<=== observer ===>
"van der Hucht, K.A.",\
"SRON Utrecht",\
"Sorbonnelaan 2",\
"3584 CA",\
"The Netherlands",\
"31 30  535729",\
"31 30  540860",\
"KarelH@sron.ruu.nl (INTERNET)"

<=== proposal ===>
"WRSTARS", 1, 3,\
{"early-type stars",\
"stellar winds",\
"dust properties"},\
{"P.M. Williams",\

<=== title ===>
Winds and Dust Formation by Wolf-Rayet Stars

<=== abstract ===>

Observations of Population I Wolf-Rayet stars with the ISO-SWS in the
grating mode are proposed in order to determine wind chemical
abundances, wind velocities, free-free radiation by winds, mass loss
rates, and, of late WC types, continuous and episodic dust formation
rates and dust abundances.
The selected priority-1 targets are the IR-brightest dust-free objects
among the known galactic WR stars, justifying maximum use of the SWS
grating-mode capacities.
This proposal has been coordinated with LWS and PHOT.

Abundances: Current WR star abundance ratio determinations, based on
model atmospheres and mainly for He, N and C, are severely model
Determinations of the abundances of nucleosynthesis products O, Ne, Mg,
S and Ar, which have forbidden transitions in the SWS wavelength range,
will provide a direct test of evolutionary studies and of interior model
abundance predictions by, e.g., Maeder and by Langer. Presently the
(ground-based and IRAS) observed Ne abundance in the WC star gamma
Velorum (WR11) is in conflict with interior models. ISO-SWS observations
of WR stars will be crucial to solve this problem.
Winds and mass loss: Different observational methods yield different
terminal wind velocity values per star, due to the stratification of
these velocities. Measurements in the constant velocity regime are
essential. IR forbidden lines, formed in the constant wind velocity
regime, have to date been measured for one WR star only: WR11. SWS will
change that.
Mass loss rates: Current mass loss rate determinations for WR stars,
based on ground-based IR and radio free-free radiation measurents (for
density) and UV P-Cygni profiles (for velocity), range from
5x10^-6 to 10^-4 M_sun/yr, with accuracies of at
best a factor of 2. Yet, even the lower estimates of WR mass loss rates
indicate a wind momentum problem: the average WR star radiation field is
not strong enough to drive the observed mass loss rates by radiation
pressure alone. The assessment of more accurate mass loss rates with SWS
data will allow a better choice between possible accelleration
mechanisms adding to the driving of the observed mass loss rates.
Energy distributions: Discrepancies exists for many WR stars between the
IR and radio spectral indices. Where an ideal wind should display a
spectral index of 0.6 for radiation originating in the constant
velocity regime, WR stars show consistently larger values, at least
between 2mu and 6cm. This may be due to their velocity fields and to
recombination in the outer layers, and/or to the presence of non-thermal
radiation sources in the winds. SWS spectra will be allow the separation
of emission lines and continuum in order to assess the real IR
Dust formation and episodic dust formation: The cause of dust formation
in the hot winds of late WC-type stars, i.e., in a very hostile
environment for dust formation, is not yet known. SWS spectra will
reveal dust energy distributions and dust features with unprecedented
accuracy. A growing number of long-period eccentric WC+O binaries shows
episodic dust formation. SWS observations of the objects WR48a, WR98a,
WR137 and WR140 will giving clues to the chemistry of very fresh dust.


We plan to obtain full SWS scans with AOT SWS06 for four WR stars and
full SWS scans with AOT SWS01 for ten WR stars.

Instrument: ISO-SWS grating mode
AOT SWS06: Grating Scan
AOT SWS01: Low Resolution Full Grating Scan
Total TDT: 13.9 hours in case of Orion hole
Total TDT: 13.7 hours in case of Galactic Center hole
Coordination: 9 objects with LWS, 7 objects with PHOT

Priority 1: total TDT =  5.9 hr (Orion hole), or 5.9 hr (Galactic Center hole)
Priority 2: total TDT =  4.3 hr (Orion hole), or 5.7 hr (Galactic Center hole)
Priority 3: total TDT =  3.7 hr (Orion hole), or 2.1 hr (Galactic Center hole)

<=== scientific_justification ===>
Time distribution for Autumn Launch targets:
	Team    top 43%         second 31%      last 26%
	SWS     21326           15448           13146

Time distribution for Spring Launch targets:
	Team    top 43%         second 42%      last 15%
	SWS     21326           20477           7512

 Table 1. Cross-references source names:

     WR11           HD 68273        Gamma2 Velorum   IRAS 08079-4711
     WR48a                          Danks 1
     WR70           HD 137603
     WR78           HD 151932
     WR98a                                           IRAS 17380-3031
     WR104                          Ve2-45           IRAS 17590-2337
     WR112                          GL 2104          IRAS 18136-1347
     WR135          HD 192103
     WR136          HD 192163
     WR137          HD 192641
     WR140          HD 193793                        IRAS 20187+4341
     WR147                          AS431            IRAS 20349+4010

 Table 2. Positions and offsets
  WR      RA         Dec    precision  offset  diameter  reference pos.
	      1950            (",")     (",")    (")
   6   06 52 08.1 -23 51 52    1,1       0.0                   1
  11   08 07 59.5 -47 11 18    1,1       0,0                   1
  48a  13 09 27   -62 27 01    1,1       0,0                   1
  70   15 25 44.9 -58 24 33    1,1       0,0                   1
  78   16 48 48.4 -41 46 17    1,1       0,0                   1
  98a  17 38 00.0 -30 31 02    1,1       0,0                   1
 104   17 59 01.1 -23 37 44    1,1       0,0                   1
 112   18 13 36.8 -18 59 47    1,1       0,0                   1
 118   18 28 56.8 -10 01 27    1,1       0,0                   1
 135   20 10 00.8 +36 02 49    1,1       0,0                   1
 136   20 10 17.1 +38 12 15    1,1       0,0                   1
 137   20 12 39.4 +36 30 28    1,1       0,0                   1
 140   20 18 46.7 +43 41 43    1,1       0,0                   1
 147   20 34 53.8 +40 10 38    1,1       0,0                   1
 References for position and accuracy
 Reference 1: van der Hucht, K.A., Conti, P.S., Lunstrom, I., Stenholm,
	      B.: 1981, Space Sci. Rev. 28, 227.

Table 3. Detailed use of AOT's and integration times (S/N=20 requested)
	 calculated with SOTE program version 5.10 of December 13 1993
WR ion                range     lambda_r AOT   fwhm  S/N  int-time  OTT-cum
		       (mu)       (mu)        (km/s)        (sec)    (sec)

 6                2.38 - 45.20          SWS01          TDT(WR11) = 1878


11                2.38 - 45.20          SWS01          TDT(WR11) = 1878 sec

11                2.38 -  2.60   2.49   SWS06        401     378    527
		  2.60 -  3.02   2.81   SWS06        400     522   1219
		  3.02 -  3.52   3.27   SWS06        701     642   2049
		  3.52 -  4.05   3.785  SWS06        594     434   2640
   MgIV           4.05 -  5.30   4.675  SWS06  1415  267    1058   3949
   ArII           5.30 -  7.00   6.15   SWS06  1415  263     688   4832
   ArIII          7.00 - 12.00   9.50   SWS06  1415  241    2138   7383
   NeII, Ne III  12.00 - 16.00  14.25   SWS06  1415  215    1024   8653
   SIII          16.00 - 19.50  18.75   SWS06  1415   81     940   9826
   ArIII, OIV    19.50 - 29.50  25.25   SWS06  1415  141    1262  11369
   SIII, NeIII   29.50 - 45.20  37.35   SWS06  1415   46    1442  13119
					SWS06   Merged TDT(WR11) = 8785 sec


48a               2.38 - 45.20          SWS01          TDT(WR48a)= 1878 sec

48a               2.38 -  2.60   2.49   SWS06         83     378    527
		  2.60 -  3.02   2.81   SWS06        130     522   1219
		  3.02 -  3.52   3.27   SWS06        409     642   2049
		  3.52 -  4.05   3.785  SWS06        524     434   2640
   MgIV           4.05 -  5.30   4.675  SWS06  1400  365    1058   3949
   ArII           5.30 -  7.00   6.15   SWS06  1400  363     688   4832
   ArIII          7.00 - 12.00   9.50   SWS06  1400  353    2138   7383
   NeII, Ne III  12.00 - 16.00  14.25   SWS06  1400  336    1024   8653
   SIII          16.00 - 19.50  18.75   SWS06  1400  137     940   9826
   ArIII, OIV    19.50 - 29.50  25.25   SWS06  1400  214    1262  11369
		 29.50 - 33.00  31.40   SWS06         31     350  11863
					SWS06  Merged TDT(WR48a) = 8785 sec


