<=== observer ===>
"Metcalfe, L.",\
"Keplerlaan 1",\
"2200 AG",\
"The Netherlands",\
"31 1719 83616",\
"31 1719 85434",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"compact galaxies","star formation","galaxy formation","irregular galaxies"},\
{"P. Barr","J. Clavel","P. Gallais","K. Leech", "R. Laureijs","B. McBreen",\
"N. Smith"}

<=== title ===>
ISO Observations of Blue Compact Galaxies:
<=== abstract ===>
Blue Compact Galaxies (BCGs) appear to be relatively unevolved and it is still 
not clear whether at least some of these are recently formed low-mass galaxies 
undergoing their first burst of star formation or whether they have experienced
a series of bursts. Under close examination at visible wavelengths they exhibit
several distinctive morphologies. The evolutionary relationship between BCGs, 
other dwarf galaxies (such as Low Surface Brightness dwarves) and other galaxy 
types is still open to speculation. In this proposal, LWS grating, PHT-S 
spectroscopy and ISOCAM imaging are proposed for a sample of 16 BCGs selected 
from the catalogues of Haro, Markarian and Zwickey. SWS observations are 
proposed for two systems, to complement related work by the LWS consortium. 

For those galaxies bright enough to yield measurements of the strengths of 
several spectral lines, emission line strengths and line ratios derived from LWS
and SWS spectroscopy, along with the continuum spectra, will permit detailed 
study of the nature of, and the physical conditions in and around, the star-
bursts, including elemental abundances, densities and temperatures and the 
gas-to-dust ratio and dust properties in the systems. For fainter galaxies, 
measurements of the 158 micron CII fine structure line will probe photodissoc-
iation regions associated with massive star formation and also the quiescent 
diffuse HI component of the interstellar medium. CAM imaging will allow the 
distribution of dust and related PAH emission to be compared with the structures
seen in the visible. PHT-S spectra will support the identification of the 
"Unidentified feature" (PAH?) emission in the NIR, tracing formation of Carbon 
rich material around old stars. A correlation will be sought between distinc-
tive visible and NIR properties of the sample galaxies and their FIR spectral 
properties that could help provide the key to identifying truly young galaxies 
experiencing their first starburst.

The target sources for this proposal can be divided into two categories. Those
which have detections recorded in the IRAS PSC and those which have not.
Estimates have been made of the fluxes which can be expected from the systems
not seen by IRAS, based upon available data at other wavelengths and assuming a
visible to FIR spectrum similar to that of their brighter (though not necess-
arily more luminous) counterparts.

CAM Observations (AOT CAM01):
The target galaxies are typically 1 to 2 arcminutes in diameter in the visible. 
Therefore the CAM 6 arcsecond per pixel f.o.v. has been chosen because it 
matches well the diffraction spot size for the LW3 and 6 filters used and 
because it gives an overall f.o.v. (3 arcminutes diameter) well matched to the 
outer halo size of the target galaxies.

Each target observed with CAM is observed in both the LW3 (high sensitivity 
dust - 12 to 18 micron) filter and the LW6 (Unidentified IR feature - 7 to 8.5
micron ) filter. The IRAS upper limit for the 12 micron flux of those included 
galaxies not detected by IRAS is as low as 0.1 Jansky. If this flux were spread
uniformly over the typical area of one of these targets (about 1 arcminute sq.)
that would imply a surface brightness of about 30 micro Jy per square arcsecond.
Of course, any IR emmission which does occur is likely to be more concentrated 
towards the centres of the galaxies, implying higher surface brightness there. 
Consequently, an observation tuned to detect with S/N of 3 at the 3 microJy per
square arcsecond contour should comfortably record any IR emission from the 
full extent of the galaxies, unless their IR flux is dramatically below the IRAS
detection limit. This is highly unlikely since about half of the sample were 
detected by IRAS. 

