<=== observer ===>
"Cox, P.",\
"Observatoire de Marseille",\
"2, Place Le Verrier",\
"33 91959088",\
"33 91621190",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"HII regions","diffuse interstellar medium",\
"molecular clouds","star formation"},\
{"Churchwell, E.","Cassinelli, J.P.","Jourdain de Muizon",\
"LWS consortium","SWS Consortium",\
"Kessler, M."}\

<=== title ===>
      -	PART 1 OF 2-

<=== abstract ===>

It is proposed to use the ISO Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS), the Short
Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) and the Camera (CAM) to investigate the infrared
spectra of compact HII regions. The selected sample of 60 sources covers in a
nearly homogeneous way the galactic plane from the center out to 25 kpc.

Together with the study of the physical conditions pertaining in these regions
of recent massive star formation, this will enable us to investigate in great
detail the problem of the present-day abundance distribution in the Galaxy. The
study of chemical abundances and their variation as a function  of the distance
to the galactic center is of fundamental importance for our understanding of
galactic evolution. The abundances of heavy elements in the interstellar medium
provides a direct estimate of the enrichment due to nucleosynthesis in
successive generations of stars. The variation of one element relative to
another yields information on the formation paths of these elements. A detailed
knowledge of the abundance variation within a galaxy is a prerequisite to a
wide variety of studies such as the large scale distribution of the infrared
radiation, gamma rays and cosmic rays.

The infrared fine-structure lines are better suited than the optical lines (as
usually used) for abundance analysis in the Galaxy for two reasons. First, the
infrared lines are comparatively insensitive to the electron temperature so
that the correction for electron temperature, crucial in the optical studies,
is not required. Second, infrared lines are less attenuated by interstellar
extinction than their optical counterparts and provide a probe of the elemental
abundances through the galactic disk (although substantial extinction
corrections are still necessary), in particular in the inner regions, at
galactocentric distances less than 6 kpc where no optical measurements are

The compact HII regions have been selected according to the following criteria:
(1) The sources should be compact so as to be included in the field of view of
the Short Wavelength Spectrometer  (20 arsec x 20 arcsec) and isolated so as to
avoid confusion problems with the larger field of view of the Long Wavelength
Spectrometer (1.65 arcmin).
(2) The sample should be uniformly distributed in galactocentric distance.
Compact HII regions near the galactic center (only observable in the infrared
and radio wavelengths) and sources associated with the molecular ring (at 5 kpc,
where HII regions are expected to be numerous and share similar abundance
properties) should be well represented in the sample.
(3) The selection is mainly based on both the sample of about 200 compact HII
regions extracted from the IRAS-LRS database (see Jourdain de Muizon et al.,
1989, A&A Suppl. 83, 337) and the study of star-forming regions in the outer
galaxy by Wouterloot and Brand (1990, A&A Suppl. 80, 149) for the sources at
distances greater than 10 kpc from the galactic centre.
(4) The fluxes in the four IRAS bands (12, 25, 60 and 100 um) should be strong
so as to minimize the integration times: the infrared luminosity of compact HII
regions being nearly equal to the luminosity output of the exciting star,
strong infrared fluxes should indicate strong fluxes in the fine-structure
lines. However we relaxed this criteria for regions far away from the galactic
centre (i.e. at distances greater than 15 kpc).

The final sample contains 60 sources which are presented in Table 1.
Due to time constraints a sub-sample of 30 sources was extracted for
observations with SWS and CAM.

<=== scientific_justification ===>

The galactocentric distances of the selected compact HII regions cover the
range from 0 to 24 kpc in a nearly homogeneous way (3 sources in average per
kiloparsec bin). In order to study the dispersion in the abundances at a given
distance from the galactic centre, we selected a larger number of sources at 2
positions, namely in the 5 kpc arm and at around 14 kpc.

