<=== observer ===>
"Helou, G.",\
"Infrared Processing and Analysis Center",\
"California Institute of Technology",\
"1201 E. California Blvd.",\
"MailCode 100-22",\
"Pasadena, CA",\
"1  818 3979555",\
"1  818 3979600",\

<=== proposal ===>
{"irregular galaxies", "early-type galaxies", "normal galaxies",\
"starburst galaxies", "star formation"},\
{"Hollenbach, D.J.","Thronson, H.A., Jr.","Stacey, G.J.","Rubin, R.H.",\
"Dinerstein, H.L.", "Lord, S.D.", "Werner, M.","Hunter, D.A.", "Lo, K.Y.",\
"Beichman, C.A."}

<=== title ===>
The Interstellar Medium of Normal Galaxies: Properties and Evolution \
Part 6 of 7

<=== abstract ===>


We propose to observe an ensemble of atomic and ionic fine structure lines
and the infrared continuum  to characterize the interstellar medium
and the global star formation process in a broad sample of normal galaxies.
In this context, normal galaxies are those whose luminosity is dominated by
stars and various amounts of ongoing star formation.  Uniquely suited to
the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), these observations will probe the
birth-sites of stars, yield the physical properties of the gas, dust and
radiation field, and refine our picture of the global energetics in
galaxies.  We propose to study about 70 unresolved galaxies and selected
regions of eight nearby, spatially resolved galaxies: NGC 6946, NGC 4449,
IC 10, NGC 1313, NGC6744, NGC 2366 or NGC 6822, M101 or NGC 1365 and NGC

We plan to use the LWS to probe the warm neutral phase with the [CII]
line at 158 um, and [OI] at 63 um, and to probe HII regions with [NII] at
122 um, [NIII] at 57 um, and the [OIII] lines at 88 and 52 um.  We propose
to measure with PHOT the spectral energy distribution of our sources
between 100 and 200 um to supplement IRAS data, and to obtain their images
at 7 and 15 um using CAM.  For the brighter sources, we will also obtain
the 3-12 um spectrum using PHT-S.

We plan then to study how these measured and derived physical parameters
relate to the global properties of galaxies -- morphology and kinematics,
environment, gas content, metallicity, and star formation efficiency.  The
ultimate goal of this program is to constrain the evolutionary processes in
galaxies, discriminating for example between mechanisms for global star
formation activation (cloud-cloud collisions or gravitational instability),
and suppression (spatial dispersal or photodissociation and heating).

Normal galaxies account for most of the luminous mass in the local
Universe.  The galaxies we would study sample wide ranges in total
luminosity ($10^8-10^{10} L_{sun}$), infrared-to-blue luminosity ratio
(0.3-50), morphology (S0 to Im; two or three Elliptical), and relative gas
content.  We exclude galaxies with active nuclei (Seyferts), but include a
few objects with extreme infrared-to-blue ratio, or 60 um surface
brightness.  Spatial resolution in nearby galaxies allows us to study
well-defined components such as HII complexes, spiral arms, bars and
inter-arm disk regions, and variations in the properties of gas, dust and
radiation within a disk.


The proposed science objectives will be pursued by probing the ISM in star
forming galaxies using various capabilities available on ISO.  We use LWS
for spectral lines, CAM for mapping the hot dust, and PHOT to detect
long-wavelength emission from cold dust and for near-infrared spectroscopy.

There are two groups of targets in this project: selected positions within
ten nearby, resolved galaxies (proposal parts 6 and 7 of this project), and
about 70 more distant, essentially unresolved galaxies (proposal parts
1 to 6).  The planned observations are essentially the same for all targets
except that some mapping is possible for the nearby sample. The data on the
more distant objects will yield global fluxes, and rough sizes from CAM
The basic set of observations consist of:\
LWS:  A: [CII] 158 um,  [NII] 122 um,\
      B: [OI] 63 um,  [OIII] 88 um,\
      C: [NIII] 57 um, [OIII] 52 um;\
      D: Full spectral scan for the few brightest sources;\
CAM: imaging at 6"/pixel in LW2 (7 um), LW3 (15 um) filters;\
PHT: photometry at 135 um and 200 um, using the C_200 module;\
     resolved galaxies will be partially mapped at 60 um with C_100,\
     and at 135 and 200 um with C_200;\
PHT-S: 3-12 um spectra will be obtained for the brighter targets.\

