<=== observer ===>
"van Dishoeck, E.F.",\
"Leiden Observatory",\
"P.O. Box 9513",\
"2300 RA",\
"The Netherlands",\
"31 71  275874",\
"31 71  275819",\

<=== proposal ===>
"MOLSPEC", 1, 2,\
"molecular clouds",\
"young stellar objects",\
"star formation"},\
{"Th. De Graauw",\
"SRON Groningen",\
"P.O.-Box 800",\
"9700 AV Groningen",\
"The Netherlands",\
"F.P. Helmich",\
"Leiden Observatory",\
"SRON Groningen",\
"P.O.-Box 9513",\
"2300 RA Leiden",\
"The Netherlands",\
"J.H. Black",\
"Steward Observatory",\
"Univ. of Arizona",\
"Tucson AZ85721",\

<=== title ===>

<=== abstract ===>

We propose to use the ISO-SWS to observe a number of lines of
gas-phase interstellar and circumstellar molecules in the 2.5-45
micron range.  The objective is to study the abundance and
excitation of these species in a variety of sources and to assess their
diagnostic capabilities both for the chemical and physical conditions.
Key molecules for observation are H2, HD, H2O, OH, CO2, C2H2, HCCCCH and CH3.

We propose to carry out a significant fraction of these observations at the
beginning of the ISO mission so that the results can be fed back into the
other SWS observations.  The total amount of time for this proposal is
29.75 hours in case of the Sagittarius hole (spring launch) and 29.25 hours
in case of the Orion hole (autumn launch).

The proposal is divided into three parts:

1.  Absorption line studies of vibration-rotation lines of gas-phase
interstellar molecules.  Most of the observing time
will be spent on this part of the proposal, and it is the gas-phase
complement of the Whittet et al. dust proposal.

The emphasis will be on molecules which have bands in the wavelength region
covered by the Fabry-Perot. The most important species are CO2, which is
expected to be a sensitive diagnostic of grain-surface chemistry; CH3, which
is an important cornerstone of the carbon chemistry network; and C2H2
(acetylene) and HCCCCH (di-acetylene), which are both good chemical and
temperature diagnostics.  These molecules (and their isotopes) cannot be
observed through millimeter emission lines, and most of their infrared lines
lie in wavelength regions that are not observable from the ground.  In
addition, for most lines of sight observations of the principal rotational
lines of H2 and in some cases HD will be attempted. Molecules such as C2H,
HCN, SO2 and SiS have already been detected through millimeter observations,
but the infrared absorption lines will give valuable complementary information
on the excitation.  A few more complex organic molecules such as ethane will be
searched for in only 1-2 sources. The H2, HD, CO2 and H2O observations toward
Orion IRc2 or SgrA-W will be performed in collaboration with the Garching
group. In order to constrain the elemental abundances, we have added
observations of the fine-structure lines of O I, C II, Fe II, Fe I, Si II and
S I.

2.  Absorption lines of H2, CO2, CH3, C2H2 and HCCCCH with the Fabry-Perot
toward IRC +10216.

3.  Emission line studies of H2, HD, OH and H2O pure rotational lines and
atomic fine structure lines in selected objects. The amount of time for this
part will be about 4-5 hours.

The emphasis is here on the diagnostic capabilities of these molecules
in a variety of objects (including shocks, PDRs, and star-forming
regions), for comparison with excitation models already developed by the


The lines and bands of the various molecules that we propose to observe are
summarized in the Tables at the end of the Scientific Justification section.
For the absorption and circumstellar part, the integration times are such that
a S/N of at least 100 (but often significantly more) on the continuum is
reached with the grating. For the Fabry-Perot, the required S/N on the
continuum is typically 50-100, and occasionally up to 200 (H2 and CO2 toward
W3IRS5, IRC+10216). The grating observations will be observed in parallel with
the Fabry-Perot observations using SWS AOT07. Complementary observations of
the OH, H2O, O and HD lines at longer wavelengths will be made with the
Fabry-Perot LWS AOT04. The integration time per LWS line is taken to be 2 min,
so that a S/N>100 on the continuum is reached for all sources (using 3 res
elements on either side of the line with 4 spectral samples per resolution
element in the fast scanning mode).

For the emission part, the requested S/N varies from 10 (H2 lines at 2 mu) to
>100 (H2 lines at 17, 28 mu). A few of the strongest lines will also be
observed with the Fabry Perot. At longer wavelengths, a complete medium
resolution line scan with the LWS AOT01 will be taken for IC 63, IC 443 and
DR21 FIR1. In addition, for IC 443 and DR21, LWS Fabry-Perot measurements of
lines of OH, H2O, HD and O will made with AOT04, whereas OH, HD and O lines
will be observed for HH 7. The integration time per LWS line is again taken to
be 2 min, resulting in S/N>10 on the expected line strength. Note that the
predicted strengths of the H2O and OH lines are particularly uncertain, due to
unknown abundances, excitation effects and beam filling factors. Concatenation
is required for all SWS AOT02 and AOT07 observations to ensure that the
orientation/position angle of the SWS slit on the source is the same. It is
recommended for SWS and LWS observations on the same source to save overhead
for slewing. Please contact the PI in case of scheduling problems due to
long integration times.