                         Orion  GC           IRAS fluxes        R_g   size
    name          bands  LWSWto LWSWto   12    25    60   100   (kpc) (")
    00468+6527           3   3  3   3     5    44   303   320   13.2
    01420+6401           3   3  2   2     3    11   128   232   16.8
    02044+6031    1234 L 2 1 1  2 1 1    12   105   387   465   13.1  20
    02044+6031 * (W3)    2 2 2  2 2 2   696  1780 10590 12981   10.3  35
    02575+6017 *  234    2 2 2  3 2 2    20   212   768  1083   10.2  30
    02383+6241           3   3  3   3     3    11   150   248   16.1
    02395+6244           1 1 1  1 1 1    10    91   255   226   16.2  30
    04025+5313           1   1  1   1     2     5    45    64   19.2
    05167+3858           1   1  2   2     1     2    35    85   22.6
    05221+4139           1   1  1   1     3    15   117   138   18.4
    05236+3828           3   3  3   3     4     5   120   237   14.4
    05302+3739           3   3  2   2     1     1     7    22   21.9
    05335+3609           3      2   2     2     7    21    45   24.2
    05375+3540    LRS ***1      2   2    28   226  1708  1635   14.0  60
    05393-0156    1234 L        3   3   284  4746  7894 35331    9.0  65
    05588+2625           3      1   1     4    16   121   171   23.1
    06084+1727                  2   2     3    25   124   261   15.9
    06145+1455                  2   2     1     3    37    73   20.3
    06158+1517                  2 2 2     9    23   234   337   17.7  45
    06208+0957                  3   3     4    35   206   243   15.3
    06412-0105    1234 L        1   1    14   159   612   532   14.9  45
    06495+0217                  3   3     2     2    34    82   17.1
    08189-3602    1234 L 3   3  3   3    53   360  1781  2059   13.6  45
    08282-4545           3   3  3   3   152     6    33    37   17.1
    10589-6034    1234 L 3   3  3   3    40   313  1722  2109   11.0  45
    11143-6113    1234 L 1 1 1  1 1 1    25   197   682  1389   11.2  30
    12063-6259    1234 L 1 1 1  1 1 1    50   407  1819  2233   10.8  30
    12073-6233    1234 L 2   2  2   2   577  4084 10672 11344   11.6  45
    12331-6134    1234 L 2   2  3   3    49   230  1643  2589    8.6  45
    15290-5546    1234 L 3 3 3    1 1    47   501  4824  6893    5.9  30
    15384-5348    1234 L 3   2      2    94   607  5820  8348    7.8  45
    15502-5302    1234 L 1 1 1    1 1   142  1210 11570 12440    5.3  30
    15567-5236    1234 L 3 3 3    1 1   195  1076  7390  8360    5.1  30
    16128-5109    1234 L 3   3          129  1069  6243  8409    6.7  60
    17160-3707    1234 L 1 1 1           45   335  4246 10230    3.0  30
    17221-3619    1234 L 2   2  3   2    42   245  2643  4669    6.1  45
    17279-3350    1234 L 2 2 2  1 1 1    25   166  1239  3947    3.6  45
    17455-2800    1234 L 1 1 1  1 1 1    83   469  2541  5487    0.2  30
    18116-1646    1234 L 1 1 1  3 3 3    75   477  3619  6074    4.9  30
    18162-2048 *  1234   1 1 1  1 1 1    26   347  2771  3709    6.8  30
    18311-0809    LRS    3   3  3   3    27   184  1550  2947    4.2  60
    18316-0602 *  1234   3 3 3  3 3 3    23   138   958  2136    5.9  30
    18317-0757    1234 L 3 3 3  3 3 3    66   393  2252  3361    5.1  30
    18434-0242    1234 L 2 2 2  1 1 1   217  1697  7504 11530    5.1  30
    18469-0132 *  1234   2 1 1  1 1 1    25   224  1726  3390    4.5  30
    18479-0005    1234 L 2 2 2  3 2 2    32   298  3705  5473    9.0  30
    18502+0051    1234 L 3 2 2  3 2 2    29   250  1452  2240    5.6  30
    19110+1045 *  1234 L 2 2 2  3 2 2    58   494  5913  7486    7.1  30
    19207+1410    1234 L 1 1 1  1 1 1    93   524  4930  7431    7.6  30
    19442+2427 *  1234   1 1 1  1 1 1    47   425  3447  5174    8.0  30
    19598+3324 * (K3-50) 1 1 1  1 1 1   302  1780 10590 12981    9.9  10
    DR21       * (no IRAS3 2 2  3 2 2                            8.4  30
    20406+4555           3   3  3   3     7    17   267   436   14.0
    21190+5140    1234 L 1 1 1  1 1 1    39   337   590   406   15.0  20
    21561+5806           3   3  3   3     2     6    51    80   14.1
    21569+5923           3   3  3         2     2    31    61   14.9
    22308+5812    1234 L 1 1 1  1 1 1    25   175   873  1038   12.4  20
    22475+5939    1234 L 3 2 2  3 2 2    25   151   832  1066   12.3  30
    23030+5958    1234 L 1 1 1  1 1 1    40   259  1549  1833   13.6  20
    23133+6050    1234 L 2 1 1  2 1 1    45   579  2098  2694   12.8  30
The priorities affected to the sources are given under the columns "priority".
Orion means "visibility hole on Orion", GC means "visibility hole in
Sagittarius" and LW, SW and to means LWS, SWS and total respectively.

