<=== observer ===>
"Saraceno, P.S.",\
"Frascati - Roma",\
"39 6   94186240",\
"39 6   9426814",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"Star formation","circumstellar disks","circumstellar envelopes",\
"bipolar outflows"},\
{"LWS consortium","P.Ade","M.Barlow","E.Caux","C.Ceccarelli","P.Clegg",\
"K. King","R.Liseau","D.Lorenzetti","D.Naylor","B.Nisini","F.Palla","N.Rieu",\

<=== title ===>
Pre M.S. evolution: Outflows and their interaction with interstellar medium

<=== abstract ===>
The main objective of the LWS proposals on Pre-Main Sequence evolution 
is the understanding of the matter evolution from the molecular clouds 
to the compact, hot stellar state of the main sequence stars. The present
proposal deals with the study of the peculiar phase during which powerful,
collimated bipolar outflows are originated from the central object.

A consistent picture of the early phases of stellar evolution has to 
include the understanding of the outflow phenomena and its relationship 
to the central exciting source and its circumstellar disk. 
It has been realized that in order to understand the young stars 
we have to understand their circumstellar disks as these contribute
significantly to the evolution and the energy output from these objects. 
In particular it has been enpirically estabished that the physics 
of these disks is intimately related to the physics of the stellar mass 
loss and possibly to the physics of the mass accretion as well.

The LWS will be used to study the ionization and excitation state of the warm
outflowing gas, to determine the velocity law by comparing the 
observed line intensities with models and mapping the dust opacity in 
the circumstellar disks measuring the line profiles as a function of the

Both spectrometers will be used in low resolution mode, in order to detect
the various spectral features expected to trace the different physical
conditions. We expect to detect line emission from various ionic and molecular
species (in particular H_2O, OI, CO, NII that are among the major coolants in the expected physical conditions). 

Full spectral scans using the LWS in grating mode are planned for all our
targets. The "on source" integration time for LWS Grating spectra are  
computed in order to observe with S/N=10 lines of 2 10^-20 W/cm^2. For the 
brightest sources this limit is reduced in order to observe with  S/N=10
lines that are 1/200 of their 60 um continuum.

In presence of an "outflow" the "off source" observation is done carrying  
out a map (in "raster scan") of the flow with a full grating spectrum in 
each point of the map. The total integration time spent on all the  points 
of the map will be similar to the one spent on the single  "on source" point;
the reference "off source" point will be therefore  built by binning 
together all the points of the map. 

A full SWS grating scan is foreseen for all the objects  (with the exception 
of the objects  that will be observed in the SWS guaranteed time) with a
25 um IRAS flux sufficient to give S/N=10 on a line that is 1/30 of the
continuum in the SWSO1 mode.
We also scan with SWS01 mode those points in the flow where evidence of
near-infrared shock excited emission exists.

<=== scientific_justification ===>

Allocated time per priorities and  AOTs (autumn launch)

                LWS01     SWS01     

top 40%         20404    14108

second 30%      16687     8396

third 30%       18464     7420
TOT             55556    29924

Allocated time per priorities and AOTs (spring launch)

                LWS01     SWS01     

top 40%         25808     8488

second 30%      14399    11356

third 30%       18464     7260
TOT             58671    27104


Full grating scans from 43 to 196.7 microns with spectral
sample of 4 and fast-on flag are required for all sources except those
marked with an asterisk  in the following table for which the grating 
scan ranges from 43 to 100 microns.

The following table contains the information needed to evaluate the integration
times according to the code specified in the table for each individual
source. The meaning of the code number is given at the bottom of the table.

 Name            hole   Code    F(25um)   F(60um)  F(100um) 

