<=== observer ===>
"Lamers, H.J.G.L.M.",\
"SRON Laboratory for Space Research Utrecht",\
"Sorbonnelaan 2",\
"3584 CA",\
"The Netherlands",\
"31 30  535720",\
"31 30  540860",\

<=== proposal ===>
"HOTSTARS", 1, 3,\
{"early-type stars",\
"stellar winds",\
"stellar evolution"},\
{"L.B.F.M. Waters",\
"SRON Groningen"}

<=== title ===>
Winds and Circumstellar Matter around Hot Luminous Stars

<=== abstract ===>

The winds and mass-ejections from luminous stars strongly
influence the evolution of massive stars and their
surrounding circumstellar and interstellar matter. We propose to
study the stellar winds and their circumstellar envelopes
in a few stars of different sequential evolutionary stages by
means of ISO spectroscopic, photometric and imaging observations.
The stages are: O-supergiants,   B-supergiants, Luminous Blue
Variables and rapidly rotating B[e]-supergiants.

The stellar winds of hot stars are characterized by high terminal
velocities (10^3 to 3.5 10^3 km/s) and a rapid acceleration. The
SWS grating will resolve the line profiles in hot supergiants and so the
velocity field can be studied. The
infrared Hydrogen and Helium recombination lines are formed in
layers of the wind where the acceleration takes place and therefore
offer an opportunity to study the radiation driven wind mechanism in
detail. This information cannot be obtained from UV
observations because the UV resonance lines are often saturated near
line centre. Also the IR recombination lines are much easier to model
than the Balmer emission lines in the optical.

The IR emission lines also provide a measurement of the mass loss rate
of the star which does not depend strongly on the details of the
ionisation structure of the wind. Therefore these data will give more
accurate determinations of the mass loss rate than the UV resonance lines of
ions of trace elements as C IV and Si IV. Furthermore it is expected
that forbidden lines are present in the IR spectra which will allow an
abundance study of the ejecta. Evolutionary calculations predict that
the surface abundance of He and N increase as the star strips more and
more of its envelope by means of mass loss. Therefore abundance
determinations provide a critical test of these evolutionary calculations and
of the mass loss history of the star.
These measurements are especially meaningful for the ejecta around
Luminous Blue Variables (LBV's) since these objects are thought to be
the immediate progenitors of Wolf-Rayet stars.


We plan to observe HI and HeI recombination lines and forbidden line
transitions in our targets using SWS grating AOT06 and in four objects
AOT01 for full grating scans at reduced resolution. In addition we request
PHT-S spectra for all targets. We also request PHT-C measurements at
selected wavelengths (60, 90, 160 and 200 microns) of several stars. Finally
we request a CAM  AOT01 observation of P Cygni using the CVF at the [Ne II]
12.8 mu line with a 6" p.f.o.v..

Linelist for the AOT06 observations:

4.0512	HI  5-4  Br alfa
4.652   HI  7-5  Pf beta
7.4579	HI  6-5  Pf alfa
7.5005	HI  8-6  Hu beta
8.7577	HI 10-7
11.3056	HI  9-7
12.3685 HI  7-6  Hu alfa
12.3838 HI 11-8
16.2047 HI 10-8
16.8760 HI 12-9
19.0569 HI  8-7
22.3344 HI 11-9
27.7958 HI  9-8
38.8593 HI 10-9
4.243	HeI 5-4
4.2947  HeI 5-3
4.6053	HeI 5-4
4.6936	HeI 5-4
7.4351	HeI 3-3
10.88	HeI 4-4
12.37	HeI 7-6
18.095	HeI 4-4
43.944	HeI 4-4
4.652	HeII 14-10
7.205	HeII 14-11
9.114	HeII 15-12
12.367	HeII 14-12
13.128	HeII 11-10
17.261	HeII 12-11
22.180	HeII 13-12
34.649	HeII 15-14