The distribution in galactocentric radius split up into priorities with the two
different launch dates is as follows:

    Distributions:       Orion     GC              Totals
                         1 2 3   1 2 3          All   Ori   GC
                2        1 0 0   1 0 0           1     1     1
                4        1 1 0   1 0 0           2     2     1
                6        3 2 5   2 1 4          10    10     7
                8        3 3 1   3 2 0           7     7     5
               10        1 3 0   1 2 2           5     4     5
               12        2 3 1   2 3 1           6     6     6
               14        4 1 3   4 2 3           9     8     9
               16        1 0 3   1 3 2           7     4     6
               18        1 0 3   1 2 3           6     4     6
               20        2 0 0   2 0 0           2     2     2
               22        0 0 1   0 2 0           2     1     2
               24        1 0 0   1 1 0           2     1     2
               26        0 0 0   0 1 0           1     0     1
                                        total:  60    50    53


Systematic LWS grating spectra of all visible targets is proposed. Because the
sources are relatively bright the signal to noise ratio in the grating spectrum
is believed to be close to 100 for the majority of them. These spectra will
provide the intensities of the main lines coming from the compact HII region
itself but also from the associated photodissociation region, together with the
information on the emissivity of the dust which is responsible of the
underlying continuum. Since the sources are essentially bright, "off-source"
positions are not considered in this proposal except for specific targets where
source confusion is foreseen from IRAS maps.

Table 2 gives the brightest lines likely to be readily detected with the LWS
grating spectra. These spectra will gather at the same time the three most
important elements, Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen, which are obvious tracers of
the chemical evolution of our Galaxy (CNO cycle).

Atom	Log number	Transition	Wavelength	Ionisation potential
	abundance			(um)		range (eV)
Oxygen		8.82	[OIII]		51.8		35.11-54.93
Oxygen		8.82	[OIII]		88.4		35.11-54.93
Oxygen		8.82	[OI]		63.2		0-13.62
Oxygen		8.82	[OI]		145.5		0-13.62
Carbon		8.52	[CII]		157.7		11.26-24.38
Nitrogen	7.96	[NII]		121.7		14.53-29.60
Nitrogen	7.96	[NIII]		57.33		29.60-16.34

Some CO lines, at high J levels, could be detected in some sources directly
from their LWS grating spectrum since these lines are currently predicted to be
emitted from some parts of the photodissociation region and/or from shocked
regions at a sufficiently high level of intensity.

The other lines need the high spectral resolution capability of the LWS to
be used. For the brightest sources, with flux density greater than 5000 Jy at
100 um, we intend to measure 8 lines using the LWS FPs. The interest of these
lines are summarized hereafter:
1) The [13CII] line exhibits three distinct spectral components at 11.2, 63.2
and -65.2 km/sec relative to the [12CII] line, with relative intensities of
0.44, 0.20 and 0.36 respectively (Cooksy et al., 1986, Ap J Letters 305, L89).
The detection of these components clearly need the high spectral resolution of
the LWS for separation from the bright [12CII] line.
2) Three rotational lines of CO are considered for measurements with the
LWS FPs namely the transitions at 93.35 um (J=28-27), 137.20 um (J=19-18) and
186.00 um (J=14-13). These three lines will provide the information on the
physical state of the emitting region, at least its density and temperature.
3) One line of 13CO at 143.49 um (J=19-18) is proposed for detection. This
measurement will yield the true isotopic ratio 12C/13C since the high
rotational lines of CO are expected to be optically thin. This will allow the
interpretation of the [CII] line by suppressing the ambiguity due to potential
optical thickness.
4) Two forbidden lines of [SiI] at 68.47 and 129.68 um and one of [AlI] at
89.25 um are proposed to be searched for. Little is presently known about the
detectability of these lines from cool molecular regions but first results of
the COBE mission (Wright et al., 1991, preprint) indicate a marginal detection
of the 129.68 um [SiI] line. This later line needs low energy for collisional
excitation of the upper level of the transition, i.e. about 10 meV. Detection
of these lines will provide for the first time direct information about the
kinetic temperature of the emitting regions and may justify this search in the
bright sources of our sample.