<=== scientific_justification ===>

Time distribution for autumn launch targets:

TEAM: total  top 40%  second 30%  last 30%
SWS : 105300   63005     28177      14118

Time distribution for spring launch targets:

TEAM: total  top 40%  second 30%  last 30%
SWS : 107100   53302     34717      19081

Autumn Launch
   Name                     RA          Dec     epoch Solar AOT Grade  Time
1  Sgr A-W IRS3         17 42 28.9   -28 59 14   1950.0 N SWS07   1   15281  2
2  Sgr A-W IRS3         17 42 28.9   -28 59 14   1950.0 N SWS07   1    4165  3
3  Sgr A-W IRS3         17 42 28.9   -28 59 14   1950.0 N LWS04   1    2420  0
4  W3 IRS5              02 21 53.4   +61 52 21   1950.0 N SWS07   1   16021  5
5  W3 IRS5              02 21 53.4   +61 52 21   1950.0 N LWS01   1     500  6
6  W3 IRS5              02 21 53.4   +61 52 21   1950.0 N LWS04   1    3620  0
7  GL 2591 NIRS01       20 27 35.8   +40 01 14   1950.0 N SWS07   1   19418  8
8  GL 2591 NIRS01       20 27 35.8   +40 01 14   1950.0 N LWS04   1    1580  0
9  S 140 IRS1           22 17 41.08  +63 03 41.6 1950.0 N SWS07   2    8791 10
10 S 140 IRS1           22 17 41.08  +63 03 41.6 1950.0 N LWS04   2    1580  0
11 GL 2136              18 19 36.6   -13 31 40   1950.0 N SWS07   2    7049 12
12 GL 2136              18 19 36.6   -13 31 40   1950.0 N LWS04   2    1580  0
13 NGC 7538 IRS9        23 11 52.8   +61 10 59   1950.0 N SWS07   3    4705 14
14 NGC 7538 IRS9        23 11 52.8   +61 10 59   1950.0 N LWS04   3    1580  0
15 DR 21 FIR1           20 37 13.4   +42 13 57   1950.0 N SWS02   2    2512 16
16 DR 21 FIR1           20 37 13.4   +42 13 57   1950.0 N SWS07   2    1442 17
17 DR 21 FIR1           20 37 13.4   +42 13 57   1950.0 N LWS01   2     500 18
18 DR 21 FIR1           20 37 13.4   +42 13 57   1950.0 N LWS04   2    1401  0
19 IC 63                00 55 58.0   +60 37 07   1950.0 N SWS02   2    2822 20
20 IC 63                00 55 58.0   +60 37 07   1950.0 N LWS01   2     500  0
21 W51 Main             19 21 26.2   +14 24 43   1950.0 N SWS02   3    1958 22
22 W51 Main             19 21 26.2   +14 24 43   1950.0 N SWS07   3    3226  0
23 IRC +10216           09 45 14.8   +13 30 40   1950.0 N SWS07   3    2649  0

Spring Launch
1  Orion IRc2           05 32 46.8   -05 24 25   1950.0 N SWS07   1   14902  0
2  W3 IRS5              02 21 53.4   +61 52 21   1950.0 N SWS07   1   16021  3
3  W3 IRS5              02 21 53.4   +61 52 21   1950.0 N LWS01   1     500  4
4  W3 IRS5              02 21 53.4   +61 52 21   1950.0 N LWS04   1    3620  0
5  NGC 2024 IRS2        05 39 14.27  -01 55 59   1950.0 N SWS07   2   13824  6
6  NGC 2024 IRS2        05 39 14.27  -01 55 59   1950.0 N LWS04   2    1820  0
7  GL 989               06 38 24.9   +09 32 29   1950.0 N SWS07   1    7842  8
8  GL 989               06 38 24.9   +09 32 29   1950.0 N LWS04   1    1580  0
9  GL 961 W(+E)         06 31 58.81  +04 15 06.8 1950.0 N SWS07   2    7339  0
10 GL 890               06 08 21.4   -06 12 27   1950.0 N SWS07   3    5556 11
11 GL 890               06 08 21.4   -06 12 27   1950.0 N LWS04   3    1580  0
12 GL 490               03 23 38.9   +58 36 33   1950.0 N SWS07   3    7716 13
13 GL 490               03 23 38.9   +58 36 33   1950.0 N LWS04   3    1580  0
14 HH 7                 03 26 03.0   +31 05 10   1950.0 N SWS02   2    4552 15
15 HH 7                 03 26 03.0   +31 05 10   1950.0 N SWS07   2    2040 16
16 HH 7                 03 26 03.0   +31 05 10   1950.0 N LWS04   2    1820  0
17 IC 63                00 55 58.0   +60 37 07   1950.0 N SWS02   2    2822 18
18 IC 63                00 55 58.0   +60 37 07   1950.0 N LWS01   2     500  0
19 IC 443 G             06 13 41.0   +22 33 10   1950.0 N SWS02   1    3320 20
20 IC 443 G             06 13 41.0   +22 33 10   1950.0 N SWS07   1    1766 21
21 IC 443 G             06 13 41.0   +22 33 10   1950.0 N LWS01   1     500 22
22 IC 443 G             06 13 41.0   +22 33 10   1950.0 N LWS04   1    3251  0
23 IRC +10216           09 45 14.8   +13 30 40   1950.0 N SWS07   3    2649  0

