<=== observer ===>
"van Dishoeck, E.F.",\
"Leiden Observatory",\
"P.O. Box 9513",\
"2300 RA",\
"The Netherlands",\
"31 71  275874",\
"31 71  275819",\

<=== proposal ===>
"HDGAL", 1, 2,\
"molecular clouds"},\
{"M.F. Kessler",\
"Keplerlaan 1",\
"2200 AG Noordwijk",\
"The Netherlands",\
"J.P. Baluteau",\
"Obs. de Marseille",\
"2 Pl. Leverrier",\
"13248 Marseille",\
"Cedex 04",\
"J.H. Black",\
"Steward Obs.",\
"Univ. of Arizona",\
"Tucson AZ85721",\
"P. Cox",\
"Obs. de Marseille",\
"2 Pl. Leverrier",\
"13248 Marseille",\
"Cedex 04",\
"C. Gry",\
"Lab. d'Astronomy Spa",\
"Trav. du Siphon",\
"Les Trois Lucs",\
"13012 Marseille",\
"H.J. Habing",\
"Leiden Observatory",\
"P.O.-Box 9513",\
"2300 RA Leiden",\
"The Netherlands"}

<=== title ===>

<=== abstract ===>

We propose to observe the HD J=1-0 112 mu line in a dozen
interstellar clouds to determine the deuterium abundance in the solar
neighborhood, and to search for any possible gradients across the Galaxy.
In two clouds, the HD J=2-1 56 mu line will be observed as well.
The results will form important tests of cosmology and astration models.
The total amount of time including overheads is 5.5 hours.

The deuterium abundance is one of the most sensitive probes of the baryon
density in the early Universe. However, attempts to measure the [D]/[H] ratio
in stellar or interstellar sources have been plagued by a multitude of
problems. Radio searches for the 92 cm line of D I in emission in interstellar
clouds are still unsuccessful, whereas the recent possible detection of the
line in absorption against Cas A has taken several months of integration time
and is difficult to interpret. Observations of the Lyman lines of H and D
toward early type stars suffer from confusion by stellar lines and possible
stellar variability, whereas the use of deuterated molecules is hampered by
chemical fractionation effects. The best estimates from the ultraviolet
absorption line measurements give 5E-6<[D]/[H]<2E-5 in the solar neighborhood.
This deuterium abundance requires the Universe to be open. Obviously, such an
important conclusion warrants further confirmation.

In molecular clouds, virtually all deuterium is expected to be in the form of
HD. Thus, measurements of the HD abundance should provide direct limits on the
[D]/[H] ratio, provided that the H2 column density is known. The HD J=1-0 line
occurs at 112 mu, and cannot be observed from the ground or the airplane, but
should be readily detectable by ISO. In contrast with absorption line
studies, it is not limited to the Solar neighborhood, but should be observable
all over the Galaxy, thus providing information on the [D]/[H] ratio as a
function of galactocentric distance.

We propose to search for the HD 112 mu line in about 10 sources with different
distances R from the galactic Centre with the LWS Fabry Perot. Most of these
sources are giant molecular clouds which have recently been used by Langer and
Penzias (1990) to determine the 12C/13C ratio across the Galaxy from R=0 to 12
kpc. Their 13CO, C18O and 13C18O observations refer to nearly the same beam
(100'') as that of the ISO LWS, which will greatly facilitate the analysis. To
this list, we have added 4-5 molecular clouds that are located in the outer
Galaxy up to R=30 kpc and that show strong 12CO emission (Wouterloot and Brand

Because the proposal requires information with galactocentric radius, some of
the positions will fall in one of the ISO holes. If the ``hole'' falls in the
Galactic center, we will obviously loose information on the innermost part of
the Galaxy. If the ``hole'' falls in Orion, on the other hand, it should be
possible to obtain observations over the full range of galactocentric

Additional information on the HD abundance in the inner Galaxy and local
neighborhood will be obtained from observations of Sgr A, SgrB2, Orion and
other star-forming regions by Cox et al., Baluteau et al., Drapatz et al.
and van Dishoeck et al. The investigators have direct contacts with all
of these programs. These observations, however, form a less homogeneous set
and are usually of lower quality.