L1287             s      2       21.0     357.0     685.0    
NGC281-W          o      2       13.0     330.0    1166.0    
01133+6434       o/s     1       45.0     120.0     104.0    
*AFGL437         o/s     2      396.0    1056.0    1300.0    
*AFGL490         o/s     2      278.0     717.0     785.0   
08221-4158VM8    o/s     2       32.0     210.0     625.0  
08448-4343VM17   o/s     2       88.0     327.0    1005.0   
08476-4306VM20   o/s     2       44.0     216.0     504.0   
08477-4359VM21   o/s     2       26.0     317.0     581.0    
*NGC6334-I        o      2      806.0     1.0E4     2.0E4    
*W28A2            o      2     2190.0     1.3E4     2.7E4    
*M8E              o      2      289.0     1.6E3     2.8E3     
L379IRS3          o      2       46.0     445.0    1297.0    
*S87/IRS1         o      2      425.0     3.4E3     5.2E3     
19520+2759        o      2      119.0     207.0     217.0     
20126+4104  ,    o/s     2      109.0    1380.0    1950.0    
L988-E           o/s     1       34.0      87.0     199.0    
21334+5039       o/s     2       55.0     373.0     440.0    
IC1396N          o/s     1        8.9     145.0     425.0    
*S140            o/s     2      1.5E3     1.1E4     1.3E4  
L1206             o      2       18.0     378.0     727.0   
*NGC7538-1       o/s     2     1781.0    7073.0     1.4E4     
*NGC7538-9       o/s     2      269.0    7073.0     1.4E4   
05338-0624        s      2       16.0     220.0     582.0    
05375-0731        s      1        8.8     157.0     272.0   
*NGC2024IRS2      s      2     1000.0     1.0E4     8.0E3    
NGC2071           s      2      215.0     663.0     950.0    
*GGD12-15         s      2      603.0     3.6E3     4.9E3   
*S255IRS1         s      2      372.0     3.1E4     5.3E4    
*AFGL961          s      2      375.0     959.0     995.0    

Code: time assigned according to the following criteria:

1. to detect lines of 2 10^(-16) W/m2 at S/N = 10.
2. to detect lines which are 1/200 of their 60um emission at S/N = 10.
9. to detect lines of 1 10^(-15) W/m2 at S/N=10.


Full grating scans from 2.43 to 45 microns with a detector reset time of 2 sec,
requiring 25 minutes of integration time per object (+overheads) except for the
brightest sources (F(25um)>300Jy) for which we choose a detector reset time 
of 1 sec, requiring 13 minutes of integration time per object (+overheads).


Time distribution for autumn launch targets

  Team     top 40%   second 30%   last 30%

  LWS       34513      25083       25884

  total     34513      25083       25884

Time distribution for spring launch targets

  Team     top 40%   second 30%   last 30%

  LWS       34296      25755       25724 

  total     34296      25755       25724


Raster scans information

  autumn launch targets

No  Name               coord. center     M    dM  N    dN  P.A.

 1  L1287           0.56314  63.20056    1     0  2   100   53
 5  NGC281 W flow   0.82439  56.29111    1     0  2   200   45
 7  01133+6434 Off  1.22172  64.58055    1     0  2   200   90
 9  AFGL 437        3.05869  58.32195    1     0  3   100    0
11  AFGL 490        3.39422  58.60972    1     0  3   100   45
13  08221-4158VM8   8.35206 -41.97028    1     0  2   120  155
16  08448-4343VM17  8.74706 -43.72417    1     0  2   200  135 
19  08476-4306VM20  8.79400 -43.10222    1     0  2   200    0 
22  08477-4359VM21  8.79642 -43.99694    1     0  2   200   45 
24  NGC6334-I      17.29230 -35.74833    1     0  2   100    0
26  W28 A2         17.95745 -24.05222    1     0  2   100    0 
29  M8 E           18.03017 -24.43361    1     0  2   100    0
30  L379-IRS3      18.44247 -15.29750    1     0  9   100    8
32  S87 IRS1       19.73714  24.46806    1     0  3   100   45
35  19520+2759     19.86750  27.99528    1     0  4   200   90 
37  20126+4104     20.21139  41.08611    1     0  2   100    0
40  L988 E         21.03878  50.04445    1     0  4   100   28 
42  21334+5039     21.55667  50.66195    1     0  2   200    0
43  21334+5039Off  21.55655  50.67667    1     0  2    72   25
45  IC1396 N       21.65286  58.04139    1     0  2   200   81
46  L1206          22.45320  63.98611    1     0  2   100    0
48  NGC7538 1-9    23.19580  61.18972    1     0  3    65  113


No  Name               coord. center     M    dM  N    dN  P.A.