Wherever possible, especially for bright targets, all these data are
collected for each object.  However, various observations are eliminated
for individual targets if they become too time-consuming.  Thus PHT-S
observations are only carried out for targets with an IRAS 12 um flux
density greater than about 0.3 Jy.  In the case of LWS spectroscopy, as the
targets become fainter, the lines observed are reduced from sets A, B and C
to A and B, and only to A for faint areas within nearby resolved galaxies.
In the case of the very brightest sources, the LWS will be used to scan the
whole spectrum.  Some CAM and PHT observations for certain bright sources
are not included because they already appear in the ISO Central Programme.
Wherever CAM observations are planned, they include both LW2 and LW3
filters and use micro-scanning.  Long-wavelength photometric observations
are made with the PHOT-C instrument and complement the spectroscopy being
carried out with the LWS.

<=== scientific_justification ===>


The LWS integration times are matched to the brightness of the targeted
sources.  For unresolved galaxies we take 60 and 100 um fluxes from the
IRAS PSC and compute the total FIR flux (Helou et al 1988).  We
estimate an expected flux in the CII line F(CII)=0.004*FIR.  We then use
the LWS time estimator to derive the times needed to achieve a noise level
equivalent to 1/50 F(CII) for the NII, OI, OIII (88 um) and NIII lines.
The noise levels targeted for CII and OIII (52 um) are set at 3/50 F(CII).
If the time required for an object became too long, the most time-consuming
lines were dropped.  The resulting times are shown in the AOT lists,
whereas the specific lines for each target are given below in the section

For each resolved galaxy we have estimated the 60 um flux expected in each
LWS beam position using HiRes IRAS maps, and scaled that to an expected CII
flux, using a conservative mean 60/100 um ratio of 0.5.  We then estimated
the integration times following the rules outlined above for unresolved
objects.  The resulting times are shown in the AOT lists, whereas the
specific lines for each target are given below in the section on OBSERVING

For the following bright objects we plan to conduct full spectral scans
with the LWS for the complete wavelength range: N278, N986, N1569, N3620,
N4102, N4418, N4490, N4536, N6000, N6215, UGC2855, UGC2866.


The aim of the PHT-C observations of the unresolved galaxy sample is to
obtain 135 and 200 um observations to determine the amount of cold dust
present in these galaxies. These data will be used in conjunction with IRAS
12-100 um observations and CAM observations to infer the total dust
luminosity, rough temperature distribution and dust mass. The observing
sequence is simple and uses the sparse map AOTs (PHT 37 and PHT39) to
measure an ON and an OFF position for each galaxy in each of the 2
wavelengths with a 32 second integration time.

The second PHOT measurement for distant galaxies consists of spectra taken
with the PHOT-S instrument in the chopped mode (PHT40). 128 second
exposures are taken at ON and OFF positions for all objects brighter than
about 0.3 Jy at 12 um. If we adopt flux density ratios of
fv(7.7)/fv(12)=0.6 (Cohen and Volk 1993) and fv(3.3)/fv(12)=0.05 (Willner
et al 1977) for galaxies, then the sensitivity achieved in these
observations should be adequate to measure the PAH features with an SNR of
at least 5 in all cases. The strength of the silicate feature will be
determined and any strong atomic or ionized lines will be detected.  The
brighter sources will be detectable over a large fraction of the PHT-S
spectral range.

For spatially resolved galaxies, the fundamental observing PHOT mode is to
make one or more strip scans across the galaxy at wavelengths of 60, 135
and 200um. The C100 and C200 arrays are used in conjunction with the sparse
map AOTs. In all cases overlap of at least one pixel is used between array
pointings to ensure adequate sampling and to mitigate against detector
drifts. Integration time is 16 seconds at each point and is driven by the
need for adequate detector stabilization. In the detailed AOTs that follow,
the beginning (PHT37), middle (PHT38) and end points (PHT39) of the scans
are given. It should be noted that each scan is between 7 and 11 points
long. All the intermediate points have been summed together in a single
PHT38 observation of the appropriate integration time. In a few cases the
cost of doing two scans to match up with all LWS positions was prohibitive.
In these cases, individual LWS points were covered with PHT38 observations.
These PHOT observations can be summarized as follows:

Galaxy     |#  Scans 	| # Extra Points | Time(sec)| Lambda
NGC 6946   |2  		| 0		 | 2775     |60,135,200
IC 10      |1   	| 1		 | 1740     |60,135,200
NGC 4258   |1   	| 2		 | 1614     |60,135,200
NGC 1313   |1   	| 0		 | 1445     |60,135,200
NGC 6744   |1   	| 0		 | 1316     |60,135,200


All CAM observations of unresolved galaxies will use the same integration
time of 200 seconds per filter per galaxy. They use micro-scanning in a 3x3
pattern, stepped by 1' in each direction.  The expected 1-sigma surface
brightness is about 5mJy/arcmin^2 (depending on the zodiacal background),
which should be adequate since almost all these sources have more than 100
mJy in an area several times smaller than a square arcminute.  For resolved
galaxies the integration time has been set to reach the same surface
brightness limit for the whole galaxy, and somewhat deeper at faint
locations covered by the LWS beams.


Most unresolved galaxies are observed at six fine-structure lines (CII at
158 um, NII at 122, OI at 63, OIII at 88, NIII at 57 and OIII at 52).  The
following 25 objects however will only be measured with four lines, CII,
NII, OI and OIII (88 um).

MCG -03-06-010  
NGC 3705        
NGC 1317        
NGC 5691        
NGC 5534        
NGC 1341        
NGC 6796        
NGC 5970        
NGC 2742        
NGC 1186        
UGC 02519       
NGC 4519        
NGC 6821        
NGC 1517        
UGC 01449       
NGC 3839        
NGC 3353        
NGC 3239        
UGC 05720       
NGC 2537        
UGC 05613       
NGC 1155        
NGC 3265        

Finally,  two elliptical galaxies, NGC 6958 and NGC 1052.
are observed only at CII and NII.

Reference beam observations for LWS appear labeled by
the source name suffixed with "_R", and are tagged with the position 
of the source itself.  The actual positions to be used for reference
will be determined during phase 2, after examination of the IRAS Sky 
Survey Atlas maps in the target area.


We have selected ten galaxies for spatially resolved observations, of which
six will be observed in either spring or autumn launch cases (N6946, N4449,
IC10, N1313, N4258, N6744), plus N2366 and M101 for an autumn launch, or
N6822 and N1365 for a spring launch.  The proposed observing plans on each
are outlined below:

NGC 6946: This galaxy will be fully mapped, with a pattern of 3 by 5 LWS
beams, plus an extension along the minor axis out to the edge of the HI
envelope. We will also map out a 3' wide strip along each of the minor and
major axes using PHOT at three wavelengths: 60 (C_100), 135 (C_200), and
200 um (C_200).  CAM mapping of the whole disk, roughly 10'x10', plus the
minor axis extension, will be done in a mosaic of 10 separate subfields,
using 10 AOTs whose details will be worked out in phase 2; we show only one
AOT in this listing.

NGC 4449: Three LWS beam positions strung at a position angle of about
30 degrees, sampling the brightest region of the disk. CAM mapping of the
bright inner disk, roughly 5'x5' in one AOT.

IC 10: Three LWS beams centered on star forming complexes.  Because of
the large size and low Galactic latitude of IC10, two reference points
are chosen 12' to either side of the center, in a N-W direction.  The
strip connecting these two points will be mapped by PHOT; the third LWS
position will also be observed with PHOT.  CAM mapping of the inner
bright disk, roughly 5'x5' in one AOT.

NGC 1313: Two LWS beams on the brightest parts of the disk.  One
strip-map will be made with PHOT along the line defined by these two
beam positions.  The whole disk will be mapped with CAM using  two  4'x4' 

NGC 4258: Three LWS beams centered on infrared-bright spots at the
nucleus and on the arms, then two more beams in less bright inter-arm
regions.  One PHT strip-map along the axis defined by the bright spots,
plus single-point observations of the inter-arm regions.  The whole
disk will be mapped with CAM using  two  4'x4' subfields.

NGC 6744: Five LWS beam positions, aligned at a position angle of about
150 degrees, crossing the nuclear infrared-faint region, and two brighter arm
positions.  PHOT strip-map of the same axis.  CAM mapping of the same
strip, in 3 subfields 4'x4' each, only in the spring launch program.

