<=== observer ===>
"Saraceno, P.S.",\
"Frascati - Roma",\
"39 6   94186240",\
"39 6   9426814",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"Star formation","circumstellar disks","circumstellar envelopes",\
"bipolar outflow"},\
{"LWS consortium","P.Ade","M.Barlow","E.Caux","C.Ceccarelli","P.Clegg",\
"M.Cohen","J.Fischer","I.Furniss","B.Glencross","M.Griffin","K. King",\

<=== title ===>
Pre M.S. evolution: The Pre Main Sequence Stars

<=== abstract ===>


The main objective of the LWS proposals on Pre-Main Sequence evolution is the 
understanding of the matter evolution from the dilute, cold interstellar
state of the dark molecular clouds to the compact, hot stellar 
state of the Main Sequence stars. The present proposal deals with the 
study of the stars during their evolution toward the main sequence. 

The Pre-Main-Sequence contraction phase is generally identified with
optically visible young stellar objects of low to intermediate mass, viz. the 
T Tauri, Herbig Ae/Be stars and the FU Orionis the latter showing outbursts 
of more than five magnitudes in the optical. All these objects occupy a 
large part of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, with a spread in age 
ranging from about 10^5 to several 10^7 years.  They show experimental 
evidences of association with disks which are intimately related to the 
evolution of the central object and to the mass loss phenomenon exibited
by most of them.
Since most of the disk mass is at relatively low temperatures and the column 
densities of dust particles through the disk are large, the Pre-MS disks are 
obvious targets when studying the Pre-MS stellar evolution with ISO.
Shock diagnostic emission lines can be used to study the relation 
between the circumstellar  disks and the outflows from the stars. 
The optical forbidden lines observed in the spectra of these objects
(notably [O I] and [S II]) are most probably due to shock excitation by 
the stellar wind. These shocks produce also a number of strong infrared 
lines which are affected by extinction to a much lesser extent. 
Particularly in those cases, where substantial extinction arises
in a circumstellar disk, the line shape can be used to map the opacities 
as function of the wavelength and to estimate the physical scale of the disk.

Full spectral scans using the LWS in grating mode are planned for all our
targets. The "on source" integration time for LWS Grating spectra are  computed
in order to observe with S/N=10 lines of 2 10^-20 W/cm^2.  For the brightest
sources this limit is reduced in order to observe with  S/N=10 lines that are
1/20 of their 60 um continuum.

In presence of an "outflow" the "off source" observation is done carrying  out a
map (in "raster scan") of the flow with a full grating spectrum in  each point
of the map. The total integration time spent on all the  points of the map will
be similar to the one spent on the single  "on source" point; the reference "off
source" point will be therefore  built by binning together all the points of the

A full SWS grating scan is foreseen for all the objects  (with the exception of
the objects  that will be observed in the SWS guaranteed time) with a 25 um IRAS
flux sufficient to give S/N=10 on a line that is 1/30 of the continuum in the
SWSO1 mode.

We have chosen a few template objects representative of the evolutionary stages
addressed in this proposal for FP observations of lines expected to
be excited in the different physical regimes.

<=== scientific_justification ===>

Allocated time per priorities and AOTs (autumn launch)

                LWS01     SWS01      LWS04

top 40%         28241    11080         -

second 30%      19924     8808         -

third 30%       20204     1820        7926
TOT             68269    21708        7926

Allocated time per priorities and AOTs  (spring launch)

                LWS01     SWS01      LWS04

top 40%         23500     9100        7590

second 30%      18078     8236        3716

third 30%       18124     3640        7590
TOT             59702    20976       18896



Full grating scans from 43 to 196.7 microns with spectral
sample of 4 and fast-on flag are required for all sources. 

The following table contains the information needed to evaluate the integration
times according to the code specified in the table for each individual
source. The meaning of the code number is given at the bottom of the table.