<=== scientific_justification ===>
Time distribution for spring launch targets
Team:    top 40%     second 30%       last 30%
 SWS:    14066       25670            11884

Time distribution for autumn launch targets
Team:    top 40%     second 30%       last 30%
 SWS:     9351       19052            10424

Table 1. Cross-references source names
name 1          name 2
1  Zeta Pup     HD66811
2  Eps Ori      HD37128
3  Omi CMa      HD53138
4  Eta CMa      HD58350
5  Bet Ori      HD34085
6  Alf Cyg      HD197345
7  AG Car       HD94910
8  HR Car       HD90177
9  P Cyg        HD193237
10 Zet1 Sco     HD152236
11 CPD-57 2874    --
12 CPD-52 9243    --
13 He 3-591       --
14 He 3-519       --
15 HD87643        --
16 Mu Nor       HD149038
17 HR 6261      HD152235
18 Eta Car      HD93308

Table 2. Positions and Offsets
No      ra        dec      precision   offset      ref. pos   window
	    1950.0           (",")      (")
1   08 01 49.5 -39 51 40      1,1         0            1      spr
2   05 33 40.4 -01 13 54      1,1         0            1      spr
3   07 00 56.1 -23 45 31      1,1         0            1      spr
4   07 22 06.9 -29 12 14      1,1         0            1      spr
5   05 12 08.0 -08 15 29      1,1         0            1      spr
6   20 39 43.4 +45 06 02      1,1         0            1      saf
7   10 54 10.5 -60 11 09      1,1         0            1      saf
8   10 21 07.2 -59 22 16      1,1         0            1      saf
9   20 15 56.5 +37 52 35      1,1         0            1      saf
10  16 50 27.7 -42 16 50      1,1         0            1      aut
11  10 13 36.0 -57 36 47      1,1         0                   saf
12  16 03 09.4 -52 55 42      1,1         0                   aut
13  11 06 33.0 -60 26 30      1,1         0                   saf
14  10 51 59.3 -60 10 44      1,1         0                   saf
15  10 02 49.7 -58 25 15      1,1         0            1      saf
16  16 30 31.3 -43 56 29      1,1         0            1      aut
17  16 50 27.6 -41 54 48      1,1         0            1      aut
18  10 43 06.9 -59 25 16      1,1         0            1      saf
References for positions and accuracy
1: SAO catalogue

Table 4. Photometric data (fluxes in Jansky)
no ident            J     H      K     L      M       12       25       60
1  Zeta pup       134.8  83.4   49.5   20.6  11.8    3.77     1.33    -
2  Eps ori        238.5 145.0   88.5   39.3  20.7    7.15     1.86    -
3  Omi2 cma        84.2  54.6   33.0   14.5   8.07   2.35     0.65    -
4  Eta cma        146.4  99.4   59.5   27.0  16.1    4.75     1.33    -
5  Beta ori      1286.8 890.1  553.1  250.3 145.5    41.3    10.6     1.98
6  Alfa cyg       733.7 467.1  301.2  122.0  71.1    21.8     5.9     -
7  AG Car          22.8  20.8   13.6    8.29  4.27   12.4   174.    194.
8  HR Car            -    5.36   4.43   3.52   -     11.0    53.5    37.1
9  P Cyg             -     -    30.4   18.9  14.8     5.74    3.5     2.05
10 Zet1 Sco        63.90 51.7   35.9   17.8  15.0     2.61    0.62    0.11 (*)
11 CPD -57 2874      -    5.36   4.43   3.65   -     25.9     8.59    -
12 CPD -52 9243      -     -      -      -     -     20.9    10.8     -
13 He 3-591         1.48  2.04   1.88   1.33   -     12.7   205.    129.
14 He 3-519          -     -      -      -     -      1.24   15.3    36.6
15 HD 87643          -     -    24.4   41.5    -    157.    252.    311.
16 Mu Nor          21.16 14.37   8.93   3.97  2.08    1.8     0.7    -
17 HR 6261         15.76 12.29   8.14   4.04   -      0.9     -      -
18 Eta Car                B   R   I   G   H   T  ! ! !
(*) 12 to 60 mu fluxes estimated assuming Rayleigh-Jeans energy distribution!

