<=== observer ===>
"Barlow, M.J.",\
"Department of Physics & Astronomy",\
"University College London",\
"Gower Street",\
"WC1E 6BT",\
"United Kingdom",\
" 44  713807160",\
" 44  713807145",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"circumstellar discs","dust properties"},\
{"LWS consortium","Gry, C.","Omont, A.","Walker, H.J.","Skinner, C."}

<=== title ===>
Spectroscopic Observations of Vega-Excess Systems

<=== abstract ===>
One of the major discoveries made by IRAS was finding the presence of a
far-infrared excess around the standard star Vega (Alpha Lyrae) and around a
number of other similar main sequence stars. The infrared excess has been
interpreted as due to a disk of dust particles left over from the formation of
such stars. The LWS will be used to study the dust disks around a number of
these stars, in particular obtaining grating spectra to look for the 44 micron
and 62 micron ice bands in emission from the cool disks. Fabry-Perot scans will
also be obtained at the wavelengths of a number of ionic fine structure lines in
the case of beta Pictoris, the only star in the sample for which the disk has
been imaged and studied spectroscopically at non-infrared wavelengths.
A LaTex file containing fuller details of this proposal is available
from mjb@star.ucl.ac.uk.

Grating spectra are needed to look for dust features in the disks, and to
investigate fully which lines are present. beta Pic will be observed with the FP
as well, since optical and UV observations have already indicated the presence
of emitting gas around this system. The FP observations will enhance the
detectability of weaker lines seen against the dust continuum, as well as
providing velocity (and thus dynamical) information about gas in the disk.
8.1 hours of LWS Guaranteed (spacecraft) time are allocated to this programme.
If stars in the Orion-hole are observable (i.e. a Spring launch), 324.5 minutes
will be used for full LWS grating scans of eight  stars and 121.2 minutes will
be used for full SWS fast grating scans of four stars. 51.1 minutes will be used
for LWS FP scans of the spectrum of beta Pictoris at the wavelengths of six fine
structure lines, these are:  CII (157.7um), NII (121.9um), OI (63.2, 145.5um),
FeIII (51.7um) and FeII (51.3um).
If stars in the Sagittarius-hole are observable (i.e. an Autumn launch),
446.2 minutes will be used for full LWS grating scans of eleven stars and 30.3
minutes will be used for a full SWS fast grating scans of one star
(complementary SWS scans of the remaining stars are being obtained by the SWS
consortium). The Priority 1 LWS Guaranteed spacecraft time allocated to this
programme is 3.21 hours if the Orion-hole is observable, or 3.38 hours if the
Sgr-hole is observable.

<=== scientific_justification ===>
Stars mainly from the list of Walker and Wolstencroft (Publ. Astron. Soc.
Pacific, 100, 1509, 1988) will be observed:

Name           Sp.        IRAS Flux (Jy)
                       12    25    60    100

Tau1 Eri       F6V    1.3   0.5   1.6   4.4
HD 34282       A0     0.8   1.7  10.8  10.6
HD 34700       G0     0.7   5.0  13.9   9.0
HD 35187       A2     6.3  11.0   7.3   4.8
Beta Pic       A5V    4.1   9.4  18.7  10.8
HD 233517      A2     0.5   4.0   7.4   4.8
HD 98800       K5V    2.4   9.3   6.7   4.3
HD 135344      A0V    1.9   7.3  26.3  25.4
HD 139614      A7V    5.0  18.6  18.3  13.5
HD 141569      A0Ve   0.7   2.0   5.4   3.3
HD 142666      A3     9.3  10.3   6.7   5.3
HD 143006      G6e    1.0   3.4   6.4   4.7
HD 144432      F0V    8.2   8.6   5.2   3.2
HD 169412      B9V    3.5  19.8  28.9  22.7
Alpha Lyr      A0V   29.8   9.4   9.0   7.5
Alpha PsA      A3V    3.2   4.3   9.1  11.2

Full grating spectra:      Wavelength coverage                    43-196.7um
                           No of samples per resolution element   4
                           Integration time per sample point      5 secs
                           Total AOT time per star (fast scan)    37.2 mins
                           Total S/C time per star                40.6 mins
Total S/C time for LWS grating spectra (Orion-hole observable)   324.5 mins
                                         (Sgr-hole observable)   446.2 mins

Name            S/N(100um)       S/N(60um)     Priority      Hole

Tau1 Eri            33               8            3
HD 34282            74              52            3           O
HD 34700            63              67            1           O
HD 35187            34              35            2           O
Beta Pic            76              91            1           O
HD 233517           34              36            2           O
HD 98800            30              32            1
HD 135344          178             127            1           S
HD 139614           95              89            2           S
HD 141569           26              23            3           S
HD 142666           37              32            2           S
HD 143006           33              31            3           S
HD 144432           22              25            2           S
HD 169142          159             140            1           S
Alpha Lyr           53              44            1           S
Alpha PsA           79              44            1

For beta Pic only, FP scans of the following fine structure lines will be made:
                               CII      157.7um
                               NII      121.9um
                               OI       145.5um
                               OI        63.2um
                               FeIII     51.7um
                               FeII      51.3um

4 sample points per FP resolution element
Scans over +- 4 resolution elements (+- 120 km/s) per line
10 seconds integration time per sample point (1x10-15 W m-2 flux limit)
Total FP AOT observation time = 50.8 mins

Total S/C time for LWS FP spectra = 51.1 mins (Priority 2, Orion-hole)