NGC 2366: Two LWS beams.  CAM mapping of a 5'x5' area in one AOT.

NGC 6822: Two LWS beams.  CAM mapping of the disk in two subfields
4'x4' each.

M 101: One LWS beam on the center, one on a bright HII complex to the West,
and a line of six LWS beams connecting two relatively bright HII complexes
and crossing through more quiescent disk regions.  These observations were
coordinated to complement data in the same regions collected by CAM and
PHOT as part of the ISO Central Programme.  

NGC 1365: Three LWS beam positions along the bar, and an additional beam on a
bright complex in the Northern arm.

For these nearby galaxies, the infrared surface brightness of the disk
varies greatly among the various beam positions, even on the same galaxy.
Since we adjust the LWS observation strategy of each beam position to the
expected flux, we list below the specific lines observed at each beam
position in each galaxy.  Three positions, one in each of IC10, N1365, and
N6946, are sufficiently bright that we plan to obtain a full spectral scan
for them over the whole wavelength range of the LWS.

                  158  122   63   88   57   52  um
NGC_6946 Ref        C
NGC_6946 mn-1mj+2   C    N    O    O
NGC_6946 major+2    C    N    O    O
NGC_6946 mn+1mj+2   C    N
NGC_6946 mn-1mj+1   C    N    O    O
NGC_6946 major+1    C    N    O    O    N    O
NGC_6946 mn+1mj+1   C    N    O    O
NGC_6946 minor-1    C    N    O    O
NGC_6946 center     C    N    O    O    N    O   + full spectral scan
NGC_6946 minor+1    C    N    O    O
NGC_6946 mn-1mj-1   C    N    O    O
NGC_6946 major-1    C    N    O    O
NGC_6946 mn+1mj-1   C    N    O    O
NGC_6946 mn-1mj-2   C    N
NGC_6946 major-2    C    N
NGC_6946 mn+1mj-2   C    N
NGC_6946 minor-2    C    N
NGC_6946 minor-3    C    N
NGC_6946 minor-4    C    N
NGC_4449 Ref        C
NGC_4449 North1     C    N    O    O    N    O
NGC_4449 Center     C    N    O    O    N    O   
NGC_4449 South1     C    N
IC_10    Ref        C    N
IC_10    Ref1       C    N
IC_10    North      C    N    O    O    N    O   
IC_10    East       C    N    O    O    N    O   + full spectral scan
IC_10    West       C    N    O    O
NGC_2366 Ref        C
NGC_2366 Center     C    N    O    O
NGC_2366 North      C    N
M101     Ref        C
M101     Center     C    N    O    O
M101     West1      C    N    O    O
M101     NE1        C    N    O    O
M101     NE2        C    N
M101     NE3        C    N
M101     NE4        C    N
M101     NE5        C    N
M101     NE6        C    N
NGC_6822 Ref        C
NGC_6822 North      C    N    O    O    N    O
NGC_6822 South      C    N
NGC_1365 Ref        C
NGC_1365 Center     C    N    O    O    N    O   + full spectral scan
NGC_1365 Bar_East   C    N    O    O    N    O
NGC_1365 Bar_West   C    N
NGC_1365 Arm_N      C    N
NGC_1313 Ref        C
NGC_1313 North      C    N    O    O    N    O
NGC_1313 South      C    N    O    O    N    O
NGC_4258 Ref        C
NGC_4258 South2     C    N    O    O
NGC_4258 South1     C    N
NGC_4258 Center     C    N    O    O    N    O
NGC_4258 North1     C    N
NGC_4258 North2     C    N    O    O
NGC_6744 Ref        C
NGC_6744 North2     C    N
NGC_6744 North1     C    N
NGC_6744 Center     C    N
NGC_6744 South1     C    N
NGC_6744 South2     C    N

NO LINKED observations are requested.

CONCATENATION is requested.  When multiple observations with different
instruments are called for on the same target, the various AOTs are
concatenated.  This follows from the high scientific priority that the
project attaches to obtaining data from the various instruments on the same
objects, rather than obtaining same-instrument data on a large number of
objects.  Concatenation is also used to connect the observations of
contiguous pointings when mapping galaxies.