We intend to search for the HD 112 mu line in 10 sources (for the
autumn launch; 9 for the spring launch) with different distances
from the Galactic Centre using the LWS Fabry Perot in the high
resolution line mode (AOT LWS04). For 2 sources in each of the launch
windows (W43 and W49 for autumn; DR21 (OH) and NGC2024 for spring),
we will also search for the HD 56 mu line, again using the AOT
LWS04. In all cases, we will take 4 res elements on either side of
the line with 4 spectral samples per resolution element in the
fast scanning mode.

The integration times have been estimated as follows. For the sources with a
strong continuum at 112 mu (>5000 Jy) (Autumn OSNs 1, 3, 4, and 5; Spring OSNs
1, 2 and 3), the line/continuum ratio is estimated to be about 0.03-0.05. Thus
a high S/N>100 on the continuum is required for adequate discrimination of the
line, resulting in an integration time of 600 seconds per source. For the
weaker sources, the estimated line/continuum ratio is 0.05-0.1. For a
S/N=30-60, this leads to integration times of 1000-2000 s. The expected
strength of the HD line in the outer galaxy sources is particularly uncertain.

For the 56 mu, a S/N on the continuum of 50-100 is needed to obtain a
detection or a meaningful upper limit. This results in integration times per
source ranging from 1200 to 4000 seconds.

<=== scientific_justification ===>

Time distribution for autumn launch targets:

TEAM: top 40%  second 30%  last 30%
SWS :     0.          0.        0.
LWS :     0.          0.        0.
CAM :     0.          0.        0.
PHT :     0.          0.        0.
SOT :  4360.      10300.     5140.
THE :     0.          0.        0.
JLP :     0.          0.        0.
HJH :     0.          0.        0.
AFM :     0.          0.        0.
MOH :     0.          0.        0.

Time distribution for spring launch targets:

TEAM: top 40%  second 30%  last 30%
SWS :     0.          0.        0.
LWS :     0.          0.        0.
CAM :     0.          0.        0.
PHT :     0.          0.        0.
SOT :  4540.       9720.     5540.
THE :     0.          0.        0.
JLP :     0.          0.        0.
HJH :     0.          0.        0.
AFM :     0.          0.        0.
MOH :     0.          0.        0.

	       Source List: Orion hole

  Source                RA        DEC     V_LSR        R      IRAS 100  IRAS 60
					  (km/s)     (kpc)     (Jy)     (Jy)
  Sgr B2*            17 44 11   -28 22 30   62.0       0.1      10400     3180
  W43                18 45 01   -01 59 35   90.5       5.5       8000     5600
  W33                18 11 19   -17 56 46   36.0       5.7       2000     2000
  W51                19 21 27    14 24 30   61.0       7.6      10000    10000
  W49                19 07 54    09 01 01    7.0       9.3      18300    12000
  DR21(OH)           20 37 14    42 12      -4.9       9.9       6100     2000
  W3 (OH)*           02 23 17    61 39 00  -41.0      12.2       9000     6000
  IRAS 02395 +6244   02 39 30.6  62 44 25  -71.6      16.2        226      255
  IRAS 01045 +6505   01 04 36.0  65 05 21  -88.0      17.0        331      293
  IRAS 02450 +5816   02 44 55.1  58 16 30  -103        28:        100       50
  IRAS 23301 +6316   23 30 06.1  63 16 37  -95.1      16.5        200      200
  IRAS 21270 +5423   21 27 13.0  54 22 30             15.0        400      200
* Included in other proposals

		 Source List: Sagittarius Hole

  Source                RA        DEC     V_LSR        R      IRAS 100  IRAS 60
					  (km/s)     (kpc)     (Jy)     (Jy)
  W51                19 21 27    14 24 30   61.0       7.6      10000    10000
  DR21(OH)           20 37 14    42 12      -4.9       9.9       6100     2000
  NGC 2024           05 39 14   -01 55 59    9.9      10.2       8000     8000
  NGC 2264           06 38 25    09 32 29    9.0      11.1       1645      980
  W3 (OH)*           02 23 17    61 39 00  -41.0      12.2       9000     6000
  IRAS 02395 +6244   02 39 30.6  62 44 25  -71.6      16.2        226      255
  IRAS 01045 +6505   01 04 36.0  65 05 21  -88.0      17.0        331      293
  IRAS 06145 +1455   06 14 32.7  14 55 52   33.8      20.3        100       50
  IRAS 06158 +1517   06 15 58.1  15 18 56   31.5      19.8        100       50
  IRAS 02450 +5816   02 44 55.1  58 16 30  -101        28:        100       50