		      COORDINATES (1950)

IC 63                00 55 58     +60 37 07
W3 IRS5              02 21 53.4   +61 52 21
GL 490               03 23 38.9   +58 36 33
HH 7                 03 26 03     +31 05 10
Orion IRc2           05 32 46.8   -05 24 25
NGC 2024 IRS2        05 39 14.27  -01 55 59
GL 890               06 08 21.4   -06 12 27
IC 443G              06 13 41.0   +22 33 10
GL 961 W(+E)         06 31 58.81  +04 15 06.8
GL 989               06 38 24.9   +09 32 29
IRC+10216            09 45 14.8   +13 30 40
Sgr A-W IRS3         17 42 28.9   -28 59 14
GL 2136              18 19 36.6   -13 31 40
W51 Main             19 21 26.2   +14 24 43
GL 2591 NIRS01       20 27 35.8   +40 01 14
DR 21 FIR1           20 37 13.4   +42 13 57
S 140 IRS1           22 17 41.08  +63 03 41.6
NGC 7538 IRS9        23 11 52.8   +61 10 59


		      Sagittarius hole

      Source            Total time (hr)          Priority
      Orion IRc2           4.1                       1*
      W3IRS5               5.6                       1
      N2264 = GL989        2.6                       1
      N2024 IRS2           4.3                       2
      GL 961               2.0                       2
      GL 890               2.0                       3
      GL 490               2.6                       3

		      Orion hole

      Source            Total time (hr)          Priority
      Sgr A-W             6.1                      1*
      W3IRS5              5.6                      1
      GL 2591             5.8                      1
      GL 2136             2.4                      2
      S140                2.9                      2
      N7538 IRS9          1.7                      3
      * H2, HD, H2O and CO2 observations in collaboration with
	Garching group

		ABSORPTION PART: Sagittarius hole

Lambda       Line/           Orion W3IRS5 N2024  N2264  GL961  GL490 GL890
	     Band             IRc2               GL989

2.64-2.73    H2O v1+v3         +    +       +      +      -      +     -
3.20-3.40    CH4 v3            +    -       -      -      -      -     -
4.20-4.32    CO2 v3            +    +       +      +      +      +     -
5.70-6.60    H2O + H218O v2;   +    +       +      +      +      +     +
	     NH3; H2CO; CS2
6.89-6.99    HDO v2; C2H4 v12  +    +       +      +      +      +     +
7.47-7.77    CH4 v4            +    +       +      +      +      +     +
12.08-12.20  CH3CH3            +    +       +      -      +      +     +
12.20-12.30  H2 S(2)          Gar   +       +      +      +      +     +
13.30-13.50  SiS               +    +       -      -      -      -     -
13.60-13.80  C2H2 v2           +    +       +      +      +      +     +
13.90-14.20  HCN v2            +    +       +      +      +      +     +
14.30-15.60  CO2 v2            +    +       +      +      +      +     +
15.80-16.00  HCCCCH v8         +    +       +      +      +      +     +
16.00-16.52  CH3 v2            +    +       +      +      +      +     +
16.99-17.07  H2 S(1)          Gar   +       +      +      +      +     +
18.00-19.00  SO2 v2            +    +       +      +      +      +     -
19.00-20.50  SO2 v2            +    +       +      +      +      +     -
26.70-27.20  C2H v2            +    +       +      -      -      -     -
28.00-29.00  H2 S(0)          Gar   +       +      +      +      +     +
37.20-39.60  CH3OH             +    +       +      -      -      +     +


12.16029  CH3CH3               +    +       +      -      -      -     -
12.14071  CH3CH3               +    -       -      -      -      -     -
12.27861  H2 S(2)             Gar   +       +      +      -      +     -
13.42141  SiS R(0)             +    +       -      -      -      -     -
13.37866  SiS R(4)             +    -       -      -      -      -     -
13.33702  SiS R(8)             +    +       -      -      -      -     -
13.70978  C2H2 Q               +    +       +      -      -      -     -
13.73068  13CCH2 Q             +    +       +      -      -      -     -
14.16050  H13CN Q              +    -       +      -      -      -     -
14.98085  CO2 Q                +    +       +      +      +      +     +
14.82709  CO2 R(8)             +    +       +      -      -      -     -
14.74999  CO2 R(14)            -    +       +      -      -      -     -
14.72352  CO2 R(16)            +    -       -      -      -      -     -
15.41933  13CO2*               +    +       -      -      -      -     -
15.92600  HCCCCH Q             +    +       +      -      -      -     -
15.91882  HCCCCH R(0)          +    +       -      -      -      -     -
15.84489  HCCCCH R(10)         +    +       -      -      -      -     -
16.00080  CH3 R(0,0)           +    +       -      -      -      -     -
16.49670  CH3 Q                +    +       +      -      -      -     -
17.03483  H2 S(1)             Gar   +       +      +      +      +     +
19.75600  SO2                  +    -       -      -      -      -     -
19.87900  SO2                  +    +       -      -      -      -     -
23.03376  HD R(4)             Gar   +       -      -      -      -     -
24.0424   Fe I                Gar   +       +      -      -      -     -
25.2490   S I                 Gar   +       +      -      -      -     -
25.9402   o-H2O               Gar   +       +      -      -      -     -
25.9882   Fe II               Gar   +       +      +      -      -     -
27.1      C2H                  +    -       -      -      -      -     -
28.21883  H2 S(0)             Gar   +       +      +      +      +     +
28.50197  HD R(3)             Gar   +       +      -      -      -     -
28.9138   p-H2O               Gar   +       +      -      -      -     +
28.94     OH 7/2-5/2          Gar   +       -      -      -      -     -
29.8366   o-H2O               Gar   +       +      -      -      -     -
31.7715   o-H2O               Gar   +       +      +      -      +     +
34.6294   OH 5/2-3/2          Gar   +       +      +      -      +     +
34.8140   Si II               Gar   +       +      +      -      -     -
35.4710   p-H2O               Gar   +       -      -      -      -     -
37.4749   o-H2O               Gar   +       -      -      -      -     -
37.70155  HD R(2)             Gar   +       +      -      -      -     -
37.51946  CH3OH R1             +    +       +      -      -      -     -
38.93579  CH3OH P1             +    +       +      -      -      -     -
40.6904   o-H2O               Gar   +       +      -      -      +     +
43.3393   o-H2O               Gar   +       -      -      -      -     -