 Name            hole   Code    F(25um)   F(60um)  F(100um)  F(OI)6300 A 

LkHa198           o      3       88.1     127.0     127.0    
V376 Cas          o      3       92.0     138.0     198.0                 
T Tau            o/s     3       44.1      98.7      98.1          
HD97048           o      3       40.3      69.9      70.0     
RU Lup            o      1        4.5       4.9      10.0     
RY Lup            o      1        2.8       5.4       5.3      
AS205             o      3       15.0      22.0      22.0     
DoAr 25           o      1        1.5       8.2      28.0     
SR 9              o      1        1.5      14.0      14.0     
HH57 IRS          o      3       31.4      67.6      69.1     
CoD-42            o      3      252.0    1918.0    2213.0     
KK Oph            o      1        9.6       6.1       6.0     
HD163296          o      3       21.0      28.2      29.0     
MWC 297           o      3      224.0     914.0    1803.0      
VV Ser            o      1        3.8       6.3      24.3
HH101N/S          o      8                                  8.25e-17 W/m2
R CrA             o      3      221.0     608.0    1206.0
HH99A/B           o      1
AS353A            o      1        2.8       3.6      11.0      
PV Cep           o/s     3       33.0      49.0      58.0         
V645 Cyg         o/s     3      219.0     370.0     455.0     
LkHa 234         o/s     3        2.5     390.0     520.0     
EL 1-12          o/s     3        8.0      39.6      82.1    
MWC 1080         o/s     3       25.1     147.0     227.0    
RNO1B             s      3       21.0     357.0     685.0                            Elias 1           s      3       91.8      65.4     151.0     
RY Tau            s      1       26.0      15.3      13.6     
DG Tau            s      3       19.6      38.8      45.2     
Haro6-10          s      3       38.9      59.3      46.4      
HL Tau            s      3       70.0      77.8     458.0     
Haro6-13          s      1        3.9       7.0       9.5     
HP Tau            s      1        3.7       8.3      16.2     
DO Tau            s      1        3.9       5.8       6.3    
UY Aur            s      1        6.6       7.2       5.6     
AB Aur            s      3       49.1     105.0     114.0     
GW Ori            s      3       20.5      31.5      34.0     
V380 Ori          s      1        8.9       9.0      10.0     
FU Ori            s      3       14.1      14.0      25.6           
R Mon             s      3      132.0     121.0     147.0    
Z CMa             s      3      221.0     322.0     354.0     
V1515 Cyg         s      3                 28.4                            
V1057 Cyg         s      3                 49.0                 
Code: time assigned according to the following criteria:

1. to detect lines of 2 10^(-16) W/m2 at S/N = 10.
3. to detect lines which are 1/20 of their 60um emission at S/N = 10.
8. HH objects: to observe a line which is 1/3 of the [OI]63um line as
   extimated from the observed [OI]6300 A line.


Fabry-Perot scans with 9 resolution elements and 4 samples per resolution
element. The following table give the sources and lines to be observed.

For the hole in Sagittarius:

T Tau: 
[OI]63.157, 145.50
OH 119.23, 
H2O 82.032,99.493,116.78,187.80

DG Tau: 
[OI]63.157, 145.50 
OH 119.23,119.44, 
H2O 82.032,99.493,116.78,187.80

Z CMa: 
CO 153.267,162.812,173.631, 
OH 119.23,119.44, 
H2O 82.032,99.493,116.78,187.80

For the hole in Orion:

EL 1-12: 
CO 153.267,162.812,173.631, 
OH 119.23,119.44, 
H2O 82.032,99.493,116.78,187.80

RU Lup: 
OH 119.23,119.44, 
H2O 82.032,99.493,116.78,187.80


Full grating scans from 2.43 to 45 microns with a detector reset time of 2 sec,
requiring 25 minutes of integration time per object (+overheads) except for the
brightest sources (F(25um)>300Jy) for which we choose a detector reset time 
of 1 sec, requiring 13 minutes of integration time per object (+overheads).


Time distribution for autumn launch targets

  Team     top 40%   second 30%   last 30%

  LWS       39321      28732       29850

  total     39321      28732       29850

Time distribution for spring launch targets

  Team     top 40%   second 30%   last 30%

  LWS       40190      30030       29354

  total     40190      30030       29354


Raster scans information
  autumn launch targets

No  Name               coord. center     M    dM  N    dN  P.A.

