<=== observer ===>
"Smith, Howard A.",\
"Laboratory for Astrophysics",\
"National Air and Space Museum",\
"Smithsonian Institution",\
"Washington DC 20560",\
"United States",\
"1  202 3574932",\
"1  202 6338174",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"active galactic nuclei"},\
{"LWS consortium", "Ceccarelli", "Fischer", "Greenhouse",\
"Liseau", "Lorenzetti", "Malkan", "McDowell", "McMahon", "Nisini",\
"Omont", "Puget", "Rieu", "Spinoglio"}

<=== title ===>
ISO Spectroscopy of Active Galactic Nuclei

<=== abstract ===>
We propose spectroscopic survey observations and individual line
observations using LWS, SWS, and ISOPHOT designed to provide the
first complete spectral characterization of AGN in the 3-200
micron region. The major goals of the program are to:

a) distinguish between non-stellar engine and starburst origins
of the luminosity in galactic nuclei (emission line ratios
sensitive to density and excitation will identify all of the
current classes of nuclear activity, discriminating between
thermal and nonthermal models),

b) measure the distribution and kinematics of nuclear gas and
probe the dynamical geography of the nucleus via line profile
shape analysis,

c) study the nature and the origin of the coronal line emission
region of AGN,

d) measure heavy element abundances in AGN,

e) determine accurately how dust obscures the intrinsic AGN

f) search for the postulated hidden BLR in ``narrow-line'' AGNs,

g) search for molecules in thick tori (Seyfert 2) and outer
regions of accretion disks and study their kinematics at high
spectral resolution,

h) determine the importance of thermal and nonthermal emission
for the continua of all classes of AGNs and the shape of the
far infrared continuum turnover, and

i) measure the detailed continuum energy distribution of AGN,
with emphasis on high z QSOs for which we will address questions
about the formation of heavy elements at very large z, the
formation of galaxies and its relation with QSOs, the structure and
the energetics of host galaxies of QSOs.

This program includes observation of roughly 50 AGN and QSOs.  The
majority of AGN will be spectroscopically surveyed using LWS, SWS,
ISOPHOT grating spectra; distant QSOs will use PHOT22. All of the
survey spectra will cover the full wavelength range at the full
resolving power afforded by the grating subsystem of each
Full SWS scans on NGC 1068 and NGC 4151 are omitted to avoid
duplication with the SWS team Guaranteed time proposal "Infrared          
Spectroscopy of Bright Galactic Nuclei and the Connection between
Starformation and AGN's". Similarly, PHT spectroscopy on a number
our program objects (I Zw 1, Mkn 551, and Mkn 463) are omitted to
avoid duplication with the SWS team proposal.) The SWS and PHT
times (including SWS01, SWS02, and SWS06 AOTs) are designed to
achieve a
signal to noise ratio of twenty to several hundred on the continuum
of each
object. The lowest signal to noise occurs in SWS01 scans shortward
of 7
microns. The survey AOTs utilized are LWS01, SWS01, and PHT40.
Specific line
observations utilize SWS02 and SWS06. In all cases, SWS01
observations will
be made in full R mode, and LWS01 observations will be Nyquist
sampled over
45-180 microns.
Depending on the wavelength range, a signal to noise
ratio of twenty to several hundred on the continuum 
will be obtained for each object. 
For most of the targets these correspond to 
10-sigma detections of emission lines with fluxes of
5.0e-17 Watts/meter2 in the most sensitive wavelength regions
(around 100um).  In the least sensitive detector bands
(at the shortest wavelengths), lines of this flux would 
typically be detected at only the 2-sigma level.
Higher signal-to-noise ratios will be obtained for the
two brightest archetypical AGNs, the Seyfert 1 NGC 4151,
and the Seyfert 2 NGC 1068, allowing detection of even
fainter lines in these two special cases.

In addition to these survey observations, high quality line
profiles will be obtained on lines listed in Table 1a and 1b below.
These lines are chosen to included all ISO observable ionization
states of neon. Transitions of several other intermediate mass
elements are included to yield abundances and to produce a data set
that spans a wide range of transition critical densities to probe
AGN dynamical structure.   All SWS02 observations in the program
pertain to Table 1. Observations of Mkn 3, I Zw 1, NGC 3783, Mkn
573, and Mkn 463 with SWS02 will observe lines listed in Table 1b
to avoid duplication with the SWS team proposal. The remainder of
our SWS02 and SWS06 observations will observe lines listed in Table
1a. Observations with SWS02 or SWS06 will also be made on lines
listed in Table 2 during follow up time only, and where no
duplication with the SWS team observations exist. Observations made
SWS06 cover a 2000 km/s spectral baseline centered on the line. 

