<=== observer ===>
"Saraceno, P.S.",\
"Istituto Fisica Spazio Interplanetario",\
"Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche",\
"Frascati - Roma",\
"39 6   94186240",\
"39 6   9426814",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"Star formation","circumstellar disks","circumstellar envelopes",\
"bipolar outflows"},\
{"LWS consortium","P.Ade","M.Barlow","E.Caux","C.Ceccarelli","P.Clegg",\
"M.Cohen","J.Fischer","I.Furniss","B.Glencross","M.Griffin","K. King",\

<=== title ===>
Pre M.S. evolution: The early phase of star formation

<=== abstract ===>

The main objective of the LWS proposals on Pre-Main Sequence evolution is the
understanding of the evolution of matter from the dilute, cold interstellar
state of the dark molecular clouds to the compact, hot stellar state of the
main-sequence stars. The present proposal deals with the earlier evolutionary
phase. The discovery of a real protostar, i.e. an object that derives the
majority of its luminosity from the accretion of infalling material, is one of
the most important observations for our understanding of the overall stellar

While a number of plausible candidates do exist among the IRAS Class I sources,
fully convincing kinematic evidence for infall is still missing. Far-infrared
spectroscopy may be one of the means to provide this evidence. An essential
condition for the formation of stars in molecular clouds is the presence of
dense clumps of matter, as revealed both from molecular lines (e.g. NH_3 and
CS) and  millimetre continuum emitted by circumstellar dust.  These clumps are often coincident with Class I sources. We therefore consider dense 
molecular cores and the IR sources associated with millimetric emission 
as the prime candidates for studying the earliest evolutionary stages of 
star formation.

Both spectrometers will be used in low resolution mode, in order to detect the
various spectral features expected to trace the different physical conditions
around the accreting protostellar objects. From the outside (at scales of
hundreds of astronomical units) we expect to detect:
- molecular emission from various species (such as water and CO), tracing the
parental material;
- fine structure lines such as the [OI]63.157 micron, tracing the transition
region between fully ionised and molecular gas;
- the high quantum number hydrogen recombination lines tracing, together with
the IR coronal lines, the hotter and denser gas of the regions close to the
accretion shock.  
- the velocity field can be comparing the observed line intensities  with the
models of the emitting regions.

Using the grating spectrometers the properties of the solid state matter will
also be studied directly in the observed shape of the "continuum" and, 
perhaps, also indirectly from the determination of the relative elemental
abundances. In particular, we may obtain unexpected results regarding the 
phases of the dust in extremely dense interstellar environments, where 
grain  evolution can be quite different from that of the diffuse medium.

Full spectral scans using the LWS in grating mode are planned for all our
targets. The "on source" integration time for LWS Grating spectra are  
computed in order to observe with S/N=10 lines of 2 10^-20 W/cm^2.  
For the brightest sources this limit is reduced in order to observe with  
S/N=10 lines that are 1/200 of their 60 um continuum.

In presence of an "outflow" the "off source" observation is done carrying  
out a map (in "raster scan") of the flow with a full grating spectrum in  
each point of the map. The total integration time spent on all the  
points of the map will be similar to the one spent on the single  "on source"
point; the reference "off source" point will be therefore  built by binning together all the points of the map. 

A full SWS grating scan is foreseen for all the objects  (with the exception 
of the objects  that will be observed in the SWS guaranteed time) with a 
25 um IRAS flux sufficient to give S/N=10 on a line that is 1/30 of 
the continuum in the SWS01 mode.
We also scan with SWS01 mode those points in the flow where evidence of
near-infrared shock excited emission exists.

We have chosen a few template objects representative of the evolutionary stages
addressed in this proposal for FP observations of lines expected to
be excited in the different physical regimes.

<=== scientific_justification ===>

Allocated time per priorities and AOTs (autumn launch)

                LWS01     SWS01    LWS03-LWS04

top 40%         83154     5620         -

second 30%      36805    26600        1818

third 30%       40330     5580       20396
TOT            160289    37800       22214

Allocated time per priorities and AOTs (spring launch)

                LWS01     SWS01    LWS03-LWS04

top 40%         64983    14680        6908

second 30%      56802     7420         682

third 30%       35811     7440       22234
TOT            157596    29540       29824



Full grating scans from 43 to 196.7 microns with spectral
sample of 4 and fast-on flag are required for all sources. 