Table 3 gives the lines which are proposed to be observed with the SWS for all
the sources within the SWS sub-sample. These lines originate from elements,
such as Neon and Sulfur, for which total abundances can be derived because
different ionization stages are accessible in the spectral domain of SWS.
Other lines, namely from Iron and Silicon, are considered in order to try to
give some clues on the formation/destruction mechanism of dust particles.
Apart from their importance in deriving the elemental abundances of Ne and S,
the fine-structure lines of [NeIII] and [SIII] provide a good diagnostic of the
internal density structure of the ionized region which is an essential
parameter for the interpretation of the line strength in the infrared. Moreover
the measurement of the [NeII] and [NeIII] lines, and the [SIII] and [SIV] lines
will provide the necessary information to derive the ionization structure of
the source. One [FeII] line, issued from a low energy level, is considered for
detection. Due to the low ionization energy required to produce [FeII], from 8
to 16 eV, a substantial contribution to the line intensity is expected to arise
from the photodissociation region.

Atom	Log number	Transition	Wavelength	Ionisation potential
	abundance			(um)		range (eV)
Hydrogen	12.0	H4 alpha	4.051		0-13.60
Hydrogen	12.0	H9 alpha	38.87		0-13.60
Neon		7.92	[NeII]		12.80		21.56-40.96
Neon		7.92	[NeIII]		15.56		40.96-63.45
Magnesium	7.42	[MgIV]		4.50		80.14-109.31
Silicon		7.52	[SiII]		34.82		8.15-16.34
Sulphur		7.20	[SIII]		18.71		23.33-34.83
Sulphur		7.20	[SIV]		10.50		34.83-47.30
Iron		7.60	[FeII]		35.35		7.87-16.16
Iron		7.60	[FeIII]		22.90		16.16-30.65
Iron		7.60	[FeVI]		7.81		75.5-100
Iron		7.60	[FeVII]		9.51		100-128.3

We propose to observe each source with CAM to get an impression of the source
structure. Since all of them are relatively strong, they can be observed in the
minimum CAM integration time. All sources will be observed in the CAM LW9 band
(at 15 micron) and at a shorter wavelength LW4 (6 micron).

Time distribution for autumn launch targets:
	Team	top 40%		second 30%	last 30%
	LWS:     6140		 4356		 9228
	SOT-LWS: 8640		 6480		 6480
	SWS:    14686            4934               0
	SOT-SWS: 8640            7528            5432

Time distribution for spring launch targets:
	Team	top 40%		second 30%	last 30%
	LWS:     6640 		 3980		 9552
	SOT-LWS: 8640		 6480		 6480
	SWS:    14686            4864             230
	SOT-SWS: 8640            6480            6480