Eleven of the 16 targets are already scheduled to be observed in SWS Guaranteed
time between 2.43-45 microns using the SWS01 AOT. We will observe the remaining
five targets between 2.43-45um using the same SWS01 AOT, with a detector reset
time of 2 seconds (speed code 2) and a resolving power of R/8, requiring 30.3
minutes of spacecraft time per object.
The six stars to be observed in LWS Consortium time are:

       Name        Hole     Priority
     HD 34282       O          3
     HD 34700       O          1
     HD 35187       O          2
     HD 233517      O          3
     HD 143006      S          3

                                   Wavelength coverage:         2.43-45um
                                   Total AOT time/star:         30.0 minutes
                                   Total S/C time/star:         30.3 minutes
Total S/C time for SWS spectra (Orion-hole observable):        121.2 minutes
Total S/C time for SWS spectra   (Sgr-hole observable):         30.3 minutes


Orion-hole observable (Spring launch)      Sgr-hole observable (Autumn launch)

Priority 1 time = 192.6 mins (38.8%)       Priority 1 time = 202.8 mins (42.6%)
Priority 2 time = 162.5 mins (32.7%)       Priority 2 time = 121.7 mins (25.4%)
Priority 3 time = 141.7 mins (28.5%)       Priority 3 time = 152.0 mins (31.9%)
Total S/C  time = 496.8 mins               Total S/C time  = 476.5 mins

Time distribution for spring launch targets:

        Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%
        LWS :    11554        9752         8504
      total :    11554        9752         8504

Time distribution for autumn launch targets:

        Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%
        LWS :    12170        7302         9120
      total :    12170        7302         9120

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
 1, "LWS01", 3.0, "N", "Tau1 Eri",      02.71278, -18.78278, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,2
 2, "LWS01", 3.0, "N", "Tau1 Eri off",  02.71278, -18.88278, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
 3, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "HD 98800",      11.32656, -24.50056, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,4
 4, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "HD 98800 off",  11.32656, -24.60056, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
 5, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "HD 135344",     15.21042, -36.97083, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,6
 6, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "HD 135344 off", 15.21042, -36.87083, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
 7, "LWS01", 2.0, "N", "HD 139614",     15.62292, -42.33722, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,8
 8, "LWS01", 2.0, "N", "HD 139614 off", 15.62292, -42.43722, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
 9, "LWS01", 3.0, "N", "HD 141569",     15.78894, -03.77806, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,10
10, "LWS01", 3.0, "N", "HD 141569 off", 15.78894, -03.87806, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
11, "LWS01", 2.0, "N", "HD 142666",     15.89525, -21.88333, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,12
12, "LWS01", 2.0, "N", "HD 142666 off", 15.89525, -21.98333, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
13, "LWS01", 3.0, "N", "HD 143006",     15.92747, -22.81250, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,14
14, "LWS01", 3.0, "N", "HD 143006 off", 15.92747, -22.91250, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,23
15, "LWS01", 2.0, "N", "HD 144432",     16.06492, -27.58556, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,16
16, "LWS01", 2.0, "N", "HD 144432 off", 16.06492, -27.68556, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
17, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "HD 169412",     18.35500, -29.80833, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,18
18, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "HD 169412 off", 18.35500, -29.90833, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
19, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "Alpha Lyr",     18.58739, +38.73583, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,20
20, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "Alpha Lyr off", 18.58739, +38.83583, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
21, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "Alpha PsA",     22.91486, -29.88778, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,22
22, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "Alpha PsA off", 22.91486, -29.98778, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
23, "SWS01", 3.0, "N", "HD 143006",     15.92747, -22.81250, 1950, 0.,0.,1818,0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
 1, "LWS01", 3.0, "N", "Tau1 Eri",      02.71278, -18.78278, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,1
 2, "LWS01", 3.0, "N", "Tau1 Eri off",  02.71278, -18.88278, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
 3, "LWS01", 3.0, "N", "HD 34282",      05.22725, -09.86417, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,4
 4, "LWS01", 3.0, "N", "HD 34282 off",  05.22725, -09.96417, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,17
 5, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "HD 34700",      05.28350, +05.59472, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,6
 6, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "HD 34700 off",  05.28350, +05.69472, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,18
 7, "LWS01", 2.0, "N", "HD 35187",      05.34908, +24.91528, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,8
 8, "LWS01", 2.0, "N", "HD 35187 off",  05.34908, +24.81528, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,19
 9, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "Beta Pic",      05.76831, -51.08333, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,10
10, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "Beta Pic off",  05.76831, -51.18333, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,21
11, "LWS01", 2.0, "N", "HD 233517",     08.31661, +53.24083, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,12
12, "LWS01", 2.0, "N", "HD 233517 off", 08.31661, +53.34083, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,20
13, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "HD 98800",      11.32656, -24.50056, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,14
14, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "HD 98800 off",  11.32656, -24.60056, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
15, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "Alpha PsA",     22.91486, -29.88778, 1950, 0.,0.,1297,16
16, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "Alpha PsA off", 22.91486, -29.98778, 1950, 0.,0.,1137,0
17, "SWS01", 3.0, "N", "HD 34282",      05.22725, -09.86417, 1950, 0.,0.,1818,0
18, "SWS01", 1.0, "N", "HD 34700",      05.28350, +05.59472, 1950, 0.,0.,1818,0
19, "SWS01", 2.0, "N", "HD 35187",      05.34908, +24.91528, 1950, 0.,0.,1818,0
20, "SWS01", 3.0, "N", "HD 233517",     08.31661, +53.24083, 1950, 0.,0.,1818,0
21, "LWS04", 2.0, "N", "Beta Pic",      05.76831, -51.08333, 1950, 0.,0.,3066,0