LWS Fabry Perot:
112.07251  HD R(0)            Bal   +       vD     vD     -      -     -
119.4417   OH 5/2-3/2         Bal   +       +      +     Cox     +     +
 84.4204   OH 7/2-5/2         Bal   +       +      +      -      +     +
 65.2789   OH 9/2-7/2         Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
163.1243   OH 3/2-1/2         Bal   +       +      +      -      +     +
 98.7369   OH 5/2-3/2         Bal   +       +      -      -      -     -
 71.2158   OH 7/2-5/2         Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
 79.1817   OH 1/2-3/2         Bal   +       +      -      -      -     -
 96.3122   OH 3/2-5/2         Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
 53.3513   OH 3/2-3/2         Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
 48.8168   OH 5/2-5/2         Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
120.1726   18OH 5/2-3/2       Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
180.4880   o-H2O 2_21-2_12    Bal   +       +      +      -      +     +
179.5265   o-H2O 2_12-1_01    Bal   +       +      +     Cox     +     +
174.6264   o-H2O 3_03-2_12    Bal   +       +      +      -      +     +
136.4944   o-H2O 3_30-3_21    Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
134.9346   o-H2O 5_14-5_05    Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
113.5366   o-H2O 4_14-3_03    Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
108.0730   o-H2O 2_21-1_10    Bal   +       +      +     Cox     +     +
 99.4924   o-H2O 5_05-4_14    Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
 78.7414   o-H2O 4_23-3_12    Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
 82.0304   o-H2O 6_16-5_05    Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
 75.3804   o-H2O 3_21-2_12    Bal   +       +      +     Cox     +     +
 66.4372   o_H2O 3_30-2_21    Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
156.1930   p-H2O 3_22-3_13    Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
138.5272   p-H2O 3_13-2_02    Bal   +       -      -     Cox     -     -
126.7126   p-H2O 3_31-3_22    Bal   -       -      -      -      -     -
100.9828   p-H2O 2_20-1_11    Bal   +       +      +     Cox     +     +
181.0512   o-H218O 2_12-1_01  Bal   +       +      +     Cox     +     +
109.3470   o-H218O 2_21-1_10  Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
102.0044   p-H218O 2_20-1_11  Bal   +       -      -      -      -     -
 63.1700   O I 1-2            Bal   -       +      +      -      +     +
145.5255   O I 0-1            Bal   -       +      +      -      +     +
157.7410   C II               Bal   -       +      +      -      +     +


Lambda       Line/            Sgr A-W  W3IRS5 GL2591  S140 GL2136 N7538
	     Band                                     IRS1         IRS9

2.64-2.73    H2O v1+v3           -       +       +      +     +     -
4.20-4.32    CO2 v3              +       +       +      +     +     +
5.70-6.60    H2O + H218O v2;     +       +       +      +     +     +
	     NH3; H2CO; CS2
6.89-6.99    HDO v2; C2H4 v12    +       +       +      +     +     +
7.47-7.77    CH4 v4              +       +       +      +     +     +
12.08-12.20  CH3CH3              +       +       +      +     +     +
12.20-12.30  H2 S(2)             +       +       +      +     +     +
13.30-13.50  SiS                 -       +       +      -     -     -
13.60-13.80  C2H2 v2             +       +       +      +     +     +
13.90-14.20  HCN v2              +       +       +      +     +     +
14.30-15.60  CO2 v2              +       +       +      +     +     +
15.80-16.00  HCCCCH v8           +       +       +      +     +     +
16.00-16.52  CH3 v2              +       +       +      +     +     +
16.99-17.07  H2 S(1)             +       +       +      +     +     +
18.00-19.00  SO2 v2              +       +       +      +     +     +
19.00-20.50  SO2 v2              +       +       +      +     +     +
26.70-27.20  C2H v2              +       +       +      -     -     -
28.00-29.00  H2 S(0)             +       +       +      +     +     +
37.20-39.60  CH3OH               +       +       +      +     +     +


