<=== observer ===>
"Baluteau, J.P.",\
"Observatoire de Marseille",\
"2, Place Le Verrier",\
" 33    91959088",\
" 33    91621190",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"HII regions","diffuse interstellar medium","molecular clouds","star \
formation","dust properties"},\
{"LWS consortium","S. Miller","M.F. Kessler","T. Prusti"}

<=== title ===>

<=== abstract ===>
It is now well accepted that systematic observations (of the survey type) are
of great interest for the general astrophysics outcome. ISO offers a unique
opportunity to completely explore the spectrum between 2.5 and 200 um at both
unprecedented high sensitivity and spectral resolution, especially in the still
unexplored gaps between the atmospheric windows. This opportunity has to be
fully used given that many unexpected lines are likely to be discovered in the
far infrared spectra of astronomical objects. We cannot rely on observing only
lines (atomic and molecular) and solid state features that we already know
about or expect to be seen.

In this context we propose to observe selected bright astronomical source(s)
over the spectral range covered by the ISO/LWS, from 45 to 196 um, in the high
resolution Fabry-Perot mode. The main goal of this proposal is to detect new
spectral features or lines with unexpected strength. In order to get the full
capability of the ISO/LWS, Fabry-Perot spectra should be taken towards some of
the brightest known infrared sources. Furthermore, since the proposed goal
impose to obtain a very high signal to noise ratio (at least 100 seems
mandatory) it might well be wisest to select only a limited number of objects
probing in the best possible way the different phases associated with the
interstellar medium.

The detection of unexpected spectral features will prompt subsequent studies
for the identification of the feature first, but also will need to elaborate
a strategy, depending on the strenght ot the new feature, for follow-up

In order to probe the different phases associated with the interstellar medium
in only a very few lines of sight, the source(s) selection procedure is made to
get both:
i. an "emission" spectrum: the line of sight should probe characteristic
regions of the interstellar medium exposed to a strong radiation field and
sampling at least regions of ionised hydrogen, of photodissociation and with
shocked gas.
ii. an "absorption" spectrum: the line of sight should also probe interstellar
material (molecules or solids) which remains protected from the radiation field
(at least from its visible and ultraviolet parts) and hence traces highly
processed material such as organic mantles on dust grains or volatile species
such as ices.
The source(s) should be chosen, naturally, among the brigthest objects in the
infrared sky. Therefore "off-source" position are not required for the proposed
<=== scientific_justification ===>
For all the sources the AOT LWS03 is used, with 4 samples per spectral element
and the "fast" scanning mode. The signal to noise ratio expected, by spectral
element, is 100. This can be achieved with the minimum integration time
available (0.25 sec) per FP step except for some parts of the spectrum for
Sgr B2, M 17 and W 51. Since the time required to cover the whole spectral
range is too long, compared to the ISO orbit duration, the spectral domain is
cut out in different bands. These are as follows:

For Orion BN/KL , M17 and Sgr B2:
#	lambda start	lambda end
1	45um		60um
2	60		75	
3	75		90
4	90		120
5	120		150
6	150		196

For W51 A :
#	lambda start	lambda end
1	47.7um		53um
2	53		60
3	60		67
4	67		75
5	75		82
6	82		90
7	90  		105
8	105		120
9	120		135
10	135		155
11	155		175
12	175		196

The 1950. coordinates of the four selected targets are:
	ORION BN/KL	05h 32m 46.7s	-05d 24' 27"
	Sgr B2		17h 44m 12.0s	-28d 22' 12"
	M 17		18h 17m 29.9s	-16d 13' 15"
	W51-IRS2	19h 21m 22.4s	+14d 25' 15"

For all the selected targets we plan to measure a full medium resolution
spectrum, using AOT LWS01 with 4 samples per spectral element and the "fast"
scanning mode.

Time distribution for autumn launch targets:
	Team	top 40%		second 30%	last 30%
	LWS:	50116 sec	50116 sec
	SOT:	18000 sec	18000 sec
	Total:	68116 sec	68116 sec

Time distribution for spring launch targets:
	Team	top 40%		second 30%	last 30%
	LWS:	50116 sec	50064 sec
	SOT:	18000 sec	18000 sec
	Total:	68116 sec	68064 sec

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
1, "LWS03",1.0,"N","Sgr B2          ",17.73667,-28.37000,1950,0.,0.,12684,0
2, "LWS03",1.0,"N","Sgr B2          ",17.73667,-28.37000,1950,0.,0.,10794,0
3, "LWS03",1.0,"N","Sgr B2          ",17.73667,-28.37000,1950,0.,0., 9088,13
4, "LWS03",1.0,"N","Sgr B2          ",17.73667,-28.37000,1950,0.,0.,12402,0
5, "LWS03",1.0,"N","Sgr B2          ",17.73667,-28.37000,1950,0.,0., 9522,0
6, "LWS03",1.0,"N","Sgr B2          ",17.73667,-28.37000,1950,0.,0.,13130,0
7, "LWS03",2.0,"N","M17             ",18.29164,-16.22083,1950,0.,0.,12684,0
8, "LWS03",2.0,"N","M17             ",18.29164,-16.22083,1950,0.,0.,10794,0
9, "LWS03",2.0,"N","M17             ",18.29164,-16.22083,1950,0.,0., 9088,14
10,"LWS03",2.0,"N","M17             ",18.29164,-16.22083,1950,0.,0.,12402,0
11,"LWS03",2.0,"N","M17             ",18.29164,-16.22083,1950,0.,0., 9522,0
12,"LWS03",2.0,"N","M17             ",18.29164,-16.22083,1950,0.,0.,13130,0
13,"LWS01",1.0,"N","Sgr B2          ",17.73667,-28.37000,1950,0.,0.,  496,0
14,"LWS01",2.0,"N","M17             ",18.29164,-16.22083,1950,0.,0.,  496,0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
1, "LWS03",1.0,"N","Orion BN/KL     ",05.54631,-05.40750,1950,0.,0.,12684,0
2, "LWS03",1.0,"N","Orion BN/KL     ",05.54631,-05.40750,1950,0.,0.,10794,0
3, "LWS03",1.0,"N","Orion BN/KL     ",05.54631,-05.40750,1950,0.,0., 9088,19
4, "LWS03",1.0,"N","Orion BN/KL     ",05.54631,-05.40750,1950,0.,0.,12402,0
5, "LWS03",1.0,"N","Orion BN/KL     ",05.54631,-05.40750,1950,0.,0., 9522,0
6, "LWS03",1.0,"N","Orion BN/KL     ",05.54631,-05.40750,1950,0.,0.,13130,0
7, "LWS03",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0., 5064,0
8, "LWS03",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0., 5858,0
9, "LWS03",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0., 4714,0
10,"LWS03",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0., 6416,0
11,"LWS03",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0., 4838,0
12,"LWS03",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0., 4586,20
13,"LWS03",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0., 7180,0
14,"LWS03",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0., 5616,0
15,"LWS03",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0., 5048,0
16,"LWS03",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0., 6180,0
17,"LWS03",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0., 6298,0
18,"LWS03",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0., 5770,0
19,"LWS01",1.0,"N","Orion BN/KL     ",05.54631,-05.40750,1950,0.,0.,  496,0
20,"LWS01",2.0,"N","W51 A           ",19.35622,+14.42083,1950,0.,0.,  496,0