 2  LkHa 198 Off    0.14650  58.54667    1     0  2   343  140
 4  T Tau           4.31783  19.41805    1     0  2   200   90
 6  HD97048 Off.   11.11100 -77.38361    1     0  2   200   90
 7  HH55           15.88736 -37.70333    1     0  2   100   90
14  RY Lup Off. S. 15.93469 -40.22639    1     0  2   200   90
17  AS205  Off. S. 16.14472  18.51667    1     0  2   200   90
20  DoAr 25Off. S. 16.38936 -24.60806    1     0  2   200   90
22  SR 9  Off Sr.  16.41080 -24.25639    1     0  2   200   90
23  Re 13          16.48106 -44.81889    1     0  3   137   51
24  HH57 IRS       16.48244 -44.82028    1     0  3    50  138
26  CoD-42         16.92605 -42.62694    1     0  3   100   90 
29  KK Oph Off.    17.11686 -27.19333    1     0  2   200   90
32  HD163296 Off.  17.88908 -21.95000    1     0  2   200   90  
33  MWC297         18.41703  -3.86306    1     0  3   100   90  
36  VV Ser Off.    18.43731   0.11111    1     0  2   200   90 
40  TCrA,HH100     18.97681 -37.03611    1     0  3   100   78
44  AS353A Off. S. 19.30258  10.93750    1     0  2   200  108
46  PV Cep flow    20.75656  67.77667    1     0  2   200  155
48  V1331Cyg Off.  20.99231  50.16472    1     0  2   200   90
50  V645Cyg Off    21.63647  50.01250    1     0  3   100  169
53  El 1-12 Off.   21.75772  47.30222    1     0  2   200   90     
57  MWC1080 flow   23.25406  60.57000    2   100  2   100    0   


No  Name               coord. center     M    dM  N    dN  P.A.

 3  RNO 1B Off. S.  0.56444  63.20666    1     0  2   200   90
 5  Elias 1 Off S.  4.25958  28.20583    1     0  2   119   90
 8  T Tau           4.31783  19.41805    1     0  2   200   90   
11  DG Tau          4.40028  25.99306    1     0  3    60   22
16  Haro 6-10 Off   4.43942  24.44167    1     0  2   200    0
18  HL Tau          4.47900  18.12667    1     0  3   100  138
21  Haro 6-13 Off.  4.48711  24.37861    1     0  2   200    0
25  AB Aur          4.87622  30.47250    1     0  2   200    0
28  GW Ori Off S.   5.43911  11.83139    1     0  2   200    0 
34  FU Ori Off. S.  5.70028   9.05083    1     0  2   200   90
36  R Mon flow      6.60722   8.78167    3   100  3   100    0
38  Z CMa flow      7.02292 -11.47667    1     0  3   100   61
42  TW Hya Off. S. 10.99169  34.43528    3   100  3   100    0 
44  V1515Cyg Of.S. 20.36755  42.04444    1     0  2   200   90  
46  PV Cep flow    20.75656  67.77667    1     0  2   200  155 
48  V1057Cyg Of.S. 20.95172  44.06278    1     0  2   200   90
50  V645Cyg        21.63647  50.01250    1     0  3   100  169 
54  El 1-12 Off.   21.75772  47.30222    1     0  2   200   90   
56  MWC1080 flow   23.25406  60.57000    2   100  2   100    0  