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
1, "LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 02395+6244 ",02.65850,+62.73944,1950,0.,0., 656,2
2, "SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 02395+6244 ",02.65850,+62.73944,1950,0.,0.,1118,3
3, "CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 02395+6244 ",02.65850,+62.73944,1950,0.,0.,  80,4
4, "CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 02395+6244 ",02.65850,+62.73944,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
5, "LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 04025+5313 ",04.04258,+53.22944,1950,0.,0., 656,0
6, "LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 05167+3858 ",05.27892,+38.97194,1950,0.,0., 656,0
7, "LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 05221+4139 ",05.36869,+41.65361,1950,0.,0., 656,0
8, "LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 05375+3540 ",05.62558,+35.11083,1950,0.,0., 656,0
9, "SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 11143-6113 ",11.23992,-61.22667,1950,0.,0.,1278,10
10,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 11143-6113 ",11.23992,-61.22667,1950,0.,0., 496,11
11,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 11143-6113 ",11.23992,-61.22667,1950,0.,0.,  80,12
12,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 11143-6113 ",11.23992,-61.22667,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
13,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 12063-6259 ",12.10639,-62.98694,1950,0.,0., 656,14
14,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 12063-6259 ",12.10639,-62.98694,1950,0.,0.,1118,15
15,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 12063-6259 ",12.10639,-62.98694,1950,0.,0.,  80,16
16,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 12063-6259 ",12.10639,-62.98694,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
17,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 15502-5302 ",15.83797,-53.04611,1950,0.,0.,1278,18
18,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 15502-5302 ",15.83797,-53.04611,1950,0.,0., 496,19
19,"LWS04",1.0,"N","IRAS 15502-5302 ",15.83797,-53.04611,1950,0.,0., 696,20
20,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 15502-5302 ",15.83797,-53.04611,1950,0.,0.,  80,21
21,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 15502-5302 ",15.83797,-53.04611,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
22,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 17160-3707 ",17.26739,-37.13056,1950,0.,0., 656,23
23,"LWS04",1.0,"N","IRAS 17160-3707 ",17.26739,-37.13056,1950,0.,0., 696,24
24,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 17160-3707 ",17.26739,-37.13056,1950,0.,0.,1118,25
25,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 17160-3707 ",17.26739,-37.13056,1950,0.,0.,  80,26
26,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 17160-3707 ",17.26739,-37.13056,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
27,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 17455-2800 ",17.75897,-28.01167,1950,0.,0.,1278,28
28,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 17455-2800 ",17.75897,-28.01167,1950,0.,0., 496,29
29,"LWS04",1.0,"N","IRAS 17455-2800 ",17.75897,-28.01167,1950,0.,0.,1356,30
30,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 17455-2800 ",17.75897,-28.01167,1950,0.,0.,  80,31
31,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 17455-2800 ",17.75897,-28.01167,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
32,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18116-1646 ",18.19483,-16.77167,1950,0.,0., 656,33
33,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 18116-1646 ",18.19483,-16.77167,1950,0.,0.,1118,34
34,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18116-1646 ",18.19483,-16.77167,1950,0.,0.,  80,35
35,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18116-1646 ",18.19483,-16.77167,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
36,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 18162-2048 ",18.27028,-20.81344,1950,0.,0.,1278,37
37,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18162-2048 ",18.27028,-20.81344,1950,0.,0.,  80,38
38,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18162-2048 ",18.27028,-20.81344,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
39,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19207+1410 ",19.34572,+14.18056,1950,0.,0., 656,40
40,"LWS04",1.0,"N","IRAS 19207+1410 ",19.34572,+14.18056,1950,0.,0., 940,41
41,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 19207+1410 ",19.34572,+14.18056,1950,0.,0.,1118,42
42,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19207+1410 ",19.34572,+14.18056,1950,0.,0.,  80,43
43,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19207+1410 ",19.34572,+14.18056,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
44,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 19442+2427 ",19.73714,+24.46806,1950,0.,0.,1278,45
45,"LWS04",1.0,"N","IRAS 19442+2427 ",19.73714,+24.46806,1950,0.,0.,1356,46
