<=== observer ===>
"Stencel, R.E.",\
"Physics and Astronomy",\
"University of Denver",\
"2112 East Wesley Avenue",\
"Denver, CO",\
"1  303 8712135",\
"1  303  8714405",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"circumstellar disks","main sequence","planets"},\
{"NASA Key Project","D.Backman","F.Paresce","M.Creech-Eakman"}

<=== title ===>
The Birth and Death of Planetary Systems, Part 3 of 3

<=== abstract ===>
The IRAS discovery of far-infrared excesses among seemingly 
normal main-sequence star motivates this proposal.  These
have been interpreted in terms of disks of cold material. 
The aim of this proposal is to establish the true frequency for 
far-infrared excesses in a volume-limited sample of main 
sequence stars using PHT-P measurements, in order to address 
the success or failure of single stars in processes related to 
the forming of planetary systems.  For brighter sources, more 
extensive wavelength coverage and spatial resolution will be 
attempted, again with PHT-P.  Finally, observations 
of Kuiper Belt objects will be attempted.

This proposal is split into three parts: this is PART 3.
It is planned to obtain more accurate coordinates for the sources
in this proposal, beyond the SIMBAD information used so far.  
Part 1: Concerns PHT03 measurements of a volume-limited 
sample of main sequence and related stars.

PART 2: Concerns spatial mapping of selected brighter far IR sources.
itemize AOTs, exposure times and S/N expected

PART 3: Concerns attempted local Kuiper Belt observations.


We request photometry of lines of sight through the zodiacal dust
into possible outer solar system (Kuiper Belt) material.  To increase
our chances of distinguishing KB emission from hotter foreground zody
emission, we plan to observe:

1) at wavelengths from 3.6 to 200 microns;
2) at 2 epochs, such that the same VOLUME ELEMENT in the KB is observed
   through different pieces of the zody cloud;
3) at two ecliptic latitudes, on the assumption that the nearby
   and distant material will have different latitude distributions.

Observation at 2 epochs is designed to help untangle foreground from
background flux, not to look for moving objects.  The volume sampled
by ISO will not be large enough for practical hopes of detecting
macroscopic KB objects.

Schematic target definition:
2 volume elements with the following HELIOCENTRIC ecliptic coordinates:
1) longitude L = 0.0 deg, latitude B = 3.0 deg, distance R = 50.0 AU
2)             	 0.0                  13.0                   50.0
Ecliptic longitude of 0.0 degrees represents a region of the ecliptic
in the neighborhood of the S. galactic pole, thus reducing galactic 
background.  Symmetric to these locations at ecliptic longitude of ~ 180 deg, 
are equivalently galactic-free locations which would also be acceptable for 
this experiment.  The tolerance on the chosen longitude is large, ~15 degrees. 
This tolerance is meant to provide flexibility in scheduling the initial 
observations. The second epoch observations must return as exactly as possible 
to whatever longitude was observed at the first epoch.  The latitudes are 
chosen to lie on one side of the likely plane of symmetry of the outer solar 
system.  Neptune's orbit, which is a reasonable first guess as to the location 
of that plane, is tilted 1.7 degrees relative to the earth's orbit. The range 
of longitudes is meant to allow comparison of the vertical gradients of warm 
and cold material. The GEOCENTRIC ecliptic coordinates of the chosen volume 
elements will depend on the earth's position in its orbit.  These can in 
turn be converted to geocentric RA and dec.

Trial scenario:
A) observe both locations when their solar phase angle first falls within 
ISO's pointing tolerance, i.e. phi <= 120.0 deg.  This occurs when the earth's 
heliocentric longitude is 59.00 deg, approximately Nov. 21.  The GEOCENTRIC RA 
and dec of the 3 KB volume elements at this time will be:
   1) RA = +2.11 deg  dec = +2.39 deg
   2) RA = +6.07       	   +11.34
B) observe the same two locations in the KB when the line of sight through
the foreground zody dust differs as much as possible from the first epoch, 
i.e. heliocentric longitude of the earth = 90.00 degrees, solar phase angle 
   The GEOCENTRIC RA and dec of the same two KB locations this time will be:
   1) RA = +2.25 deg  dec = +2.30 deg
   2)  	 +6.16      	     +11.16

Observing mode:
Staring photometry AOT PHT03 (PHT-P:  3.6, 11.5, 25, 60 and 100 microns)
and PHT22 (PHT-C:  200 microns); aperture = 180 arcsec (P1, P2, and P3).  
At each target latitude, there will be a 2nd observation at a chop
position 330 arcsec away (maximum throw) at position angle = 90 or 270 degrees.  Time on one target latitude:
P1 - 3.6 microns    2 meas x 32 sec       [2 meas. separated by 330 arcsec]
P1 - 11.5 microns   2 meas x 32 sec
P2 - 25 microns     2 meas x 32 sec
P3 - 60 microns     2 meas x 128 sec
P3 - 100 microns    2 meas x 128 sec
C200 - 200 microns  2 meas x 128 sec
TOTAL INT. TIME              960 seconds (= 1024 sec)
Plus overhead times listed in section 6.4 of ISOPHOT manual:
telescope slew    180 sec
set-up             15 sec
FCS exposures ?    12 sec
wheel              70 sec
heated detectors   90 sec

Thus, total time at one latitude (incl. chop to 2nd location), one epoch:
1391 seconds
Total experiment = 2 epochs x 2 latitudes x 1391 seconds = 5564 sec = 1.55 hr

The integration times are designed to yield S/N of 5-10 at 100-200 microns in 
detection of emission from KB dust with an optical depth of tau = 10^-7 and 
a temperature T = 40 K.

<=== scientific_justification ===>
Time distribution for autumn launch targets, for all Parts:
        Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%
	USA:     36288	 	27216            27216
         total :   36288	27216            27216
Time distribution for spring launch targets, for all Parts:
        Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%
	USA:     36288	 	27216            27216
         total :   36288	27216            27216
Time distribution for autumn launch targets, for Part 3:
        Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%
	USA:    5564		0		0
         total :  5564		0		0
Time distribution for spring launch targets, for Part 3:
        Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%
	USA:    5564		0		0
         total :  5564		0		0

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
01, "PHT03",1.0,"N","KB2",0,0,2000,0,0,4173,0
02, "PHT22",1.0,"N","KB2",0,0,2000,0,0,1391,0
<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
01, "PHT03",1.0,"N","KB1",0,0,2000,0,0,4173,0
02, "PHT22",1.0,"N","KB1",0,0,2000,0,0,1391,0