The following table contains the information needed to evaluate the integration
times according to the code specified in the table for each individual
source. The meaning of the code number is given at the bottom of the table.

 Name            hole   Code    F(25um)   F(60um)  F(100um) F(OI)(10^-15 W/m2)
                                                             6300A     63um 

HH46 IRS          o      1       6.4      25.8      57.3     
IRAS12496-7650    o      1      85.6     104.9      87.4 
HH52              o      1
HH53A             o      1
HH54              o      1
HH54B             o      1
IRAS13547-3944    o      1       8.9      67.0     202.0      
L134A             o      9       4.0       5.0       9.0
VLA1623           o      2      30.0     470.0     525.0  
WL16              o      2      40.0     202.0     202.0      
EL29              o      2      82.0     230.0     590.0     
RhoOphB1          o      1      15.0      43.0     108.0      
IRS37             o      1      12.0      85.0     190.0      
IRS43             o      1      27.0     136.0     136.0             
IRS44             o      1      47.0     110.0     360.0      
IRAS16293-2422    o      2       1.8     254.0    1000.0      
IRAS18148-0440    o      1       7.0      89.0     164.0      
IRAS18273+0113    o      1       3.2     153.0     746.0     
HH80              o      9                                
HH80N             o      9                              
HH81              o      9                                
GGD27IRS         o      2      347.0    2770.0    3710.0  
L 723             o      1       0.4       6.8      22.0      
B335              o      1      <0.3       8.3      42.0
HH119 A           o      1
HH119 B           o      1
HH119 C           o      1
B361             o/s     1       0.9      17.0      38.0     
NGC7129-FIRS2    o/s     1       2.0      67.0     153.0     
IRAS22343+7501   o/s     1      26.0      66.0      79.0    
IRAS22376+7455   o/s     1       5.6      32.0      66.0     
IRAS22541+6154   o/s     1       8.2     133.0     477.0     
L1448            o/s     1       2.0       4.0      10.0     
RNO15FIR          s      1       5.4      53.0     100.0     
NGC1333 IRAS1    o/s     1      19.0      55.0      73.0    
HH12 E           o/s     1                               
SSV13            o/s     2      45.0     203.0     355.0    
HH7A             o/s     1                              
NGC1333 IRAS4    o/s     1       2.0      30.0     143.0     
IRAS03282+3035    s      1      <0.3       2.3      13.0                        
B5-IRS1           s      1       5.5      18.0      22.0       
L1489-VLA1        s      1      18.0      52.8      65.7       
L1551-IRS5       o/s     2     106.0     373.0     456.0    
HH 34             s      1                                 
HH 34 IRS         s      1       7.0      27.0     117.0     
HH 42             s      7                                             6.6            IRAS05338-0647    s      1       5.2     123.0     321.0     
VLA1              s      1       2.0       4.0      10.0     
HH1C              s      6                                    1.25     
HH2C              s      6                                    1.1  
HH43              s      7                                             6.5   
HH43 IRS          s      1       1.0       4.0       9.0    
SSV59             s      1       7.0      25.0      78.0    
HH24A             s      1
MLY25             s      1       8.5      73.0     150.0    
NGC2264G          s      1       2.0       4.0      10.0    

Code: time assigned according to the following criteria:

1. to detect lines of 2 10^(-16) W/m2 at S/N = 10.
2. to detect lines which are 1/200 of their 60um emission at S/N = 10.
6. HH objects: to observe a line which is 1/10 of the [OI]63.157um line as
   extimated from the observed [OI]63.15700 A line.
7. HH objects: to observe a line which is 1/10 of the observed [OI]63.157um line.
9. to detect lines of 1 10^(-15) W/m2 at S/N=10.


Fabry-Perot scans covering a range of 1000km s-1, with 2 samples per resolution
element. The following table gives the lines and corrected spectral ranges to 
be observed in the source HH80.