46,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19442+2427 ",19.73714,+24.46806,1950,0.,0.,  80,47
47,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19442+2427 ",19.73714,+24.46806,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
48,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19598+3324 ",19.99723,+33.40542,1950,0.,0., 656,49
49,"LWS04",1.0,"N","IRAS 19598+3324 ",19.99723,+33.40542,1950,0.,0., 696,50
50,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 19598+3324 ",19.99723,+33.40542,1950,0.,0.,1118,51
51,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19598+3324 ",19.99723,+33.40542,1950,0.,0.,  80,52
52,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19598+3324 ",19.99723,+33.40542,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
53,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 21190+5140 ",21.31825,+51.67750,1950,0.,0.,1278,54
54,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 21190+5140 ",21.31825,+51.67750,1950,0.,0., 496,55
55,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 21190+5140 ",21.31825,+51.67750,1950,0.,0.,  80,56
56,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 21190+5140 ",21.31825,+51.67750,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
57,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 22308+5812 ",22.51469,+58.21444,1950,0.,0., 656,58
58,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 22308+5812 ",22.51469,+58.21444,1950,0.,0.,1118,59
59,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 22308+5812 ",22.51469,+58.21444,1950,0.,0.,  80,60
60,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 22308+5812 ",22.51469,+58.21444,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
61,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 23030+5958 ",23.05136,+59.97444,1950,0.,0.,1278,62
62,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 23030+5958 ",23.05136,+59.97444,1950,0.,0., 496,63
63,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 23030+5958 ",23.05136,+59.97444,1950,0.,0.,  80,64
64,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 23030+5958 ",23.05136,+59.97444,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
65,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 02044+6031 ",02.07475,+60.52861,1950,0.,0., 656,0
66,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 02044+6031 ",02.07475,+60.52861,1950,0.,0.,1278,67
67,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 02044+6031 ",02.07475,+60.52861,1950,0.,0.,  80,68
68,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 02044+6031 ",02.07475,+60.52861,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
69,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 02575+6017 ",02.95961,+60.28983,1950,0.,0., 656,70
70,"SWS02",2.0,"N","IRAS 02575+6017 ",02.95961,+60.28983,1950,0.,0.,1118,71
71,"CAM01",2.0,"N","IRAS 02575+6017 ",02.95961,+60.28983,1950,0.,0.,  80,72
72,"CAM01",2.0,"N","IRAS 02575+6017 ",02.95961,+60.28983,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
73,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 12073-6233 ",12.12269,-62.55417,1950,0.,0., 656,74
74,"LWS04",2.0,"N","IRAS 12073-6233 ",12.12269,-62.55417,1950,0.,0., 696,0
75,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 12331-6134 ",12.55264,-61.57583,1950,0.,0., 656,0
76,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 17221-3619 ",17.36928,-36.32111,1950,0.,0., 656,0
77,"SWS02",2.0,"N","IRAS 17279-3350 ",17.46661,-33.84361,1950,0.,0.,1278,78
78,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 17279-3350 ",17.46661,-33.84361,1950,0.,0., 496,79
79,"CAM01",2.0,"N","IRAS 17279-3350 ",17.46661,-33.84361,1950,0.,0.,  80,80
80,"CAM01",2.0,"N","IRAS 17279-3350 ",17.46661,-33.84361,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
81,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 18434-0242 ",18.72422,-02.70972,1950,0.,0., 656,82
82,"LWS04",2.0,"N","IRAS 18434-0242 ",18.72422,-02.70972,1950,0.,0., 696,83
83,"SWS02",2.0,"N","IRAS 18434-0242 ",18.72422,-02.70972,1950,0.,0.,1118,84
84,"CAM01",2.0,"N","IRAS 18434-0242 ",18.72422,-02.70972,1950,0.,0.,  80,86
86,"CAM01",2.0,"N","IRAS 18434-0242 ",18.72422,-02.70972,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
87,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 18469-0132 ",18.78264,-01.54253,1950,0.,0., 656,0
88,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 18469-0132 ",18.78264,-01.54253,1950,0.,0.,1278,89
89,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18469-0132 ",18.78264,-01.54253,1950,0.,0.,  80,90
90,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18469-0132 ",18.78264,-01.54253,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
91,"SWS02",2.0,"N","IRAS 18479-0005 ",18.79917,-00.09250,1950,0.,0.,1278,92
92,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 18479-0005 ",18.79917,-00.09250,1950,0.,0., 496,93
93,"LWS04",2.0,"N","IRAS 18479-0005 ",18.79917,-00.09250,1950,0.,0.,1356,94
94,"CAM01",2.0,"N","IRAS 18479-0005 ",18.79917,-00.09250,1950,0.,0.,  80,95