70                2.38 - 45.20          SWS01         TDT(WR70)  = 1878 sec


78                2.38 - 45.20          SWS01         TDT(WR78)  = 1878 sec


98a               2.38 - 45.20          SWS01         TDT(WR98a) = 1878 sec


104               2.38 - 45.20          SWS01         TDT(WR104) = 1878 sec


112               2.38 - 45.20          SWS01         TDT(WR112) = 1878 sec


118               2.38 - 45.20          SWS01         TDT(WR118) = 1878 sec


135               2.38 - 45.20          SWS01         TDT(WR135) = 1878 sec


136               2.38 - 45.20          SWS01         TDT(WR136) = 1878 sec


137               2.38 - 45.20          SWS01         TDT(WR137) = 1878 sec


140               2.38 - 45.20          SWS01         TDT(WR140) = 1878 sec

140               2.38 -  2.60   2.49   SWS06         55     378    527
		  2.60 -  3.02   2.81   SWS06         60     522   1219
		  3.02 -  3.52   3.27   SWS06        150     642   2049
		  3.52 -  4.05   3.785  SWS06        151     434   2640
   MgIV           4.05 -  5.30   4.675  SWS06  2720  120    1058   3949
   ArII           5.30 -  7.00   6.15   SWS06  2720  114     688   4832
   ArIII          7.00 - 12.00   9.50   SWS06  2720   96    2138   7383
   NeII          12.00 - 14.90  13.45   SWS06  2720   42     742   8328
					SWS06  Merged TDT(WR140) = 7936 sec


147               2.38 - 45.20          SWS01         TDT(WR147) = 1878 sec

147               2.38 -  2.60   2.49   SWS06         81     378    527
		  2.60 -  3.02   2.81   SWS06         89     522   1219
		  3.02 -  3.52   3.27   SWS06        216     642   2049
		  3.52 -  4.05   3.785  SWS06        222     434   2640
   MgIV           4.05 -  5.30   4.675  SWS06   900   94    1058   3949
   ArII           5.30 -  7.00   6.15   SWS06   900   92     688   4832
   ArIII          7.00 - 12.00   9.50   SWS06   900   85    2138   7383
   NeII, Ne III  12.00 - 16.00  14.25   SWS06   900   76    1024   8653
   SIII          16.00 - 19.50  18.75   SWS06   900   27     940   9826
   ArIII, OIV    19.50 - 29.50  25.25   SWS06   900   58    1262  11369
   SIII, NeIII   29.50 - 37.50  33.50   SWS06   900   26    1468  13149
					SWS06  Merged TDT(WR147) = 8785 sec


Table 4. Photometric Data (fluxes in Jansky)
WR      K      L'     M      N1     N2    N3     Q0     IRAS  IRAS  IRAS
      [2.2]  [3.8]  [4.6]  [8.4]  [9.7] [12.9] [18.6]    12    25    60
  6    2.9    1.9    1.8                                 1.1   0.62  0.8
 11  110.0   56.2   45.8   19.4   18.5   18.2   14.0    19.4   8.7   4.3
 48a   7.5   46.3   71.9   99.9   76.5   94.0   43.6
 70    3.9   10.2   12.6                                 6.5   2.0
 78    6.8    3.9    2.8                                 1.3   0.61
 98a   7.8   55.7   82.6   77.2   46.5   61.6   25.2    51.6  14.1
104   78.2  335.6  457.8  440.0  313.0  360.9  209.3   411.5 140.2    -
112   12.0   72.8  122.6  151.2  154.1  157.4   75.8   150.4  74.0  19.3
118   23.6   86.7  103.9                                70.4  21.7
135    1.2    0.7    0.8
136    3.9    2.8    2.7                                 1.3   0.6
137    1.9    1.6    1.7
140   15.3   23.7   25.6   11.0    9.0    5.4    2.0     5.4   1.1
147   14.6   14.5   11.8    5.4    3.4    4.1    4.3     5.3   3.1