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1, "LWS01",1.0,"N","LkHa 198      ",  0.14650,  58.54667,1950,0.,0.,  744, 2
 2, "LWS01",1.0,"N","LkHa 198 Off  ",  0.14650,  58.54667,1950,0.,0.,  744, 3
 3, "LWS01",1.0,"N","V376 Cas      ",  0.14669,  58.55639,1950,0.,0.,  584, 0
 4, "LWS01",1.0,"N","T Tau         ",  4.31783,  19.41805,1950,0.,0., 2789, 0
 5, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HD97048       ", 11.11100, -77.38361,1950,0.,0.,  744, 6
 6, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HD97048 Off.  ", 11.11100, -77.38361,1950,0.,0.,  744, 0
 7, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH55          ", 15.88736, -37.70333,1950,0.,0., 2350, 8
 8, "SWS01",1.0,"N","HH55          ", 15.88853, -37.70333,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
 9, "LWS01",1.0,"N","RU Lup        ", 15.89008, -37.67667,1950,0.,0., 2266,12
10, "LWS04",3.0,"N","RU Lup        ", 15.89008, -37.67667,1950,0.,0., 3540,11
11, "LWS04",3.0,"N","RU Lup        ", 15.89008, -37.67667,1950,0.,0.,  470, 0
12, "SWS01",1.0,"N","RU Lup        ", 15.89008, -37.67667,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
13, "LWS01",1.0,"N","RY Lup        ", 15.93469, -40.22639,1950,0.,0., 2426,14
14, "LWS01",1.0,"N","RY Lup Off. S.", 15.93469, -40.22639,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
15, "SWS01",2.0,"N","RY Lup        ", 15.93469, -40.22639,1950,0.,0., 1980, 0
16, "LWS01",2.0,"N","AS205         ", 16.14472,  18.51667,1950,0.,0., 2426,17
17, "LWS01",2.0,"N","AS205  Off. S.", 16.14472,  18.51667,1950,0.,0., 2190,18
18, "SWS01",2.0,"N","AS205         ", 16.14472,  18.51667,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
19, "LWS01",2.0,"N","DoAr 25       ", 16.38936, -24.60806,1950,0.,0., 2426,20
20, "LWS01",2.0,"N","DoAr 25Off. S.", 16.38936, -24.60806,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
21, "LWS01",3.0,"N","SR 9          ", 16.41080, -24.25639,1950,0.,0., 2426,22
22, "LWS01",3.0,"N","SR 9  Off Sr. ", 16.41080, -24.25639,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
23, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Re 13         ", 16.48106, -44.81889,1950,0.,0., 1535,24
24, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH57 IRS      ", 16.48244, -44.82028,1950,0.,0., 1375,25
25, "SWS01",1.0,"N","HH57 IRS      ", 16.48244, -44.82028,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
26, "LWS01",1.0,"N","CoD-42        ", 16.92605, -42.62694,1950,0.,0., 1151, 0
27, "SWS01",2.0,"N","CoD-42        ", 16.92605, -42.62694,1950,0.,0., 1116, 0
28, "LWS01",3.0,"N","KK Oph        ", 17.11686, -27.19333,1950,0.,0., 2426,29
29, "LWS01",3.0,"N","KK Oph Off    ", 17.11686, -27.19333,1950,0.,0., 2190,30
30, "SWS01",3.0,"N","KK Oph        ", 17.11686, -27.19333,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
31, "LWS01",3.0,"N","HD163296      ", 17.88908, -21.95000,1950,0.,0.,  896,32
32, "LWS01",3.0,"N","HD163296 Off  ", 17.88908, -21.95000,1950,0.,0.,  744, 0
33, "LWS01",2.0,"N","MWC297        ", 18.41703,  -3.86306,1950,0.,0.,  991,34
34, "SWS01",2.0,"N","MWC297        ", 18.41703,  -3.86306,1950,0.,0., 1116, 0
35, "LWS01",3.0,"N","VV Ser        ", 18.43731,   0.11111,1950,0.,0., 2426,36
36, "LWS01",3.0,"N","VV Ser Off    ", 18.43731,   0.11111,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
37, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH101N/S      ", 18.97011, -37.12083,1950,0.,0., 2062,39