For the hole in Orion:

object   line#      w-start*  w-end*

HH80:  [OI]63.157    63.10     63.32
       [OI]145.50   145.37    145.87
      [CII]157.74   157.61    158.13
 OH 119.23+119.44   119.24    119.54
        H2O 99.49    99.40     99.74
        H2O 116.78  116.68    117.08      
        H2O 187.8   187.65    188.25

# rest wavelength 
* corrected for proper motion


Fabry-Perot scans with 9 resolution elements and 4 samples per resolution
element. The following table give the sources and lines to be observed.

For the hole in Sagittarius:

OH 119.23,119.44,
H2O 116.78,121.721,146.922,187.80

NGC1333 IRAS1: 
HI 88.730,111.815, 
CO 153.267,162.812,173.631, 
H2O 82.032,99.493,116.78,187.80

L1551 IRS5: 
HI 88.730,111.815, 
CO 153.267,162.812,173.631, 
H2O 82.032,99.493,116.78,187.80

HI 88.730,111.815, 
CO 153.267,162.812,173.631, 
H2O 82.032,99.493,116.78,187.80

For the hole in Orion:

HI 88.730,111.815, 
CO 153.267,162.812,173.631, 
H2O 82.032,99.493,116.78,187.80

Elias 29: 
HI 88.730,111.815, 
CO 153.267,162.812,173.631, 
H2O 82.032,99.493,116.78,187.80

The integration times were computed in order to detect with S/N = 10
lines of integrated flux 1-3 10(-19)W/cm2, and 100 Km/sec wide.


Full grating scans from 2.43 to 45 microns with a detector reset time of 2 sec,
requiring 25 minutes of integration time per object (+overheads).


Time distribution for autumn launch targets

  Team     top 40%   second 30%   last 30%

  LWS        88774      65223     66306

  total      88774      65223     66306

Time distribution for spring launch targets

  Team     top 40%   second 30%   last 30%

  LWS        86571      64904     65485

  total      86571      64904     65485


Raster scans information

  autumn launch targets

No  Name               coord. center     M    dM  N    dN  P.A.

 2  L1448 flow      3.37692  30.53722    1     0  3   173  157.5 
 3  L1448 flow      3.37578  30.58528    1     0  3    27  156
 5  IRAS1 Off Sr.   3.42597  31.05361    1     0  2   200    0
 8  SSV13 flow      3.43247  31.10306    4   100  6   100    0
17  L1551 Off. S    4.47783  18.02833    1     0  2   100   48
18  HH 46 OFF. S.   8.40389 -50.84778    1     0  3    98   57
22  12496-7650flow 12.82928 -76.84250    3   100  3   100   90
23  12522-7640flow 12.85767 -76.69778    3   100  3   100   90
30  13547-3944CG12 13.91122 -39.73528    1     0  2    50   90
31  13547-3944flow 13.91167 -39.78083    1     0  2   154  159
32  L134A          15.84947  -4.44361    3   100  3   100    0
34  VLA 1623 flow  16.39025 -24.29611    1     0  7    50  124
36  WL 16 Off      16.40008 -24.51028    1     0  2   200  176
37  El29-WL16      16.40211 -24.51028    1     0  3   100   86
40  rhoOphB1-IRS37 16.40228 -24.37167    1     0  3   100  164
41  IRS37 Off      16.40228 -24.37167    1     0  2   200   74
42  IRS43-44       16.40728 -24.54806    1     0  3    78   11
43  IRS44 Off      16.40728 -24.54806    1     0  2   156  101
45  16293-2422flow 16.49017 -24.36750    1     0  4   100   90
48  18148-0440flow 18.24739  -4.68306    1     0  2   200   90
62  GGD 27 IRS     18.27028 -20.81361    1     0  3   100    0
65  18273+0113flow 18.28833   1.22056    1     0  2   200    0
68  L 723 flow     19.26150  19.11250    3   100  5   100  106
74  B335 flow      19.57642   7.45667    3   100  7   100   90
78  B361 flow      21.17528  47.20056    1     0  2   200   90
80  NGC7129 flow   21.69908  65.85833    3   100  6   100    0
81  22343+7501flow 22.56353  75.97112    5   200  4   200  127
87  22541+6154 Off 22.75228  61.90583    1     0  2   360  135


No  Name               coord. center     M    dM  N    dN  P.A.