95,"CAM01",2.0,"N","IRAS 18479-0005 ",18.79917,-00.09250,1950,0.,0.,  80,0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
1, "LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 02395+6244 ",02.65850,+62.73944,1950,0.,0., 656,2
2, "SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 02395+6244 ",02.65850,+62.73944,1950,0.,0.,1118,3
3, "CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 02395+6244 ",02.65850,+62.73944,1950,0.,0.,  80,4
4, "CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 02395+6244 ",02.65850,+62.73944,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
5, "LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 04025+5313 ",04.04258,+53.22944,1950,0.,0., 656,0
6, "LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 05221+4139 ",05.36869,+41.65361,1950,0.,0., 656,0
7, "LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 05588+2625 ",05.98011,+26.41694,1950,0.,0., 656,0
8, "SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 06412-0105 ",06.68681,-01.08389,1950,0.,0.,1278,94
9, "SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 11143-6113 ",11.23992,-61.22667,1950,0.,0.,1278,10
10,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 11143-6113 ",11.23992,-61.22667,1950,0.,0., 496,11
11,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 11143-6113 ",11.23992,-61.22667,1950,0.,0.,  80,12
12,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 11143-6113 ",11.23992,-61.22667,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
13,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 12063-6259 ",12.10639,-62.98694,1950,0.,0., 656,14
14,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 12063-6259 ",12.10639,-62.98694,1950,0.,0.,1118,15
15,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 12063-6259 ",12.10639,-62.98694,1950,0.,0.,  80,16
16,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 12063-6259 ",12.10639,-62.98694,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
17,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 17279-3350 ",17.46661,-33.84361,1950,0.,0.,1278,18
18,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 17279-3350 ",17.46661,-33.84361,1950,0.,0., 496,19
19,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 17279-3350 ",17.46661,-33.84361,1950,0.,0.,  80,20
20,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 17279-3350 ",17.46661,-33.84361,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
21,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 17455-2800 ",17.75897,-28.01167,1950,0.,0., 656,22
22,"LWS04",1.0,"N","IRAS 17455-2800 ",17.75897,-28.01167,1950,0.,0.,1356,23
23,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 17455-2800 ",17.75897,-28.01167,1950,0.,0.,1118,24
24,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 17455-2800 ",17.75897,-28.01167,1950,0.,0.,  80,25
25,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 17455-2800 ",17.75897,-28.01167,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
26,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 18162-2048 ",18.27028,-20.81344,1950,0.,0.,1278,27
27,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18162-2048 ",18.27028,-20.81344,1950,0.,0.,  80,28
28,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18162-2048 ",18.27028,-20.81344,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
29,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18434-0242 ",18.72422,-02.70972,1950,0.,0., 656,30
30,"LWS04",1.0,"N","IRAS 18434-0242 ",18.72422,-02.70972,1950,0.,0., 696,31
31,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 18434-0242 ",18.72422,-02.70972,1950,0.,0.,1118,32
32,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18434-0242 ",18.72422,-02.70972,1950,0.,0.,  80,33
33,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18434-0242 ",18.72422,-02.70972,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
34,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 18469-0132 ",18.78264,-01.54253,1950,0.,0.,1278,35
35,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18469-0132 ",18.78264,-01.54253,1950,0.,0., 496,36
36,"LWS04",1.0,"N","IRAS 18469-0132 ",18.78264,-01.54253,1950,0.,0.,1356,37
37,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18469-0132 ",18.78264,-01.54253,1950,0.,0.,  80,38
38,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 18469-0132 ",18.78264,-01.54253,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
39,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19207+1410 ",19.34572,+14.18056,1950,0.,0., 656,40
40,"LWS04",1.0,"N","IRAS 19207+1410 ",19.34572,+14.18056,1950,0.,0., 940,41
41,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 19207+1410 ",19.34572,+14.18056,1950,0.,0.,1118,42
42,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19207+1410 ",19.34572,+14.18056,1950,0.,0.,  80,43
43,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19207+1410 ",19.34572,+14.18056,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
44,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 19442+2427 ",19.73714,+24.46806,1950,0.,0.,1278,45
45,"LWS04",1.0,"N","IRAS 19442+2427 ",19.73714,+24.46806,1950,0.,0.,1356,46