The required observation then is a 3x3 step micro-scan (AOT CAM01) in both the 
LW3 and LW6 filters in the 6 arcsecond per pixel f.o.v. with a fundamental 
on-chip integration time (tint) of 5 seconds and a total observation time, 
including all instrumental and spacecraft overheads, of about 650 seconds per 
filter on source. The micro-scanning step size is 1.33 pixels. Note that the 
chosen on-chip integration time is a compromise between longer on-chip 
integration times, giving lower total read noise, and shorter integration 
times, giving better immunity to responsive transients in the detector which 
may follow a movement of the source over the array during the micro-scan. 
Since the Zodiacal light is bright relative to the target sources in the filters
used, such scan-induced transients should not be too severe (the array 
illumination is quite uniform). It has therefore been assumed that the worst 
case stabilisation time for the conditions of these observations will not apply,
so that dwell times at each position of the microscan can be minimised allowing
relatively short overall exposure times. Since we are not forced to use long 
exposure times to avoid transients, the observation time has been fixed at a 
duration close to that at which flat-fielding noise causes the S/N to saturate 
in any case. 

SWS observations (AOT SWS06):
Based upon the IRAS measurements of the two targets to be observed with SWS
(25 micron fluxes of about 1 JY) we have determined that the continuum of these
galaxies can be detected with S/N of around 10 or better in the 21 to 40 micron
range of SWS for a total exposure time of 2609 seconds per target on source. 
Since these galaxies are typically characterised in the visible as emission 
line galaxies and since they should be associated with linewidths slightly 
greated than the SWS spectral resolution at these wavelengths, we may expect to
detect and to partly resolve any emission lines standing above the continuum. 
Consequently, we propose to observe the central regions of these galaxies at the
full resolution of the SWS grating in the above wavelength range. 

Since the short wavelength part of the SWS instrument also records signal while
the long wavelength part is scanning, we request also to receive the telemetry 
from the SWS short wavelength detectors which is recorded during our LW 

PHT-S Observations (AOT PHT40):
Based upon the IRAS detection of these targets or, for those sources never 
detected by IRAS, assuming continuum fluxes of around 0.3 to 0.5 of the weakest
IRAS upper limit, we conclude that the continuum flux from these galaxies can be
detected with S/N in the range 3 to 10 over most of the PHT-S wavelength range 
if we make single pointing PHT-S observations of the central 25 arcseconds 
square of the galaxies, as listed in the observation list attached. These
observations are performed in triangular chopping mode with chopper throw 150 

LWS Observations:
For those of the target galaxies which have been detected by IRAS, we propose to
obtain full LWS grating spectra using the LWS Grating Wavelength Range AOT 
(AOT LWS01). For those galaxies too weak to be detected by IRAS, we concentrate
on measuring the 158 micron CII line and in the process, taking advantage of the
10 detector spectral multiplex of the LWS instrument to get 9 other samples of 
the galaxy continua across the full LWS wavelength range, in narrow wavelength 
bands. The dedicated line measurements employ the LWS Grating Line spectrum AOT
(AOT LWS02).

For the line scanning measurements for pointed observations in the grating mode.
The line scanning AOT LWS02 will be used to achieve a spectral scan about the 
appropriately redshifted wavelength of the 158 micron CII line. The wavelength 
range of the scan will cover 4 grating resolution elements on either side of 
the line with four spectral samples per resolution element. The scans will be 
performed in the fast scanning mode to ensure optimal detection of weak 
emission superimposed on a strong continuum. The survey will be complete for 
all targets observed in this way, down to a line flux of 3.10**(-17)Wm**(-2) 
with a signal-to-noise ratio of three in the line detection. Due to the design 
of the LWS instrument in which the 10 detectors spectrally multiplex during a 
wavelength scan, our CII line scans will also generate 10 fragments of spectra 
right across the LWS wavelength range giving information about the broader 
continuum spectrum of the targets. We request this data coming from all LWS 
detectors. Typical observing times are about 1400 seconds on-source and the 
same off-source, except for the case of IZW18, which is observed for about 2000
seconds on-source and 2000 seconds off-source.

For those galaxies for which full range grating spectra are obtained, the
measurement parameters are tailored to the properties of the galaxies as 
measured by IRAS and are listed in the table below. The table shows the wavel-
ength at which the scan starts (start range), the end wavelength (end range),
the number of spectral samples per spectral resolution element, whether the
scan is performed in fast scanning mode and the total integration time per
spectral step.