		     INTEGRATION TIMES: Orion hole

  Source          1-0        2-1          Priority     Other
		  112 mu     56 mu                     Proposals
		  time (s)   time (s)
  Sgr B2              *          *                      Baluteau
  W43               600        2100           2
  W33              2000         --            3
  W51               600         --            2
  W49               600        1500           2
  DR21 (OH)         600         --            2
  W3 (OH)             *         --                      Drapatz
  IRAS 02395 +6244 2000         --            2
  IRAS 01045 +6505 2000         --            2
  IRAS 02450 +5816 2000         --            1
  IRAS 23301 +6316 2000         --            3
  IRAS 21270 +5423 2000         --            1

* Pro memorie only; included in proposals of Baluteau et al. and Drapatz
  et al.

		     INTEGRATION TIMES: Sagittarius hole

  Source          1-0        2-1          Priority     Other
		  112 mu     56 mu                     Proposals
		  time (s)   time (s)
  W51               600         --            2
  DR21 (OH)         600        4000           2
  NGC 2024          600        1200           2
  NGC 2264         1000         --            3
  W3 (OH)            *          --                      Drapatz
  IRAS 02395 +6244 2000         --            2
  IRAS 01045 +6505 2000         --            2
  IRAS 06145 +1455 2000         --            3
  IRAS 06158 +1517 2000         --            1
  IRAS 02450 +5816 2180         --            1

* Pro memorie only; included in proposal of Drapatz  et al.

<=== autumn_launch_targets ===>

 1, "LWS04", 2., "N", "W43             ", 18.75028,  -1.99306, 1950, 0., 0.,  2880,  0
 2, "LWS04", 3., "N", "W33             ", 18.18861, -17.94611, 1950, 0., 0.,  2180,  0
 3, "LWS04", 2., "N", "W51             ", 19.35750,  14.40833, 1950, 0., 0.,   780,  0
 4, "LWS04", 2., "N", "W49             ", 19.13167,   9.01694, 1950, 0., 0.,  2280,  0
 5, "LWS04", 3., "N", "DR21(OH)        ", 20.62056,  42.20000, 1950, 0., 0.,   780,  0
 6, "LWS04", 2., "N", "IRAS 02395 +6244",  2.65850,  62.74028, 1950, 0., 0.,  2180,  0
 7, "LWS04", 2., "N", "IRAS 01045 +6505",  1.07667,  65.08917, 1950, 0., 0.,  2180,  0
 8, "LWS04", 1., "N", "IRAS 02450 +5816",  2.74864,  58.27500, 1950, 0., 0.,  2180,  0
 9, "LWS04", 3., "N", "IRAS 23301 +6316", 23.50169,  63.27694, 1950, 0., 0.,  2180,  0
10, "LWS04", 1., "N", "IRAS 21270 +5423", 21.45361,  54.37500, 1950, 0., 0.,  2180,  0

<=== spring_launch_targets ===>

 1, "LWS04", 2., "N", "W51             ", 19.35750,  14.40833, 1950, 0., 0.,   780,  0
 2, "LWS04", 2., "N", "DR21(OH)        ", 20.62056,  42.20000, 1950, 0., 0.,  4780,  0
 3, "LWS04", 2., "N", "NGC 2024        ",  5.65389,  -1.93306, 1950, 0., 0.,  1980,  0
 4, "LWS04", 3., "N", "NGC 2264        ",  6.64028,   9.54139, 1950, 0., 0.,  1180,  0
 5, "LWS04", 2., "N", "IRAS 02395 +6244",  2.65850,  62.74028, 1950, 0., 0.,  2180,  0
 6, "LWS04", 3., "N", "IRAS 01045 +6505",  1.07667,  65.08917, 1950, 0., 0.,  2180,  0
 7, "LWS04", 1., "N", "IRAS 06145 +1455",  6.24242,  14.93111, 1950, 0., 0.,  2180,  0
 8, "LWS04", 3., "N", "IRAS 06158 +1517",  6.26614,  15.31556, 1950, 0., 0.,  2180,  0
 9, "LWS04", 1., "N", "IRAS 02450 +5816",  2.74864,  58.27500, 1950, 0., 0.,  2360,  0