46,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19442+2427 ",19.73714,+24.46806,1950,0.,0.,  80,47
47,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19442+2427 ",19.73714,+24.46806,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
48,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19598+3324 ",19.99723,+33.40542,1950,0.,0., 656,49
49,"LWS04",1.0,"N","IRAS 19598+3324 ",19.99723,+33.40542,1950,0.,0., 696,50
50,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 19598+3324 ",19.99723,+33.40542,1950,0.,0.,1118,51
51,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19598+3324 ",19.99723,+33.40542,1950,0.,0.,  80,52
52,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 19598+3324 ",19.99723,+33.40542,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
53,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 21190+5140 ",21.31825,+51.67750,1950,0.,0.,1278,54
54,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 21190+5140 ",21.31825,+51.67750,1950,0.,0., 496,55
55,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 21190+5140 ",21.31825,+51.67750,1950,0.,0.,  80,56
56,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 21190+5140 ",21.31825,+51.67750,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
57,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 22308+5812 ",22.51469,+58.21444,1950,0.,0., 656,58
58,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 22308+5812 ",22.51469,+58.21444,1950,0.,0.,1118,59
59,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 22308+5812 ",22.51469,+58.21444,1950,0.,0.,  80,60
60,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 22308+5812 ",22.51469,+58.21444,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
61,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 23030+5958 ",23.05136,+59.97444,1950,0.,0.,1278,62
62,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 23030+5958 ",23.05136,+59.97444,1950,0.,0., 496,63
63,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 23030+5958 ",23.05136,+59.97444,1950,0.,0.,  80,64
64,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 23030+5958 ",23.05136,+59.97444,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
65,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 01420+6401 ",01.70153,+64.01694,1950,0.,0., 656,0
67,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 02044+6031 ",02.07475,+60.52861,1950,0.,0., 656,0
68,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 02044+6031 ",02.07475,+60.52861,1950,0.,0.,1278,69
69,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 02044+6031 ",02.07475,+60.52861,1950,0.,0.,  80,70
70,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 02044+6031 ",02.07475,+60.52861,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
71,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 05167+3858 ",05.27892,+38.97194,1950,0.,0., 656,0
72,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 05302+3739 ",05.50422,+37.65139,1950,0.,0., 656,0
73,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 05335+3609 ",05.55842,+36.15333,1950,0.,0., 656,0
74,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 05375+3540 ",05.62558,+35.11083,1950,0.,0., 656,0
75,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 06084+1727 ",06.14161,+17.45278,1950,0.,0., 656,0
76,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 06145+1455 ",06.24242,+14.93111,1950,0.,0., 656,0
77,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 06158+1517 ",06.26469,+15.29972,1950,0.,0., 656,78
78,"SWS02",2.0,"N","IRAS 06158+1517 ",06.26469,+15.29972,1950,0.,0.,1118,79
79,"CAM01",2.0,"N","IRAS 06158+1517 ",06.26469,+15.29972,1950,0.,0.,  80,80
80,"CAM01",2.0,"N","IRAS 06158+1517 ",06.26469,+15.29972,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
81,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 12073-6233 ",12.12269,-62.55417,1950,0.,0., 656,82
82,"LWS04",2.0,"N","IRAS 12073-6233 ",12.12269,-62.55417,1950,0.,0., 696,0
83,"LWS01",2.0,"N","IRAS 23133+6050 ",23.22264,+60.84611,1950,0.,0., 656,84
84,"LWS04",2.0,"N","IRAS 23133+6050 ",23.22264,+60.84611,1950,0.,0.,1356,0
85,"SWS02",1.0,"N","IRAS 23133+6050 ",23.22264,+60.84611,1950,0.,0.,1278,86
86,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 23133+6050 ",23.22264,+60.84611,1950,0.,0.,  80,87
87,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 23133+6050 ",23.22264,+60.84611,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
88,"SWS02",2.0,"N","W3 02219+6125   ",02.36586,+61.87778,1950,0.,0.,1278,89
89,"LWS01",2.0,"N","W3 02219+6125   ",02.36586,+61.87778,1950,0.,0., 496,90
90,"LWS04",2.0,"N","W3 02219+6125   ",02.36586,+61.87778,1950,0.,0., 696,91
91,"CAM01",2.0,"N","W3 02219+6125   ",02.36586,+61.87778,1950,0.,0.,  80,92
92,"CAM01",2.0,"N","W3 02219+6125   ",02.36586,+61.87778,1950,0.,0.,  80,0
93,"LWS01",1.0,"N","IRAS 06412-0105 ",06.68681,-01.08389,1950,0.,0., 496,94
94,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 06412-0105 ",06.68681,-01.08389,1950,0.,0.,  80,95
95,"CAM01",1.0,"N","IRAS 06412-0105 ",06.68681,-01.08389,1950,0.,0.,  80,0