We propose to obtain high-resolution Fabry-Perot scans for the profiles
of two emission lines expected to be strong in the Seyfert 2 nucleus
of NGC 1068: [O I] 63um and the CO (J=57-->56) line at 46um.
While this is a top sientific priority, we have listed it as priority 3 because
the priority 1 grating scans should sensibly be examined first.
Both will reveal the presence of high-density, but low-ionization
gas--in particular the dense molecular gas that is believed to
form a thick obscuring torus surrounding the central engine
(eg., Krolik and Begelman 1988).  This dense region is probably
too optically thick to emit strong lines at much shorter wavelengths.
The trade-off between high optical depth, and the frequency-cubed
dependence of the Einstein A values suggests that this one CO
line may carry 7% of the entire cooling budget of the torus by
all CO lines, for an assumed temperature of 1000 K 
(Krolik and Lepp 1989). The high spectral resolution
can reveal broad wings, and even double-peaked lobes which would
be produced by a rapidly rotating torus or thick disk.
Measuring its kinematics will be of enormous importance and
can lead to a direct measure of the mass of the
central engine.  If the grating scans show these
lines are detectable but marginal, we intend to pursue them with modest
additional follow-up time.

Finally, the program includes multi-filter photometry and 40- point
grating spectra using PHT22 and LWS01 respectively. These
are designed to provide detailed definition of the continuum energy
distribution of AGN and QSOs: The observations of these sources
include an off-source observation for accurate continuum
Background and source observations are listed separately as
concatenated AOTs. For the following 9 sources: PG1613+658, PHL
PG1211+143, PG1351+640, Mkn 478, 3C345, 3C48, NGC 2992, 3C120,
observations are designed to define the continuum only, and will be
binned to 40 discrete points across the LWS wavelength range. The
LWS01 observations of all other sources in this proposal are full
spectral scans. The LWS observations of the above quasars will be
supplemented by multi-filter photometry using PHT22. The PHT
utilized are: 90 100, 120, 135, 160, 180, and 200 microns; the 120
135 micron filters will be used to confirm the
fluxes obtained with LWS, and the longer wavelength filters will
define the slope of the far- infrared cutoff for the first time. 
the high z QSOs, since the maximum emission is expected at 300-400
micron, beyond the ISO range, the priority is put on measurements
the largest wavelengths. Observations in the PHT22 mode are planned
with the PHT-C200 detector at its maximum sensitivity with the 160
filter in order to detect the weakest sources with a good S/N
and with the 200 filter in order to get the maximum information at
longest wavelength possible. Additional observations with the C100
detector with the 90 and 60 filters will give a complete view of
emission in the middle IR. Observations will be performed in the
chopper mode, with the proper throw (90" and 45" respectively) to
always keep the source in one of the pixels of the C200 or C100
arrays. A S/N ratio ~10 at least is requested with the 160 and 90
filters for "weak" sources (expected fluxes S_160 ~ 25mJy, S_100 ~
mJy) with a background emission (cirrus + background galaxies)
the average one estimated from Gautier et al. 1992 (A.J. 103,
Such requirements should be achieved with integration times of 256
128 sec. with C_200+F_160 and C_100+F_90 respectively. Equal
integration times with C_200+F_200 and C_100+F_60 respectively
give a good probability of detection for every source at 200 and 60
micron (expected fluxes for "weak" sources S_200 ~ 25 mJy and S_60
10 mJy).

Additional details can be found in the LWS Elmau Document: "ISO:LWS
Guaranteed Time Proposals", LWS/90/P/SCI/135.00, November 1990.