 2  L1448 flow      3.37692  30.53722    1     0  3   173  157.5 
 3  L1448 flow      3.37578  30.58528    1     0  3    27  156
 5  RNO15 FIRflow   3.41006  30.04444    3   100  7   100  135
 9  IRAS1 Off Sr.   3.42597  31.05361    1     0  2   200    0
12  SSV13 flow      3.43247  31.10306    4   100  6   100    0
25  03282+3035flow  3.47089  30.58722    1     0  4   100  124
26  03282+3035      3.47367  30.56750    1     0  2    26   82
28  B5 IRS1flo      3.74219  32.70834    2   100  6   100   90
29  L1489-VLA1flow  4.02633  26.17972    4   100  3   100    0
31  L1551blue str   4.45778  17.76556    1     0  5   200   48
32  L1551blue lobe  4.47097  17.93583    5   100  9   100   48
36  L1551red lobe   4.48308  18.08861    5   100  7   100   48
37  L1551red str.   4.49433  18.23445    1     0  5   200   48
58  HH34 IRS        5.55100  -6.48056    1     0  3   110  166
40  HH42            5.55942  -5.10861    1     0  2   100   90
43  05338-0647Off.  5.56486  -6.79306    4   100  3   100   90
49  HH43 IRS        5.59503  -7.16917    1     0  3    73  125
52  SSV59 flow      5.72586  -0.22806    4   100  5   100    0
56  MLY 25 Off Sr.  6.63806  10.30278    1     0  2   200   90
58  NGC2264G flow   6.64167   9.98167    1     0  4   100   90
60  B361 flow      21.17528  47.20056    1     0  2   200   90
62  NGC7129 flow   21.69908  65.85833    3   100  6   100    0
63  22343+7501flow 22.56353  75.97112    5   200  4   200  127
68  22541+6154 Off 22.75228  61.90583    1     0  2   360  135