 2  01133+6434      1.22172  64.58055    1     0  2   200   90
 4  AFGL 437        3.05869  58.32195    1     0  3   100    0
 6  AFGL 490        3.39422  58.60972    1     0  3   100   45
 8  05338-0624      5.56464  -6.40056    1     0  2   200    0 
11  05375-0731flow  5.62531  -7.53361    1     0  2    54   51
13  NGC2024 FIRS6   5.65322  -1.99833    1     0  2   100   12
14  NGC2024 IRS2    5.65336  -1.92611    1     0  2    79  147
16  NGC2071         5.74142   0.35000    1     0  2   200   45 
23  GGD12-15        6.14050  -6.18028    1     0  3   100  132
24  S255 IRS1       6.16628  17.98722    1     0  3    60  175 
26  AFGL 961        6.53308   4.25278    3   100  3   100    0  
28  08221-4158VM8   8.35206 -41.97028    1     0  2   120  155
31  08448-4343VM17  8.74706 -43.72417    1     0  2   200  135
34  08476-4306VM20  8.79400 -43.10222    1     0  2   200    0  
37  08477-4359VM21  8.79642 -43.99694    1     0  2   200   45
39  20126+4104     20.21139  41.08611    1     0  2   100    0  
43  L988 E         21.03878  50.04445    1     0  4   100   28 
45  21334+5039     21.55667  50.66195    1     0  2   200    0
46  21334+5039Off  21.55655  50.67667    1     0  2    72   25
48  IC1396 N       21.65286  58.04139    1     0  2   200   81
50  NGC7538 1-9    23.1958   61.18972    1     0  3    65  113  