12.16029  CH3CH3                 +       +       +      -     -     -
12.14071  CH3CH3                 -       -       -      -     -     -
12.27861  H2 S(2)                +       +       +      +     +     -
13.42141  SiS R(0)               -       +       +      -     -     -
13.37866  SiS R(4)               -       -       -      -     -     -
13.33702  SiS R(8)               -       +       +      -     -     -
13.70978  C2H2 Q                 +       +       +      +     -     -
13.73068  13CCH2 Q               +       +       +      -     -     -
14.16050  H13CN Q                +       -       +      -     -     -
14.98085  CO2 Q                  +       +       +      +     +     -
14.82709  CO2 R(8)               +       +       +      -     -     -
14.74999  CO2 R(14)              -       +       -      -     -     -
14.72352  CO2 R(16)              +       -       +      -     -     -
15.41933  13CO2*                 +       +       +      -     -     -
15.92600  HCCCCH Q               +       +       +      +     -     -
15.91882  HCCCCH R(0)            -       +       -      -     -     -
15.84489  HCCCCH R(10)           -       +       -      -     -     -
16.00080  CH3 R(0,0)             -       +       -      -     -     -
16.49670  CH3 Q                  +       +       +      +     -     -
17.03483  H2 S(1)                +       +       +      +     +     +
19.75600  SO2                    -       -       -      -     -     -
19.87900  SO2                    -       +       -      -     -     -
23.03376  HD R(4)                +       +       +      -     -     -
24.0424   Fe I                   -       +       +      -     -     -
25.2490   S I                    -       +       +      -     -     -
25.9402   o-H2O                  -       +       +      -     -     -
25.9882   Fe II                  -       +       +      +     -     -
27.1      C2H                    -       -       +      -     -     -
28.21883  H2 S(0)                +       +       +      +     +     +
28.50197  HD R(3)                -       +       +      -     -     -
28.9138   p-H2O                  -       +       +      -     -     +
28.94     OH 7/2-5/2             -       +       -      -     -     -
29.8366   o-H2O                  -       +       -      -     -     -
31.7715   o-H2O                  -       +       +      +     +     +
34.6294   OH 5/2-3/2             -       +       +      +     +     +
34.8140   Si II                  -       +       +      +     -     -
35.4710   p-H2O                  -       +       -      -     -     -
37.4749   o-H2O                  -       +       -      -     -     -
37.70155  HD R(2)                +       +       +      -     -     -
37.51946  CH3OH R1               +       +       +      -     -     -
38.93579  CH3OH P1               -       +       -      -     -     -
40.6904   o-H2O                  -       +       +      +     +     +
43.3393   o-H2O                  -       +       -      -     -     -

LWS Fabry Perot:
112.07251  HD R(0)               +       +       +      +     +     +
119.4417   OH 5/2-3/2                    +      Cox    Cox    +     +
 84.4204   OH 7/2-5/2                    +       +      +     +     +
 65.2789   OH 9/2-7/2                    +       -      -     -     -
163.1243   OH 3/2-1/2                    +       +      +     +     +
 98.7369   OH 5/2-3/2                    +       -      +     +     +
 71.2158   OH 7/2-5/2                    +       -      -     -     -
 79.1817   OH 1/2-3/2                    +       -      +     +     +
 96.3122   OH 3/2-5/2                    +       -      -     -     -
 53.3513   OH 3/2-3/2                    +       -      -     -     -
 48.8168   OH 5/2-5/2                    +       -      -     -     -
120.1726   18OH 5/2-3/2                  +       -      -     -     -
180.4880   o-H2O 2_21-2_12               +       +      +     +     +
179.5265   o-H2O 2_12-1_01               +      Cox    Cox    +     +
174.6264   o-H2O 3_03-2_12               +       +      +     +     +
136.4944   o-H2O 3_30-3_21               +       +      +     -     -
134.9346   o-H2O 5_14-5_05               +       +      -     -     -
113.5366   o-H2O 4_14-3_03               +       +      +     -     -
108.0730   o-H2O 2_21-1_10               +      Cox    Cox    +     +
 99.4924   o-H2O 5_05-4_14               +       -      -     -     -
 78.7414   o-H2O 4_23-3_12               +       +      -     -     -
 82.0304   o-H2O 6_16-5_05               +       -      -     -     -
 75.3804   o-H2O 3_21-2_12               +      Cox    Cox    +     +
 66.4372   o_H2O 3_30-2_21               +       +      +     -     -
156.1930   p-H2O 3_22-3_13               +       +      +     -     -
138.5272   p-H2O 3_13-2_02               +      Cox    Cox    -     -
126.7126   p-H2O 3_31-3_22               +       +      -     -     -
100.9828   p-H2O 2_20-1_11               +      Cox    Cox    +     +
181.0512   o-H218O 2_12-1_01             +      Cox    Cox    +     +
109.3470   o-H218O 2_21-1_10             +       +      +     -     -
102.0044   p-H218O 2_20-1_11             +       -      -     -     -
 63.1700   O I 1-2                       +       -      -     -     -
145.5255   O I 0-1                       +       -      -     -     -
157.7410   C II                          +       -      -     -     -


		      Sagittarius hole

      Source            Total time (hr)          Priority
      IC 443 G           2.5                       1
      HH 7               2.3                       2
      IC 63              0.9                       2