Table 5. Priorities, Time and Coordination with other consortia.
 Name   Sp.type     Priority                     TDT                    LWS
 ----   -------  --------------  ------------------------------------
		 Orion   G.C.        Orion               G.C.
		 hole    hole        hole                hole
		 Autumn  Spring      Autumn              Spring
		 launch  launch      launch              launch
 ----   -------  ------  ------  -----------------   -----------------  ---
 WR6    WN5        -       3                               SWS01  1878   +    +
 WR11   WC8+O9I    1       1     SWS01+SWS06 10663   SWS01+SWS06 10663   +    +
 WR48a  WC8+?      2       2           SWS01  1878   SWS01+SWS06 10663
 WR70   WC9+B0I    3       -           SWS01  1878
 WR78   WN7        3       -           SWS01  1878                       +
 WR98a  WC9        2       -           SWS01  1878
 WR104  WC9        2       -           SWS01  1878                       +    +
 WR112  WC9        3       -           SWS01  1878                       +    +
 WR118  WC9        3       -           SWS01  1878                       +    +
 WR135  WC8        3       3           SWS01  1878         SWS01  1878
 WR136  WN6        3       3           SWS01  1878         SWS01  1878   +
 WR137  WC7+O9     3       3           SWS01  1878         SWS01  1878        +
 WR140  WC7+O4     2       2     SWS01+SWS06  9814   SWS01+SWS06  9814   +    +
 WR147  WN8+?      1       1     SWS01+SWS06 10663   SWS01+SWS06 10663   +    +

Priority 1  total TDT (s)                    21326               21326
Priority 1  total TDT (hr)                       5.9                 5.9
Priority 1  total TDT (%)                       43                  43

Priority 2  total TDT (s)                    15448               20447
Priority 2  total TDT (hr)                       4.3                 5.7
Priority 2  total TDT (%)                       31                  42

Priority 3  total TDT (s)                    13146                7512
Priority 3  total TDT (hr)                       3.7                 2.1
Priority 3  total TDT (%)                       26                  15
					     ------- +           ------- +

Grand total TDT (s)                          49920               49315
Grand total TDT (hr)                            13.9                13.7


<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS01", 1., "N", "WR11  ",   8.13319, -47.18833, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  2
 2, "SWS06", 1., "N", "WR11  ",   8.13319, -47.18833, 1950, 0., 0., 8785,  0
 3, "SWS01", 2., "N", "WR48a ",  13.15750, -62.45028, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
 4, "SWS01", 3., "N", "WR70  ",  15.42914, -58.40917, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
 5, "SWS01", 3., "N", "WR78  ",  16.81344, -41.77139, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
 6, "SWS01", 2., "N", "WR98a ",  17.63333, -30.51722, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
 7, "SWS01", 2., "N", "WR104 ",  17.98364, -23.62889, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
 8, "SWS01", 3., "N", "WR112 ",  18.22689, -18.99639, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
 9, "SWS01", 3., "N", "WR118 ",  18.48244, -10.02417, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
10, "SWS01", 3., "N", "WR135 ",  20.16689,  36.04694, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
11, "SWS01", 3., "N", "WR136 ",  20.17142,  38.20417, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
12, "SWS01", 3., "N", "WR137 ",  20.21094,  36.50778, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
13, "SWS01", 2., "N", "WR140 ",  20.31297,  43.69528, 1950, 0., 0., 1878, 14
14, "SWS06", 2., "N", "WR140 ",  20.31297,  43.69528, 1950, 0., 0., 7936,  0
15, "SWS01", 1., "N", "WR147 ",  20.58161,  40.17722, 1950, 0., 0., 1878, 16
16, "SWS06", 1., "N", "WR147 ",  20.58161,  40.17722, 1950, 0., 0., 8785,  0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS01", 3., "N", "WR6   ",   6.86892, -23.86444, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
 2, "SWS01", 1., "N", "WR11  ",   8.13319, -47.18833, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  3
 3, "SWS06", 1., "N", "WR11  ",   8.13319, -47.18833, 1950, 0., 0., 8785,  0
 4, "SWS01", 2., "N", "WR48a ",  13.15750, -62.45028, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  5
 5, "SWS06", 2., "N", "WR48a ",  13.15750, -62.45028, 1950, 0., 0., 8785,  0
 6, "SWS01", 3., "N", "WR135 ",  20.16689,  36.04694, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
 7, "SWS01", 3., "N", "WR136 ",  20.17142,  38.20417, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
 8, "SWS01", 3., "N", "WR137 ",  20.21094,  36.50778, 1950, 0., 0., 1878,  0
 9, "SWS01", 2., "N", "WR140 ",  20.31297,  43.69528, 1950, 0., 0., 1878, 10
10, "SWS06", 2., "N", "WR140 ",  20.31297,  43.69528, 1950, 0., 0., 7936,  0
11, "SWS01", 1., "N", "WR147 ",  20.58161,  40.17722, 1950, 0., 0., 1878, 12
12, "SWS06", 1., "N", "WR147 ",  20.58161,  40.17722, 1950, 0., 0., 8785,  0