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1, "LWS01",1.0,"N","L1448         ",  3.37619,  30.55972,1950,0.,0., 2426, 2
 2, "LWS01",1.0,"N","L1448 flow    ",  3.37692,  30.53722,1950,0.,0., 2287, 0
 3, "SWS01",3.0,"N","L1448 flow    ",  3.37578,  30.58528,1950,0.,0., 5580, 0
 4, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC1333 IRAS1 ",  3.42597,  31.05361,1950,0.,0., 2426, 5
 5, "LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS1 Off Sr. ",  3.42597,  31.05361,1950,0.,0., 2190, 6
 6, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH12 E        ",  3.43158,  31.16333,1950,0.,0., 2266, 0
 7, "SWS01",2.0,"N","HH12 E        ",  3.43158,  31.16333,1950,0.,0., 1980,10
 8, "LWS01",1.0,"N","SSV13 flow    ",  3.43247,  31.10306,1950,0.,0., 8110, 0
 9, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH7red lobe   ",  3.43261,  31.10028,1950,0.,0., 2426,11
10, "SWS01",2.0,"N","HH7red lobe   ",  3.43261,  31.10028,1950,0.,0., 1820,14
11, "LWS01",1.0,"N","SSV13         ",  3.43283,  31.09556,1950,0.,0., 2266,13
12, "SWS01",1.0,"N","SSV13         ",  3.43283,  31.09556,1950,0.,0., 1980,15
13, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH7A          ",  3.43411,  31.08611,1950,0.,0., 2426, 0
14, "SWS01",2.0,"N","HH7A          ",  3.43411,  31.08611,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
15, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC1333 IRAS4 ",  3.43489,  31.05055,1950,0.,0., 2266, 0
16, "LWS01",1.0,"N","L1551 IRS5    ",  4.47783,  18.02833,1950,0.,0., 1048,17
17, "LWS01",1.0,"N","L1551IRS5 Off.",  4.47783,  18.02833,1950,0.,0.,  744, 0
18, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH 46 Off.    ",  8.40389, -50.84778,1950,0.,0., 2350,20
19, "SWS01",2.0,"N","HH 46 IRS     ",  8.40458, -50.84528,1950,0.,0., 1980, 0
20, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH 46 IRS     ",  8.40458, -50.84528,1950,0.,0., 2426, 0
21, "LWS01",3.0,"N","12496-7650    ", 12.82722, -76.84583,1950,0.,0., 2266,22
22, "LWS01",3.0,"N","12496-7650flow", 12.82928, -76.84250,1950,0.,0., 2629, 0
23, "LWS01",3.0,"N","12522-7640flow", 12.85767, -76.69778,1950,0.,0., 2789, 0
24, "LWS01",2.0,"N","HH 52         ", 12.85778, -76.69305,1950,0.,0., 2426,25
25, "SWS01",2.0,"N","HH 52         ", 12.85778, -76.69305,1950,0.,0., 1820,26
26, "LWS01",2.0,"N","HH 53A        ", 12.86006, -76.68667,1950,0.,0., 2266,27
27, "SWS01",2.0,"N","HH 53A        ", 12.86006, -76.68667,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
28, "SWS01",2.0,"N","HH 54         ", 12.86906, -76.67111,1950,0.,0., 1980,29
29, "LWS01",2.0,"N","HH 54B        ", 12.86961, -76.66778,1950,0.,0., 2426, 0
30, "LWS01",3.0,"N","13547-3944CG12", 13.91122, -39.73528,1950,0.,0., 4287,31
31, "LWS01",3.0,"N","13547-3944flow", 13.91167, -39.78083,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
32, "LWS01",3.0,"N","L134A         ", 15.84947,  -4.44361,1950,0.,0., 5309, 0
33, "LWS01",1.0,"N","VLA 1623      ", 16.39025, -24.29611,1950,0.,0., 2266,34
34, "LWS01",1.0,"N","VLA 1623 flow ", 16.39025, -24.29611,1950,0.,0., 1136, 0
35, "SWS01",2.0,"N","WL 16         ", 16.40008, -24.51222,1950,0.,0., 1980, 0
36, "LWS01",1.0,"N","WL 16 Off     ", 16.40008, -24.51028,1950,0.,0., 2350,37
37, "LWS01",1.0,"N","El29-WL16     ", 16.40211, -24.51028,1950,0.,0., 6421, 0
38, "LWS04",3.0,"N","El29          ", 16.40211, -24.51028,1950,0.,0., 3544,39