For the whole SF_GLX project, all 7 parts:

Time distribution for autumn launch targets:
        Team    Top 40%     Next 30%     Last 30%
         USA   119,700      93,600        90,300
       total   119,700      93,600        90,300

Time distribution for spring launch targets:
        Team    Top 40%     Next 30%     Last 30%
         USA   118,400      93,300        90,800
       total   118,400      93,300        90,800

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "NGC 6215        ", 16.85180, -58.99330, 2000, 0., 0.,  872,  2
 2, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "NGC 6215      _R", 16.85180, -58.99330, 2000, 0., 0.,  348,  3
 3, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "NGC 6215        ", 16.85180, -58.99330, 2000, 0., 0.,  362,  0
 4, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "NGC 6000        ", 15.83063, -29.38640, 2000, 0., 0.,  831,  5
 5, "LWS01", 3.,"N", "NGC 6000      _R", 15.83063, -29.38640, 2000, 0., 0.,  348,  6
 6, "PHT40", 3.,"N", "NGC 6000        ", 15.83063, -29.38640, 2000, 0., 0.,  362,  0
 7, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "NGC 4536        ", 12.57413,   2.18840, 2000, 0., 0.,  861,  8
 8, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "NGC 4536      _R", 12.57413,   2.18840, 2000, 0., 0.,  348,  9
 9, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "NGC 4536        ", 12.57413,   2.18840, 2000, 0., 0.,  362,  0
10, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052        ",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0., 1440, 11
11, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052      _R",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0.,  348, 12
12, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052      _C",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0.,  420, 13
13, "PHT37", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052        ",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0.,   66, 14
14, "PHT39", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052        ",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0.,   96, 15
15, "PHT37", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052        ",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0.,   84, 16
16, "PHT39", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052        ",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0.,   94,  0
17, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958        ", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,  930, 18
18, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958      _R", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,  348, 19
19, "CAM01", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958        ", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,  420, 20
20, "PHT37", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958        ", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,   66, 21
21, "PHT39", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958        ", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,   96, 22
22, "PHT37", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958        ", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,   84, 23
23, "PHT39", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958        ", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,   94,  0
24, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 1155        ",  2.97007, -10.34940, 2000, 0., 0., 3780, 25
25, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 1155      _R",  2.97007, -10.34940, 2000, 0., 0.,  348, 26
26, "CAM01", 2.,"N", "NGC 1155        ",  2.97007, -10.34940, 2000, 0., 0.,  420, 27
27, "PHT37", 2.,"N", "NGC 1155        ",  2.97007, -10.34940, 2000, 0., 0.,   66, 28
28, "PHT39", 2.,"N", "NGC 1155        ",  2.97007, -10.34940, 2000, 0., 0.,   96, 29
29, "PHT37", 2.,"N", "NGC 1155        ",  2.97007, -10.34940, 2000, 0., 0.,   84, 30
30, "PHT39", 2.,"N", "NGC 1155        ",  2.97007, -10.34940, 2000, 0., 0.,   94,  0
31, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946Ref     ",20.51931, 60.31305, 1950, 0., 0.,    528,    32
32, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn-1mj+2",20.57144, 59.99570, 1950, 0., 0.,    944,    33
33, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946major+2 ",20.56906, 60.01698, 1950, 0., 0.,   1532,    34
34, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn+1mj+2",20.56668, 60.03825, 1950, 0., 0.,    800,    35
35, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn-1mj+1",20.56861, 59.97784, 1950, 0., 0.,    812,    36
36, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946major+1 ",20.56623, 59.99911, 1950, 0., 0.,   1118,    37
37, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn+1mj+1",20.56385, 60.02040, 1950, 0., 0.,   1988,     0
38, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946minor-1 ",20.56577, 59.95998, 1950, 0., 0.,    770,    39
39, "LWS01",1.,"N", "N6946center  ",20.56339, 59.98126, 1950, 0., 0.,    656,    40
40, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946minor+1 ",20.56101, 60.00254, 1950, 0., 0.,   1544,    41
41, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946minor-2 ",20.55817, 60.02139, 1950, 0., 0.,   1820,    42
42, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946minor-3 ",20.55540, 60.04222, 1950, 0., 0.,   1820,    43
43, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946minor-4 ",20.55262, 60.06305, 1950, 0., 0.,   1820,     0
44, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn-1mj-1",20.56293, 59.94212, 1950, 0., 0.,   1862,    45
45, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946major-1 ",20.56055, 59.96341, 1950, 0., 0.,    836,    46
46, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn+1mj-1",20.55817, 59.98469, 1950, 0., 0.,   1928,    47
47, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn-1mj-2",20.56010, 59.92427, 1950, 0., 0.,    680,    48
48, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946major-2 ",20.55772, 59.94555, 1950, 0., 0.,    590,    49
49, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn+1mj-2",20.55534, 59.96683, 1950, 0., 0.,    632,     0
50,"PHT37",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-NW-60",  20.55058,  60.07861, 1950,0.0,0.0, 328,  51
51,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-P8-60",  20.56339,  59.98139, 1950,0.0,0.0, 301,  52
52,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-SE-60",  20.57620,  59.88417, 1950,0.0,0.0,  43,  53
53,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-NE-60",  20.57734,  60.06933, 1950,0.0,0.0,  43,  54
54,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-P8-60",  20.56339,  59.98139, 1950,0.0,0.0, 301,  55
55,"PHT39",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-SW-60",  20.54944,  59.89345, 1950,0.0,0.0,  83,  56
56,"PHT37",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-NW-135", 20.55023,  60.08129, 1950,0.0,0.0,  70,  57
57,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-P8-135", 20.56339,  59.98139, 1950,0.0,0.0, 301,  58
58,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-SE-135", 20.57655,  59.88149, 1950,0.0,0.0,  43,  59
59,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-NE-135", 20.57772,  60.07175, 1950,0.0,0.0,  43,  60
60,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-P8-135", 20.56339,  59.98139, 1950,0.0,0.0, 301,  61
61,"PHT39",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-SW-135", 20.54906,  59.89102, 1950,0.0,0.0,  80,  62
62,"PHT37",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-NW-200", 20.55023,  60.08129, 1950,0.0,0.0,  70,  63
63,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-P8-200", 20.56339,  59.98139, 1950,0.0,0.0, 301,  64
64,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-SE-200", 20.57655,  59.88149, 1950,0.0,0.0,  43,  65
65,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-NE-200", 20.57772,  60.07175, 1950,0.0,0.0,  43,  66
66,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-P8-200", 20.56339,  59.98139, 1950,0.0,0.0, 301,  67
67,"PHT39",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-SW-200", 20.54906,  59.89102, 1950,0.0,0.0,  80,   0
68, "CAM01", 1.,"N", "NGC 6946 MAP   ",  20.56339, 59.98126, 1950, 0., 0., 6000,  0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "UGC 02855       ",  3.80635,  70.13320, 2000, 0., 0.,  828,  2
 2, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "UGC 02855     _R",  3.80635,  70.13320, 2000, 0., 0.,  348,  3
 3, "PHT40", 2.,"N", "UGC 02855       ",  3.80635,  70.13320, 2000, 0., 0.,  362,  0
 4, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052        ",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0., 1440,  5
 5, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052      _R",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0.,  348,  6
 6, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052      _C",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0.,  420,  7
 7, "PHT37", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052        ",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0.,   66,  8
 8, "PHT39", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052        ",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0.,   96,  9
 9, "PHT37", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052        ",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0.,   84, 10
10, "PHT39", 2.,"N", "NGC 1052        ",  2.68466,  -8.25560, 2000, 0., 0.,   94,  0
11, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958        ", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,  930, 12
12, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958      _R", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,  348, 13
13, "CAM01", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958        ", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,  420, 14
14, "PHT37", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958        ", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,   66, 15