TABLE: Observational settings with LWS for Full Grating Scan observations 

Galaxy	Start range   End range    Samples per res.    Fast (y/n)   time/step

Haro 1	   45           180              8                 y            1
Haro 5	   45           180              4                 y            2.5
Haro 9	   45           180              4                 y            2.5
Haro32	   45           180              4                 y            3
Haro42	   45           180              4                 y            4
Mkn297	   45           180              8                 y            1

Using these observational parameters, the brighter sources are detected with
signal to noise ratios on the continuum ranging from 10 to several times 10 over
the full LWS range. The fainter targets have S/N in the range 5 to 20 or so.
With these S/N values the CII line will be detected comfortably, even if it is 
several times weaker than expected for these sources. Even for a line strength
no greater than 3.10**(-17)Wm**(-2), the value taken as the detection limit for 
the galaxies not seen by IRAS, such a line, buried in the continuum and 
unresolved by a factor of about five, would constitute a 2 sigma detection. 
However, for the galaxies in the table above, the CII line should be much
stronger than this.

Generic observational requirements for all instruments:

For each target observation, reference measurements for background subtraction 
are recorded on nearby regions of the sky. These background measurements must 
be contiguous with the source measurements and so they are concatenated to the 
source observations.

We request a peak-up for each PHT-S and SWS pointing.

<=== scientific_justification ===>
Time distribution for spring launch targets:

            Team          top 40.6%        second 36%       last 23.4%
            SOT :         40124            35514            23132

Time distribution for autumn launch targets:

            Team          top 39.8%        second 36.8%     last 23.4%
            SOT :         39984            36876            23482