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1, "LWS01",2.0,"N","L1287         ",  0.56314,  63.20056,1950,0.,0., 1742, 2
 2, "SWS01",2.0,"N","L1287         ",  0.56481,  63.20889,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
 3, "LWS01",2.0,"N","NGC281 W      ",  0.82439,  56.29111,1950,0.,0., 1040, 5
 4, "SWS01",3.0,"N","NGC281 W      ",  0.82439,  56.29111,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
 5, "LWS01",2.0,"N","NGC281 W flow ",  0.82439,  56.29111,1950,0.,0., 1208, 0
 6, "LWS01",3.0,"N","01133+6434    ",  1.22172,  64.58055,1950,0.,0., 2426, 7
 7, "LWS01",3.0,"N","01133+6434Off.",  1.22172,  64.58055,1950,0.,0., 2190, 8
 8, "SWS01",3.0,"N","01133+6434    ",  1.22172,  64.58055,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
 9, "LWS01",1.0,"N","AFGL 437      ",  3.05869,  58.32195,1950,0.,0., 1018,10
10, "SWS01",1.0,"N","AFGL 437      ",  3.05869,  58.32195,1950,0.,0.,  956, 0
11, "LWS01",1.0,"N","AFGL 490      ",  3.39422,  58.60972,1950,0.,0., 1018, 0
12, "LWS01",1.0,"N","08221-4158VM8 ",  8.35206, -41.97028,1950,0.,0., 2426,13
13, "LWS01",1.0,"N","08221-4158of. ",  8.35206, -41.97028,1950,0.,0., 2190,14
14, "SWS01",1.0,"N","08221-4158VM8 ",  8.35206, -41.97028,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
15, "LWS01",1.0,"N","08448-4343VM17",  8.74706, -43.72417,1950,0.,0., 1113,16
16, "LWS01",1.0,"N","08448-4343of. ",  8.74706, -43.72417,1950,0.,0., 1040,17
17, "SWS01",1.0,"N","08448-4343VM17",  8.74706, -43.72417,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
18, "LWS01",2.0,"N","08476-4306VM20",  8.79400, -43.10222,1950,0.,0., 2426,19
19, "LWS01",2.0,"N","08476-4306of. ",  8.79400, -43.10222,1950,0.,0., 2190,20
20, "SWS01",2.0,"N","08476-4306VM20",  8.79400, -43.10222,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
21, "LWS01",2.0,"N","08477-4359VM21",  8.79642, -43.99694,1950,0.,0., 2426,22
22, "LWS01",2.0,"N","08477-4359of. ",  8.79642, -43.99694,1950,0.,0., 2190,23
23, "SWS01",2.0,"N","08477-4359VM21",  8.79642, -43.99694,1950,0.,0., 1980, 0
24, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC6334-I     ", 17.29230, -35.74833,1950,0.,0.,  819,25
25, "SWS01",1.0,"N","NGC6334-I     ", 17.29230, -35.74833,1950,0.,0.,  956, 0
26, "LWS01",2.0,"N","W28 A2        ", 17.95745, -24.05222,1950,0.,0.,  819,27
27, "SWS01",2.0,"N","W28 A2        ", 17.95745, -24.05222,1950,0.,0.,  956, 0
28, "SWS01",1.0,"N","M8 E          ", 18.03017, -24.44750,1950,0.,0., 1116,29
29, "LWS01",1.0,"N","M8 E          ", 18.03017, -24.43361,1950,0.,0.,  819, 0
30, "LWS01",1.0,"N","L379-IRS3     ", 18.44247, -15.29750,1950,0.,0., 3276,31
31, "SWS01",1.0,"N","L379-IRS3     ", 18.44247, -15.29750,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
32, "LWS01",1.0,"N","S87 IRS1      ", 19.73714,  24.46806,1950,0.,0., 1018,33
33, "SWS01",1.0,"N","S87 IRS1      ", 19.73714,  24.46806,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
34, "LWS01",1.0,"N","19520+2759    ", 19.86750,  27.99528,1950,0.,0., 2426,35
35, "LWS01",1.0,"N","19520+2759 Off", 19.86750,  27.99528,1950,0.,0., 2384,36
36, "SWS01",1.0,"N","19520+2759    ", 19.86750,  27.99528,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
37, "LWS01",2.0,"N","20126+4104    ", 20.21139,  41.08611,1950,0.,0.,  904,38
38, "SWS01",2.0,"N","20126+4104    ", 20.21139,  41.08611,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
39, "LWS01",3.0,"N","L988 E        ", 21.03878,  50.04445,1950,0.,0., 2426,40
40, "LWS01",3.0,"N","L988 E Off.   ", 21.03878,  50.04445,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
41, "LWS01",3.0,"N","21334+5039    ", 21.55667,  50.66195,1950,0.,0., 2426,42
42, "LWS01",3.0,"N","21334+5039Off ", 21.55667,  50.66195,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
43, "SWS01",3.0,"N","21334+5039Off ", 21.55655,  50.67667,1950,0.,0., 3780, 0
44, "LWS01",3.0,"N","IC1396 N      ", 21.65286,  58.04139,1950,0.,0., 2426,45
45, "LWS01",3.0,"N","IC1396 N Off. ", 21.65286,  58.04139,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
46, "LWS01",2.0,"N","L1206         ", 22.45320,  63.98611,1950,0.,0., 1742, 0
47, "SWS01",1.0,"N","NGC7538 1     ", 23.19350,  61.19695,1950,0.,0., 1980,48
48, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC7538 1-9   ", 23.19580,  61.18972,1950,0.,0.,  858, 0