15, "PHT39", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958        ", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,   96, 16
16, "PHT37", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958        ", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,   84, 17
17, "PHT39", 2.,"N", "NGC 6958        ", 20.81190, -37.99610, 2000, 0., 0.,   94,  0
18, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 3265        ", 10.51861,  28.79660, 2000, 0., 0., 5880, 19
19, "LWS02", 2.,"N", "NGC 3265      _R", 10.51861,  28.79660, 2000, 0., 0.,  348, 20
20, "PHT37", 2.,"N", "NGC 3265        ", 10.51861,  28.79660, 2000, 0., 0.,   66, 21
21, "PHT39", 2.,"N", "NGC 3265        ", 10.51861,  28.79660, 2000, 0., 0.,   96, 22
22, "PHT37", 2.,"N", "NGC 3265        ", 10.51861,  28.79660, 2000, 0., 0.,   84, 23
23, "PHT39", 2.,"N", "NGC 3265        ", 10.51861,  28.79660, 2000, 0., 0.,   94,  0
24, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946Ref     ",20.51931, 60.31305, 1950, 0., 0.,    528, 25
25, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn-1mj+2",20.57144, 59.99570, 1950, 0., 0.,    944, 26
26, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946major+2 ",20.56906, 60.01698, 1950, 0., 0.,   1532, 27
27, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn+1mj+2",20.56668, 60.03825, 1950, 0., 0.,    800, 28
28, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn-1mj+1",20.56861, 59.97784, 1950, 0., 0.,    812, 29
29, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946major+1 ",20.56623, 59.99911, 1950, 0., 0.,   1118, 30
30, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn+1mj+1",20.56385, 60.02040, 1950, 0., 0.,   1988,  0
31, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946minor-1 ",20.56577, 59.95998, 1950, 0., 0.,    770, 32
32, "LWS01",1.,"N", "N6946center  ",20.56339, 59.98126, 1950, 0., 0.,    656, 33
33, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946minor+1 ",20.56101, 60.00254, 1950, 0., 0.,   1544, 34
34, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946minor-2 ",20.55817, 60.02139, 1950, 0., 0.,   1820, 35
35, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946minor-3 ",20.55540, 60.04222, 1950, 0., 0.,   1820, 36
36, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946minor-4 ",20.55262, 60.06305, 1950, 0., 0.,   1820,  0
37, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn-1mj-1",20.56293, 59.94212, 1950, 0., 0.,   1862, 38
38, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946major-1 ",20.56055, 59.96341, 1950, 0., 0.,    836, 39
39, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn+1mj-1",20.55817, 59.98469, 1950, 0., 0.,   1928, 40
40, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn-1mj-2",20.56010, 59.92427, 1950, 0., 0.,    680, 41
41, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946major-2 ",20.55772, 59.94555, 1950, 0., 0.,    590, 42
42, "LWS02",1.,"N", "N6946mn+1mj-2",20.55534, 59.96683, 1950, 0., 0.,    632,  0
43,"PHT37",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-NW-60",  20.55058,  60.07861, 1950,0.0,0.0, 328,  44
44,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-P8-60",  20.56339,  59.98139, 1950,0.0,0.0, 301,  45
45,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-SE-60",  20.57620,  59.88417, 1950,0.0,0.0,  43,  46
46,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-NE-60",  20.57734,  60.06933, 1950,0.0,0.0,  43,  47
47,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-P8-60",  20.56339,  59.98139, 1950,0.0,0.0, 301,  48
48,"PHT39",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-SW-60",  20.54944,  59.89345, 1950,0.0,0.0,  83,  49
49,"PHT37",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-NW-135", 20.55023,  60.08129, 1950,0.0,0.0,  70,  50
50,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-P8-135", 20.56339,  59.98139, 1950,0.0,0.0, 301,  51
51,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-SE-135", 20.57655,  59.88149, 1950,0.0,0.0,  43,  52
52,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-NE-135", 20.57772,  60.07175, 1950,0.0,0.0,  43,  53
53,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-P8-135", 20.56339,  59.98139, 1950,0.0,0.0, 301,  54
54,"PHT39",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-SW-135", 20.54906,  59.89102, 1950,0.0,0.0,  80,  55
55,"PHT37",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-NW-200", 20.55023,  60.08129, 1950,0.0,0.0,  70,  56
56,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-P8-200", 20.56339,  59.98139, 1950,0.0,0.0, 301,  57
57,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-SE-200", 20.57655,  59.88149, 1950,0.0,0.0,  43,  58
58,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-NE-200", 20.57772,  60.07175, 1950,0.0,0.0,  43,  59
59,"PHT38",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-P8-200", 20.56339,  59.98139, 1950,0.0,0.0, 301,  60
60,"PHT39",3.0, "N",  "NGC6946-SW-200", 20.54906,  59.89102, 1950,0.0,0.0,  80,   0
61, "CAM01", 1.,"N", "NGC 6946 MAP   ",  20.56339, 59.98126, 1950, 0., 0., 6000,  0