38, "SWS01",1.0,"N","HH101         ", 18.97011, -37.12083,1950,0.,0., 1980,42
39, "LWS01",1.0,"N","RCrA          ", 18.97536, -37.02472,1950,0.,0.,  584,40
40, "LWS01",1.0,"N","TCrA,HH100    ", 18.97681, -37.03611,1950,0.,0.,  991,41
41, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH99A/B       ", 18.97850, -36.98639,1950,0.,0., 2426, 0
42, "SWS01",1.0,"N","HH99          ", 18.97864, -36.98333,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
43, "LWS01",3.0,"N","AS353A        ", 19.30258,  10.93750,1950,0.,0., 2426,44
44, "LWS01",3.0,"N","AS353A Off    ", 19.30258,  10.93750,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
45, "LWS01",2.0,"N","PV Cep        ", 20.75656,  67.77667,1950,0.,0.,  896,46
46, "LWS01",2.0,"N","PV Cep flow   ", 20.75656,  67.77667,1950,0.,0.,  744, 0
47, "LWS01",2.0,"N","V1331Cyg      ", 20.99231,  50.16472,1950,0.,0., 2426,48
48, "LWS01",2.0,"N","V1331Cyg      ", 20.99231,  50.16472,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
49, "LWS01",2.0,"N","V645Cyg       ", 21.63647,  50.01250,1950,0.,0., 1151,50
50, "SWS01",2.0,"N","V645Cyg       ", 21.63647,  50.01250,1950,0.,0.,  956, 0
51, "LWS01",1.0,"N","LkHa 234      ", 21.69933,  65.88528,1950,0.,0.,  744, 0
52, "LWS01",1.0,"N","El 1-12       ", 21.75772,  47.30222,1950,0.,0., 1048,53
53, "LWS01",1.0,"N","El 1-12 Off.  ", 21.75772,  47.30222,1950,0.,0.,  744,54
54, "SWS01",1.0,"N","El 1-12       ", 21.75772,  47.30222,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
55, "LWS04",3.0,"N","El 1-12       ", 21.75772,  47.30222,1950,0.,0., 3254,56
56, "LWS04",3.0,"N","El 1-12       ", 21.75772,  47.30222,1950,0.,0.,  662, 0
57, "LWS01",2.0,"N","MWC1080 flow  ", 23.25406,  60.57000,1950,0.,0., 1398,58
58, "LWS01",2.0,"N","MWC1080       ", 23.25406,  60.57250,1950,0.,0.,  896,59
59, "SWS01",2.0,"N","MWC1080       ", 23.25406,  60.57250,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1, "LWS01",2.0,"N","RNO 1B        ",  0.56447,  63.20667,1950,0.,0.,  744, 2
 2, "SWS01",2.0,"N","RNO 1B        ",  0.56447,  63.20667,1950,0.,0., 1820, 3
 3, "LWS01",2.0,"N","RNO 1B off s. ",  0.56447,  63.20667,1950,0.,0.,  744, 0
 4, "LWS01",2.0,"N","Elias 1       ",  4.25958,  28.20056,1950,0.,0.,  744, 5
 5, "LWS01",2.0,"N","Elias 1 Off S.",  4.25958,  28.20583,1950,0.,0.,  744, 0
 6, "LWS01",3.0,"N","RY Tau        ",  4.31411,  28.32639,1950,0.,0., 2426, 7
 7, "SWS01",3.0,"N","RY Tau        ",  4.31411,  28.32639,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
 8, "LWS01",1.0,"N","T Tau         ",  4.31783,  19.41805,1950,0.,0., 2789, 0
 9, "LWS04",1.0,"N","T Tau         ",  4.31783,  19.41805,1950,0.,0., 6908,10
10, "LWS04",1.0,"N","T Tau         ",  4.31783,  19.41805,1950,0.,0.,  682, 0
11, "LWS01",1.0,"N","DG Tau        ",  4.40028,  25.99306,1950,0.,0., 2447,12
12, "SWS01",1.0,"N","DG Tau        ",  4.40028,  25.99306,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
13, "LWS04",3.0,"N","DG Tau        ",  4.40028,  25.99306,1950,0.,0., 6908,14
14, "LWS04",3.0,"N","DG Tau        ",  4.40028,  25.99306,1950,0.,0.,  682, 0
15, "LWS01",2.0,"N","Haro 6-10     ",  4.43942,  24.44167,1950,0.,0.,  744,16
16, "LWS01",2.0,"N","Haro 6-10 Off ",  4.43942,  24.44167,1950,0.,0.,  744,17
17, "SWS01",2.0,"N","Haro 6-10     ",  4.43942,  24.44167,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
18, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HL Tau        ",  4.47900,  18.12667,1950,0.,0., 1151,19