		      Orion hole

      Source            Total time (hr)          Priority
      DR21 FIR1          1.6                       2
      IC 63              0.9                       2
      W51 Main           1.4                       3

		EMISSION PART: Sagittarius hole

Lambda       Line                    HH7    IC63   IC443


2.5510     H2 (2,1) Q(1)              +       +      +
2.5698     H2 (2,1) Q(3)              +       -      +
2.6040     H2 (2,1) Q(5)              +       -      +
2.6269     H2 (1,0) O(2)              +       +      +
2.8025     H2 (1,0) O(3)              +       +      +
3.84675    H2 S(13)                   +       -      +
4.18128    H2 S(11)                   +       -      +
4.69461    H2 S(9)                    +       -      +
5.51116    H2 S(7)                    +       -      +
6.10856    H2 S(6)                    +       -      +
6.90952    H2 S(5)                    +       -      +
8.02505    H2 S(4)                    +       -      +
9.66491    H2 S(3)                    +       -      +
12.27861   H2 S(2)                    +       +      +
15.25104   HD R(7)                    -       -      +
16.89381   HD R(6)                    +       -      +
17.03483   H2 S(1)                    +       +      +
19.43100   HD R(5)                    +       -      +
23.03376   HD R(4)                    +       -      +
24.0424    Fe I                       +       +      +
25.2490    S I                        +       +      +
25.9882    Fe II                      +       +      +
28.21883   H2 S(0)                    +       +      +
28.50197   HD R(3)                    +       -      +
28.94      OH 7/2   -- 5/2            +       -      +
34.6294    OH 5/2   -- 3/2            +       -      +
34.8140    Si II                      +       +      +
37.70155   HD R(2)                    +       -      +


17.03483   H2 S(1)                    +       -      +
24.0424    Fe I                       -       -      -
25.2490    S I                        -       -      -
25.9402    o-H2O   5_41 - 4_14        -       -      +
25.9882    Fe II                      -       -      -
28.21883   H2 S(0)                    -       -      -
28.50197   HD R(3)                    -       -      -
28.9138    p-H2O   4_40 - 3_13        -       -      +
28.94      OH 7/2   -- 5/2            -       -      -
29.8366    o-H2O   7_25 - 6_16        -       -      +
31.7715    o-H2O   4_41 - 3_12        -       -      +
34.6294    OH 5/2   -- 3/2            -       -      -
34.8140    Si II                      -       -      -
35.4710    p-H2O 5_33 - 4_04          -       -      +
37.70155   HD R(2)                    -       -      -
37.4749    o-H2O 14_1,14 - 13_0,13    -       -      +
40.6904    o-H2O   4_32 - 3_03        -       -      +
43.3393    o-H2O 12_1,12 - 11_0,11    -       -      +

LWS 01   45-200 mu                    -       +      -

LWS Fabry Perot:
112.07251  HD R(0)                    +       -      +
119.4417   OH 5/2-3/2                 +       -      +
 84.4204   OH 7/2-5/2                 +       -      +
 65.2789   OH 9/2-7/2                 +       -      +
163.1243   OH 3/2-1/2                 +       -      +
 98.7369   OH 5/2-3/2                 +       -      +
 71.2158   OH 7/2-5/2                 +       -      +
 79.1817   OH 1/2-3/2                 +       -      +
 96.3122   OH 3/2-5/2                 +       -      +
 53.3513   OH 3/2-3/2                 +       -      +
 48.8168   OH 5/2-5/2                 +       -      +
120.1726   18OH 5/2-3/2               +       -      +
180.4880   o-H2O 2_21-2_12            -       -      +
179.5265   o-H2O 2_12-1_01            -       -      +
174.6264   o-H2O 3_03-2_12            -       -      +
136.4944   o-H2O 3_30-3_21            -       -      +
134.9346   o-H2O 5_14-5_05            -       -      +
113.5366   o-H2O 4_14-3_03            -       -      +
108.0730   o-H2O 2_21-1_10            -       -      +
 99.4924   o-H2O 5_05-4_14            -       -      +
 78.7414   o-H2O 4_23-3_12            -       -      +
 82.0304   o-H2O 6_16-5_05            -       -      +
 75.3804   o-H2O 3_21-2_12            -       -      +
 66.4372   o_H2O 3_30-2_21            -       -      +
156.1930   p-H2O 3_22-3_13            -       -      +
138.5272   p-H2O 3_13-2_02            -       -      +
126.7126   p-H2O 3_31-3_22            -       -      +
100.9828   p-H2O 2_20-1_11            -       -      +
181.0512   o-H218O 2_12-1_01          -       -      +
109.3470   o-H218O 2_21-1_10          -       -      +
102.0044   p-H218O 2_20-1_11          -       -      +
 63.1700   O I 1-2                    +       -      +
145.5255   O I 0-1                    +       -      +
157.7410   C II                       +       -      +

		EMISSION PART: Orion hole

Lambda       Line                    DR21    IC63   W51
				     FIR1           Main