39, "LWS04",3.0,"N","El29          ", 16.40211, -24.51028,1950,0.,0.,  462, 0
40, "LWS01",2.0,"N","rhoOphB1-IRS37", 16.40228, -24.37167,1950,0.,0., 6581,41
41, "LWS01",2.0,"N","IRS37 Off     ", 16.40228, -24.37167,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
42, "LWS01",3.0,"N","IRS43-44      ", 16.40728, -24.54806,1950,0.,0., 6581,43
43, "LWS01",3.0,"N","IRS44 Off     ", 16.40728, -24.54806,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
44, "LWS01",1.0,"N","16293-2422    ", 16.48914, -24.37028,1950,0.,0., 1740,45
45, "LWS01",1.0,"N","16293-2422flow", 16.49017, -24.36750,1950,0.,0., 1238, 0
46, "LWS04",3.0,"N","16293-2422    ", 16.48914, -24.37028,1950,0.,0., 3544,47
47, "LWS04",3.0,"N","16293-2422    ", 16.48914, -24.37028,1950,0.,0.,  462, 0
48, "LWS01",2.0,"N","18148-0440flow", 18.24739,  -4.68306,1950,0.,0., 2350,49
49, "LWS01",2.0,"N","18148-0440    ", 18.24739,  -4.68028,1950,0.,0., 2266, 0
50, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH 80         ", 18.26858, -20.88500,1950,0.,0., 1113,51
51, "SWS01",1.0,"N","HH 80         ", 18.26858, -20.88500,1950,0.,0., 1820,60
52, "LWS03",3.0,"N","HH 80         ", 18.26858, -20.88500,1950,0.,0., 1408,53
53, "LWS03",3.0,"N","HH 80         ", 18.26858, -20.88500,1950,0.,0., 1034,54
54, "LWS03",3.0,"N","HH 80         ", 18.26858, -20.88500,1950,0.,0., 1640,55
55, "LWS03",3.0,"N","HH 80         ", 18.26858, -20.88500,1950,0.,0., 1626,57
56, "LWS03",2.0,"N","HH 80         ", 18.26858, -20.88500,1950,0.,0., 1818, 0
57, "LWS03",3.0,"N","HH 80         ", 18.26858, -20.88500,1950,0.,0., 1696, 0
58, "LWS03",3.0,"N","HH 80         ", 18.26858, -20.88500,1950,0.,0., 1408,59
59, "LWS03",3.0,"N","HH 80         ", 18.26858, -20.88500,1950,0.,0., 3572, 0
60, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH 81         ", 18.26875, -20.87306,1950,0.,0.,  953,61
61, "SWS01",1.0,"N","HH 81         ", 18.26875, -20.87306,1950,0.,0., 1820,62
62, "LWS01",1.0,"N","GGD 27 IRS    ", 18.27028, -20.81361,1950,0.,0.,  858,63
63, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH 80 N       ", 18.27244, -20.71472,1950,0.,0.,  953, 0
64, "SWS01",2.0,"N","HH 80 N       ", 18.27244, -20.71472,1950,0.,0., 1980, 0
65, "LWS01",3.0,"N","18273+0113flow", 18.28833,   1.22056,1950,0.,0., 2350,66
66, "LWS01",3.0,"N","18273+0113    ", 18.45500,   1.22056,1950,0.,0., 2266, 0
67, "LWS01",3.0,"N","L 723         ", 19.26150,  19.11250,1950,0.,0., 2426,68
68, "LWS01",3.0,"N","L 723 flow    ", 19.26150,  19.11250,1950,0.,0., 5047, 0
69, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH119 A       ", 19.57383,   7.45667,1950,0.,0., 2426,71
70, "SWS01",2.0,"N","HH119 A       ", 19.57383,   7.45667,1950,0.,0., 1980,72
71, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH119 B       ", 19.57542,   7.45556,1950,0.,0., 2266,75
72, "SWS01",2.0,"N","HH119 B       ", 19.57542,   7.45556,1950,0.,0., 1820,76
73, "LWS01",1.0,"N","B335          ", 19.57642,   7.45667,1950,0.,0., 2226,74
74, "LWS01",1.0,"N","B335 flow     ", 19.57642,   7.45667,1950,0.,0., 6997, 0
75, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH119 C       ", 19.57753,   7.45556,1950,0.,0., 2426, 0
76, "SWS01",2.0,"N","HH119 C       ", 19.57753,   7.45556,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
77, "LWS01",2.0,"N","B361          ", 21.17528,  47.20056,1950,0.,0., 2426,78
78, "LWS01",2.0,"N","B361 flow     ", 21.17528,  47.20056,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
79, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC7129-FIRS2 ", 21.69767,  65.83055,1950,0.,0., 2426,80
80, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC7129 flow  ", 21.69908,  65.85833,1950,0.,0., 5086, 0
81, "LWS01",2.0,"N","22343+7501flow", 22.56353,  75.97112,1950,0.,0., 6832, 0
82, "LWS01",2.0,"N","22343+7501    ", 22.57278,  75.02556,1950,0.,0., 2426,83
83, "SWS01",2.0,"N","22343+7501    ", 22.57278,  75.02556,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
84, "LWS01",2.0,"N","22376+7455    ", 22.62800,  74.93055,1950,0.,0., 2426, 0
85, "LWS01",1.0,"N","22541+6154    ", 22.75228,  61.90583,1950,0.,0., 2426,87
86, "SWS01",2.0,"N","22541+6154    ", 22.75228,  61.90583,1950,0.,0., 1980, 0
87, "LWS01",1.0,"N","22541+6154 Off", 22.75228,  61.90583,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1, "LWS01",1.0,"N","L1448         ",  3.37619,  30.55972,1950,0.,0., 2426, 2
 2, "LWS01",1.0,"N","L1448 flow    ",  3.37692,  30.53722,1950,0.,0., 2287, 0
 3, "SWS01",1.0,"N","L1448 flow    ",  3.37578,  30.58528,1950,0.,0., 5580, 0
 4, "LWS01",3.0,"N","RNO15 FIR     ",  3.41006,  30.04444,1950,0.,0., 2426, 5
 5, "LWS01",3.0,"N","RNO15 FIRflow ",  3.41006,  30.04444,1950,0.,0., 3448, 0
 6, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC1333 IRAS1 ",  3.42597,  31.05361,1950,0.,0., 2426, 9
 7, "LWS04",3.0,"N","NGC1333 IRAS1 ",  3.42597,  31.05361,1950,0.,0., 6908, 8
 8, "LWS04",3.0,"N","NGC1333 IRAS1 ",  3.42597,  31.05361,1950,0.,0.,  682, 0
 9, "LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS1 Off Sr. ",  3.42597,  31.05361,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
10, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH12 E        ",  3.43158,  31.16333,1950,0.,0., 2266,11
11, "SWS01",1.0,"N","HH12 E        ",  3.43158,  31.16333,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
12, "LWS01",1.0,"N","SSV13 flow    ",  3.43247,  31.10306,1950,0.,0., 8110, 0
13, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH7red lobe   ",  3.43261,  31.10028,1950,0.,0., 2426,14
14, "SWS01",1.0,"N","HH7red lobe   ",  3.43261,  31.10028,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
15, "LWS01",1.0,"N","SSV13         ",  3.43283,  31.09556,1950,0.,0., 2266,16
16, "SWS01",1.0,"N","SSV13         ",  3.43283,  31.09556,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
17, "LWS04",1.0,"N","SSV13         ",  3.43283,  31.09556,1950,0.,0., 6908,18
18, "LWS04",2.0,"N","SSV13         ",  3.43283,  31.09556,1950,0.,0.,  682, 0
19, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH7A          ",  3.43411,  31.08611,1950,0.,0., 2426,20
20, "SWS01",1.0,"N","HH7A          ",  3.43411,  31.08611,1950,0.,0., 1820,23
21, "LWS04",3.0,"N","HH7A          ",  3.43411,  31.08611,1950,0.,0., 6510,22
22, "LWS04",3.0,"N","HH7A          ",  3.43411,  31.08611,1950,0.,0.,  544, 0
23, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC1333 IRAS4 ",  3.43489,  31.05055,1950,0.,0., 2266, 0
24, "LWS01",2.0,"N","03282+3035    ",  3.47089,  30.58722,1950,0.,0., 2426,25
25, "LWS01",2.0,"N","03282+3035flow",  3.47089,  30.58722,1950,0.,0., 2384, 0
26, "SWS01",2.0,"N","03282+3035    ",  3.47367,  30.56750,1950,0.,0., 3780, 0
27, "LWS01",3.0,"N","B5 IRS1       ",  3.74219,  32.70834,1950,0.,0., 2426,28
28, "LWS01",3.0,"N","B5 IRS1 flow  ",  3.74219,  32.70834,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
