<=== observer ===>
"UKIRT Support Group",\
"Joint Astronomy Centre",\
"660 N A'Ohoku Pl",\
"Hilo Hawaii 96720",\
"  1 8089699564",\
"  1 8089616516",\
<=== proposal ===>
{"interplanetary medium"},\
{"F. Boulanger",\
"F. Sibille","M. Sykes",\
"A. Abergel"}
<=== title ===>
Is there sub arc minute structure in the Zodiacal Bands?
<=== abstract ===>
The zodiacal light will be the dominant source of background
emission over the wavelength range of ISOCAM. Most of this 
background varies smoothly but there are structures 
resulting from comet trails ( subject of another proposal)
and the zodiacal bands discovered by Low et al (1984).
The zodiacal bands, up to seven pairs of which have now been 
identified, have widths which range from 0.5 to 3 degrees.
These bands appear to be unstructured on scales of a few arc 
minutes but the small scale (arc second)  structure of the bands is 
unknown. If the bands do have structure on a scale of a few 
arc seconds then they may present problems when using ISOCAM
to observe extended objects that lie close to the ecliptic plane.
The origin of the bands is unknown. There are three 
plausible alternatives (Sykes et al 1989) which are:
1) The dust is produced by a slow grinding away of 
asteroids by mutual collisions. 
2) Each band is produced by the complete destruction of a single 
asteroid with a diameter of the order of 10km. 
3) Each band arises from the destruction of a large comet 
nucleus or from the superposition of materail ejected from
a number of comet nuclei. 
To date, comparison of models with IRAS data has only been 
partly sucessful, for example the models predict much 
sharper structure than is revealed by the IRAS data.
ISO is the only instrument capable 
of examining these structures in detail. In the case of ISOCAM a full 
understanding of the  small scale structure of the bands
is essential for background subtraction required when 
making deep images. 
The object of this proposal is to examine a known band to determine if 
structure exists at the level of a few arc sec . If the bands do have 
characteristic structure, then this may help to identify other, unknown 
bands, which might be found serendipitously.
To determine the small scale structure of a band we need a 
mosaic which runs across the band at 90 degrees to it. Since 
it will be essential to have good information on the 
background from the smooth component of the zodiacal light a 
0.5 degree wide zody band requires a strip no less than 1 
degree wide. The best way to obtain such data is to use the
6 arc sec fov lens, the LW10 filter and the CAM01 AOT with microscanning to
scan across a band. 
We propose to make a mosaic of two sections of the Beta band. This band is 
about 0.5 degree wide and lies at low ecliptic lattitude.
The flux from the band is of the order of 3 * 
10-5 JY/sq arc sec which implies that we can obtain s/n of about 10
using the microscanning AOT. Use of the CAM simulator has shown that
each strip requires a total spacecraft time of 1 hour.
The bands can be observed at almost anytime, but are regarded
as non solar system fixed time observations with precise details 
to be agreed between the PI and the SOT near to the time of 
the observation. 

<=== scientific_justification ===>

Time distribution for autumn launch targets:
        Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%
         CAM    7200         0               0
Time distribution for spring launch targets:
        Team    top 40%    second 30%    last 30%
        CAM      7200        0               0

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
1, "CAM01",2.00,"N","Zody Beta band pos 1", 0.0, 0.0, 2000, 0., 0., 3600,0
2, "CAM01",2.00,"N","Zody Beta band pos 2", 0.0, 0.0, 2000, 0., 0., 3600,0
<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
1, "CAM01",2.00,"N","Zody Beta band pos 1", 0.0, 0.0, 2000, 0., 0., 3600,0
2, "CAM01",2.00,"N","Zody Beta band pos 2", 0.0, 0.0, 2000, 0., 0., 3600,0