2.5510     H2 (2,1) Q(1)              +       +      +
2.5698     H2 (2,1) Q(3)              +       -      +
2.6040     H2 (2,1) Q(5)              +       -      +
2.6269     H2 (1,0) O(2)              +       +      +
2.8025     H2 (1,0) O(3)              +       +      +
3.84675    H2 S(13)                   +       -      +
4.18128    H2 S(11)                   +       -      +
4.69461    H2 S(9)                    +       -      +
5.51116    H2 S(7)                    +       -      +
6.10856    H2 S(6)                    +       -      +
6.90952    H2 S(5)                    +       -      +
8.02505    H2 S(4)                    +       -      +
9.66491    H2 S(3)                    +       -      +
12.27861   H2 S(2)                    +       +      +
15.25104   HD R(7)                    -       -      -
16.89381   HD R(6)                    -       -      -
17.03483   H2 S(1)                    +       +      +
19.43100   HD R(5)                    -       -      +
23.03376   HD R(4)                    +       -      +
24.0424    Fe I                       +       +      -
25.2490    S I                        +       +      -
25.9882    Fe II                      +       +      -
28.21883   H2 S(0)                    +       +      +
28.50197   HD R(3)                    +       -      +
28.94      OH 7/2   -- 5/2            -       -      -
34.6294    OH 5/2   -- 3/2            -       -      -
34.8140    Si II                      +       +      -
37.70155   HD R(2)                    +       -      +


17.03483   H2 S(1)                    -       -      +
24.0424    Fe I                       -       -      +
25.2490    S I                        -       -      +
25.9402    o-H2O   5_41 - 4_14        +       -      +
25.9882    Fe II                      -       -      +
28.21883   H2 S(0)                    -       -      +
28.50197   HD R(3)                    -       -      +
28.9138    p-H2O   4_40 - 3_13        +       -      +
28.94      OH 7/2   -- 5/2            +       -      +
29.8366    o-H2O   7_25 - 6_16        +       -      +
31.7715    o-H2O   4_41 - 3_12        +       -      +
34.6294    OH 5/2   -- 3/2            +       -      +
34.8140    Si II                      -       -      +
35.4710    p-H2O 5_33 - 4_04          +       -      +
37.70155   HD R(2)                    -       -      +
37.4749    o-H2O 14_1,14 - 13_0,13    +       -      +
40.6904    o-H2O   4_32 - 3_03        +       -      +
43.3393    o-H2O 12_1,12 - 11_0,11    +       -      +

LWS 01    45-200mu                    +       +      -

LWS Fabry Perot:
112.07251  HD R(0)                    +       -      -
119.4417   OH 5/2-3/2                 +       -      -
 84.4204   OH 7/2-5/2                 +       -      -
 65.2789   OH 9/2-7/2                 -       -      -
163.1243   OH 3/2-1/2                 +       -      -
 98.7369   OH 5/2-3/2                 -       -      -
 71.2158   OH 7/2-5/2                 -       -      -
 79.1817   OH 1/2-3/2                 -       -      -
 96.3122   OH 3/2-5/2                 -       -      -
 53.3513   OH 3/2-3/2                 -       -      -
 48.8168   OH 5/2-5/2                 -       -      -
120.1726   18OH 5/2-3/2               -       -      -
180.4880   o-H2O 2_21-2_12            +       -      -
179.5265   o-H2O 2_12-1_01            +       -      -
174.6264   o-H2O 3_03-2_12            +       -      -
136.4944   o-H2O 3_30-3_21            +       -      -
134.9346   o-H2O 5_14-5_05            -       -      -
113.5366   o-H2O 4_14-3_03            -       -      -
108.0730   o-H2O 2_21-1_10            +       -      -
 99.4924   o-H2O 5_05-4_14            -       -      -
 78.7414   o-H2O 4_23-3_12            -       -      -
 82.0304   o-H2O 6_16-5_05            -       -      -
 75.3804   o-H2O 3_21-2_12            +       -      -
 66.4372   o_H2O 3_30-2_21            -       -      -
156.1930   p-H2O 3_22-3_13            -       -      -
138.5272   p-H2O 3_13-2_02            -       -      -
126.7126   p-H2O 3_31-3_22            -       -      -
100.9828   p-H2O 2_20-1_11            +       -      -
181.0512   o-H218O 2_12-1_01          +       -      -
109.3470   o-H218O 2_21-1_10          -       -      -
102.0044   p-H218O 2_20-1_11          -       -      -
 63.1700   O I 1-2                    -       -      -
145.5255   O I 0-1                    -       -      -
157.7410   C II                       -       -      -


		      IRC +10 216

		Lambda       Line/Band
		12.27861  H2 S(2)
		13.70332  C2H2
		13.73068  13CCH2
		14.97500  CO2*   Q-branch
		15.41933  13CO2* Q-branch
		15.92600  HCCCCH* Q-branch
		15.91882  HCCCCH  R(0)
		15.84489  HCCCCH  R(10)
		16.00080  CH3 R(0,0)
		16.49670  CH3* Q-branch
		17.03483  H2 S(1)
		28.21883  H2 S(0)