<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1, "LWS01",3.0,"N","01133+6434    ",  1.22172,  64.58055,1950,0.,0., 2426, 2
 2, "LWS01",3.0,"N","01133+6434Off ",  1.22172,  64.58055,1950,0.,0., 2190, 3
 3, "SWS01",3.0,"N","01133+6434    ",  1.22172,  64.58055,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
 4, "LWS01",1.0,"N","AFGL 437      ",  3.05869,  58.32195,1950,0.,0., 1018, 5
 5, "SWS01",1.0,"N","AFGL 437      ",  3.05869,  58.32195,1950,0.,0.,  956, 0
 6, "LWS01",1.0,"N","AFGL 490      ",  3.39422,  58.60972,1950,0.,0., 1018, 0
 7, "LWS01",1.0,"N","05338-0624    ",  5.56464,  -6.40056,1950,0.,0., 2062, 8
 8, "LWS01",1.0,"N","05338-0624Off ",  5.56464,  -6.40056,1950,0.,0., 1582, 9
 9, "SWS01",1.0,"N","05338-0624    ",  5.56464,  -6.40056,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
10, "LWS01",1.0,"N","05375-0731    ",  5.62531,  -7.53361,1950,0.,0., 2106,11
11, "LWS01",1.0,"N","05375-0731flow",  5.62531,  -7.53361,1950,0.,0., 2190,12
12, "SWS01",1.0,"N","05375-0731    ",  5.62531,  -7.53361,1950,0.,0.,  956, 0
13, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC2024 FIRS6o",  5.65322,  -1.99833,1950,0.,0., 2350,14
14, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC2024 IRS2  ",  5.65336,  -1.92611,1950,0.,0.,  659,15
15, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC2024 FIRS6 ",  5.65381,  -1.95750,1950,0.,0., 2266, 0
16, "LWS01",2.0,"N","NGC2071 Off   ",  5.74142,   0.35000,1950,0.,0.,  904,17
17, "LWS01",2.0,"N","NGC2071       ",  5.74183,   0.34472,1950,0.,0.,  888,18
18, "SWS01",2.0,"N","NGC2071       ",  5.73969,   0.31722,1950,0.,0.,  956,19
19, "SWS01",2.0,"N","NGC2071       ",  5.74075,   0.32556,1950,0.,0.,  956,20
20, "SWS01",2.0,"N","NGC2071       ",  5.74219,   0.35889,1950,0.,0.,  956,21
21, "SWS01",2.0,"N","NGC2071       ",  5.74275,   0.36167,1950,0.,0.,  956,22
22, "SWS01",2.0,"N","NGC2071       ",  5.74358,   0.37833,1950,0.,0.,  956, 0
23, "LWS01",1.0,"N","GGD12-15      ",  6.14050,  -6.18028,1950,0.,0., 1018, 0
24, "LWS01",2.0,"N","S255 IRS1     ",  6.16628,  17.98722,1950,0.,0., 1018,25
25, "SWS01",2.0,"N","S255 IRS1     ",  6.16628,  17.98722,1950,0.,0.,  956, 0
26, "LWS01",2.0,"N","AFGL 961      ",  6.53308,   4.25278,1950,0.,0., 2357, 0
27, "LWS01",1.0,"N","08221-4158VM8 ",  8.35206, -41.97028,1950,0.,0., 2426,28
28, "LWS01",1.0,"N","08221-4158of. ",  8.35206, -41.97028,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
29, "SWS01",2.0,"N","08221-4158VM8 ",  8.35206, -41.97028,1950,0.,0., 1980, 0
30, "LWS01",1.0,"N","08448-4343VM17",  8.74706, -43.72417,1950,0.,0., 1113,31
31, "LWS01",1.0,"N","08448-4343of. ",  8.74706, -43.72417,1950,0.,0., 2048,32
32, "SWS01",1.0,"N","08448-4343VM17",  8.74706, -43.72417,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
33, "LWS01",2.0,"N","08476-4306VM20",  8.79400, -43.10222,1950,0.,0., 2426,34
34, "LWS01",2.0,"N","08476-4306of. ",  8.79400, -43.10222,1950,0.,0., 2190,35
35, "SWS01",2.0,"N","08476-4306VM20",  8.79400, -43.10222,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
36, "LWS01",2.0,"N","08477-4359VM21",  8.79642, -43.99694,1950,0.,0., 2426,37
37, "LWS01",2.0,"N","08477-4359of. ",  8.79642, -43.99694,1950,0.,0., 2190,38
38, "SWS01",2.0,"N","08477-4359VM21",  8.79642, -43.99694,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
39, "LWS01",1.0,"N","20126+4104Off ", 20.21139,  41.08611,1950,0.,0.,  904,40
40, "SWS01",1.0,"N","20126+4104    ", 20.21139,  41.08611,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
41, "LWS01",3.0,"N","L988 E        ", 21.03878,  50.04445,1950,0.,0., 2426,42
42, "SWS01",3.0,"N","L988 E        ", 21.03878,  50.04445,1950,0.,0., 1820,43
43, "LWS01",3.0,"N","L988 E Off.   ", 21.03878,  50.04445,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
44, "LWS01",3.0,"N","21334+5039    ", 21.55667,  50.66195,1950,0.,0., 2426,45
45, "LWS01",3.0,"N","21334+5039Off.", 21.55667,  50.66195,1950,0.,0., 2190,46
46, "SWS01",3.0,"N","21334+5039Off ", 21.55655,  50.67667,1950,0.,0., 3620, 0
47, "LWS01",3.0,"N","IC1396 N      ", 21.65286,  58.04139,1950,0.,0., 2426,48
48, "LWS01",3.0,"N","IC1396 N Off. ", 21.65286,  58.04139,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
49, "SWS01",1.0,"N","NGC7538 1     ", 23.19350,  61.19695,1950,0.,0., 1116,50
50, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC7538 1-9   ", 23.19580,  61.18972,1950,0.,0.,  858, 0