Table 5. Priorities, Time and Coordination with other consortia.
						       Other observations
no ident     prio      AOT  time    LWS    CAM    PHT  needed in SWS time:
1  Zeta Pup     1     SWS06  4715   +        -       -        PHT-S, PHT-C
		2     SWS01  1800
		2     PHT40   120
		2     PHT22   230
2  Eps Ori      2     SWS06  7432   +        -       -        PHT-S, PHT-C
		      PHT40   120
		      PHT22   230
3  Omi2 CMa     3     SWS06  4519   -        -       -        PHT-S, PHT-C
		      PHT40   120
		      PHT22   160
4  Eta CMa      3     SWSO6  2972   -        -       -        PHT-S, PHT-C
		      PHT40   120
		      PHT22   160
5  Beta Ori     2     SWS06  2910   +        -       -        PHT-S, PHT-C
		      SWS01  3600
		      PHT40   120
		      PHT22   355
6  Alfa Cyg     1     SWS06  2706   +        -       -        PHT-S, PHT-C
		      SWS01  3600
		      PHT40   120
		2     PHT22   355
7  AG Car       2     SWS01  1116   +        -       -        PHT-S, PHT-C
		      PHT40   120
		      PHT22   125
8  HR Car       3     SWS01  1116   +        -       -        PHT-S, PHT-C
		      PHT40   120
		      PHT22   125
9  P Cyg        1     SWS06  2805   +        -       -     PHT-S, PHT-C CAM-CVF
		2     SWS01  1800
		1     PHT40   120
		2     PHT22   415
		2     CAM01   250
10 Zet1 Sco     2     SWS06  4459   -        -       -        PHT-S, PHT-C
		      PHT40   120
		      PHT22   230
11 CPD-57 2874  3     SWS01  1116   +        -       -        PHT-S
		      PHT40   120
12 CPD-52 9243  3     SWS01  1116   +        -       -        PHT-S
		      PHT40   120
13 He 3-591     3     SWS01  1116   +        -       -        PHT-S
		      PHT40   120
14 He 3-519     2     SWS01  1980   +        -       -        PHT-S
		      PHT40   120
15 HD 87643     2     SWS01  1116   +        -       -        PHT-S
		      PHT40   120
16 Mu Nor       3     SWS06  5235   -        -       -        PHT-S
		      PHT40   120
17 HR 6261      2     SWS06  5370   -        -       -        PHT-S
		      PHT40   120
18 Eta Car      2     SWS01  1116   -        -       -        PHT-S
		      PHT40   120

