, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Eta UMa   ", 13.79231,  49.31333, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
32, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Bet Cen   ", 14.06372, -60.37278, 2000, 0.,0.,   660, 33
33, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Bet Cen   ", 14.06372, -60.37278, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
34, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Del Sco   ", 16.00553, -22.62167, 2000, 0.,0.,   660, 35
35, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Del Sco   ", 16.00553, -22.62167, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
36, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "Tau Sco   ", 16.59803, -28.21611, 2000, 0.,0.,  1140, 37
37, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Tau Sco   ", 16.59803, -28.21611, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
38, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Lam Sco   ", 17.56011, -37.10361, 2000, 0.,0.,   852, 39
39, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Lam Sco   ", 17.56011, -37.10361, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "Gamma Cas ",  0.94511,  60.71667, 2000, 0.,0.,  1332,  2
 2, "SWS01", 1.,"N", "Gamma Cas ",  0.94511,  60.71667, 2000, 0.,0.,  3600,  3
 3, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "Gamma Cas ",  0.94511,  60.71667, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  4
 4, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "Gamma Cas ",  0.94511,  60.71667, 2000, 0.,0.,   300,  0
 5, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "Delta Cen ", 12.13931, -50.72222, 2000, 0.,0.,  1332,  6
 6, "PHT40", 1.,"N", "Delta Cen ", 12.13931, -50.72222, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  7
 7, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "Delta Cen ", 12.13931, -50.72222, 2000, 0.,0.,   300,  0
 8, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "Psi Per   ",  3.60814,  48.19278, 2000, 0.,0.,  1140,  9
 9, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Psi Per   ",  3.60814,  48.19278, 2000, 0.,0.,   120, 10
10, "PHT22", 3.,"N", "Psi Per   ",  3.60814,  48.19278, 2000, 0.,0.,   300,  0
11, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Zeta Tau  ",  5.62739,  21.14250, 2000, 0.,0.,  1140, 12
12, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "Zeta Tau  ",  5.62739,  21.14250, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
13, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Beta CMi  ",  7.45250,   8.28917, 2000, 0.,0.,  1236, 14
14, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "Beta CMi  ",  7.45250,   8.28917, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
15, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Alf Eri   ",  1.62858, -57.23667, 2000, 0.,0.,  1140, 16
16, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "Alf Eri   ",  1.62858, -57.23667, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
17, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Phi Per   ",  1.72767,  50.68889, 2000, 0.,0.,  1332, 18
18, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Phi Per   ",  1.72767,  50.68889, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
19, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Eta Tau   ",  3.79139,  24.10500, 2000, 0.,0.,  1140, 20
20, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "Eta Tau   ",  3.79139,  24.10500, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
21, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "48 Per    ",  4.14433,  47.71250, 2000, 0.,0.,  1140, 22
22, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "48 Per    ",  4.14433,  47.71250, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
23, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Kap CMa   ",  6.83067, -32.50861, 2000, 0.,0.,  1332, 24
24, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "Kap CMa   ",  6.83067, -32.50861, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
25, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Omi Pup   ",  7.80142, -25.93722, 2000, 0.,0.,  1908, 26
26, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "Omi Pup   ",  7.80142, -25.93722, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
27, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "EW Lac    ", 22.95125,  48.68417, 2000, 0.,0.,  1524, 28
28, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "EW Lac    ", 22.95125,  48.68417, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
29, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Eps Per   ",  3.96422,  40.01028, 2000, 0.,0.,  1044, 30
30, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Eps Per   ",  3.96422,  40.01028, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
31, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Gam Ori   ",  5.41883,   6.34972, 2000, 0.,0.,   564, 32
32, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Gam Ori   ",  5.41883,   6.34972, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
33, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Delta Ori ",  5.53342,  -0.29917, 2000, 0.,0.,   660, 34
34, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Delta Ori ",  5.53342,  -0.29917, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0
35, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Alf Leo   ", 10.13953,  11.96722, 2000, 0.,0.,   660, 36
36, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Alf Leo   ", 10.13953,  11.96722, 2000, 0.,0.,   120,  0