19, "SWS01",1.0,"N","HL Tau        ",  4.47900,  18.12667,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
20, "LWS01",3.0,"N","Haro 6-13     ",  4.48711,  24.37861,1950,0.,0., 2426,21
21, "LWS01",3.0,"N","Haro 6-13 Off.",  4.48711,  24.37861,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
22, "LWS01",2.0,"N","HP Tau        ",  4.54800,  22.80500,1950,0.,0., 2426, 0
23, "LWS01",2.0,"N","DO Tau        ",  4.59006,  26.08195,1950,0.,0., 2426, 0
24, "LWS01",1.0,"N","UY Aur        ",  4.80992,  30.70389,1950,0.,0., 2426, 0
25, "LWS01",1.0,"N","AB Aur        ",  4.87622,  30.47250,1950,0.,0., 1352,26
26, "LWS01",1.0,"N","AB Aur Off. S.",  4.87622,  30.47250,1950,0.,0.,  744, 0
27, "LWS01",3.0,"N","GW Ori        ",  5.43911,  11.83139,1950,0.,0., 1352,28
28, "LWS01",3.0,"N","GW Ori Off S. ",  5.43911,  11.83139,1950,0.,0., 1048,29
29, "SWS01",3.0,"N","GW Ori        ",  5.43911,  11.83139,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
30, "LWS01",1.0,"N","V380 Ori      ",  5.56653,  -6.74611,1950,0.,0., 2264,31
31, "SWS01",1.0,"N","V380 Ori      ",  5.56653,  -6.74611,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
32, "LWS01",1.0,"N","FU Ori        ",  5.71056,   9.05083,1950,0.,0., 2426,33
33, "SWS01",1.0,"N","FU Ori        ",  5.71056,   9.05083,1950,0.,0., 1820,34
34, "LWS01",1.0,"N","FU Ori Off S. ",  5.71056,   9.05083,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
35, "LWS01",2.0,"N","R Mon         ",  6.60722,   8.78167,1950,0.,0., 1352,36
36, "LWS01",2.0,"N","R Mon flow    ",  6.60722,   8.78167,1950,0.,0., 2629,37
37, "SWS01",2.0,"N","R Mon         ",  6.60722,   8.78167,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
38, "LWS01",1.0,"N","Z CMa flow    ",  7.02292, -11.47667,1950,0.,0., 1535, 0
39, "LWS04",2.0,"N","Z CMa         ",  7.02292, -11.47667,1950,0.,0., 3074,40
40, "LWS04",2.0,"N","Z CMa         ",  7.02292, -11.47667,1950,0.,0.,  642, 0
41, "LWS01",3.0,"N","TW Hya        ", 10.99169,  34.43528,1950,0.,0., 2426,42
42, "LWS01",3.0,"N","TW Hya Off. S.", 10.99169,  34.43528,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
43, "LWS01",3.0,"N","V1515Cyg      ", 20.36756,  42.04445,1950,0.,0.,  896,44
44, "LWS01",3.0,"N","V1515Cyg Off. ", 20.36756,  42.04445,1950,0.,0.,  744, 0
45, "LWS01",1.0,"N","PV Cep        ", 20.75656,  67.77667,1950,0.,0.,  896,46
46, "LWS01",1.0,"N","PV Cep flow   ", 20.75656,  67.77667,1950,0.,0.,  744, 0
47, "LWS01",2.0,"N","V1057Cyg      ", 20.95172,  44.06278,1950,0.,0.,  744,48
48, "LWS01",2.0,"N","V1057Cyg Off. ", 20.95172,  44.06278,1950,0.,0.,  744, 0
49, "LWS01",3.0,"N","V1331Cyg      ", 20.99231,  50.16472,1950,0.,0., 2426, 0
50, "LWS01",2.0,"N","V645Cyg       ", 21.63647,  50.01250,1950,0.,0., 1151,51
51, "SWS01",2.0,"N","V645Cyg       ", 21.63647,  50.01250,1950,0.,0.,  956, 0
52, "LWS01",1.0,"N","LkHa 234      ", 21.69933,  65.88528,1950,0.,0.,  744, 0
53, "LWS01",1.0,"N","El 1-12       ", 21.75772,  47.30222,1950,0.,0., 1048,54
54, "LWS01",1.0,"N","El 1-12 Off.  ", 21.75772,  47.30222,1950,0.,0.,  744,55
55, "SWS01",1.0,"N","El 1-12       ", 21.75772,  47.30222,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
56, "LWS01",2.0,"N","MWC1080 flow  ", 23.25406,  60.57000,1950,0.,0., 1398,57
57, "LWS01",2.0,"N","MWC1080       ", 23.25406,  60.57250,1950,0.,0.,  744,58
58, "SWS01",2.0,"N","MWC1080       ", 23.25406,  60.57250,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0