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS06",1.,"N", "Alfa Cyg    ", 20.66206,  45.10056, 1950, 0.,0., 2706,  2
 2, "SWS01",1.,"N", "Alfa Cyg    ", 20.66206,  45.10056, 1950, 0.,0., 3600,  3
 3, "PHT40",1.,"N", "Alfa Cyg    ", 20.66206,  45.10056, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  4
 4, "PHT22",2.,"N", "Alfa Cyg    ", 20.66206,  45.10056, 1950, 0.,0.,  355,  0
 5, "SWS01",2.,"N", "AG Car      ", 10.90292, -60.18583, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  6
 6, "PHT40",2.,"N", "AG Car      ", 10.90292, -60.18583, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  7
 7, "PHT22",2.,"N", "AG Car      ", 10.90292, -60.18583, 1950, 0.,0.,  125,  0
 8, "SWS01",3.,"N", "HR Car      ", 10.35200, -59.37111, 1950, 0.,0., 1116,  9
 9, "PHT40",3.,"N", "HR Car      ", 10.35200, -59.37111, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 10
10, "PHT22",3.,"N", "HR Car      ", 10.35200, -59.37111, 1950, 0.,0.,  125,  0
11, "SWS06",1.,"N", "P Cyg       ", 20.26569,  37.87639, 1950, 0.,0., 2805, 12
12, "SWS01",2.,"N", "P Cyg       ", 20.26569,  37.87639, 1950, 0.,0., 1800, 13
13, "PHT40",1.,"N", "P Cyg       ", 20.26569,  37.87639, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 14
14, "PHT22",2.,"N", "P Cyg       ", 20.26569,  37.87639, 1950, 0.,0.,  415, 15
15, "CAM01",2.,"N", "P Cyg       ", 20.26569,  37.87639, 1950, 0.,0.,  250,  0
16, "SWS06",2.,"N", "Zet1 Sco    ", 16.84103, -42.28056, 1950, 0.,0., 4459, 17
17, "PHT40",2.,"N", "Zet1 Sco    ", 16.84103, -42.28056, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 18
18, "PHT22",2.,"N", "Zet1 Sco    ", 16.84103, -42.28056, 1950, 0.,0.,  230,  0
19, "SWS01",3.,"N", "CPD-57 2874 ", 10.22667, -57.61306, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 20
20, "PHT40",3.,"N", "CPD-57 2874 ", 10.22667, -57.61306, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
21, "SWS01",3.,"N", "CPD-52 9243 ", 16.05261, -52.92833, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 22
22, "PHT40",3.,"N", "CPD-52 9243 ", 16.05261, -52.92833, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
23, "SWS01",3.,"N", "He 3-591    ", 11.10917, -60.44167, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 24
24, "PHT40",3.,"N", "He 3-591    ", 11.10917, -60.44167, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
25, "SWS01",2.,"N", "He 3-519    ", 10.86647, -60.17889, 1950, 0.,0., 1980, 26
26, "PHT40",2.,"N", "He 3-519    ", 10.86647, -60.17889, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
27, "SWS01",2.,"N", "HD 87643    ", 10.04714, -58.42083, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 28
28, "PHT40",2.,"N", "HD 87643    ", 10.04714, -58.42083, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
29, "SWS06",3.,"N", "Mu Nor      ", 16.50869, -43.94139, 1950, 0.,0., 5235, 30
30, "PHT40",3.,"N", "Mu Nor      ", 16.50869, -43.94139, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
31, "SWS06",2.,"N", "HR 6261     ", 16.84100, -41.91333, 1950, 0.,0., 5370, 32
32, "PHT40",2.,"N", "HR 6261     ", 16.84100, -41.91333, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
33, "SWS01",2.,"N", "Eta Car     ", 10.71858, -59.42111, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 34
34, "PHT40",2.,"N", "Eta Car     ", 10.71858, -59.42111, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS06",1.,"N", "Zeta Pup    ",  8.03042, -39.86111, 1950, 0.,0., 4715,  2
 2, "SWS01",2.,"N", "Zeta Pup    ",  8.03042, -39.86111, 1950, 0.,0., 1800,  3
 3, "PHT40",2.,"N", "Zeta Pup    ",  8.03042, -39.86111, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  4