<=== scientific_justification ===>
Table 1a =>    [Ne II]12.81, [Ne III]15.55, [Ne III]36.02,
               [Ne V]14.32, [Ne V]24.28, [Ne VI]7.64, [Al VI]9.12,
               [Mg V]13.54, [Mg VII]9.03, [Ca V]11.48, [Ca VI]24.30
               [O IV]25.91, [S III]18.71

Table 1b =>    [Ne II]12.81, [Ne III]15.55, [Ne III]36.02,
                             [Ne V]24.28, [Ne VI]7.64, [Al VI]9.12,
               [Mg V]13.54, [Mg VII]9.03, [Ca V]11.48, [Ca VI]24.30

Table 2 =>
[Ne II]12.81  [Al V]2.88    [Mg IV]4.49   [Ca IV]3.18  [Si VII]2.47
[Ne III]15.55 [Al VI]3.66   [Mg V]5.60    [Ca V]4.16   [Si VII]6.52
[Ne III]36.02 [Al VI]9.12   [Mg V]13.54   [Ca V]11.48  [Si IX]2.58
[Ne V]14.32   [Al VIII]2.72 [Mg VII]5.50  [Ca VI]24.30 [Si IX]3.92
[Ne V]24.28   [Al VIII]5.85 [Mg VII]9.03  [Ca VII]4.09
[Ne VI]7.64   [Al X]2.75    [Mg VIII]3.03 [Ca VII]6.15
                                          [Ca IX]3.09

Time distribution for August launch:

     Team   top 40%   second 30%   last 30%
     LWS:   83189     64701        58289
     JLP:    5207      2025
   total:   88396     66726        58289

Time distribution for Spring launch:

     Team   top 40%   second 30%   last 30%

     LWS:   80748     49598        72226
     JLP:    5207      2025
   total:   85955     51623        72226