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "Sgr A-W IRS3  ", 17.70803, -28.98722, 1950,0.,0.,15281, 2
 2, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "Sgr A-W IRS3  ", 17.70803, -28.98722, 1950,0.,0., 4165, 3
 3, "LWS04", 1.,"N", "Sgr A-W IRS3  ", 17.70803, -28.98722, 1950,0.,0., 2420, 0
 4, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "W3 IRS5       ",  2.36483,  61.87250, 1950,0.,0.,16021, 5
 5, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "W3 IRS5       ",  2.36483,  61.87250, 1950,0.,0.,  500, 6
 6, "LWS04", 1.,"N", "W3 IRS5       ",  2.36483,  61.87250, 1950,0.,0., 3620, 0
 7, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "GL 2591 NIRS01", 20.45994,  40.02056, 1950,0.,0.,19418, 8
 8, "LWS04", 1.,"N", "GL 2591 NIRS01", 20.45994,  40.02056, 1950,0.,0., 1580, 0
 9, "SWS07", 2.,"N", "S 140 IRS1    ", 22.29474,  63.06156, 1950,0.,0., 8791,10
10, "LWS04", 2.,"N", "S 140 IRS1    ", 22.29474,  63.06156, 1950,0.,0., 1580, 0
11, "SWS07", 2.,"N", "GL 2136       ", 18.32683, -13.52778, 1950,0.,0., 7049,12
12, "LWS04", 2.,"N", "GL 2136       ", 18.32683, -13.52778, 1950,0.,0., 1580, 0
13, "SWS07", 3.,"N", "NGC 7538 IRS9 ", 23.19800,  61.18306, 1950,0.,0., 4705,14
14, "LWS04", 3.,"N", "NGC 7538 IRS9 ", 23.19800,  61.18306, 1950,0.,0., 1580, 0
15, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "DR 21 FIR1    ", 20.62039,  42.23250, 1950,0.,0., 2512,16
16, "SWS07", 2.,"N", "DR 21 FIR1    ", 20.62039,  42.23250, 1950,0.,0., 1442,17
17, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "DR 21 FIR1    ", 20.62039,  42.23250, 1950,0.,0.,  500,18
18, "LWS04", 2.,"N", "DR 21 FIR1    ", 20.62039,  42.23250, 1950,0.,0., 1401, 0
19, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "IC 63         ",  0.93278,  60.61861, 1950,0.,0., 2822,20
20, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "IC 63         ",  0.93278,  60.61861, 1950,0.,0.,  500, 0
21, "SWS02", 3.,"N", "W51 Main      ", 19.35728,  14.41194, 1950,0.,0., 1958,22
22, "SWS07", 3.,"N", "W51 Main      ", 19.35728,  14.41194, 1950,0.,0., 3226, 0
23, "SWS07", 3.,"N", "IRC +10216    ",  9.75411,  13.51111, 1950,0.,0., 2649, 0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "Orion IRc2    ",  5.54633,  -5.40694, 1950,0.,0.,14902, 0
 2, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "W3 IRS5       ",  2.36483,  61.87250, 1950,0.,0.,16021, 3
 3, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "W3 IRS5       ",  2.36483,  61.87250, 1950,0.,0.,  500, 4
 4, "LWS04", 1.,"N", "W3 IRS5       ",  2.36483,  61.87250, 1950,0.,0., 3620, 0
 5, "SWS07", 2.,"N", "NGC 2024 IRS2 ",  5.65396,  -1.93306, 1950,0.,0.,13824, 6
 6, "LWS04", 2.,"N", "NGC 2024 IRS2 ",  5.65396,  -1.93306, 1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
 7, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "GL 989        ",  6.64025,   9.54139, 1950,0.,0., 7842, 8
 8, "LWS04", 1.,"N", "GL 989        ",  6.64025,   9.54139, 1950,0.,0., 1580, 0
 9, "SWS07", 2.,"N", "GL 961 W(+E)  ",  6.53300,   4.25189, 1950,0.,0., 7339, 0
10, "SWS07", 3.,"N", "GL 890        ",  6.13928,  -6.20750, 1950,0.,0., 5556,11
11, "LWS04", 3.,"N", "GL 890        ",  6.13928,  -6.20750, 1950,0.,0., 1580, 0
12, "SWS07", 3.,"N", "GL 490        ",  3.39414,  58.60917, 1950,0.,0., 7716,13
13, "LWS04", 3.,"N", "GL 490        ",  3.39414,  58.60917, 1950,0.,0., 1580, 0
14, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "HH 7          ",  3.43417,  31.08611, 1950,0.,0., 4552,15
15, "SWS07", 2.,"N", "HH 7          ",  3.43417,  31.08611, 1950,0.,0., 2040,16
16, "LWS04", 2.,"N", "HH 7          ",  3.43417,  31.08611, 1950,0.,0., 1820, 0
17, "SWS02", 2.,"N", "IC 63         ",  0.93278,  60.61861, 1950,0.,0., 2822,18
18, "LWS01", 2.,"N", "IC 63         ",  0.93278,  60.61861, 1950,0.,0.,  500, 0
19, "SWS02", 1.,"N", "IC 443 G      ",  6.22806,  22.55278, 1950,0.,0., 3320,20
20, "SWS07", 1.,"N", "IC 443 G      ",  6.22806,  22.55278, 1950,0.,0., 1766,21
21, "LWS01", 1.,"N", "IC 443 G      ",  6.22806,  22.55278, 1950,0.,0.,  500,22
22, "LWS04", 1.,"N", "IC 443 G      ",  6.22806,  22.55278, 1950,0.,0., 3251, 0
23, "SWS07", 3.,"N", "IRC +10216    ",  9.75411,  13.51111, 1950,0.,0., 2649, 0