 4, "PHT22",2.,"N", "Zeta Pup    ",  8.03042, -39.86111, 1950, 0.,0.,  230,  0
 5, "SWS06",2.,"N", "Eps Ori     ",  5.56122,  -1.23167, 1950, 0.,0., 7432,  6
 6, "PHT40",2.,"N", "Eps Ori     ",  5.56122,  -1.23167, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  7
 7, "PHT22",2.,"N", "Eps Ori     ",  5.56122,  -1.23167, 1950, 0.,0.,  230,  0
 8, "SWS06",3.,"N", "Omi2 CMa    ",  7.01558, -23.75861, 1950, 0.,0., 4519,  9
 9, "PHT40",3.,"N", "Omi2 CMa    ",  7.01558, -23.75861, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 10
10, "PHT22",3.,"N", "Omi2 CMa    ",  7.01558, -23.75861, 1950, 0.,0.,  160,  0
11, "SWS06",3.,"N", "Eta CMa     ",  7.36858, -29.20389, 1950, 0.,0., 2972, 12
12, "PHT40",3.,"N", "Eta CMa     ",  7.36858, -29.20389, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 13
13, "PHT22",3.,"N", "Eta CMa     ",  7.36858, -29.20389, 1950, 0.,0.,  160,  0
14, "SWS06",2.,"N", "Beta Ori    ",  5.20222,  -8.25806, 1950, 0.,0., 2910, 15
15, "SWS01",2.,"N", "Beta Ori    ",  5.20222,  -8.25806, 1950, 0.,0., 3600, 16
16, "PHT40",2.,"N", "Beta Ori    ",  5.20222,  -8.25806, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 17
17, "PHT22",2.,"N", "Beta Ori    ",  5.20222,  -8.25806, 1950, 0.,0.,  355,  0
18, "SWS06",1.,"N", "Alfa Cyg    ", 20.66206,  45.10056, 1950, 0.,0., 2706, 19
19, "SWS01",1.,"N", "Alfa Cyg    ", 20.66206,  45.10056, 1950, 0.,0., 3600, 20
20, "PHT40",1.,"N", "Alfa Cyg    ", 20.66206,  45.10056, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 21
21, "PHT22",2.,"N", "Alfa Cyg    ", 20.66206,  45.10056, 1950, 0.,0.,  355,  0
22, "SWS01",2.,"N", "AG Car      ", 10.90292, -60.18583, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 23
23, "PHT40",2.,"N", "AG Car      ", 10.90292, -60.18583, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 24
24, "PHT22",2.,"N", "AG Car      ", 10.90292, -60.18583, 1950, 0.,0.,  125,  0
25, "SWS01",3.,"N", "HR Car      ", 10.35200, -59.37111, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 26
26, "PHT40",3.,"N", "HR Car      ", 10.35200, -59.37111, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 27
27, "PHT22",3.,"N", "HR Car      ", 10.35200, -59.37111, 1950, 0.,0.,  125,  0
28, "SWS06",1.,"N", "P Cyg       ", 20.26569,  37.87639, 1950, 0.,0., 2805, 29
29, "SWS01",2.,"N", "P Cyg       ", 20.26569,  37.87639, 1950, 0.,0., 1800, 30
30, "PHT40",1.,"N", "P Cyg       ", 20.26569,  37.87639, 1950, 0.,0.,  120, 31
31, "PHT22",2.,"N", "P Cyg       ", 20.26569,  37.87639, 1950, 0.,0.,  415, 32
32, "CAM01",2.,"N", "P Cyg       ", 20.26569,  37.87639, 1950, 0.,0.,  250,  0
33, "SWS01",3.,"N", "CPD-57 2874 ", 10.22667, -57.61306, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 34
34, "PHT40",3.,"N", "CPD-57 2874 ", 10.22667, -57.61306, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
35, "SWS01",3.,"N", "He 3-591    ", 11.10917, -60.44167, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 36
36, "PHT40",3.,"N", "He 3-591    ", 11.10917, -60.44167, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
37, "SWS01",2.,"N", "He 3-519    ", 10.86647, -60.17889, 1950, 0.,0., 1980, 38
38, "PHT40",2.,"N", "He 3-519    ", 10.86647, -60.17889, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
39, "SWS01",2.,"N", "HD 87643    ", 10.04714, -58.42083, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 40
40, "PHT40",2.,"N", "HD 87643    ", 10.04714, -58.42083, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0
41, "SWS01",2.,"N", "Eta Car     ", 10.71858, -59.42111, 1950, 0.,0., 1116, 42
42, "PHT40",2.,"N", "Eta Car     ", 10.71858, -59.42111, 1950, 0.,0.,  120,  0