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>
01, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "NGC 1068     ",  2.66863,  -0.22542, 1950,0.,0., 5824, 0
02, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "NGC 4151     ", 12.13363,  39.68383, 1950,0.,0., 5824, 0
03, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "I Zw 92      ", 14.65071,  53.71778, 1950,0.,0., 3206, 0
04, "SWS01", 1.,"N", "I Zw 92      ", 14.65071,  53.71778, 1950,0.,0., 6498, 0
05, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "I Zw 92      ", 14.65071,  53.71778, 1950,0.,0., 4400, 0
06, "PHT40", 1.,"N", "I Zw 92      ", 14.65071,  53.71778, 1950,0.,0., 1800, 0
07, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "3C273        ", 12.44257,   2.32875, 1950,0.,0., 1133, 0
08, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "3C273        ", 12.44257,   2.32875, 1950,0.,0., 1736, 9
09, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "3C273 off    ", 12.44257,   2.36875, 1950,0.,0., 1736, 0
10, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "HB89 1821+643", 18.36164,  64.31694, 1950,0.,0., 1133, 0
11, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "HB89 1821+643", 18.36164,  64.31694, 1950,0.,0., 1736, 12
12, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "HB89 1821+643", 18.36164,  64.35694, 1950,0.,0., 1736, 0
13, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1335-04      ", 13.59100, -04.28916, 1950, 0, 0, 1157, 0
14, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1114-08      ", 11.24866, -08.37611, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
15, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1158+46      ", 11.96747, +46.59138, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
16, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1202-07      ", 12.04700, -07.43055, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
17, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1247+34      ", 12.78827, +34.10333, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
18, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1302-14      ", 13.04633, -14.07722, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
19, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1335-04      ", 13.59100, -04.28916, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
20, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "2203+29      ", 22.06306, +29.25667, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
21, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "2237-06      ", 22.62150, -06.13333, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
22, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "PG1211+143   ", 12.19578,  14.33139, 1950,0.,0., 1133, 0
23, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "PHL 909      ",  0.90887,  14.49961, 1950,0.,0., 1133, 0
24, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1413+11      ", 14.22225, +11.72722, 1950, 0, 0, 1157, 0
25, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "Mkn 509      ", 20.69063, -10.90506, 1950,0.,0., 2196, 26
26, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "Mkn 509      ", 20.69063, -10.94506, 1950,0.,0., 2196, 0
27, "SWS01", 1.,"N", "Mkn 509      ", 20.69063, -10.90506, 1950,0.,0., 6498, 0
28, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "Mkn 509      ", 20.69063, -10.90506, 1950,0.,0., 4300, 0
29, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "I Zw 1       ",  0.84939,  12.42222, 1950,0.,0., 1736, 30
30, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "I Zw 1 off   ",  0.84939,  12.46222, 1950,0.,0., 1736, 0
31, "SWS01", 1.,"N", "I Zw 1       ",  0.84939,  12.42222, 1950,0.,0., 6498, 0
32, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "I Zw 1       ",  0.84939,  12.42222, 1950,0.,0., 3900, 0
33, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "PG1613+658   ", 16.22673,  65.84375, 1950,0.,0., 1133, 0
34, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "PG1613+658   ", 16.22673,  65.84375, 1950,0.,0., 1500, 35
35, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "PG1613+658   ", 16.22673,  65.88375, 1950,0.,0., 1500, 0
36, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "Fairall 9    ",  1.36417, -59.06500, 1950,0.,0., 1133, 0
37, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "Fairall 9    ",  1.36417, -59.06500, 1950,0.,0., 1736, 38
38, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "Fairall 9 off",  1.36417, -59.10500, 1950,0.,0., 1736, 0
39, "SWS01", 2.,"N", "Fairall 9    ",  1.36417, -59.06500, 1950,0.,0., 6498, 0
40, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Fairall 9    ",  1.36417, -59.06500, 1950,0.,0., 4282, 0
41, "LWS03", 1.,"N", "NGC 1068     ",  2.66863,  -0.22542, 1950,0.,0., 3600, 0
42, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "Mkn 509      ", 20.69063, -10.90506, 1950,0.,0., 1800, 0
43, "SWS01", 2.,"N", "NGC 3783     ", 11.60917, -37.46167, 1950,0.,0., 6498, 0
44, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 3783     ", 11.60917, -37.46167, 1950,0.,0., 3800, 0
45, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "Mkn 551      ",  0.44631,  30.28139, 1950,0.,0., 3206, 0
46, "SWS01", 2.,"N", "Mkn 551      ",  0.44631,  30.28139, 1950,0.,0., 6498, 0
47, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Mkn 551      ",  0.44631,  30.28139, 1950,0.,0., 4300, 0
48, "SWS01", 2.,"N", "Mkn 463      ", 13.89442,  18.61583, 1950,0.,0., 6498, 0
49, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Mkn 463      ", 13.89442,  18.61583, 1950,0.,0., 3700, 0
50, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "1331+17      ", 13.51944, +17.73889, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
51, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "1302-14      ", 13.04633, -14.07722, 1950, 0, 0, 1157, 0
52, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "1700+64      ", 17.01125, +64.27361, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
53, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "2132+01      ", 21.54386, +01.43500, 1950, 0, 0, 1157, 0
54, "LWS03", 1.,"N", "NGC 1068     ",  2.66863,  -0.22542, 1950,0.,0., 3600, 0
55, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "1233+47      ", 12.55230, +47.87694, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
56, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "1301+47      ", 13.03078, +47.79305, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
57, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "3C345        ", 16.68822,  39.90303, 1950,0.,0., 1736, 58
58, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "3C345        ", 16.68822,  39.94303, 1950,0.,0., 1736, 0
59, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "3C345        ", 16.68822,  39.90303, 1950,0.,0., 1133, 0
60, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "2331+02      ", 23.53291, +02.27972, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
61, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "0050-25      ", 00.83833, -25.38638, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
62, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "2235-03      ", 22.59650, -03.02500, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
63, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "1050-00      ", 10.84630, -00.01417, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
64, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "1246-05      ", 12.77741, -05.71611, 1950, 0, 0, 1157, 0
65, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "0100+13      ", 01.00928, +13.00306, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
66, "SWS01", 3.,"N", "HB89 1821+643", 18.36164,  64.31694, 1950,0.,0., 4698, 0
67, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "HB89 1821+643", 18.36164,  64.31694, 1950,0.,0., 1800, 0
68, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Mkn 551      ",  0.44631,  30.28139, 1950,0.,0., 1800, 0
69, "PHT22", 3.,"N", "Mkn 509      ", 20.69063, -10.90506, 1950,0.,0., 1133, 0
70, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "Mkn 463      ", 13.89442,  18.61583, 1950,0.,0., 3206, 0
71, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "NGC 3783     ", 11.60917, -37.46167, 1950,0.,0., 3206, 0
72, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "Mkn 573      ",  1.68970,   2.09897, 1950,0.,0., 3206, 0
73, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Mkn 573      ",  1.68970,   2.09897, 1950,0.,0., 4300, 0
74, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "PHL 909      ",  0.90887,  14.49961, 1950,0.,0., 3450, 75
75, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "PHL 909      ",  0.90887,  14.53961, 1950,0.,0., 3450, 0
76, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "PG1211+143   ", 12.19578,  14.33139, 1950,0.,0., 3600, 77
77, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "PG1211+143   ", 12.19578,  14.37139, 1950,0.,0., 3600, 0
78, "PHT22", 3.,"N", "I Zw 1       ",  0.84939,  12.42222, 1950,0.,0., 1133, 0
79, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "IC4329A      ", 13.77417, -30.06139, 1950,0.,0., 3206, 0
80, "SWS06", 3.,"N", "IC4329A      ", 13.77417, -30.06139, 1950,0.,0., 4568, 0
81, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "IC4329A      ", 13.77417, -30.06139, 1950,0.,0., 1800, 0
82, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "Mkn 478      ", 14.66793,  35.65205, 1950,0.,0.,  900, 83
83, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "Mkn 478 off  ", 14.66793,  35.69205, 1950,0.,0.,  900, 0
84, "PHT22", 3.,"N", "Mkn 478      ", 14.66793,  35.65205, 1950,0.,0., 1133, 0
85, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "2225-05      ", 22.43169, -05.57138, 1950,0.,0., 1157, 0
<=== spring_launch_targets ===>
01, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "NGC 1068     ",  2.66863,  -0.22542, 1950, 0,0, 5824, 0
02, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "NGC 4151     ", 12.13363,  39.68383, 1950, 0,0, 5824, 0
03, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "I Zw 92      ", 14.65071,  53.71778, 1950, 0,0, 3206, 0
04, "SWS01", 1.,"N", "I Zw 92      ", 14.65071,  53.71778, 1950, 0,0, 6498, 0
05, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "I Zw 92      ", 14.65071,  53.71778, 1950, 0,0, 4400, 0
06, "PHT40", 1.,"N", "I Zw 92      ", 14.65071,  53.71778, 1950, 0,0, 1800, 0
07, "SWS01", 1.,"N", "Mkn 3        ",  6.16345,  71.05298, 1950, 0,0, 6498, 0
08, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "Mkn 3        ",  6.16345,  71.05298, 1950, 0,0, 2910, 0
09, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "3C273        ", 12.44257,   2.32875, 1950, 0,0, 1133, 0
10, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "3C273        ", 12.44257,   2.32875, 1950, 0,0, 1736, 11
11, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "3C273 off    ", 12.44257,   2.36875, 1950, 0,0, 1736, 0
12, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1335-04      ", 13.59100, -04.28916, 1950, 0, 0, 1157, 0
13, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "0307+02      ", 03.12094, +02.36667, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
14, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "0751+56      ", 07.86130, +56.38500, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
15, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "0910+56      ", 09.18258, +56.43027, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
16, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "0952-01      ", 09.87422, -01.26472, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
17, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1033-03      ", 10.56430, -03.46277, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
18, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1050-00      ", 10.84630, -00.01417, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
19, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1114-08      ", 11.24866, -08.37611, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
20, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1158+46      ", 11.96747, +46.59138, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
21, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1202-07      ", 12.04700, -07.43055, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
22, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1247+34      ", 12.78827, +34.10333, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
23, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "1413+11      ", 14.22225, +11.72722, 1950, 0, 0, 1157, 0
24, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "2132+01      ", 21.54386, +01.43500, 1950, 0, 0, 1157, 0
25, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "Fairall 9    ",  1.36417, -59.06500, 1950, 0,0, 1133, 0
26, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "Fairall 9    ",  1.36417, -59.06500, 1950, 0,0, 1736, 27
27, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "Fairall 9 off",  1.36417, -59.10500, 1950, 0,0, 1736, 0
28, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "I Zw 1       ",  0.84939,  12.42222, 1950, 0,0, 1736, 29
29, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "I Zw 1 off   ",  0.84939,  12.46222, 1950, 0,0, 1736, 0
30, "SWS01", 1.,"N", "I Zw 1       ",  0.84939,  12.42222, 1950, 0,0, 6498, 0
31, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "I Zw 1       ",  0.84939,  12.42222, 1950, 0,0, 3900, 0
32, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "I Zw 1       ",  0.84939,  12.42222, 1950, 0,0, 1133, 0
33, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "Mkn 3        ",  6.16345,  71.05298, 1950, 0,0, 3206, 0
34, "PHT22", 1.,"N", "PG1613+658   ", 16.22673,  65.84375, 1950, 0,0, 1133, 0
35, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "PG1613+658   ", 16.22673,  65.84375, 1950, 0,0, 1500, 36
36, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "PG1613+658   ", 16.22673,  65.88375, 1950, 0,0, 1500, 0
37, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "PG1351+640   ", 13.86285,  64.00789, 1950, 0,0, 1200, 38
38, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "PG1351+640   ", 13.86285,  64.04789, 1950, 0,0, 1200, 0
39, "SWS01", 2.,"N", "Fairall 9    ",  1.36417, -59.06500, 1950, 0,0, 6498, 0
40, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "Fairall 9    ",  1.36417, -59.06500, 1950, 0,0, 4282, 0
41, "LWS03", 1.,"N", "NGC 1068     ",  2.66863,  -0.22542, 1950, 0,0, 3600, 0
42, "SWS01", 2.,"N", "NGC 3783     ", 11.60917, -37.46167, 1950, 0,0, 6498, 0
43, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 3783     ", 11.60917, -37.46167, 1950, 0,0, 3800, 0
44, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "NGC 3783     ", 11.60917, -37.46167, 1950, 0,0, 3206, 0
45, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "PHL 909      ",  0.90887,  14.49961, 1950, 0,0, 1133, 0
46, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "PHL 909      ",  0.90887,  14.49961, 1950, 0,0, 3450, 47
47, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "PHL 909      ",  0.90887,  14.53961, 1950, 0,0, 3450, 0
48, "SWS01", 2.,"N", "HB89 1821+643", 18.36164,  64.31694, 1950, 0,0, 6498, 0
49, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "HB89 1821+643", 18.36164,  64.31694, 1950, 0,0, 1800, 0
50, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "PG1351+640   ", 13.86285,  64.00789, 1950, 0,0, 1133, 0
51, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "2203+29      ", 22.06306, +29.25667, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
52, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "2237-06      ", 22.62150, -06.13333, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
53, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "0344+02      ", 03.73961, +02.37472, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
54, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "0345+01      ", 03.75750, +01.50222, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
55, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "0453-42      ", 04.89667, -42.35000, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
56, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "0647+41      ", 06.78911, +41.56778, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
57, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "NGC 2992     ", 20.32267, -20.22806, 1950, 0,0,  900, 58
58, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "NGC 2992 off ", 20.32267, -20.26806, 1950, 0,0,  900, 0
59, "PHT22", 2.,"N", "NGC 2992     ", 20.32267, -20.22806, 1950, 0,0, 1133, 0
60, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "Mkn 573      ",  1.68970,   2.09897, 1950, 0,0, 3206, 0
61, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Mkn 573      ",  1.68970,   2.09897, 1950, 0,0, 4300, 0
62, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "Mkn 551      ",  0.44631,  30.28139, 1950, 0,0, 3206, 0
63, "SWS01", 3.,"N", "Mkn 551      ",  0.44631,  30.28139, 1950, 0,0, 6498, 0
64, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "Mkn 551      ",  0.44631,  30.28139, 1950, 0,0, 4300, 0
65, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "Mkn 551      ",  0.44631,  30.28139, 1950, 0,0, 1800, 0
66, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "PG1211+143   ", 12.19578,  14.33139, 1950, 0,0, 3600, 67
67, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "PG1211+143   ", 12.19578,  14.37139, 1950, 0,0, 3600, 0
68, "PHT22", 3.,"N", "PG1211+143   ", 12.19578,  14.33139, 1950, 0,0, 1133, 0
69, "PHT22", 3.,"N", "1331+17      ", 13.51944, +17.73889, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
70, "PHT22", 3.,"N", "1302-14      ", 13.04633, -14.07722, 1950, 0, 0, 1157, 0
71, "PHT22", 3.,"N", "1246-05      ", 12.77741, -05.71611, 1950, 0, 0, 1157, 0
72, "PHT22", 3.,"N", "2225-05      ", 22.43169, -05.57138, 1950, 0,0, 1157, 0
73, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "NGC 3227     ", 10.34633,  20.11837, 1950, 0,0, 5759, 0
74, "SWS01", 3.,"N", "NGC 3227     ", 10.34633,  20.11837, 1950, 0,0, 4698, 0
75, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "NGC 3227     ", 10.34633,  20.11837, 1950, 0,0, 4600, 0
76, "LWS03", 1.,"N", "NGC 1068     ",  2.66863,  -0.22542, 1950, 0,0, 3600, 0
77, "SWS01", 3.,"N", "Mkn 573      ",  1.68970,   2.09897, 1950, 0,0, 6498, 0
78, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "3C 120       ",  4.50877,   5.24994, 1950, 0,0, 1800, 0
79, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "3C 120 off   ",  4.50877,   5.24994, 1950, 0,0, 1800, 0
80, "PHT22", 3.,"N", "3C 120       ",  4.50877,   5.24994, 1950, 0,0, 1800, 0