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
1, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "haro03", 10.70458, 56.22306, 1950, 0., 0.,1470, 2
2, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "bcnd03", 10.70458, 56.30639, 1950, 0., 0.,1310, 0
3, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "haro05", 11.91556, 32.61333, 1950, 0., 0., 1340, 4
4, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "bcnd05", 11.91556, 32.69667, 1950, 0., 0., 1180, 0
5, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "haro09", 12.71389, 27.39861, 1950, 0., 0., 1340, 6
6, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "bcnd09", 12.71389, 27.48194, 1950, 0., 0., 1180, 0
7, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro22", 09.78831, 28.24667, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 8
8, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd22", 09.78831, 28.33000, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
9, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro23", 10.05717, 29.19556, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 10
10, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd23", 10.05717, 29.27889, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
11, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro30", 12.58697, 27.40139, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 12
12, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd30", 12.58697, 27.48472, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
13, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "haro32", 12.69264, 55.17972, 1950, 0., 0., 1728, 14
14, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "bcnd32", 12.69264, 55.26306, 1950, 0., 0., 1568, 0
15, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro33", 12.70167, 28.75000, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 16
16, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd33", 12.70167, 28.83333, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
17, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro36", 12.74425, 51.88639, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 18
18, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd36", 12.74425, 51.96972, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
19, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro38", 13.55453, 29.47111, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 20
20, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd38", 13.55453, 29.55444, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
21, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "haro42", 14.48222, 27.45194, 1950, 0., 0., 2050, 22
22, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "bcnd42", 14.48222, 27.53528, 1950, 0., 0., 1890, 0
23, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro43", 14.56586, 28.66778, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 24
24, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd43", 13.55453, 28.75111, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
25, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "IZW18", 09.50842, 55.46278, 1950, 0., 0., 2180, 26
26, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcndzw18", 09.50842, 55.54611, 1950, 0., 0., 2020, 0
27, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro05", 11.91556, 32.61333, 1950, 0., 0., 1470, 28
28, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd05", 11.91556, 32.69667, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0
29, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro09", 12.71389, 27.39861, 1950, 0., 0., 1470, 30
30, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd09", 12.71389, 27.48194, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0
31, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro10", 13.61806, -31.39029, 1950, 0., 0., 1470, 32
32, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd10", 13.61806, -31.47362, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0
33, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro22", 09.78831, 28.24667, 1950, 0., 0., 1470, 34
34, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd22", 09.78831, 28.33000, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0
35, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro23", 10.05717, 29.19556, 1950, 0., 0., 1470, 36
36, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd23", 10.05717, 29.27889, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0
37, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro30", 12.58697, 27.40139, 1950, 0., 0., 1470, 38
38, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd30", 12.58697, 27.48472, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0
39, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro32", 12.69264, 55.17972, 1950, 0., 0., 1470, 40
40, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd32", 12.69264, 55.26306, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0
41, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro33", 12.70167, 28.75000, 1950, 0., 0., 1470, 42
42, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd33", 12.70167, 28.83333, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0
43, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro36", 12.74425, 51.88639, 1950, 0., 0., 1470, 44
44, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd36", 12.74425, 51.96972, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0
45, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro38", 13.55453, 29.47111, 1950, 0., 0., 1470, 46
46, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd38", 13.55453, 29.55444, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0
47, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro42", 14.48222, 27.45194, 1950, 0., 0., 1470, 48
48, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd42", 14.48222, 27.53528, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0
49, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro43", 14.56586, 28.66778, 1950, 0., 0., 1470, 50
50, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd43", 13.55453, 28.75111, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0
51, "SWS06", 2.0, "N", "haro03", 10.70458, 56.22306, 1950, 0., 0., 2609, 52
52, "SWS06", 2.0, "N", "bcnd03", 10.70458, 56.30639, 1950, 0., 0., 2629, 0
53, "SWS06", 2.0, "N", "Tololo3", 10.07172, -29.69139, 1950, 0., 0., 2609, 54
54, "SWS06", 2.0, "N", "bcndtol3", 10.07172, -29.60806, 1950, 0., 0., 2629, 0
55, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro03", 10.70458, 56.22306, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 0
56, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro05", 11.91556, 32.61333, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 0
57, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro09", 12.71389, 27.39861, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 0
58, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro22", 09.78831, 28.24667, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
59, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro23", 10.05717, 29.19556, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
60, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro30", 12.58697, 27.40139, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
61, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro32", 12.69264, 55.17972, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 0
62, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro33", 12.70167, 28.75000, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
63, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro36", 12.74425, 51.88639, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
64, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro38", 13.55453, 29.47111, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
65, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro42", 14.48222, 27.45194, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
66, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro43", 14.56586, 28.66778, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
67, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "MKN297", 16.05028, 20.67889, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 68
68, "CAM01", 3.0, "N", "MKN297", 16.05028, 20.67889, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 69
69, "CAM01", 3.0, "N", "bcnd297", 16.05028, 20.76222, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 70
70, "LWS01", 3.0, "N", "MKN297", 16.05028, 20.67889, 1950, 0., 0., 1180, 71
71, "LWS01", 3.0, "N", "bcnd297", 16.05028, 20.76222, 1950, 0., 0., 1180, 0
72, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "IZW18", 09.50842, 55.46278, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
73, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "Tololo3", 10.07172, -29.69139, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 74
74, "CAM01", 3.0, "N", "Tololo3", 10.07172, -29.69139, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 75