29, "LWS01",1.0,"N","L1489-VLA1flow",  4.02633,  26.17972,1950,0.,0., 3530,30
30, "LWS01",1.0,"N","L1489-VLA1    ",  4.02789,  26.17972,1950,0.,0., 2266, 0
31, "LWS01",2.0,"N","L1551blue str.",  4.45778,  17.76556,1950,0.,0., 1957,37
32, "LWS01",1.0,"N","L1551blue lobe",  4.47097,  17.93583,1950,0.,0.,14957, 0
33, "LWS01",1.0,"N","L1551 IRS5    ",  4.47783,  18.02833,1950,0.,0., 1048, 0
34, "LWS04",3.0,"N","L1551 IRS5    ",  4.47783,  18.02833,1950,0.,0., 6908,35
35, "LWS04",3.0,"N","L1551 IRS5    ",  4.47783,  18.02833,1950,0.,0.,  682, 0
36, "LWS01",2.0,"N","L1551red lobe ",  4.48308,  18.08861,1950,0.,0.,11010, 0
37, "LWS01",2.0,"N","L1551red str. ",  4.49433,  18.23445,1950,0.,0., 1957, 0
38, "LWS01",3.0,"N","HH34 IRS      ",  5.55100,  -6.48056,1950,0.,0., 6581,39
39, "SWS01",3.0,"N","HH34          ",  5.55144,  -6.50944,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
40, "LWS01",3.0,"N","HH42          ",  5.55942,  -5.10861,1950,0.,0., 3770, 0
41, "LWS01",2.0,"N","05338-0647    ",  5.56469,  -6.78750,1950,0.,0., 2266,42
42, "SWS01",2.0,"N","05338-0647    ",  5.56469,  -6.78750,1950,0.,0., 1820,43
43, "LWS01",2.0,"N","05338-0647Off.",  5.56486,  -6.79306,1950,0.,0., 3370, 0
44, "LWS01",2.0,"N","HH1C          ",  5.56522,  -6.78306,1950,0.,0., 2062,46
45, "SWS01",3.0,"N","HH1C          ",  5.56522,  -6.78306,1950,0.,0., 1980,48
46, "LWS01",2.0,"N","VLA1          ",  5.56583,  -6.79917,1950,0.,0., 1902,47
47, "LWS01",2.0,"N","HH2C          ",  5.56658,  -6.81556,1950,0.,0., 1902, 0
48, "SWS01",3.0,"N","HH2C          ",  5.56658,  -6.81556,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
49, "LWS01",1.0,"N","HH43 IRS      ",  5.59503,  -7.16917,1950,0.,0., 6581,50
50, "SWS01",1.0,"N","HH43          ",  5.59581,  -7.18528,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
51, "LWS01",3.0,"N","SSV59         ",  5.72533,  -0.25611,1950,0.,0., 2426,52
52, "LWS01",3.0,"N","SSV59 flow    ",  5.72586,  -0.22806,1950,0.,0., 5502, 0
53, "LWS01",3.0,"N","HH24A         ",  5.72656,  -0.19222,1950,0.,0., 2426,54
54, "SWS01",3.0,"N","HH24A         ",  5.72656,  -0.19222,1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
55, "LWS01",3.0,"N","MLY 25        ",  6.63806,  10.30278,1950,0.,0., 2426,56
56, "LWS01",3.0,"N","MLY 25 Off Sr.",  6.63806,  10.30278,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
57, "LWS01",2.0,"N","NGC2264G      ",  6.63992,   9.98167,1950,0.,0., 2426,58
58, "LWS01",2.0,"N","NGC2264G flow ",  6.64167,   9.98167,1950,0.,0., 2384, 0
59, "LWS01",2.0,"N","B361          ", 21.17528,  47.20056,1950,0.,0., 2426,60
60, "LWS01",2.0,"N","B361 flow     ", 21.17528,  47.20056,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0
61, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC7129-FIRS2 ", 21.69767,  65.83055,1950,0.,0., 2426,62
62, "LWS01",1.0,"N","NGC7129 flow  ", 21.69908,  65.85833,1950,0.,0., 5086, 0
63, "LWS01",2.0,"N","22343+7501flow", 22.56353,  75.97112,1950,0.,0., 6832, 0
64, "LWS01",2.0,"N","22343+7501    ", 22.57278,  75.02556,1950,0.,0., 2426,65
65, "SWS01",2.0,"N","22343+7501    ", 22.57278,  75.02556,1950,0.,0., 1820,66
66, "LWS01",2.0,"N","22376+7455    ", 22.62800,  74.93055,1950,0.,0., 2266, 0
67, "LWS01",2.0,"N","22541+6154    ", 22.75228,  61.90583,1950,0.,0., 2426,68
68, "LWS01",2.0,"N","22541+6154 Off", 22.75228,  61.90583,1950,0.,0., 2190, 0