75, "CAM01", 3.0, "N", "bcndtol3", 10.07172, -29.60806, 1950, 0., 0., 1310, 0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
1, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "haro01", 07.56097, 35.35417, 1950, 0., 0., 1340, 2
2, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "bcnd01", 07.56097, 35.43750, 1950, 0., 0., 1180, 0
3, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "haro05", 11.91556, 32.61333, 1950, 0., 0., 1340, 4
4, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "bcnd05", 11.91556, 32.69667, 1950, 0., 0., 1180, 0
5, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "haro09", 12.71389, 27.39861, 1950, 0., 0., 1340, 6
6, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "bcnd09", 12.71389, 27.48194, 1950, 0., 0., 1180, 0
7, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro21", 03.45386, -17.95028, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 8
8, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd21", 03.45386, -18.03361, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
9, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro22", 09.78831, 28.24667, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 10
10, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd22", 09.78831, 28.33000, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
11, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro23", 10.05717, 29.19556, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 12
12, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd23", 10.05717, 29.27889, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 13
13, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "haro23", 10.05717, 29.19556, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 14
14, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "bcnd23", 10.05717, 29.27889, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 0
15, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro27", 11.62983, 28.64611, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 16
16, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd27", 11.62983, 28.72944, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
17, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "haro32", 12.69264, 55.17972, 1950, 0., 0., 1728, 18
18, "LWS01", 1.0, "N", "bcnd32", 12.69264, 55.26306, 1950, 0., 0., 1568, 0
19, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro33", 12.70167, 28.75000, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 20
20, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd33", 12.70167, 28.83333, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
21, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro36", 12.74425, 51.88639, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 22
22, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd36", 12.74425, 51.96972, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 23
23, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "haro36", 12.74425, 51.88639, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 24
24, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "bcnd36", 12.74425, 51.96972, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 0
25, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "haro38", 13.55453, 29.47111, 1950, 0., 0., 1422, 26
26, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcnd38", 13.55453, 29.55444, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
27, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "IZW18", 09.50842, 55.46278, 1950, 0., 0., 2180, 28
28, "LWS02", 1.0, "N", "bcndzw18", 09.50842, 55.54611, 1950, 0., 0., 2020, 0
29, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "haro03", 10.70458, 56.22306, 1950, 0., 0.,1485, 30
30, "CAM01", 1.0, "N", "bcnd03", 10.70458, 56.30639, 1950, 0., 0.,1325, 0
31, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro01", 07.56097, 35.35417, 1950, 0., 0., 1485, 32
32, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd01", 07.56097, 35.43750, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 0
33, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro05", 11.91556, 32.61333, 1950, 0., 0., 1485, 34
34, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd05", 11.91556, 32.69667, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 0
35, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro09", 12.71389, 27.39861, 1950, 0., 0., 1485, 36
36, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd09", 12.71389, 27.48194, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 0
37, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro21", 03.45386, -17.95028, 1950, 0., 0., 1485, 38
38, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd21", 03.45386, -18.03361, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 0
39, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro22", 09.78831, 28.24667, 1950, 0., 0., 1485, 40
40, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd22", 09.78831, 28.33000, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 0
41, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro27", 11.62983, 28.64611, 1950, 0., 0., 1485, 42
42, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd27", 11.62983, 28.72944, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 0
43, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro32", 12.69264, 55.17972, 1950, 0., 0., 1485, 44
44, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd32", 12.69264, 55.26306, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 0
45, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro33", 12.70167, 28.75000, 1950, 0., 0., 1485, 46
46, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd33", 12.70167, 28.83333, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 0
47, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "haro38", 13.55453, 29.47111, 1950, 0., 0., 1485, 48
48, "CAM01", 2.0, "N", "bcnd38", 13.55453, 29.55444, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 0
49, "SWS06", 2.0, "N", "haro03", 10.70458, 56.22306, 1950, 0., 0., 2609, 50
50, "SWS06", 2.0, "N", "bcnd03", 10.70458, 56.30639, 1950, 0., 0., 2629, 0
51, "SWS06", 2.0, "N", "Tololo3", 10.07172, -29.69139, 1950, 0., 0., 2609, 52
52, "SWS06", 2.0, "N", "bcndtol3", 10.07172, -29.60806, 1950, 0., 0., 2629, 0
53, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro01", 07.56097, 35.35417, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 0
54, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro03", 10.70458, 56.22306, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 0
55, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro05", 11.91556, 32.61333, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 0
56, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro09", 12.71389, 27.39861, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 0
57, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro20", 03.43239, -17.58917, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 58
58, "CAM01", 3.0, "N", "haro20", 03.43239, -17.58917, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 59
59, "CAM01", 3.0, "N", "bcnd20", 03.43239, -17.50583, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 60
60, "LWS02", 3.0, "N", "haro20", 03.43239, -17.58917, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 61
61, "LWS02", 3.0, "N", "bcnd20", 03.43239, -17.50583, 1950, 0., 0., 1262, 0
62, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro21", 03.45386, -17.95028, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 0
63, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro22", 09.78831, 28.24667, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
64, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro23", 10.05717, 29.19556, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
65, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro27", 11.62983, 28.64611, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
66, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro32", 12.69264, 55.17972, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 0
67, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro33", 12.70167, 28.75000, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
68, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro36", 12.74425, 51.88639, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
69, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "haro38", 13.55453, 29.47111, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
70, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "IIZW40", 05.88467, 03.38500, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 0
71, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "IZW18", 09.50842, 55.46278, 1950, 0., 0., 1290, 0
72, "PHT40", 3.0, "N", "Tololo3", 10.07172, -29.69139, 1950, 0., 0., 776, 73
73, "CAM01", 3.0, "N", "Tololo3", 10.07172, -29.69139, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 74
74, "CAM01", 3.0, "N", "bcndtol3", 10.07172, -29.60806, 1950, 0., 0., 1325, 0